Mythical Beast

Chapter 12 Tai Liquid Hibiscus

Tang Longyan stared for a moment and suddenly felt that it was so rude, so he immediately withdrew his gaze and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, it is a big town, which is very different from our urban and rural frontier. You can meet beautiful women everywhere. It took a long time to meet two people. But why is there a familiar feeling this time? How did he know that his adoptive mother Yi Yunshan could be regarded as a famous beauty in Beijing. Otherwise, he could make Qin Yiyun fall in love at first sight and let him and Tang Haotian work hard to win the heart of the beauty in one fell swoop, and the girl in front of him had also been famous in Beijing.

Tang Longyan suddenly saw such a charming color and naturally compared it with his mother. This girl is indeed beautiful and touching, but it seems that she hasn't reached her mother's height yet. So why was I stunned just now and seemed to have a sense of déjà vu? Maybe I think too much. How can it be so coincidental? Tang Longyan smiled bitterly and felt that his thoughts were too fantasy.

"For good that she didn't find it. Alas, my father told me to be polite. However, there should be no problem to look at it. Anyway, isn't it a pity not to be beautiful? It was quite easy to convince himself. Tang Longyan looked in the direction of the girl again without worries and with doubts in his heart.

However, seeing that the girl had finished combing, Yingying got up and said softly, "Ling Bo's face is lonely, and Xiao'an's remnant moon enters the silent air." Then he sighed for a long time and stopped talking.

Tang Longyan looked at it for a while and couldn't help sighing, "It's really beautiful, but why does it feel like an old monk and has no waves in the ancient well? This is completely similar to her. The ideas in this poem are also difficult to think about." After saying that, he also noticed that someone came quietly behind him.

But he heard a delicate shout behind him: "You little thief are so bold that you dare to come to this Taiye Pool to peep at my young lady. Come on, teach me a good lesson to this little thief!"

A group of family members in blue hats and a middle-aged man dressed as a martial artist either bare-handed or holding wooden sticks, slowly surrounded Tang Longyan aggressively.

These family members are all martial artists in Jingzhao Mansion. Although they are not beating people under the order of Jingzhao Mansion, they are shocked by the girl. Second, the Jingzhao Mansion did order them to take good care of this girl's family, so many people have been silently following this master and servant. The maid immediately rushed over, but they were eager to ask for credit. No one rushed back to ask for foreign aid. As soon as they came to the pavilion, they all looked bad and almost beat Tang Longyan hard on the spot so that the girl could look at them differently.

How can Tang Longyan know so much, but he is optimistic and I don't move. He sees that his face does not change. He slowly turns around, but he sees an angry little face facing him. The woman is about 14 or 15 years old and dresses as a maid. Although she looks ordinary, she is clever and lively.

After all, it's not beautiful to meet me. Tang Longyan sighed, but in such a scene, he still had this in mind and did not have a sense of crisis.

Seeing that she seemed to be in charge, Tang Longyan smiled and said, "Wait, this little girl, I wonder if there is any misunderstanding in it. Besides, I'm really so heinous that I don't want to run around so many people."

The little girl saw Tang Longyan turn around and smiled at herself. She immediately felt a feeling of suffocating. Her tender little face was crimson, but then she restrained her slightly rippled spring heart. After all, one was a young lady she had followed for many years, and the other was dressed just seen. The bad dranker still favored the lady's side, but finally changed from beating to reasonable: "Misunderstanding? I have been staring at you for a long time. You haven't even reacted. You have followed me all the way and are still staring at my young lady. Although my young lady is beautiful, you should leave by yourself when you know that you disturb her. That's a misunderstanding. You have been planning for a long time, and I think you are lustful. Just now, the eldest brother said that he had just entered... and entered the jade flute building. Seeing that you gave birth to a talent, he actually... didn't know what shame was. Why, is it still a misunderstanding? What else do you have to say!"

With the maid's words, the family members behind her still nodded vigorously, as if these things were solid and accurate.

At this time, Tang Longyan can only describe it as extreme helplessness. This little girl is really hearsay and does not spare people everywhere. No wonder the world gossip about women. What bothers him more is that these family members only know how to listen and do not distinguish between right and wrong, and the large number of people are difficult to deal with.

But when she saw that the maid's tone of speaking was not strong, she said that she was more and more hesitant. After looking at herself, she didn't dare to look at herself. At present, she felt a little strange.

