Mythical Beast

Chapter 52 Shocking the heroes, but being plotted

Yu Han smiled softly, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "It's useless, involving the dragon..." Tang Longyan's eyes were soft waves, but he withdrew his left hand to cover her cherry lips. At present, he said softly, "At present, my name can't be said, and I can't let them see me."

However, several big men over there recovered after being shocked. A masked man came with a sword. He was fast and really a difficult character to deal with. At present, the leading man hugged his fist and said, "This young man, I will come here today just to ask Mr. Tang to go back to talk to my eldest brother. If he meets an outsider, Then he took it back to serve him. At present, he was hit by the young man. I can't say it. Please ask the young man to go back with us. After saying that, he wink at the big man beside him, and several people slowly surrounded Tang Longyan.

Tang Longyan looked coldly at the remaining ten people in front of him without any panic. He said coldly, "I don't care who you are. Today you offended her, so you are ready to climb out of this door."

A sharp color flashed in the eyes of the leading man. Suddenly, he roared, grabbed Tang Yunxiu, who fell to the ground, and threw it at Tang Longyan.

Tang Longyan did not panic when he saw the situation. He moved Yu Han's heart behind him and took a step forward. His right hand waved a trace in the air. The power of a sword cut off all the ropes on Tang Yun's cultivation. Then he stretched out his left hand, grabbed his waist, and put it on the ground. One move was eye-catching, and Kong Wu was powerful, many times higher than Tang Yunxiu's bear. Seeing that Tang Yunxiu was fine, Tang Longyan immediately shouted, "Take Miss Yu and go quickly! Ask Tang Aocang to come to the Tang Mansion to guard, and be sure to ensure the safety of Tang Xuerou, Tang Mofeng and Yu's father and daughter!" As he spoke, he had already started to engage with the leading man.

When the man saw that he was comfortable in attacking and defending, he just attacked east and west and attracted his attention with Tang Yunxiu as bait. He attacked from the left side and did not take advantage of it at all. At present, he secretly admired himself and quickly winced at the man next to him, and saw the nine people surrounding them. Come here.

"Get out!" Tang Longyan shouted, and his true anger turned sharply. A true breath spread from his arm into the Fumo sword. He waved his sword, and it was the rosefinch in the Bahuang swordsmanship that spread its wings. His true spirit was full, and the Fumo sword was a magic soldier who exerted the true spirit of Chiyan, but when he saw a red sword spirit breaking out of the cocoon, driving the surrounding air flow throbbing.

How dare those big men compete with this domineering true qi? At present, they gave way. The true qi hit the ground of the compound and drew a trace of an inch. Tang Longyan's long sword waved horizontally and quickly moved his body to let Tang Yunxiu and Yu Hanxin escape from the road he had just opened.

After all, Tang Yunxiu was not a fool. When he saw someone fighting, he ran out quickly. Seeing Yu Han standing still, he was a little confused. He turned around and pulled her sleeve and took her away. Then he ran back and said to Tang Longyan, "Thank you, young man. He will definitely repay the dripping kindness with a spring. Sister Yu, what are you doing? Why don't you run fast?"

When the big men saw Tang Yunxiu running away, they wanted to catch people, but Tang Longyan's eyes were awe-inst, the sword waved horizontally, and the rosefinch's tail was domineering and powerful. He also felt Yu Han's worry about him and slowly raised his right hand. The scars on the back of his hand seemed to shine in the afternoon sun.

When Yu Han saw the scar, he smiled calmly and whispered, "I believe you." At that moment, he left with Tang Yunxiu's footsteps, leaving Tang Longyan with one sword, full of pride!

Tang Yunxiu ran and said secretly in his heart: This man used the eight wilderness swordsmanship of my rosefinch family, using Chiyan Zhenqi. When did such a young talent appear in my rosefinch clan? Seeing that he seemed to be younger than me, how could his internal strength be more powerful than me?

Tang Longyan listened to the footsteps of the two gradually moving away, knowing that even if he chased them, he could not catch up. His heart was slightly widened, and now he faced several people around him coldly. How dare you be rude to the cold? Then, you are here, can't afford to kneel down!

He was angry, and the sword was at the hem, and then slowly walked towards the leading man.

The big man around him had a panic on his face. At that moment, he asked in a low voice, "Teachinger Zhang, what do you think this is..." The leading man lowered for a moment and said, "It's okay if you can't complete the task today. If we can't inform General Cao of this news in time, I'm afraid that we will be more guilty and can't care about so much. That's it. It's important to escape first. At present, several people nodded tacitly and stared at Tang Longyan's every move.

Zhang Jiaotou, General Cao, these are all soldiers in the army! Shit, you should inform Brother Ao Cang as soon as possible. The court has begun to take heavy action against the Tang family! Tang Longyan looked at the six roads and listened to them. At present, he heard all the whispers of those people, and he was secretly shocked.

Suddenly, I saw the ten people grabbing a handful of powder from their clothes at the same time and sprinkled it on Tang Longyan. Tang Longyan didn't know what those powders were, but he felt that it was a little gray-brown and didn't care at the moment. Seeing those powders flying, the sword turned, and the sun continued, drawing a sword spirit around him.

