Mythical Beast

Chapter 133 The Mysterious Woman

A white hand gently opened the bead curtain. A beautiful face was slightly sickly pale, but there was no loneliness in the palace, nor the luxury of being a royal family. No wonder she was mistaken for just a beautiful ordinary girl outside the palace. Zhao Zhiyan looked at the four backs quietly and thought for a moment.

She has identified yesterday's broad and warm back, but how does she need to call him out? Yesterday, he didn't seem to want to tell himself his name.

A paper ball flew out of Qin Leiming's hand and was picked up by the maid next to Zhao Zhiyan. The maid unfolded the paper ball and put it in front of Zhao Zhiyan.

"What...Rock heart?" Zhao Zhiyan slowly read the words on the paper ball and was quite puzzled.

He Yanxin suddenly trembled. What is this? Is this fate? I didn't say a word to her. Why did she know my name? Did God see that I was so careful and told her my name? For a while, tens of millions of thoughts flashed through He Yanxin's mind. If he hadn't been in this unique pavilion, he might have knelt on his knees to thank the unicorn mythical beast.

Qin Leiming hurriedly gave Zhou Tianyi and Tang Longyan a look, but he was surprised to find that both of them got up quietly and walked out. He did not hesitate at the moment and followed him out. Even if he persisted like the leader, he went out of the door and gently closed the door.

In the room, the maid who had been standing next to Zhao Zhiyan also got up and retreated, leaving only two people, through a curtain and a roll of beads.

"Zhao...Miss again." He Yanxin didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only say something vaguely at the moment.

"Brother He, you were not like this yesterday. What happened today? Is it because of my identity that I have become like this? Zhao Zhiyan looked at the familiar back that had been recalled countless times in her dream, and her tone was full of doubts.

He Yanxin hurriedly explained, "I... I... I'm not like this, but... I just don't know why... As soon as I met you... I... my heart beat faster... Then... and then I said bad words. Let...Miss Zhao...Miss Zhao, you laughed."

Because I met, I was moved, and because I cared, so I was nervous. Zhao Zhiyan was moved and said softly, "Then today, you must turn around and let me see you and listen to your story."

Outside the pavilion, Tang Longyan glanced at Zhou Tianyi and Qin Lei. The two immediately became clear and came over. Tang Longyan whispered, "Brother, third brother, isn't it strange that there is a trace of purple gold in the princess's body? Who are the five clans in the deep palace? This matter is urgent. You help me block the bodyguard over there and say that I want to go to the toilet. It's inconvenient to be next to the princess's elegant residence, so I went to find a place, and I'll go back. After saying that, he turned around and the figure was far away.

When Tang Longyan first entered the palace, he was naturally very strange to everything around him, but he made a mark at every fork in the road, even if he didn't know the way. You can finally find your way back. He always believed that there were people from the White Tiger clan lurking in the palace, but he had no idea who the other party was.

Another turned around and entered a secluded garden. Tang Longyan looked around and found that it seemed to be extremely remote, and there was not even a single person. He was about to turn around and walk out. Suddenly, a voice stopped him coldly: "Who are you? How dare you go to the garden? Unbridled!" Although the voice has a majestic voice, it has a lingering delicate sound, like a warbler's spring, which is audible.

Tang Longyan was suddenly shocked, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. He entered the palace as a commoner, which should have been a great blessing. He also knew that the inner courtyard of the palace would never be allowed to walk around like him. As soon as he turned around, he saw a woman in a gorgeous dress, looking forward to her eyebrows, and a blue satin under the fox's clothes reflected her bright eyes, bright teeth and jade bones. At this time, although the woman came to Tang Longyan and was faintly majestic, Tang Longyan could still feel a delicate charm from her. And this appearance seems to have been seen somewhere.

The woman faced Tang Longyan head-on, suddenly condensed her eyes, held her breath, and did not make a sound.

"Mother, mother, what's wrong?" A large team of imperial guards came to the garden, but did not dare to enter the garden, and the leader immediately asked.

What a large team of people. Who is she? She can attract so many forbidden troops with just a shout. Tang Longyan's heart sank. He was afraid that there would really be an accident this time. None of these forbidden troops were easy to provoke. Even if he could retreat completely, he lost an opportunity to face the emperor.

But the woman smiled gently and said, "It's just a dazzle, but it worries the guards." It doesn't seem to have the intention of exposing Tang Longyan.

The man was immediately relieved and said, "It's okay. If there is anything wrong, just call us again. I'm going to leave first and close the team!" There was no sound at all. After saying that, a large group of forbidden troops retreated in an orderly manner.

Tang Longyan came out of the depths of the garden and said with his fist, "Thank you for your kindness here."

