Mythical Beast

Chapter 164 Between going and staying, the beauty suddenly appears

Hearing this, Tang Longyan learned the true identity of Tang Aocang. Tang Longyan was very unhappy about his father changing his surname without authorization, so he asked, "At that time, when my father wanted to change your surname to Tang, Brother Ao Cang, did you feel unhappy? After all, this is your mark as a descendant of the Li family in the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Aocang laughed and said, "In those years, I was naturally a little unconvinced, but after all, Lord Tang saved me, and I naturally couldn't say anything more. Later, I realized that the reason why he didn't want me to be surnamed Li again was to release the shackles of my descendants of the Tang Dynasty, so that my future path would no longer be revenge, and the second was to eliminate Taizu's concerns. " Speaking of this, his look suddenly changed and he said harshly, "You have seen enough of the six little rabbits who peeked on the wall. Why don't you come down? Do you want me to catch them one by one and throw them on the ground?

Several figures were shocked first, and then flew to Tang Longyan and knelt down on one knee and said, "I have seen the patriarch and met Tang General." The six people are all the leaders of each detachment of the Rosefinch clan. They are all in their 30s. They are said by Tang Aocang as rabbits. They can't answer for a moment or not.

Tang Longyan saw that they looked embarrassed and was a little funny, but he also knew that there must be something important to do when everyone came this time, so he asked, "I don't know what you have come here?"

Semies looked at each other, and one of them held a fist and said, "If you go back to the patriarch, Yang Ye, the governor of the state, had just come to ask my rosefinch soldiers to be the forbidden army. My subordinates did not dare to make decisions without permission, so they came to bother the patriarch." These people are slightly older and have never seen the power of Tang Longyan. Naturally, they are not as convinced by Tang Longyan as the two young leaders Liu Yuheng and Liu Yujun, but they just saw that Tang Longyan had the same strength as Tang Aocang. At this moment, they were greatly impressed, and there was much more respect in their tone.

Tang Longyan nodded and said, "600 rosefinch soldiers came out as a forbidden army. In the past, my rosefinch family was gradually lost because no one was fighting on the battlefield. That's why no one has made great achievements in so many years. You six can replace the battlefield at any time and hone in the hard work of real knives. Zhu The sparrow family is not afraid of sacrifice, but afraid of losing blood. Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing in a low voice, "Perhaps this is also the reason why my rosefinch family has not had an elder since Grandpa passed away."

After slightly ordering the handover, the six commanders resigned. Seeing that Tang Longyan's order was so detailed, Tang Aocang asked, "Why, do you want to be a shopkeeper and give me this heavy burden?"

Tang Longyan smiled bitterly and said, "I said that I was not the material of the patriarch. In those years, you insisted that I be the patriarch. Now I don't ask you to be responsible, who else will be responsible? In fact, I'm not leaving so soon. In a few months, I haven't been home for a long time. I want to go home and have a look, but I don't know how it is now. His eyes were full of sadness, and suddenly appeared at this moment. Even Tang Haotian couldn't help but feel deeply. The teenager went away from home and suffered many hardships. Now when he returns home, he can only face the four walls of his family alone. Even so, Tang Longyan's return still makes Tang Aocang equally deeply touched.

"I don't care if you are a shopkeeper, but you have to train well in the next few months. I haven't been exhausted in the past few months. Tang Aocang seemed to be rude to Tang Longyan, but he didn't say the sentence in his heart: it's time for you to lead the army like Lord Tang.

Tang Longyan smiled and said, "Why did Brother Aocang hand over the military power to me so quickly? Do you have the intention to return?"

Tang Aocang smiled and said, "If I have the intention to retreat, will you promise?" Seeing that Tang Longyan did not react at all, he could only sigh and said, "It seems that I really can't scare you. Long Yan, I have taught you everything I can. To be honest, in fact, I'm far from qualified to teach you. Lord Tang's Wen Tao's martial arts are far better than me. Even if you don't have my guidance after you arrive in Daizhou, you can still make good achievements, but I'm too anxious. I'm really glad to see what you have achieved today.

Tang Longyan smiled and said, "Are you happy? Who was furious here when I was arrested and imprisoned in Beijing without permission? Brother Aocang, I still have a good rest. How about fighting again? This time, I won't accept the result of a draw.

