Mythical Beast

Chapter 74 Sneaking into a mistake and having trouble

Night moon, no trace. Although there was a little moonlight in the air, it was difficult to show the two fast-running figures at this time. At this time, Tang Longyan was running his true spirit, stepping on the day by day, and galloping under the moonlight with Qin Leiming, who was walking on the dark moon wind. Just five feet away from the Yellow Mansion, they nodded to each other, stopped and quietly hidden in the moonlight night.

Outside the gate of Huangfu, four big men with knives were wandering around and gossiping with each other, as if they did not notice the danger approaching. Tang Longyan and Qin Leiming's eyes flashed at the same time, and their bodies flashed and disappeared into the vast night.

Tang Longyan was the first to take the brunt. He flew forward, his right hand as a claw, gently held the back of a person's head, and his index finger suddenly injected a trace of red flame true energy into his Tianzhu cave. The big man was thrilled and fainted. At the same time, his left hand holding the magic sword made a flying needle darkly to directly hit the chest of another big man. The big man's With a sound, the sea of gas was blocked, and he fainted.

Tang Longyan made two moves with his hands, and his technique was clean and neat. The two big men fainted at the same time. Then he opened his hands and held the two big men, and let them lie quietly on the ground. Turning around, Qin Leiming looked at the two big men lying on the ground with an indifferent face. Just looking at the painful expressions on the faces of the two big men, he knew that Qin Leiming did not pay attention to the point like Tang Longyan.

The two closed their eyes and sensed around through the true qi, but they felt that there was no one around, so they nodded to each other, and then disappeared again with a "swish".

According to Huang Luohan's instructions, there is a cellar in his house for debris. If you want to place Qin Yiyun and others, it may be the best place. After Tang Longyan and Qin Leiming entered the courtyard of Huangfu, they avoided the big men who were wandering around and patrolled, and came to Huang Luohan's guidance. Sure enough, not far away, five big men surrounded the entrance of the cellar. They held torches in one hand and sticks or knives and guns in the other hand, even under the night. , still motionless, carefully exploring the situation around him.

"Five reckless men also want to block the cooperation between me and the eldest brother?" Qin Leiming sneered in the dark, gave Tang Longyan a wink, and wanted to act.

"Why are these people guarding it? Qin Leiming's uncle is such a person. Since he can secretly arrange people to steal the jade pendant of the dispatched generals, he should not make such a big mistake now. The guards here are all people with mediocre martial arts, and there are no people of the five ethnic groups. If these people are guards, aren't you afraid that someone will take the hostages away? There must be something strange among them!" Tang Longyan frowned and slowly shook his head at Qin Leiming, signaling him not to act rashly.

"What's wrong, big brother? Doesn't he know that my father and Luoxia are suffering inside?" Qin Leiming looked at Tang Longyan with a little anxiety. Seeing that he was bowing his head and meditating, he was even more anxious: "What time is it? I'm still thinking! Forget it, if I take action alone, I can also take down these five people. Dad, Luoxia, I'm coming!" He made up his mind, and then he was really angry. He picked up his long gun and rushed to the five people.

"Thunder!" Tang Longyan almost roared this sentence in a low voice. He felt something wrong since he entered the courtyard. How could such a cautious figure as Qin Yilan arrange such an important Huangfu to guard this point? Even if they boldly guessed that the front door was weak, how could these people guard the most critical point? What's more, Qin Yilan, the master, doesn't know where to hide at present. Qin Leiming rushed out like this, which instantly turned his advantage hidden in the dark into nothing. Next, the one who hid in the dark became Qin Yilan!

Qin Leiming rubbed his body, and the Qinglong swung his tail and knocked the five people to the ground in an instant. Then he poured his right arm into Zhenqi, grabbed one of the big men's necks, pointed to the man's temple and whispered, "Why don't you open the door yet!"

When the five people saw Qin Leiming rushing, they did not shout, and there was no panic on their faces. Their faces were still silent. Even if he was deliberately lightened by Qin Leiming, the big man who was finally caught in his hand looked silent and lax from beginning to end. When Tang Longyan saw the look of those people, he suddenly remembered something. He immediately desperately transported the true energy to his legs and flew in the direction of Qin Leiming. His strength was so strong that he stepped on two foot-sized depressions on the ground of the bluestone slab. He rushed straight, grabbed Qin Leiming to death, and then continued to move forward without slowing down.

At this moment, they saw the five big men igniting the torches hidden on the ground. With a loud noise, Tang Longyan and Qin Leiming felt the vibration of the earth and the dust around them. The choking smell of smoke mixed with a large number of dust and rubble scattered around the cellar, and the whole Huangfu branch It's broken and unbearable.

not far away, Huang Yilan listened to the roar, smiled at the corners of his mouth, raised his glass and smiled, "Brother Yuan is really a magic trick. It's done." After saying that, he looked up and drank all the wine in his hand, as if he was in a good mood.

The man opposite covered his face with a black veil and looked indifferent. He just said lightly, "Since it's done, let's meet these two little dolls." After saying that, his body flashed and walked towards Huangfu.