But when I saw the sword colliding with those powders, I heard a loud sound, accompanied by bursts of smoke, and it was hot all around. Tang Longyan stood close and had no warning in advance. At present, he felt dizzy. Suddenly, he felt that the ten people were sprinkled with another burst of powder. At present, he knew that these powders could not be forced to retreat with the true qi of Chiyan. At present, it was still a burning day, but he did not use the true qi to force the powder around him back.

But he was really angry, and the power of the eight wilderness swordsmanship was naturally greatly reduced. Although some of the powders were avoided by him, they were still stained with his clothes. Those big men seemed to be afraid of Tang Longyan's red anger and sprinkled those powders on Tang Longyan.

I only heard the leading man say coldly, "Your martial arts skills are strong, and we admire you, but we are mortal. All the rosefinch people who threaten my elder brother must be captured. Your body is full of special gunpowder. As long as you urge the true qi, it will definitely ignite. At that time, let's see who is more painful.

While the man was talking, another big man sprinkled powder. Tang Longyan was meditating on countermeasures. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his eyes and couldn't open his eyes!

He was subconsciously raising his hand to wipe it, but suddenly remembered that the powder was white. Yes, yes, these people are so despicable that they even use lime! Tang Longyan was angry, but there was nothing he could do. Calm down, I want to calm down. He slowly closed his eyes and began to sense the movements of the people around him through the changes of his aura.

In this way, the effect of the usual training came out, but I felt that the outline of the ten people around me was outlined by the aura flow around me. Although the vague human figure was not clear, it could know its direction.

Suddenly, a big man on Tang Longyan's left hand waved a big knife in his hand and split it at Tang Longyan. Tang Longyan's mind moved slightly, but he felt that the aura on his left hand side dispersed. Now he flashed slightly to the right, and a sharp wind brushed his face, but the big man did not make the old man return the knife, and seemed to be afraid of hitting the ground. Sparks ignite the gunpowder.

Tang Longyan felt that the big man retreated. At present, his left palm was lucky and his palm was fierce, but after all, he was a step late. Although he touched the big man, he failed to hurt him.

A person is so difficult to deal with. If they go together, the degree of certainty is not so accurate, but this is how I can do it! Tang Longyan's eyes closed and he couldn't help worrying.

The ten people saw that Tang Longyan was afraid to move in place, so they slowly walked around him. In this way, the aura felt by Tang Longyan began to be disturbed. Those figures had just taken shape, but they slowly dissipated like smoke blown by the wind.

Don't panic, don't panic! Tang Longyan settled down and saw that the aura around him was too slow in this situation. At present, he was distracted and slowly focused on his hearing. His internal strength is getting more and more refined, and his hearing is naturally getting better and better. At present, his eyesight is temporarily lost, his energy is concentrated, and his hearing is naturally better.

However, Zhang, the leading man, made a gesture. Behind Tang Longyan, the two picked up the rope in their hands and slowly walked towards him. In their eyes, Tang Longyan was many times more difficult to deal with than Tang Yunxiu. The big man who used the rope was afraid that he would be carelessly and let him escape, so he came closer and had a greater success rate. According to the situation of the big man with a big knife just now, Tang Longyan now has more ability to hurt people, and he is gradually bold. It's getting bigger.

Two ropes, two different directions! The two big men raised the rope that had been tied into a circle in their hands and threw it at Tang Longyan. The two ropes crossed two arcs in the air and ran towards Tang Longyan's body.

Tang Longyan listened to the wind, but listened to the whirling behind him. He glanced at his head, tightened his hand on one side of his body, and had firmly grasped the Voldemort Sword in his hand. Everyone's eyes followed the two arcs tightly, but they saw a rope "huh" around the Voldemort sword in his hand. How sharp the magic soldierfu mo was. With a slight scratch, the rope broke. And a rope was also "hooting" but was firmly held in his left hand!

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. It's rare to trap him. Although it's just a hand, it's enough to contain his actions. A proud smile appeared on Zhang's face, and everyone was about to raise the blade and take it down.

However, the situation suddenly changed at this moment, but the moment when Tang Longyan was put on the rope in his hand, that is, the moment when everyone was excited and relaxed, suddenly the true qi poured into his hand and pulled it with strength. Although his strength was not great, there was true qi poured in at present, and his strength increased his strength. It was not only a few times, but under that pull, the life of pulling the rope was actually pulled over!

Tang Longyan listened and carefully identified the direction. The pulling force was extremely in place, but he saw that the big man fell in front of him. He raised his sword and fell, but only cut the rope, and then the left palm, which was still with the rope, turned over and slapped the horse with a phoenix dance. The big man struggled to stand up, but saw that a palm seemed to be nothing, but when he fixed his eyes, the ghost's palm had already touched his chest. He only felt that he could not breathe in one breath in his chest, and then there was a burst of deep pain, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. With only a few "clucks", the big man's body was like a pile of rice. The grass was generally shot out.