Mythical Beast

Chapter 82 Hidden Surprises, Hidden Incidents

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, the teenager has grown up, and the girl has become beautiful. With the assistance of the five clans led by Qin Lingfeng, the State of Qin annexed other countries one after another, and the young and successful Qin Mosha and Qin Moyu naturally became the vanguard of the army and fought outside all year round.

At this time, the State of Qin was already strong. With the strong support of the five ethnic groups and the leadership of Qin Lingfeng, the brave and good soldiers destroyed the Three Jin dynasties and defeated the Chu army. The prospects were very good.

On this day, the hot summer day suddenly brought a bright color to the barracks. Qin Moqi, who had already stood out, came here alone. Qin Lingfeng took her two brothers to fight all year round and left her alone at home. She couldn't help being bored at home, and the next person ran away. Come here.

Just as soon as they reached the gate of the barracks, the soldiers guarding the gate suddenly forgot to cross the door as usual. The soft and delicate body coming towards the face is wearing a light blue white gauze, which is simple and elegant, beautiful and refined. The elegant jade face is not powdered. The original beautiful face has not faded the tender greenness because it has not fully grown up, but it highlights the delicate and gentleness. Like a fairy's outstanding face, Luo Fanchen was stained with dust and a fairy who suddenly lost his soul, but the most memorable thing is the bright starry eyes. The bright eyes are silver and ink, just like a bottomless hole. Everyone can see the reflection in their eyes, but they can't see the meaning clearly. At a glance, people will fall into it.

The girl slowly walked to the stunned soldier, stretched out her snow-white lotus root arm, shook her little hand in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Big brother, do you dare to ask that this is the camp of Qin Mosha and General Qin Moyu?"

The sweet smile made the soldier dizzy, and the silver bell-like voice was indescribable. Before the soldier answered, he heard a man coming behind Qin Moqi laugh and said, "Wow, what a beautiful girl."

When the soldier saw the man, he hurriedly hugged his fist and said, "The little one has seen Li's bodyguard."

The name of the comer is Li Ying, who is the bodyguard beside the general Li Xin. He has no ability to do the sword guard beside Li Xin, all because he is Li Xin's cousin. This person is usually idle and likes to be lustful. He always likes to sneak out to relieve his loneliness when he is not busy with the war. The discipline in the army is strict, but because of his relationship with Li Xin, he can only turn a blind eye to others. At present, he has just returned from spending the night in a brothel in the city.

Qin Mosha and Qin Moyu are generals under Li Xin, so the barracks they press are here. Qin Moqi doesn't care about the military at all. Naturally, she doesn't know all the relationships, let alone who is in front of her. She glanced at Li Ying slightly, ignored him, and then still smiled and asked: " This big brother, I'm here to find Qin Mosha and General Qin Moyu. Are they here?

Li Ying behind Qin Moqi heard that he came to find Qin Mosha and Qin Moyu. His brain, who had just got up from the gentle countryside and was full of dirty things, thought that she was a military prostitute recruited by the two of them. At present, he had a plan, but he saw him swallowing the saliva that almost flowed out and walked over with a serious face.

The soldier was about to answer when he saw Qin Moqi's question. Suddenly, he was stopped by Li Ying, but he saw him smiling and said, "This girl, this is indeed the camp of the two generals, but it's a pity, but they went out a few days ago. He has been guarding the door these days. Ask him if I'm lying.

The soldier saw this, thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Indeed, a few days ago, General Qin Mosha did leave the barracks, but..."

"But they should be able to come back recently. No, it should be today." Li Ying took over the soldier's words and saw Qin Moqi looking at him doubtfully. He immediately explained, "I am the bodyguard with a knife of General Li Xin and Li, a general in the army. Can I lie to you?"

Li Xin's reputation Qin Moqi heard his father and two brothers mention that he had led thousands of troops to chase Prince Yan Dan to Yanshui, and finally broke

Yan Jun captured Prince Dan, and his two brothers were generals under his account. Seeing that the soldier nodded, he immediately did not have any warning and said to Li Ying, "In this case, please take me to the tents of the two generals and wait."

Li Yingzheng saw the beautiful face, and even his eyes were about to fall down. Good boy, such a beautiful woman can't make those two kids cheap. He swallowed hard and said, "Girl, please come with me." He turned around and gave the soldier a small bag of copper coins.

The soldier wanted to tell Qin Moqi, but General Qin Moyu did not leave and was still training soldiers in the camp, but he didn't expect to get a windfall unexpectedly. Now he understood and stopped talking.

