Mythical Beast

Chapter 22 Childhood Memories

The blue light became bigger and bigger, surrounding both of them, and the two of them also stayed quietly in the air because of the soft light, and the extremely sharp fall collapsed at this moment and disappeared. The area surrounded by the soft blue light has cast a warm world between them.

Tang Longyan was so self-tone, which was only caused by the excitement of his mind. When he saw the jade pendant floating in the air, he naturally woke up and hurriedly withdrew from the battle. Although his heart was uneasy, he had begun to return to the sweet taste. Seeing this, the girl was embarrassed to say anything. She looked up at the jade pendant floating in the air and smiled and said, "It worked."

Tang Longyan still had doubts in his heart and was about to ask each other. Suddenly, the light emitted by the jade pendant became weaker and weaker, and gradually changed back to its original appearance. Before they understood what had happened, the two fell down again with the jade pendant.

As soon as Tang Longyan saw that the two began to fall again, he immediately stretched out his arm and hugged the girl. At the same time, he grabbed the falling jade pendant with his right hand and put it into her waist.

The two passed through several layers of criscrossed nets of branches and fell into a stream. The stream is not deep, about half a person's depth, but the water is cold, so after the girl entered the water, she immediately woke up and got up. She had time to wipe the stream on her face, so she quickly picked up Tang Longyan, who was still in the water, and gently called him. Tang Longyan lay flat before falling into the water, which made him bear the huge impact of the branches and the water.

He just had a fierce battle and was seriously injured. In addition, he just exerted too much force, and the impact of the fall was also borne by him alone. At present, he was physically and mentally exhausted and unconscious. Seeing that he was useless, the girl did not dare to shake his body for fear of touching the wound. At present, the stream penetrated his right shoulder, and the blood was still flowing. She was very anxious and quickly dragged him ashore.

At this time, Tang Longyan had lost too much blood and exhausted his strength. He was paved with cold water and could not wake up with pain. In the coma, the dusty memory suddenly erupted like a flood that broke the dike.

The scar lying on the back of his right hand is like a turning point between the two, or a witness of their acquaintance.

Hidden in the depths of memory are the bits and pieces of 12 years ago, which are experienced in my heart.

In the midsummer, on the outskirts of Guizhou, a childish teenager excitedly led a girl like a porcelain doll to run through the mountains. The teenager excitedly showed the girl his excellent works in the mountains over the years, polished stone stools, carved wooden stakes, and even cities made of small stones. Pool. Although most of the time, the girl's face is as heavy as snow, when the teenager talks about excitement, she can still see her peach blossom-like smile. Although it is not a liquor, it is more fascinating than alcohol.

Just as the teenager was proudly letting the girl watch a cave he had just found, suddenly, the gentle smile on the teenager's face suddenly contracted, but his face became serious in an instant, and then quickly pulled the girl back.


Just as the two retreated more than 20 steps, suddenly, there was a loud roar from the cave, and a giant ape about eight feet tall suddenly rushed out of the cave.

"Evil beast, don't hurt people!" The teenager was not as panicked and helpless as the girl imagined. Instead, he calmly pushed her behind him and slowly, and then looked up at the giant ape with no fear or concession at all.

The girl behind her smiled and was relieved to see that the person in front of her was calm. However, at this time, although the teenager in front of her tried to control herself, she still said tremblingly, "Cold sister, this ape is too big. I'm afraid it's difficult for me to deal with it alone. Now I will try my best to delay it. You can escape quickly. !"

The girl was stunned, but looking at his back, she suddenly felt a very peaceful and stable feeling, and then smiled, "Brother Long Yan, I believe you won't lose. I want to stay with you."

"Idiot, this giant ape is different from the kitten and puppy we met along the way. Its brute force is comparable to two or three adults. In addition, it has lived in mountains and forests and climbed trees for a long time. It must be extremely vigorous. You'd better go back and call my parents quickly!" The teenager jumped his feet in a hurry, but the girl in front of him did not seem to be moved. It was still the rare, peach blossom-like smile.

The giant ape stared angrily at the two uninvited guests, but did nothing. Suddenly, a breeze blew over, blowing a piece of grass on the ground and blowing up the green leaves on the tree. At this time, the giant ape suddenly came towards them!

The teenager kept staring at the giant ape and did not dare to relax at all. As soon as the giant ape set out, the teenager immediately reached out to protect the girl behind him and dodged to the left, avoiding the violent impact of the giant ape.

The giant ape was hit, and immediately took advantage of the aftermath of the impact, wrapped around a big tree, and his body flew towards the two like a cannonball!

"No, if it goes on like this, we will definitely not be able to support it first!" After dealing with the giant ape with a cup of tea, the teenager's face was heavy. He saw that every movement of the giant ape was extremely relaxed, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength, and he not only had to bear great psychological pressure, but also consumed a lot of strength every dodge, not to mention this time, behind him. The girl was already gasping.

"Fight!" A fierce color that obviously did not match his age appeared on the teenager's face. Now when he saw the giant ape running again, he immediately pushed the girl away, did not retreat, and rushed to the giant ape alone.

A loud noise stirred up a piece of soil mixed with tender grass. When the girl opened her eyes, she saw the teenager knocked to the ground. There was a long opening on the back of his right hand, and blood was flowing. The giant ape in front of him was not much better, but he saw a terrible wound continuing from his right leg. On the soles of the feet, and a dagger was inserted in the soles of the feet.