"It's exactly what I want. Come here! Hey, Long Yan, how can you sneak up again!" In Tang Aocang's slightly frightened voice, the two fought again.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, the world is already at the end of March, and April is about to usher in the enthusiasm. The teenager left Daizhou with tears. On that day, he knew that the people of the rosefinch family had already spread all over Dai County and even the whole Daizhou. Early in the morning, tens of thousands of people gathered in Dai County. Many people came early to see the young patriarch, because the rosefinch family received After this ordeal, there is still one person who ignored the crisis and stood up and led the rosefinch family from the eternal disaster to the glorious journey. Therefore, both the sensible children and the old and frail old people in the rosefinch clan hope to see this respectable patriarch.

Returning to Guizhou, it was already April in the world. Tang Longyan felt a completely different treatment. There was no send away by tens of thousands of people, no touching heart, no Xiaolian crying face, whispering "Young master, when will you come back", and no Uncle Wang patted his greasy belly and pretended to laugh relievedly "waiting for you. Next time, Uncle Wang still cooks delicious food, so don't run so fast." Here, everything is so quiet, just like when he left in the past, without too much retention, not too much welcome, just like the atmosphere here, forever so peaceful.

Tang Longyan was not in a hurry, so he slowed down and led the horse to walk slowly on the street he had walked many times in the past. The light rain slowly fell slowly, a little chilly, but it was more a kind of respense dependence, which slowly flowed down his cheeks, and a feeling slowly surged into his mind.

Next to the street, pedestrians passed him in twos and threes, but there was no hurry elsewhere. As if he were here, his whole heart became less impatient. At this moment, a voice came from a stall next to him: "This is not Xiao Longyan. I haven't seen you for months. He is getting more and more handsome. Oh, how did I forget that my daughter said she would come to deliver food. Xiao Longyan, you'd better go quickly. If she meets you, she will definitely make trouble for you to play with her again. An uncle selling vegetables looked at Tang Longyan and said with a smile.

Tang Longyan smiled. He was almost 19 years old. Uncle Zhang still called him as when he first met. Thinking of this, Tang Longyan couldn't help smiling and said, "She will come. I haven't seen her for a long time. When we were young, we Do you often make trouble at the foot of the mountain? Once she almost was severely beaten by you.

Uncle Zhang grinned and said, "That girl didn't want to lie. She fell down while climbing the mountain. She insisted on saying that she made trouble with the opposite Guo Fatty. I almost couldn't help cursing the Guo family. Fortunately, you were persuading her. No more words, that's all from a long time ago. Why didn't you bring a hat? It will catch a cold in such heavy rain. Why do you look at me? I have a coat. Do you still care about me? While talking, Uncle Zhang has put the bamboo hat on Tang Longyan's head and whispered, "Let's go. My stupid daughter misses you so much. She asks me where you are every day. I'm afraid that as soon as I see you, I will have to cry and go with you. When you want to get out, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Tang Long was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. In these people's hearts, he was still the lively and lovely little boy, but they may not know that his fate had changed from the moment he stepped out of Guizhou. He didn't say much, just smiled at Uncle Zhang, nodded, and took the horse away.

Looking up, it was still a not-high mountain, still gloomy. At the foot of the mountain, there was a small, simple and unpretentious hut, which was quietly placed there. There were some green bamboo decorations in front of it, with a trace of strength and green. Tang Longyan tied the horses there and slowly pushed the door open.

In the room, there is a faint layer of gray on the tables and chairs, and there is basically no change in other places. The books covered with a wall and the homemade wooden tables and wooden stools are still placed casually, as if waiting for the return of the former owner. An inexplicable bitterness surges into my heart at this moment, perhaps waiting for me to really At this moment, the grief of loss burst from the heart again, and tears slowly gushed out of my eyes.

Tang Longyan didn't know how long he stood in this room until he buried the sadness in his heart again. Somehow, there was an inexplicable impulse in his heart, which made him desperately open the aspect and go out again.

At this moment, the drizzle stopped, and the sun shone on the green leaves soaked through the rain, which looked particularly fresh. He stepped on the road with some rain and slowly walked to the place he missed in his heart. His soles touched the grass containing rain, making a "squeaky" sound and slowly echoed in the forest.

not far away is his destination this time. At that moment, he recorded his seven-year height and memory in front of the banyan tree, where he met Yu Hanxin for the first time, and also the place where he promised peach blossoms.

When Tang Longyan came to the banyan tree, he was stunned. It was an indescribable feeling. Waves of warm currents rose from all parts of his body and slowly flowed all over his body. It was a feeling that made people throb. At this moment, the mountains and flowers bloomed for it, and they danced softly in white, as if they were missing. As realistic, her graceful posture turned her back to herself, as touching as the girl who looked up at the traces of trees in the past.