Mythical Beast

Chapter 80 The End of the Rebellion, Recalling the Past

Yunya breathed a long sigh of relief and then said, "The patriarch is really talented. After you pretended to be arrested, the six elders were immediately surrounded by a group of people, as if they wanted to grab the holy tree Moon and ancient banyan."

When he said this sentence, Qin Mosha, who was beside him, suddenly sneered. Yun Ya saw that he was the young master and didn't care at the moment. He continued to say, "Just when the six elders were forced to the holy tree, we arrived in time and intercepted a total of 148 traitors."

When Qin Yiyun heard this, he stretched out his hand to signal Yunya to stop. He turned to Qin Yilan lying on the ground and said, "Second brother, what else do you have to say?"

But Qin Yilan said miserably, "My scheme has been recognized by you, and you have used it in turn, and you have eliminated all my strength in the Qinglong family in one fell swoop. What else can I say? Twenty years of preparation, in the end, it is still this end. It seems that this result has not changed in the past few decades of our struggle. I just hope you can miss your brother and save my son's life.

Qin Yiyun also smiled bitterly and said, "I can leave your son, but what about my son? At the moment you stole the green dragon forbidden art and gave it to the White Tiger clan, have you ever considered leaving my child's life?"

Quiet, absolute tranquility, Qin Yiyun took a deep breath and stabilized his excitement. Then he said to Yunya, "Give my order, for those 148 people, if they can confess and reflect on their mistakes, they will be released, but remember, everyone must secretly observe for half a year. If there is a different mind, there is no mercy! As for those who resist death, our Qinglong family will not tolerate him.

After saying that, he ordered his men to send Tang Longyan, Zhou Luoxia, Zhao Pengfei and Qin Yilan out of the courtyard. Then he slowly walked to the side of Qin Mo, who stood and held the jade hairpin in his right hand, and said respectfully, "Senior, please take a step to speak."

Qin Mo glanced at him and said lightly, "I'm afraid that as soon as I leave, these people will die. Well, after all, it's not at my hands. After saying that, he went out.

Qin Yiyun went out with Qin Mo and was about to walk out of the courtyard, and then whispered, "Do it."

The 40 people, like this, fell to the ground at the same time.

"For those who betray and those who hurt your son, it seems that the latter can't tolerate you. In the past 20 years, you seem to have changed a lot." Qin Mosha was still not cold or hot, and said faintly to Qin Yilan behind him.

"The senior laughed. As a patriarch, I'm just performing my duties. The fewer people in the world know about this harmful prohibition, the better." Although Qin Yiyun said it was easy, his unbearable face still showed. After all, most of these people are still members of the Qinglong clan.

Qin Mosha looked at Qin Yiyun with approval and did not answer. He turned around and said, "This may be the last time you and I talked, but unfortunately, I didn't see the descendant who interests me more..."

Qin Yiyun's heart was shocked, and his sadness floated on his face: "My eldest brother... He has gone. Senior, what do you mean by the last time, my child, he, he..."

Qin Mosha didn't know what he was going to say. He stopped his words and said, "Well, then the period when I meet him is not far away. After living for a thousand years, I should also go to Mo Qi to have a look. Don't worry, although I'm just a wisp of soul knowledge, the cracking array won't make it difficult for me. Don't worry, when I leave, your child will wake up. I didn't expect that there are two inheritances here.

When Tang Longyan saw Qin Yiyun chatting with Qin Mo, he came over and asked, "You... are the senior who played tricks on us that day in the broken sky?"

Qin Mojian smiled rarely and said, "You are really not simple. You don't hesitate to sacrifice yourself to save people. If there is a chance, I really want to compete with the inheritor again. With that, he looked up at the sky and said, "It's a pity that my soul knowledge is about to disperse. I really want to see Mo Qi again..."

"Senior, you seem to have a lot of sadness and memories. Can you talk to us?" Tang Longyan saw that Qin Mocha's eyes were full of regret and couldn't bear it. He knew that Qin Mocha forcibly attached his soul knowledge to Qin Leiming in order to save them. It was also because he consumed himself excessively, which led to the dissipation of his soul knowledge. He wanted to help him find the person he had always wanted to see. At least, he can fulfill his unfulfilled wish.