It turned out that the teenager seemed to run towards the giant ape, but in fact, he expected the action of the giant ape. He immediately jumped at the moment of contact between the two, narrowly avoided the killing of the giant ape, and pulled out the dagger from his birth. With the help of the gravity caused by his own take-off and fall, he stubbornly opened it on the thick fur of the giant ape. A horrible mouth, but he still underestimated the reaction of the giant ape. The moment his dagger touched the giant ape, the giant ape immediately counterattacked and stretched out its huge claws. In the absence of power, the teenager actually came first. When the giant ape's claws were not powerful enough, he touched its palm and bounced with strength. Kai, but in a hurry, he was still scratched by the claws of the giant ape, and because of the too much force, he was directly bounced to the ground.

The girl came forward to help the teenager and hurriedly bandaged the wound on the teenager's hand. Then she calmed down a little. When she raised her head, she saw that the injured giant ape had stopped attacking and began to return to the hole.

Brother Longyan, stop it! When you were fighting with this giant ape just now, I heard the voice of a child in this hole. I can't let it enter the hole to hurt people!"

The teenager's heart, which had just been relieved, was tense again, but he immediately got up, picked up two stones on the ground and ran towards the cave.

"Evil beast, don't you repent if you spare your life?" The teenager rushed over and saw a girl standing at the entrance of the cave, and the giant ape was running towards the girl!

At that moment, the teenager's eyes suddenly turned red, and a stone had flown out of his hand and immediately hit the head of the giant ape.

The giant ape seemed to look back strangely. At this moment, another stone flew towards its head and hit its right eye directly!

The "roar" giant ape looked up to the sky and shouted for a long time, with obvious anger in his voice.

The teenager flashed by the giant ape, pulled out the dagger on its leg, and then pushed it away and stood still a girl, but the teenager's right hand, which had just been bandaged, was once again torn by the claws of the giant ape, and another wound was on the back of his right hand, and blood spewed out again.

"Do you still want to hurt people?" His blood-red eyes did not retreat at all. The teenager suddenly jumped, and the dagger in his hand had been aimed at the neck of the giant ape!

"Brother Longyan, show mercy!" The girl who followed immediately called out when she saw Tang Longyan take action.

The sound like the sound of heaven awakened the teenager in an instant, but he heard the girl's soft voice: "Brother Long Yan, it has no ability to fight you now. You can let it go and compare our hearts. When we are chased by him, we also don't want to be hurt by him. Even if we are hurt, we have to forgive others. And forgive people..."

But the two said that when they went ashore, the girl frowned slightly and bit her red lips, as if she was thinking about something, but when she saw her deep look at Tang Longyan lying on the ground, she finally slowly moved to his side and gently tore the clothes on his right arm.

Tang Longyan was still in a coma and suddenly felt a pain in his right shoulder and couldn't help shouting. There seemed to be something moving on his shoulder. Now he stretched out his left hand and grabbed his right shoulder, just grabbing the girl's wrist.

The girl was grabbed by his right wrist and was ashamed. She curled her little mouth and exhorted, but she didn't dare to struggle too much. She was worried that it would be involved in his wound. At present, she could only pretend not to know and continue to tear off the shirt on his right shoulder. I don't know if Tang Longyan knew that he had taken advantage of it, and there hasn't been much movement since then.

When Tang Longyan's last shirt was torn open, he could see a wound slightly larger than copper money. The body of the arrow was still exposed half an inch outside. The arrow had not entered Tang Longyan's body. If it was pulled out directly, the arrow would definitely involve the surrounding muscles and enlarge the wound. I'm afraid that even the blood would not stop at that time. Seeing that he was so seriously injured, the girl couldn't help but feel mixed and want to cry. Yingying tears crossed her cheek and fell on Tang Longyan's body.

After a moment, I saw that although there were still tears on her face, she was already resolute. However, when she found a thin sharp stone from her side and aimed at the wound on Tang Longyan's shoulder, her heart tightened, and a trace of intolerance and advice flashed in her eyes. Her hand trembled and cut the wound open.

Tang Longyan's wound was in severe pain and his mind was not clear. The girl in the middle of him had a soft and beautiful face and couldn't help muttering: "Hanxin sister... Hanxin sister..."

The girl was shocked, and her eyes became more and more sad and unbearable, but then her heart crossed, and she immediately cut the wound on Tang Longyan's body, and then left Huang Yingwen in his body. He picked out the arrow he blocked for himself. As soon as the arrow was pulled out, the wound was immediately raised, the blood vessels ruptured, and the blood flowed again.

Seeing this situation, the girl immediately stretched out her hands, covering the wound on his right shoulder, staggered palms, and then slowly closed her eyes. But seeing a white light shooting out of her palms, it slowly flowed into Tang Longyan's body, and the blood stains covered by her palms actually flowed more and more slowly. Finally, when the white light disappeared, Tang Longyan's bleeding wound actually stopped bleeding!

Tang Longyan felt the coldness of his right shoulder in the confusion, and now he was much more sober. He slowly opened his eyes, but saw a person healing him. Because he woke up soon, his eyes were still hazy, but he saw that the man's forehead appeared slightly. He smiled and whispered, "Cold sister, is that you?" But in the end, he bled too much, worked too hard, and fell asleep again.

The girl helped him heal his wounds. The girl heard him call the name again and again, and saw him in a coma again. She thought that his healing was ineffective. At this moment, she burst into tears and cried loudly, "Brother Long Yan, it's me. Your cold-hearted sister is here. Wake up quickly!"