Mythical Beast

Chapter 36 There is no martial arts, all insults

After entering the city, Tang Longyan had a clear goal in his heart. He immediately found an uncle who bought toys on the street and asked, "This uncle, don't know how to get to the mansion of the two Generals of Tang?"

The uncle was very friendly and said, "Go straight along this street. When you get to the fork, turn left and see the largest house next to the road, which says Jinshui Tangfu. It's just a little brother. If you dress like this, I'm afraid you will be kicked out by the doorkeeper.

When Tang Longyan heard this, he looked down at himself. Under this look, he was a little embarrassed. Although Tang Cangye was very careful, he only considered food and travel. In order to consider clothes and accommodation, Tang Longyan's clothes are still in the suburbs of Zhuxian Town. A long shirt outside has already It is full of holes, and there are traces of blood in many places. In addition, I haven't been able to bathe for many days, and there is a faint smell on my body.

I really don't know how you came into this generation of state gate. If you don't pay attention to it as usual, you will definitely be regarded as a bandit in the surrounding area. The uncle looked at Tang Longyan and thought to himself. Originally, he could avoid people with such bleak clothes and smell, but Tang Longyan's beautiful face and decent manners, even if he dressed like this, he was still like a depressed prince, which was the only one with these words.

When Tang Longyan heard the uncle's words and knew his good intentions, he hurriedly said, "Thank you first." After saying that, he turned around and left.

But the uncle behind him shouted, "Little brother, don't worry, come back quickly. I have something else to explain to you."

Tang Longyan quickly turned around and asked, "What else is the uncle?"

The uncle said, "Seeing the little brother, you are asking about the residence of the two generals. You must be looking for those two generals." Seeing that Tang Longyan nodded, he continued, "Then you have found the wrong place. These two generals are not in their own mansion at present. Now they should be in that state capital. After a notice came from the capital yesterday, the two generals immediately entered the state capital. There are a lot of onlookers. It seems that they have not come out yet. Because the notice is related to the younger brothers of the two generals.

When Tang Longyan heard the last sentence, his body trembled, and his pupils dilated instantly, staring straight at the uncle.

The uncle did not notice the change of Tang Longyan, and then said, "The notice was posted at the two gates in the south of the city. I went to see it because it was close. It was said that the younger brother of these two generals wanted to assassinate my emperor of the Song Dynasty because of collusion with Liaogou. Fortunately, God blessed my emperor of the Song Dynasty. Isn't he I haven't even seen the emperor's face, just..."

"Enough!" Tang Longyan roared and his voice was hoarse, which seemed to suppress the anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "Where is the notice?"

"That... there... next to the barracks in the west of the city, there is also... another one..." The uncle felt great pressure from that roar and couldn't even speak clearly for a moment.

After listening to this, Tang Longyan dragged the deeply damaged body and slowly walked in the direction pointed to by the uncle.

The parents he admired all his life were actually poisoned because they were dissatisfied with some of the actions of the emperor. At present, their bones were not cold and their souls had not returned home. The emperor actually made a notice, so these two people who fought for the blood of the Song Dynasty actually wanted to become the object of scolding by the whole world!

hiss! There was a crisp sound, and a piece of paper fell. Then he urged the internal force and tried to ignite the paper, but found that the internal force was empty and could no longer be used.

My internal strength, where is my internal strength! It's been so many days, why can't I gather any internal force? He was secretly lucky several times, but he felt that there was still no true qi in the meridians and Dantian! He took the notice and collapsed to the ground. Why, why did I lose my parents and the ability to avenge them?

Suddenly, his heart felt cold. By the way, Fumo Sword... Where is Fumo Sword! He was dizzy again, and his heart was already empty. By the way, find your uncle and uncle. As long as you find them, you won't be afraid of anything. He seemed to grab a straw and immediately stood up and walked to the west of the city.

Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the city are loose at present, and they don't care that someone dares to expose the notice. The citizens on the road see him crazy and don't want to provoke him, so that he can do nothing.

Along the way, it was getting later and later. The bright moon slowly shone in the sky, as if it was guiding him. He no longer asked anyone along the way. In addition, when he first arrived here, he didn't know the way at all, so he walked and went off. In addition, the recent blow was so great that he fell down halfway and fainted.

The next day, the sun was shining. He rubbed his sore eyes and slowly sat up. A forty-year-old woman held a basket covered with a piece of white cloth. She may have gone to burn incense in the temple to pay tribute. After seeing Tang Longyan, she sighed, took out a steamed bun from the basket and put it on the ground in front of Tang Longyan.

