Mythical Beast

Chapter 14 Recalling the Past

In this way, although Tang Longyan was full of his heart, he had to pretend to accompany Qin Leiming around the house with great interest. Although he was sad, he always seemed to find jokes with Qin Leiming, talked about the recent interesting events of Jingzhao Mansion, and talked about the naughty things when he was young, which also made time pass quickly. By the time he came back, his mood had greatly improved. After dinner, I can take a little rest.

Tang Longyan just sat down, but a knock on the door came to his ears, and then Qin Leiming's voice: "Brother, if you have nothing to do, come out for a walk."

Tang Longyan laughed and scolded, "This boy is very pestering. He has been walking with him all afternoon and wants to come to me." But there is also a trace of warmth in my heart. Qin Leiming is his adoptive brother, but he has only met several times and doesn't seem to have a deep friendship, but in Tang Longyan's heart, this brother-in-law is really like his own brother. Similarly, in Qin Leiming's heart, this eldest brother's position in his own heart is also unusual.

Tang Longyan opened the door and saw Qin Leiming smiling at himself. He was surprised. Only Qin Leiming looked left and right. Seeing that there was no one around, he laughed in a low voice: "Brother, let's go out for a drink of flower wine tonight. It's my treat."

"What!" As soon as Tang Longyan heard this, his brain was short-circuited. Didn't this boy have a flower-like appearance? Why did he still want to pull me to drink flower wine? Even if his adoptive father indulged him, he would not allow him to do something wrong. Thinking of this, Tang Longyan looked at the face with a bad smile with a contemptuous face.

"Today, a pink place called Yuxiao Building has newly opened. It is said that it can ask for half the price. I still have some private money on hand. It's okay for you to stay overnight or something." After saying that, he smiled, and the face, which was originally quite handsome, was even more ruffian.

"Get out, don't pretend to be there. Don't think that your father is in charge of you. It's strange for you to go out." When Tang Longyan saw that Qin Leiming was getting more and more out of style, he couldn't help laughing and scolding. When did this boy even dare to laugh at his eldest brother? After not seeing him for several years, he became more and more invisible.

"Brother, don't be shy. Everyone is so old. How can they not have such a trace of flowery heart? If you don't say anything, if you miss the time, you won't see Huakui. I heard that Huakui, the black cat in Yu Xiaolou, is going to perform a song in public tonight. Brother hasn't heard the singing of this pink place, right? Hey hey, that It can be regarded as ecstasy..."

Hearing the sound of "pop", Qin Leiming was stunned by the unbearable eldest brother. He saw Tang Longyan's face red and white, and smiled slightly. Of course, the bad expression just now disappeared, and a clear and upright temperament slowly penetrated out. He smiled at Tang Longyan and whispered, "Brother, are you in a better mood?"

When Tang Longyan said this, he found that his pretentiousness was all to make himself happy. At this moment, he warmed his heart and smiled and said, "It's so obvious that you didn't notice it. In fact, it's nothing. I just have something on my mind. Instead, you surprised me. When did you know so many things about the hook column? You almost cheated me. I'm really afraid of being taken out to drink flower wine by you. At that time, I will be beaten by my father like when you came to my house. Of course, that's after you left.

Qin Leiming scratched his head and smiled, "I can only deceive you. The jade flute building has been open for more than half a year. Everyone in Beijing Zhaofu knows that the Huakui black cat there has never appeared in front of the world once, saying that no one has entered her eyes, but also It's just a means of soliciting business, which is just a chat on weekdays. Not to mention this, today's thing is not my fault. Zhao Pengfei is usually calm, but I don't know what's wrong with him. He contradicts you and speaks rudely, which makes you difficult.

Tang Longyan smiled and said, "I'm not good at academics. No wonder he. It's just that every time I think that I can't make progress, I always feel a little helpless. My parents have never asked me about my martial arts, and they seem to be desperate and indifferent. Zhao Pengfei blamed me for such an unexplained reason. Is it because he ate the inferior quality**? He had talked with Qin Leiming for a long time and was in a good mood now. Suddenly, he remembered an example that Qin Leiming had played against him in the afternoon and said it. The two of them tacitly inquired around and laughed at the same time.

After laughing, Qin Leiming sighed slowly and said, "The martial arts can't be urgent. You don't know that you used to be the most perfect existence in my heart and the goal I will catch up with all my life."

"Oh, right, when did it happen? Why have I never heard you mention it?" Tang Longyan was a little surprised when he heard this for the first time.