Qin Mo sighed and said, "Well, if I don't say it today, I'm afraid that my story with her will disappear and I can't say it anymore..."

That year, Yingzheng, the king of Qin, succeeded to the throne for four years. Qin Lingfeng, the patriarch of the Qinglong clan, took his five-year-old son Qin Moyu and several Qinglong people to hunt in the suburbs of Xianyang. Although the weather in June was hot and unbearable, Qin Moyu's young face was full of excitement. Qin Lingfeng has been fighting all year round and has no time to accompany him. He has been sulking in Xianyang City for a long time. Rarely, the war was slightly stable, so Qin Lingfeng promised to take him to the outskirts of the city to hunt.

Although Qin Moyu is young, he usually practices his skills. At present, he actually has the strength of three middle levels, but when he saw him pulling the bow and shooting arrows, he did not feel a little difficult. Soon, he shot two hares.

Qin Lingfeng looked up at the sky and smiled at Qin Moyu, "Yuer, it's getting late. You also got a lot of trophies. Let's go back."

After all, Qin Moyu is a child. It is rare for his father to come out to play with him. Naturally, he doesn't want to go back so early. He pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Dad, other people's children have their own father to play with them every day. It's rare for me to see you once a year. I don't care. I have to hit another animal! Dad, just promise me once." After saying that, he raised his head, and his big eyes were full of pleading. Staring closely at my father.

Qin Lingfeng sighed secretly. He had been fighting all year round and knew that he was sorry for his son. While hesitating, he only heard the clan brought out by him say, "Povereer, young master, he just wants you to accompany him more, so you can promise him."

Seeing that the elites he had been fighting for many years were full of pleading, Qin Lingfeng sighed and said, "That's all, so many uncles pleaded for you, so I promised you, but remember that this is the last one. I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain to the soldiers guarding the city later."

"Thank you, Dad! I know you're the best!" Qin Moyu's young face was full of excitement, and now he ran away with excitement.

"This child. You all go and protect Yuer. Recently, I heard that there are wolves in this countryside. Don't let anything happen to Yuer. After all, Qin Lingfeng was worried about Qin Moyu's safety and immediately followed him.

"Wow, such a big white wolf! Don't run, wait for me!" Hearing the childish voice coming from not far away, Qin Lingfeng was shocked. Now he went to the long gun from the horse, gently ran away with both feet and galloped away.

With a "wsh", Qin Moyu had shot the arrow in his hand, but the white wolf did not seem to pay attention to him at all, but on one side of his body, the arrow that broke through the air did not hit, but drilled into the trunk next to it.

The white wolf ran for a while, suddenly stopped, turned to Qin Moyu, and his slightly bent body could be ejected at any time. His open mouth showed a sharp tooth, and his blue eyes were full of fierce light.

Qin Moyu usually met some pheasants and rabbits. He had never seen such a fierce beast. He just thought that the prey was very big and it must be very interesting to hunt, but now when he carefully observed, he found that the white wolf was even taller than himself. The huge disparity made him tremble.

At this moment, I only heard a shout: "Servil beast, don't hurt people!" But Qin Lingfeng arrived with a gun. Seeing that Qin Moyu was safe and sound, he was a little relieved. Seeing that he was very scared, he pushed him behind him with his left hand. Then, go to the white wolf.

When the white wolf saw Qin Lingfeng killing, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his body flashed and unexpectedly dodged the fierce shot. Then he stretched out his front paws and was about to jump over.

"I can't see that you beast have such a flexible body." Seeing that the white wolf dodged and moved, Qin Lingfeng was not impatient and handled it properly. He couldn't help admiring himself. When he saw the white wolf rushing over, he did not panic. He turned his long gun and swept at the white wolf.

The gun body was impartial and hit the side of the white wolf. The white wolf fell to the ground with a "bang", tossed a few times, and struggled to stand up slowly.