When night fell, Qin Moqi felt more and more strange, and felt that Li Ying's eyes were becoming more and more explicit, as if he was about to jump over immediately. He immediately frowned and asked, "Li Shiwei, why haven't the two generals Qin Mosha and Qin Moyu come back yet?"

Seeing that it was getting late, no one would notice him. At present, he showed his nature, but when he saw his evil eyes, he stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips. ** smiled and said, "Little boy, what's good with those two generals? Why don't you follow me? I promise you eat well. Well dressed, come on, give the uncle a hug. With that, he was going to jump over.

Qin Moqi was suddenly shocked, but she immediately calmed down and shouted coldly, "Li Shiwei, please be respectful. You are so presumptuous. If you don't say my father, my two brothers can make your life worse than death!"

Dad, two brothers? Li Ying was shocked, and his brain immediately woke up a lot. No way, he had heard that Qin Moyu had a sister with Qin Mosha. Could it be... He dared not think about it anymore, but he immediately turned his mind. No, if this girl came out of this account, I would never live tomorrow. It's not that he hasn't seen the bravery of the two young generals. Thinking that Qin Mo's eyes were enough to devour him, his heart was fierce. Anyway, he died. It's better to get rid of this girl. At that time, there will be no evidence of death. You don't know that I did it.

Qin Moqi was not stupid. He saw that Li Ying was indeed shocked by his words at first, but then his eyes slowly showed a fierce light. At that moment, his heart was cold and he immediately called out, and his weak body suddenly ran out of the tent.

Unfortunately, the sky was thunder and lightning at this time, and it rained heavily. No one heard her shout, or even if someone heard something, think about the voice of a girl in the army.

"My little boy, if you want to kill the uncle, why don't we become husband and wife now? At that time, your father will not blame him and dare to do anything to his son-in-law..." Li Ying laughed, rushed up with an increasingly ferocious face, and threw Qin Moqi to the table, like a hungry wolf meeting Jiaorou. It's like a weak sheep.

Where did Qin Moqi meet such a scene? She was the daughter of the patriarch of Qinglong. She was infinitely respected wherever she went. How could she know that she would be so insulted here? She was anxious and afraid, and her hands kept struggling. Suddenly, her right hand touched the candlestick on the table. She picked up the candlestick and turned to Li Ying. The head was smashed down fiercely.

Li Ying only felt a sharp pain on his head and immediately fell to the ground. Seeing this, Qin Moqi immediately ran out of the big tent and ran out desperately, trying to escape from the magic cave.

"Brother Mosha, where are you... I'm so scared..." On a rainy night, the soft and bitter voice looked so helpless.

Li Ying, who fell to the ground, knew that as long as someone knew his disgraceful behavior, he would definitely die without a whole body. He endured the severe pain on his forehead and was cruel. He picked up the big knife in the account and chased him out.

At this time, Qin Mosha was going to rush home to give his sister a surprise, but he knew that his sister was not at home, but passed by him and ran to the barracks alone. Where is the barracks? There are fish and dragons. There are all kinds of people, but there is no woman. She is a girl who enters casually, and there is no People know each other, who knows what will happen! Thinking of this, Qin Mosha broke out in a cold sweat, so he immediately set out from Xianyang and was on his way to the camp...

From the barracks to Xianyang City, it took a day to fasten the way, so Qin Mosha did not dare to stay at all. Even though he had not slept for a day and a night to come over. Qin Mosha originally wanted to surprise Qin Moqi. For today, he had prepared for four years, but he never thought that he would encounter such an accident.

Don't panic, there is also the eldest brother. With the eldest brother, she will be fine. Qin Mosha comforted himself secretly, but the uneasiness in his heart could not be relieved. Xiaoqi, you must be fine!" Qin Mobra clamped his legs and continued to urge the horses under him to run.

Seeing that the camp was about to arrive, Qin Mosha was secretly relieved. Suddenly, the sky was flashing thunder, and there was a torrential rain. Although the horse was a god horse, it had been exhausted for many days. In addition, Qin Mosha kept urging all the way, which was already very difficult. At present, the heavy rain suddenly came, and the ground was slipping. The horse staggered and stabbed down one by one.

Qin Mobra had been fighting outside for many years, and naturally had to crawl on the back of the horse. As soon as he felt that his body was sink rapidly, he immediately flew up. He turned around and saw that his two-year-old horse lay on the ground and foamed at the mouth. Seeing that it was impossible, Qin Mobra sighed, picked up the long gun on the ground and cut off the horse's head. , which also relieved the horse that accompanied him. He did not dare to hesitate, and then carried the dark moon and galloped towards the camp.