Qin Leiming smiled and slowly said what had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

The two walked slowly on the slate path in the backyard. At that time, the moonlight appeared, and at the beginning of the lanterns, the flowers in the backyard were green, which seemed to be very attractive in the light where the cold moon and the flowers merged. Qin Leiming brewed for a while and slowly said the words buried in his heart.

On my tenth birthday, my father told me that he was going to see his sworn brother, and that he also said that he had a son who was the same age as me and only three hours older than me. After hearing this, I was very interested, so I begged my father to take me there to meet my brother who was only three hours older than me. At that time, I could be regarded as the best among the teenagers in the Qinglong family. At that time, my cultivation had reached the level of the first three stages, and I worked hard every day. Looking at the Aoki Zhenqi in my body slowly changing from less to more, and watching people of my age being easily beaten by me, the pride in my heart is also swell day by day. With time, I will definitely surpass everyone and reach the realm of nine sections of Dacheng, and keep pace with the legendary green dragon messengers. In this way, at my request, I followed my father to a remote town in Guizhou. After a while, several of us came to a hut at the foot of the mountain. At that time, a child my age was playing at the door. At a glance, I suddenly couldn't tell whether the child in front of me was a boy or a girl. He was too handsome and naive but calm, enthusiastic but behaved. , I didn't panic at all when I saw that we came. I greeted thoughtfully one by one. Suddenly, I felt that everything was compared. In front of this child, everything was bad. It was ridiculous. Since I was a child, there were many people who said that I was beautiful and beautiful, and I would definitely fascinate tens of millions of girls in the future. I was convinced at that time. Doubt. But in front of this child, my skin and the mind under the skin seem to have been ruthlessly compared. At that time, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have my martial arts skills, and I still have one thing that the child can't surpass. Brother, you are not allowed to beat me. My idea at that time was to beat you to a pig's head, and then I can be more handsome than you.

So when the child enthusiastically pulled me out to play, I was cold and suddenly hit my right palm. The Aoki Zhenqi, which had gathered for a long time, attached to the right palm, which was powerful enough to kill ordinary people with one palm. At that time, the child's eyes suddenly flashed and pulled me behind him. I turned around and found that there was a giant ape about seven or eight feet tall in front of you. The claws in his hand were awe-inspiring, and the sharp teeth in his mouth were facing us, as if they were provoking us.

Tang Longyan listened to Qin Leiming's slow words and did not interrupt, allowing him to recall the past.

"When the little boy saw this giant ape, he was not panicked at all, but he saw that his right palm was raised, and his whole hand turned red in an instant. Although there was no real qi breaking out of the body, I knew that this was already a great state of three heavy bodies. His eyes were full of majesty and pressure, and he had a smile. It's completely different from two people. I only heard him shouting: 'Indevil beast, dare to come here to hurt people!' He flashed and flew to the giant ape who was afraid to think about how to escape when I saw it. At that moment, I knew what it was called outsiders. There was a day outside the sky. I knew that your second brother was not called casually. I can never surpass the person in front of me! The person in front of me will protect me with all his strength and give me his weakest back. I will always remember this trust in my heart!"

Speaking of this, Qin Leiming suddenly became angry and shouted, "I, Qin Leiming's brother, has never been inferior to others!" Now who dares to shout at you? I, Qin Leiming, am the first one who won't let him go. You treat me like a brother. How can I Qin Leiming let you compare?

Tang Longyan listened to Qin Leiming's story about the bits and pieces of the two of them. At present, he was also deeply infected by them and was quite moved. He sighed, "At that time, it was a lie to say that I didn't panic, because although my father and I sometimes had no signs and could not prevent it, it was still very safe after all, but I faced the giant ape, I was behind the water. First World War, there is nothing we can do." After saying that, he laughed and said, "Forum, your boy was so righteous that no one escaped at that time, otherwise I really didn't know if I could come back alive. However, it was right to think about it later. Our parents are not far from the place where we had an accident, and we don't have to force ourselves. It's not impossible for you to go to ask for help. Young and frivolous, maybe it's a reckless person like me. After saying that, he laughed at himself.

Qin Leiming smiled happily and said, "If I ran away when you left your back to me, I would not forgive myself for the rest of my life. I can learn bad, be cheeky and shameless, but I must be good to those who can stand up to me."

Tang Longyan also smiled and recalled the bits and pieces at that time: "My parents and I live there all year round. No one plays with me, and no one talks to me. Therefore, when you come to me and take a closer look at me, I'm really happy, even if you sneer when you first see me, you sneer and disdain. Gu, I still want to play with you, and I still want to recognize you as a brother. That period is one of the happiest periods in my life.

A smile, although shallow, always hung on their faces. At that moment, even though their faces were completely different, they made people feel like twin brothers, surprisingly similar.