"I think you have identified the wrong person. What, oh, the jade building should be the place of the hook column. I can't get tired of the hook column. How can I go to that kind of place? Even if I have to go, I'm penniless, but I was beaten out by a mess. It's the big brother who spoke ill of me. You know the situation there so well. It should have just come out of it. Besides, I just came here to rest. How could I come to see your daughter on purpose? Seeing that the momentum is not right, Tang Longyan naturally has to argue for himself. Although his voice is not loud, every sentence is so righteous that people can't believe it.

The maid glanced at him while listening to him and saw that he looked at himself. She really didn't seem to have done something wrong, but she didn't know what to do for a moment. On the contrary, those martial artists are not happy. If they don't beat this boy, won't they lose face? Only one martial artist say rudely, "Don's say anything else. If you don't have the right mind and blasphemed Miss Yu, you should be beaten. Are you still sophistry?"

Alas, this mansion is not something that a poor young man like me can stay. If you look at it a few more, it is blasphemy. Isn't it going to kill me if you accidentally meet it on the street? Tang Longyan sighed for a long time, and the Yu family did not listen to it. But he had a clear conscience, so he said calmly, "Indeed, I admit that Fang is looking at your young lady, but it is not as shameless as you said. What's the plan for a long time? You've been thinking too much.

The maid is still thinking about her usual eloquent, but now that she has seen this person who blasphemed her, she can't speak. This is the martial artist who has just spoken to her and asked her, "Cuju, this man is so rude that we can teach him a lesson so that he can grow his knowledge?" The maid named Cuiju was still confused. Listening to someone's question, she vaguely said "Yes" and actually agreed. The martial artist had a good impression of the maid. Seeing her agree, he felt very comfortable and shouted, "Wait for what he said. Everyone, call me!"

Seeing that everyone was not good-looking, the martial artist who gave the order was the first to take the brunt. Although others were dissatisfied with his order, they didn't want to fight here. They were fierce and evil. The din who just said that he went to Yichunyuan seemed particularly positive and took it up first. The wooden stick in his hand waved down, with a happy look on his face. After listening to orders in the house for a long time, they will naturally have a sense of irritability in their hearts, which can be vented, and naturally they will not let go of such opportunities.

Tang Longyan looked coldly at the wooden stick that was about to be added and said to himself, "That's all. I haven't been beaten by so many people since I grew up. I hope it won't make any marks later, otherwise it's difficult to explain. Alas, father, mother, Long Yan has humiliated the Tang family. At that moment, my heart sank, and I waited for this beating.

At this moment, a slight scold came: " Stop it." Tang Longyan heard it in his ears, but felt that the voice was soft and long, as pleasant as the song of a phrole, which was extremely useful, but this crisp voice did not have any emotion, which made people feel a trace of regret in their hearts.

The group of people were shocked by the girl and naturally obeyed her words. Sure enough, the stick that Tang Longyan did not intend to escape did not fall on him in the end. But the crisp voice sounded again: "Cuiju, you have the wrong person. He did just get here." Then he said a blessing to Tang Longyan, opened his lips slightly, and said, "This gentleman has offended me."

The four eyes are facing each other, and it is still the familiar atmosphere, which ripples between the two.

Is she the one who used to be you now? Does she still remember that promise? Maybe everyone doesn't know about these.

Tang Longyan shook his head and didn't think about those things for the time being. He hugged his fist and said, "Where, you are the one who disturbs the girl." But my eyes turned, and I still thought about whether the two were one person.

The martial artist was unconvinced and lowered his head and asked softly, "Miss Yu, is that really it?" The girl surnamed Yu did not answer. She didn't even look at him. She just said another blessing to Tang Longyan, then turned around and said to the maid named Cuiju, "Cuiju, take the family with you. It's time to go back." Then it floated away.

Miss Yu? Tang Longyan was like being hit in the chest by a sledgehammer. His eyes were stunned and he couldn't speak. Is it her? Is it really her? Looking at her departed back, but I felt that the fairy was floating, and her white clothes were better than snow. When I recalled it, I only felt that my eyebrows were picturesque and beautiful. I couldn't help thinking about it. I slowly said slowly in my mouth, "If Edai smells the mountain flowers dancing, my heart is like a glazed pine." Although the words were sent out and we got together far away, I don't know if the girl heard it.

But what he didn't know was that the girl trembled slightly and savored the farewell message carefully. A strange feeling surged into her heart, and her soft lips evoked a charming smile. It's just that the smile was very light, and it was hidden for a moment, and the accompanying people didn't notice it. Otherwise, those martial artists would have been unable to move for a while because of the beauty rarely seen by her parents.

However, neither of them knows what they will face in the near future.