Mythical Beast

Chapter 85 End-of-life Promise, Expedition to the State of Chu

Qin Mocha said this, her eyes were full of happy smiles. The people present were not moved by his persistent heart, and Zhou Luoxia had already cried as a tearful person, but she was also a little unwilling and unwilling that Qin Leiming had not done such a romantic thing for her.

"Senior, did you say you're sorry for your father because he stopped you, but do you still fall in love with that senior?" Tang Longyan saw that Qin Mo's eyes suddenly dispersed, full of warmth. He also knew that he was a temperamental person, and he didn't smell big or small at the moment.

"Because when Xiaoqi and I came to my father again, my father was dying..."

It turned out that when Qin Mosha went out to chase Qin Moqi, Uncle Chen poisoned the tea he put poison in the tea he put on! Qin Lingfeng thought about it and never thought that his servants who had followed him for more than ten years would poison the tea!

"Why did you poison my father to death! I'll kill you old man!" There is still time to finish the sweetness in the future, and the tenderness in the eyes turned into a cold frost in an instant.

"Second brother, calm down! Uncle Chen, you were slaughtered by the Qin people when you entered Qin with the caravan of the State of Chu. If my father hadn't passed by to save you, I'm afraid you would have turned into a handful of dust now. Have you been instructed by the State of Chu?

Uncle Chen had already knelt down and said in pain, "Two young masters, I also have my difficulties. My family is now in Xiang Yan's hands. A few days ago, a spy told me that if I don't poison Master Qin, my family of 17 will be in a different place! They told me that this poison is not very toxic, which will only make the master sick and unable to be the commander-in-chief. They can't lead the people of the five ethnic groups to go to the battlefield to fight against the State of Chu. They also said that this time, the State of Qin devoted its power to 600,000 troops to suppress the border, which would have made the State of Chu a great effort. If the master led the elites of the five ethnic groups to kill all again, then the State of Chu would decide Death! Lao Chen is also selfish. I don't want to have a home before I go back to see it. Unexpectedly... I didn't know that this poison was so powerful that it would kill the master. If I had known this, I would have ten guts to dare not do such a thing..."

"Uncle Chen, you are wrong. When the State of Qin unifies the six kingdoms, it is the day you go home. Now, you can only die in the State of Qin with hatred, and you can't even see your wife and children. Don't hate me. You asked for all this!" Qin Mobra endured the grief of losing his father in his heart, turned around and said harshly, "Drag him down, and the car will be cracked and executed!"

"Young master, young master is benefactorous... Miss, I know you are usually the best for you. Please help me persuade the two young masters..."

Qin Moyu walked to Qin Mosha, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Although you have made achievements in the army, you are too strict. If this person is executed by you, he will definitely be criticized, so I will be convicted by him. Let's go and see Dad."

After dealing with Uncle Chen, the two brothers ran to their father, but they saw Qin Moqi lying in front of Qin Lingfeng's bed and sobbing.

Qin Lingfeng saw Qin Moyu and Qin Mo coming. Even if they wanted to sit up, the two immediately ran over and held him down and said urgently, "Dad, what are you doing? Lie down quickly!"

Qin Lingfeng smiled faintly, and his original plump face was slightly black because of the poison in his body. He shook his head and said, "I'm deeply poisoned. It won't take long to let go. There is no difference between lying down and sitting."

"Dad, you will be fine. You can still live for hundreds of years." Qin Moqi endured the grief in his heart, wiped away the tears in his eyes, and tried to squeeze out a smile.

Looking at the two sons nodded desperately, Qin Lingfeng smiled and said, "Xiaoqi, you have been kind-hearted since you were a child and never lie. Every time you tell a lie, your face will be hot."

Qin Moqi was shocked and quickly stretched out his little hand to stick to his face. Then he realized that Qin Lingfeng just set a trap to deceive her. Thinking that he was so easy to be fooled, Qin Moqi said urgently, "Dad, you still make fun of your daughter."