The woman did not take Tang Longyan's words, but stared at Tang Longyan's expression unchanged, and muttered, "Like, really like..."

It's another person who says I look like. Tang Longyan shook his head secretly and sighed, "What the Empress said is that she is like Tang Haotian, the former general of Zhenyuan."

When the woman heard the three words "Tang Haotian", her body suddenly trembled and tears flashed in her eyes.

When Tang Longyan saw that she was so excited, he immediately wondered, "Does the Empress know him?"

The woman stretched out her bare hand, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and smiled, "I recalled the past, and my expression was excited, but it made the prince laugh. Twenty years ago, no one in the capital knew Tang Haotian. I don't know how many women of my age were affectionate for him and couldn't sleep at night. Even today, I don't know how many women recall his old demeanor in their sleep. In memory, she seemed to return to the time when she was a girl, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

When Tang Longyan saw that the woman was so affectionate, he immediately felt a little, but he felt more surprised by the identity of his father and the mysterious woman in front of him, so he hugged his fist and said, "I thanked the Empress for the next generation of my father. Dare to ask what the mother's name is?"

The woman smiled shallowly and was full of charm: "The prince is indeed the son of Tang Haotian. No wonder his shadow is everywhere. He is a dead person. He should not have told his identity to the prince, but after you are Tang Haotian, he has rescued me many times. If it hadn't been for Tang Haotian in the past, there would have been no Feifei today.

"Fei Guifei?" Tang Longyan was very strange to this name and immediately looked at the woman doubtfully.

The woman said again, "The world praises the throne, Mrs. Huarui."

"What...what? Forgive me for being rude, Madam... You were not given an arrow by the current emperor more than ten years ago..." Mrs. Huarui was shot dead by the current Zhao Jiong at the banquet. Zhao Guangyi in the past. Everyone knows that Tang Longyan has also seen her portrait, so she dares to believe that the person in front of her should be Mrs. Huarui, but the news that she is still alive let Tang Longyan was shocked.

Woman Huarui whispered, "If it hadn't been for this, how could the emperor take it away from Taizu?" She couldn't stop sighing, as if she was talking about her as a weak woman and could only silently accept the sad fate of the emperor's arrangement.

In the past, Shu was broken. Zhao Kuangyin heard that Mrs. Huarui was gorgeous for a long time. At first sight, he was even more enchanted by her affectionate eyes. As soon as Meng Chang, the queen of Shu, died, he immediately entered the palace, and he had never noticed that when Mrs. Huarui came forward to toast to her, Zhao Guangyi's eyes were also taken by this gorgeous posture. Deeply attracted.

But Zhao Guangyi in the past could not show his painful heart, because the emperor was not himself. He could only look at Zhao Kuangyin's love for Mrs. Huarui, but he could not let himself take another look. So at a banquet, Zhao Guangyi specially proposed to Taizu that Mrs. Huarui would fold flowers for her, so he drank and waited for Huarui. When his wife folded flowers, she was shot to death by Zhao Guangyi.

Mrs. Huarui sighed with a smile: "Your Majesty is thoughtful and good means. His arrow did not shoot me to death, but hid Taizu's death. Your Majesty secretly transported me out of the palace and transported me to Kaifeng Mansion to treat my injury. Then, I became Your Majesty's favorite concubine, and therefore gave birth to Princess Ningxiang. It was not until the first year of Taiping Xingguo that I moved here with Princess Ningxiang, and no one knew all this except Your Majesty. Her words did not bring too much sadness, but Tang Longyan stirred up waves in his heart.

"How did the Empress and her father recognize each other?" Tang Longyan only knew that Tang Haotian was definitely a good husband and a good father, otherwise where the word love saint in the three saints of rosefinch came from. However, from Mrs. Huarui's expression, Tang Longyan felt that this was not as simple as saving his life. Although he believed in his father, he also wanted to know what kind of person his father was in the past.

Seeing Tang Longyan's doubtful look, Mrs. Huarui immediately knew what he was thinking and said with a smile, "Mr. Tang is thinking about it. I don't think your father may remember having a woman like me. It's just that 20 years ago, he was so excellent in Bianjing that made countless women deeply fascinated. You have been famous for a long time, and you have always been very respected.

When Tang Longyan heard that his father was so excellent, he immediately became a little fascinated and couldn't help saying, "Is my father really that powerful? It seems that I have never heard him mention the past."

Mrs. Hua Rui looked around and said, "I haven't talked to anyone for a long time. If you don't mind, please sit in the pavilion and listen to me slowly." After saying that, Lian moved gently and led the way in front of him.

Tang Longyan also knew that she would not harm herself, and he was not doubted at present, and left with her figure.