Suddenly, Tang Longyan felt an inexplicable shame and anger. Even though he lived in the mountains of Guizhou all year round, when did he need to be given alms? At this time, an instinctive feeling made him not look at the steamed bread in front of him. He tried to stand up, picked up the notice and slowly left.

Perhaps in his heart, he never intended to accept such a charity from the beginning. As long as I can still move, I can support myself. He gasped and continued to walk aimlessly with his stubbornness.

The sun was shining, and he couldn't help raising his hand to cover the dazzling sunlight. At this moment, his eyes lit up, and in front of him was the Daizhou capital!

In an instant, the pain in his heart seemed to find an outlet for venting. Suddenly, he rushed out. His parents were miserable in front of him. He was now like a useless person, and all kinds of pains surged up at this time. He didn't care about anything and rushed into the door.

When the two officials guarded the door saw a man in rags and holding an imperial list notice rushing to the state capital, they immediately stopped him. One of them shouted, "Where is the little beggar? How dare you to come here to make trouble!"

How can Tang Longyan pay attention to the words of these two officials at the time? He just said coldly, "Get out of the way, I want to see the two Generals of Tang!" I have a grievance to tell the two Generals Tang.

The little official listened to his frivolous words and sneered: "Is it a grievance? Joke, blue sky and day, where did the injustice come from? With this notice, it seems that the grievance is quite deep. Then why don't you go to the capital to sue?

Tang Longyan's eyes were cold, and he slowly glanced at the little official and said, "Going to Beijing? Sooner or later, it's important to find two generals."

"Good little begling, you are excited to say two words. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know what's good or bad!" After saying that, the little official wink at the other one, and the two picked up the sticks in their hands and hit Tang Longyan.

But when he saw a man wave his hands and hit his knees, Tang Longyan had been practicing martial arts for many years. Naturally, this action could not escape his eyes. As soon as he retreated, the stick only hit the ground.

The little official frowned when he saw this, and this little beggar actually made me ugly! When the next hit came back, it hit him in the head!

Tang Longyan glanced over, and on one side of his body, the stick fell empty again.

Seeing this, another little official came with a stick. If Tang Longyan is naturally not afraid of these two, he can easily deal with seven or eight such people, but at present, he has no internal strength. In addition, he has not entered the rice water for a long time. He is a little dizzy, knowledgeable but it is useless at all. Seeing that the stick hit, he has no ability to fight. At present, he was swept into the inside of his knee and his feet lightly Floating and falling to the ground.

The two officials liked to do things to help the falling dog. Seeing that Tang Longyan was knocked to the ground, the two immediately added sticks without any hesitation.

The two young officials showed no mercy, and there was a smile on their mouths, which made people tired of them. These two were the little officials guarding the door and had a low status, so they bowed their heads and bowed when they saw everyone who entered the house, and naturally accumulated a resentment in their hearts. Now this resentment can be vented on others. Naturally, he will be beaten to death. Anyway, this is a begling. If he is killed, he will not pay for his life. At most, he will be scolded for a few words. At that time, the body will be thrown into the suburbs.

Tang Longyan's body was powerless. At present, he had no true qi, so he had no true qi to protect his body. With every blow, it was heartache. He shouted when he was hit for the first time, but later, he gritted his teeth and didn't scream.

More and more people gathered in front of the Daizhou mansion, but no one dared to come forward to stop him. Yes, this person is not related to himself. Why should he stand up for this person? If he can't stop it, it's okay. If he can't stop it, he will be dragged in, it's really bad luck. There are countless sighs around, but no one dares to stand up and say justice. At most, it is just to mourn Tang Longyan's sadness in his heart.

He received about 20 sticks, but Tang Longyan felt sweet in his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah, I spit blood!" I don't know who shouted, and suddenly there was a restlessness around. The two little officials may have been a little tired, so they stopped to wipe their sweat and were about to walk away. Suddenly, the little official who had been talking felt a warm calf and fixed his eyes. But when he saw that Tang Longyan's hands were full of blood, he grabbed him, lay blood in his mouth, and said, "I... I'm looking for General Tang..."

The little official was originally in a good mood, but when he saw that Tang Longyan's hand was full of blood, and his trousers were full of blood stains, he was angry and said coldly, "Well, why are you looking for General Tang like this! Isn't there a General Tang on the notice? I'll send you to him now!" After saying that, he picked up the stick in his hand and hit him on the head! This stick is actually going to take Tang Longyan's life!

Tang Longyan saw that this stick was coming fiercely and was about to kill himself here. Somehow, there was a sense of relief in his heart. Dad, mother, the baby is coming to see you. But there is actually a trace of depression and unwillingness in my heart, but I don't have time to think about why.

At this critical moment, suddenly, a delicate voice sounded in his ear: " Stop!"