Qin Lingfeng sighed and said, "If I'm not deeply poisoned, why do you want to kill Uncle Chen?" Seeing his two sons in panic, he smiled again and said, "I know my own body. Although I, Qin Lingfeng, am about to die, I have never done anything regret in my life. I have led the five clans and helped Ying Zheng. I have no regrets in this life. There are just a few things, and I'm still a little worried. Xiaoqi, Yuer, you two go out first. For a moment, come here.

Qin Mosha was slightly shocked and immediately walked over. Qin Lingfeng took Qin Mozsha's hand and sighed, "Zh, of the three children, the one I can't trust the most is you. Yu'er is calm and naive. You are brave, but you are quite arrogant and indifferent. You are not as smooth as Yuer. Therefore, among your three brothers and sisters, I treat you the most strictly. I am usually strict with you, not because you are my own flesh and blood, but because you are too extreme. I hope you can understand this.

Qin Mosha nodded vigorously. He didn't know Qin Lingfeng's concern for him. If it hadn't been for himself, he would have become a real wolf child long ago. How could he have achieved today?

Qin Lingfeng breathed a breath and continued: "Originally, I have also considered you as the head of the Qinglong clan. After all, you are brave and resourceful and well qualified, but..."

"Dad, the eldest brother is a popular thing to be the patriarch. In the moment, I never thought of fighting with the eldest brother. I knew that several elders and many people in the clan didn't like me. In addition, my qualifications are far less than the eldest brother. You don't have to mention this matter, and Dad, you are really fine. You can still be this patriarch for a long time. ." Qin Mojian saw that Qin Lingfeng seemed to be explaining the afterth, and his body couldn't help trembling.

Qin Lingfeng sighed and said, "I know you never wanted to be a patriarch. I just want to tell you that you are no worse than anyone. What I'm most worried about is that you want to marry Xiaoqi. Seeing Qin Mosha looking at himself nervously, he continued, "You two have been very playful and have always had a good relationship. I have seen something wrong with you two for a long time, but I didn't want to believe it was true until you told me that you were going to marry Xiaoqi. I thought about it for a long time and finally decided that I would promise you to marry Xiaoqi to you!"

Qin Mosha couldn't believe his ears. What, his father agreed, did he really agree?

I only heard Qin Lingfeng say slowly, "It's just that although I promised you, from then on, there is no place for you to stand in the Qinglong clan and even in the five clans, so I want you to promise me--" He only listened to the old voice and said word by word, "I want you to be good to Xiaoqi for life, no matter what she makes wrong. What, no matter how wayward she is, you have to tolerate her and don't allow her to be hurt, because once she goes with you, she will carry countless curses. I don't want to see my little Qi get more harmed!"

Every sentence, Qin Mosha swears with his own life and keeps it in mind. Seeing that he nodded firmly, Qin Lingfeng waved his hand and said, "Well, you go out and ask your eldest brother to come in."

Qin Mosha came out of the room with difficulty, partly because of sadness and half because of surprise. He stabilized his mood and was about to tell Qin Moqi the news that Qin Lingfeng had promised him. Suddenly, he heard a wailing in the room. Qin Mo suddenly shook his body and his legs standing in place could no longer move any more, because of the hiss of the eldest brother's. In the exhausting cry, he knew that Qin Lingfeng slept for a long time...

Ying Zheng was shocked by Qin Lingfeng's poisoning and death at home. In addition to burying Qin Lingfeng with the gift of the prince and general, he also enjoyed the Qinglong family in the land of Liangtianwu. Due to Xiang Yan's vicious means of anger, he changed his name to Wang Jian as the commander-in-chief of Qin Lingfeng, leading 600,000 Qin troops to attack Chu. Qin Moyu naturally became the new patriarch of the Qinglong clan and continued to lead the five clans to assist the king of Qin in unifying the Central Plains, and became the left vanguard of this army against Chu, while Qin Mosha was the vanguard on the right. Wang Jian knew that although the position of commander-in-chief today belonged to him, the two vanguard generals were afraid that he would not listen to him, so he repeatedly asked the king of Qin to give Liangtian a mansion to the Qin family to win the hearts of the Qin brothers.