"Well, Yuan Qingyu, don't point fingers at me just because you are the person sent by the White Tiger clan to help me. When I get the position of Qinglong patriarch, you still have to respect me." After saying that, he waved his sleeves and followed.

Tang Longyan left the entrance of the cellar with Qin Lei Mingfei, and heard a roar behind him, and then felt the hot tingling on his back. He immediately bent down and protected their body with true qi. Even so, their clothes and skin were also cut by the flying stone rubble, waiting for it to explode. After that, the two of them immediately cleaned up the bricks and tiles on their bodies and stood up quickly, because bursts of malicious voices had already heard in their ears.

Qin Yilan slowly walked into the courtyard with about 40 people. Seeing Tang Longyan and Qin Leiming staring at him, he grinned and said, "Oh, isn't this my good nephew Qin Leiming? How can it be so unbearable? What are you servants doing? Why don't you send clothes to my Lei Ming's nephew quickly! Oh, by the way, and this one here, it should be the young master of the Tang family, and I also want to send one.

But a contemptuous voice came from behind Qin Yilan: "Dad, it's natural for me to take care of my cousin."

"Tianyun, go." Qin Yilan replied with a smile at the corners of his mouth. At this time, a young man about 15 or 16 years old slowly came out. Although his armor and a long gun on the horse showed his valiant posture, his obviously childish face showed indifference different from his age.

He smiled coldly and said, "Cousin, come on, don't let your cousin down." After saying that, two white clothes floated over.

As soon as the two clothes flew out, the people behind Qin Yilan laughed. It turned out that the clothes that floated towards Tang Longyan were nothing else, but the clothes of the two women.

Qin Leiming frowned and stared at his cousin Qin Tianyun. His left hand with a long gun loosened, gently pointed the head of the gun that broke the dome, and leaned forward. He looked like he was going to kill. He only heard him roar in a low voice, "Brother, don't stop me this time!"

However, Tang Longyan indifferently pulled out the Fumo sword, took a step forward and said, "This time, let's go together!"

Qin Leiming nodded and was about to approach, but suddenly saw Tang Longyan turn his head slightly and whisper, "This boy is too rampant and careless. If we can capture him in one fell swoop and save your father and Luoxia, we will have a lot of chips!" After saying that, the true anger forced out, the long sword swept away, and the rosefinch spread its wings and broke out of the magic sword. In an instant, the two clothes were lit. Tang Longyan whispered to Qin Lei Ming, "Send the clothes back!"

Qin Leiming nodded, lifted the sky, and made a move to embrace the moon, but saw the long gun rotating at high speed, sending the ignited blasphemous clothes back with gusts of wind.

Tang Longyan said coldly to Qin Tianyun, "Is this Mr. Qin Tianyun? I can't afford the gift you gave me and my second brother. I think it's more suitable for you to wear it. I don't know which sister you pulled out, or it's better to apologize in other people's arms early. Martial arts are not as good as people. Don't be wild here. Go home and have milk.

This sentence is obviously full of ridicule of Qin Tianyun's childishness. Qin Tianyun was originally here to show off his martial arts skills. He didn't want to be broken by Tang Longyan and his cousin as soon as he came up, and was humiliated by words. He didn't like others to say that he was young and not as good as others. At present, he saw Tang Longyan was already deep. In the dangerous situation, he was still aggressive. He was angry and shouted coldly, "You are bullying too much. Let's see how I deal with you!" At that moment, the long gun in his hand was horizontal and the horse came to the two of them!

"Yun'er can't!" Qin Yilan was sure to win, which did not stop his son from coming out to humiliate Qin Leiming. He knew that his son's martial arts were still three great successes. How could he defeat the two people at present? At present, he was busy with the dark moon and wanted to pull his son back.

is waiting for you to come! Tang Longyan felt that his internal strength was flat as soon as Qin Tianyun came out. At most, it was only four stages. Seeing that he came out to make fun of him and Qin Leiming, and he was so young that he actually put on armor and rode on the horse, it could be seen that he wanted others to recognize his growth. In addition, Qin Leiming once told him about Qin Tianyun's various things, he knew him. Surely, he was narrow-minded and competitive, so he was excited with his words and deeds. Sure enough, he couldn't resist the anger in his heart and rushed over desperately!

Only one face to face, three or two words can accurately grasp Tianer's character and stimulate each other with words in an instant. This person is really extraordinary. If it is not eliminated today, it will become a big trouble! Qin Yilan saw that Tang Longyan's eyes were old and decisive. At that moment, he remembered his father Tang Haotian, and somehow there was a panic in his heart, and then he immediately wanted to kill him.

Qin Leiming is not a fool, otherwise how can he advance to five levels at his current age? At present, Tang Longyan didn't explain, so he said, "Brother, I dragged Qin Yilan behind him out. That arrogant boy, you dragged him off the horse." Tang Longyan nodded and signaled. After the two were breathed, they looked at each other with a tacit smile, and then stared at the two horses in front of them.

In an instant, the time was fixed, and the others present dared not take a breath, and there was silence, as if only the four people present were advancing and retreating at the critical moment.