Qin Lingfeng knows the strength of his move, not to mention such a wild wolf. Even if a martial arts person suffers from this, he may have to rest for a month. At present, it needs a lot of strength to stand up, but he is afraid of minor internal injury. Seeing that the wolf was not lethal and didn't want to kill again today, he said to Qin Moyu, "Yuer, let's go."

Qin Moyu looked at the white wolf and seemed to feel a little unwilling. He asked, "Dad, won't you kill it and take it back?"

Qin Lingfeng touched Qin Moyu's head and smiled, "If it jumps directly to bite you, I'm afraid I can't save you soon, but it doesn't mean to hurt you. At present, it is seriously injured and will definitely not hurt people in three months. God has the virtue of life. Isn't it good to let it live? You have enough prey today. Yuer, remember your father's words, people, you should know how to be content.

Qin Moyu nodded as if he didn't understand and said, "Okay, Dad, let's go back." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Just as Qin Moyu took two or three steps, suddenly the white wolf suddenly rushed to him like crazy!

"Evil beast, it seems that your life can't be saved!" Qin Lingfeng saw the white wolf pounce on his son and immediately got rid of the long gun, but when he saw a little chill in the tip of the gun, he penetrated through the white wolf's stomach and out of his back.

Blood, drop by drop, flowed down the long gun. Qin Lingfeng waved his gun and threw the white wolf far away, but he also wondered why the white wolf rushed over so desperately.

Qing Lingfeng was thinking about it and suddenly heard Qin Moyu's "ah" exclamation. He thought that Qin Moyu had encountered some danger again and immediately flew away.

When he came to the place where Qin Moyu stood, he couldn't help but understand the reason why the white wolf was desperate. In front of them was a wolf's nest. In the wolf's nest, there were six or seven cubs. Not only that, there was also a baby in this wolf's nest!

The Qinglong people who came immediately also saw the wolf's nest and found the baby in it. At that moment, they asked respectfully, "Pir, what should I do with this... this child..."

"What else can we do? We killed the female wolf. This child will definitely not survive. Get ready to take him back." Qin Lingfeng sighed in his heart and bent down to pick up the baby.

The little guy didn't seem to be very lingering. Seeing that Qin Lingfeng was coming to hug him, he opened his small arms and his curly hair reflected cute warmth. But what surprised Qin Lingfeng was that what appeared on his porcelain doll-like face was not crying, not smiling, but surprisingly calm, as if everything around him could not affect him. Qin Lingfeng took a closer look and was immediately shocked. The baby's eyes turned out to be blue.

Anyway, this child is predestined to be with himself. Qin Lingfeng sighed and was about to give the child to the clan, but he heard Qin Moyu shout, "Dad, I want to see it, I want to see my brother!"

"What? Isn't your mother about to give birth to a younger brother or sister for you? Why do you still want a younger brother so much? Thinking that the beautiful wife at home was pregnant again, a smile immediately appeared.

Qin Moyu looked at the baby in front of him and smiled and said, "He found it. Naturally, I am his brother. Who knew that my mother would give birth to a younger brother or a younger sister for me? Promise me, Dad, I don't care. I'm going to decide this younger brother."

"Okay, Dad will allow you. How is the white wolf? Have you brought it here?" Qin Lingfeng turned around and asked the people next to him.

Two people have already carried the white wolf. Qin Lingfeng fixed his eyes and couldn't help shaking his head slightly. Although the wolf was alive, it was already dying.

"Let your child see you for the last time." Qin Lingfeng put the white wolf next to the wolf's nest, and finally put the baby in front of the wolf.

The white wolf looked at all its children lovingly, and finally turned its head and never raised it again.

The baby in Qin Lingfeng's arms seemed to notice something, and immediately Tao Tao cried.

Qin Lingfeng sighed, stood up and said to himself, "What should I call you? You and I know each other in an instant, so you want Qin Mosha..."

Speaking this, Qin Mo said indifferently, "I believe you can guess that the child you saw in the wolf's nest is the one in front of you now..."