Before leaving, Qin Moqi sent each other all the way and was reluctant to separate. Seeing that she had walked far away from Xianyang City, Qin Mosha was worried that there would be danger on her road and would not let her give herself another step away. Qin Moqi could only hold the jade hairpin in his hand and the long-resoning sentence "When I come back, it will be the day to marry you as a wife", staring at the warm back slowly disappearing on the horizon with tears.

600,000 vastly came to the State of Chu and set up a large camp in the area of Pingyu. Xiang Yan knew that there was not only a danger of destroying the country, but also a personal grudge with the Qin family, so she did not dare to neglect it at all and mobilized the national army to confront the Qin army and confront the Qin army.

In the evening of this day, the army raised accounts to discuss military aircraft as usual. However, Wang Jian looked at the generals and said, "For days, the Chu army has been harassing and provoking in front of our barracks, asking us to send troops to fight. I don't know what your generals think."

"He beat his mother, 600,000 people in my Qin army, are you afraid of his soldiers in the State of Chu?" A general seemed to be very dissatisfied with those provocations, but when he saw Wang Jian's stern eyes, he restrained a lot and continued, "The last general thought that he should send troops to fight, frustrate their spirit, so as to boost the morale of our army."

"Rat's eyes are short-sighted!"

"What did you say!" The general strode forward, just to teach the person who abused him a lesson.

He hadn't taken a step yet, but he saw a figure flashing, and then another voice suddenly said, "Second brother, forget it." Then I only heard the voice ring again: "For the sake of my eldest brother, I have saved your life today, and now let me walk back to my original position honestly!" The general only felt that his abdomen was cold. He looked down and saw that the cold sweat came out. The armor on his abdomen had been cut off a big hole!

In this account, except for Wang Jian, all the generals could not carry weapons and could tear their armor in an instant. The man's strength could be imagined. The general didn't even think much about it and immediately walked back.

Wang Jian looked at the two people who had just spoken and asked with a smile, "What do you think of the two generals, but it's okay to say it."

Qin Mosha and Qin Moyu looked at each other, nodded, and took a few steps forward and said, "Not long after the Chu army defeated our 200,000 army of Qin army, morale is booming. At this time, if we rush to send troops, although our army has a numerical advantage, if we want to win the battle, I'm afraid it will only be a tragic victory. It's better to stick to the fortress and not go to war for the time being, which makes the Chu army feel like a punch, but waved empty. Moreover, if our army can't hold on, Xiang Yan is afraid that it will be defeated by each of us, and she will not dare to easily divide troops to attack other parts of our army. She will never pose any threat to the land of Daqin. If we continue to be so deadlocked, when the Chu army is weak, it will be the day of our army wins.

"But General Qin, you say that my land of Qin will not be threatened, which is ridiculous! How do you know that the State of Chu will not send an envoy to the State of Qi to send troops to the State of Qi and attack the State of Qin? I'm afraid that we will worry about the safety of the Great Qin at that time, and it will be too late to turn around! Therefore, the last general believes that sending troops to fight with the State of Chu as soon as possible is the best strategy!" Another general also seemed to object to Qin Mosha's opinion.

General Wang, the ridiculous person is you! Since the State of Qi was defeated by Le Yi decades ago, it has always been close to me, Daqin. How can it be possible to abandon its friends and help the endangered enemy Chu now? Qin Mosha still looked at the general proudly, and the lonely array in his bones came. The majesty not only did not decrease, but also greatly increased.

"Good to say! Sure enough, it was the tiger father without a dog son. He passed on the order of Benshuai. From today on, our army will stick to the fortress and shut the door and refuse to fight.

Xiang Yan, it's not that I don't want to kill you, but that I want to defeat you completely! Looking at the empty moon outside the tent, Qin Mo suddenly shouted in his heart, "Dad, the child has come to avenge you, Xiaoqi, when I take revenge, I will come to pick you up!"