Mythical Beast

Chapter 167 Lost Secret History

Tang Longyan did not expect that Huang Xinyue would come to read the secret history of the five clans. In his opinion, this secret history is not a secret. Therefore, he did not stop Tang Cangyue and Huang Xinyue when they came over, but at this moment, Huang Xinyue's reaction was beyond his expectation. He began to work together to destroy the White Tiger clan. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect to stop Huang Xinyue from watching.

"Grandpa... Why did you do this... Why did you lie to me?" Huang Xinyue reached out and covered her eyes and tried to stop the tears in her eyes, but it seemed that she was just doing useless work. Large tears slowly oozed from her slender fingers and dripped to the ground.

"No, this is a book written by your grandfather himself. Of course, this history is fabricated by him! You, why do you say that my grandfather is the mastermind of this war? Obviously, it was my white tiger clan who suffered. Why did you say that your four clans were so wronged?" Crazy shouting, in exchange, is just the speechlessness of Tang Longyan on the opposite side. In Tang Longyan's heart, he naturally believes in his grandfather, but at this moment, Huang Xinyue's heart is in pain, and he naturally can't say anything.

Tang Cangye could also see the helplessness between the two, so he could only sigh silently and quietly walk away.

The beliefs I have adhered to for many years, the goals I have adhered to over the years, so many sufferings, so many injuries, in order to be able to repay the deep hatred of killing my father and mother, but at this moment, this secret history tells him that the four clans are here to save people rather than kill people. All of this has been seducing by Huang Mingxiao. Confused.

When Tang Longyan saw Huang Xinyue crying so sadly, he couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart and sighed, "Sister Huang, I know the pain in your heart, but sadness can hurt people. Don't cry. Today is an exception. I'll lend you my shoulder."

When Huang Xinyue heard the last sentence, she was stunned and looked at Tang Longyan with a little doubt.

When Tang Longyan saw that he was not ungrateful at all, he pretended to be angry, "What are you looking at? I can't lend you my shoulder to dive and carry firewood for you!" If you lend me next time, I will definitely let you go to Tangfu to carry rice!"

Huang Xinyue saw that he deliberately pretended to be fierce for herself, but with deep concern in her eyes, she would smile and jump into his arms before Tang Longyan could react.

Returning to her warm embrace again, Huang Xinyue could no longer stop the tears of grief in her heart. She fell on Tang Longyan's shoulder and cried loudly, as if the heaven and earth were bursting, which made Tang Longyan feel sad in his heart. In the face of the delicate body in his arms, although he did not rise too much, he still gently patted her back with his hand. Back.

Gradually, Huang Xinyue stopped crying, slowly scratched Tang Longyan's back with her hands, came to his waist, clasped her hands tightly, and held him tightly in her arms as if she wanted to integrate Tang Longyan into her body.

"Huang...Sister Huang, what are you doing? Let go. Brother Cangyu is still nearby!" Tang Longyan was scared by Huang Xinyue's behavior. Usually, she just flirted with her mouth and would never have too much physical contact. But at this moment, the fragrance next to Tang Longyan made him feel like a dream, but the two soft protrusions under his chest made him feel the existence of reality. He forcibly moved With the body. But he didn't dare to be too fierce, but felt a burst of panic in his heart.

"It turns out that you are also shy, little brother." Huang Xinyue raised her head and gently blew into Tang Longyan's ears, but her face was as red as Tang Longyan at this moment. The shyness that seemed to be able to squeeze out water brought out a unique look of a girl. She felt the twist of Tang Longyan's body and trembled all over. She hurriedly whispered, "Little brother, don't... mess up. Move, you stand against me... It hurts."

What is this and what is it! Tang Longyan felt a burst of heat in his ears, and his slightly red face turned inexplicably red. He quickly turned his head to the other side, but he was worried that Huang Xinyue had just finished crying and was weak, so he did not move again.

"That's good." Huang Xinyue smiled and made a sticky sound in Tang Longyan's ear. Her body slowly leaned up. Tang Longyan was about to shake her away. Suddenly, she heard her apologetically and said, "Little brother, this time, I'm sorry, my sister lied to you."

Tang Longyan was puzzled and suddenly felt that his body was light, and then he was close to his soft and delicate body and far away from him, and the secret history of the five clans in his hand also disappeared.

Oh, I'm fooled! Tang Longyan woke up and said coldly to Huang Xinyue not far away, "Sister Huang, your acting skills are good, and you can seduce me unprepared."

Huang Xinyue could not hear the anger in his tone. She just pressed close to Tang Longyan with her body, which caused Tang Longyan's uncomfortableness. The defense in her heart was naturally relaxed a lot, which gave her the opportunity to take the book away from Tang Longyan. She lowered her head and dared not look into Tang Longyan's eyes. Jing just apologized and said, "Little brother, I'm sorry. This secret history of the five clans is very important to me. I want to confront my grandfather and ask him to tell me whether these things are true. When you were in the Kirin clan, you once said three things to promise me. This time, whether you complain about me or not in the future, it is the first one.

When Tang Longyan saw that she still felt guilty, he took out his previous promise and felt that the matter could still be discussed, so he shouted, "Are you crazy? Even if you take this five-ethnic secret history to Huang Mingxiao, will he admit that he did all these by himself? Joke! If he admits it, what do the White Tiger people think of him? If his patriarch is based on countless lies, once these lies collapse, the destruction of the four clans of the White Tiger cannot be established. Do you think the White Tiger people will continue to help your grandfather resist the four clans? Sister Huang, wake up!"

When Huang Xinyue heard the three words "Sister Huang", there was an inexplicable pain in her heart. She bit her lips gently, and her heart was fighting. For a moment, Tang Longyan's expression gathered and slowly walked towards her.

"Don't come here!" Huang Xinyue felt Tang Longyan slowly approaching and quickly stopped him: "Little brother, don't force me. I don't want to fight with you."

"But the way you look now makes us have to fight with you." A trace of intolerance flashed in Tang Longyan's eyes, but then he resisted and said coldly, "Sister Huang, the secret history of the five clans, will you give it or not? If you don't give it, from now on, I, Tang Longyan, will no longer be friends with you. Don't blame me for not remembering the kindness of the past!"

"Little brother, I'm sorry, this time, you blame me. I really can't give you the secret history of the five clans. I want to take it..." While talking, the tears that had stopped gushed out of my eyes again.

"Enough!" Tang Longyan stopped her words and said, "Tang Longyan is not talented. Please ask Miss Huang for advice!" After saying that, the Fumo sword in his hand had been pulled out, and the tip of the sword pointed straight at Huang Xinyue.

"Little brother..." Huang Xinyue finally called softly, and then returned to normal and said, "Mr. Tang, please." She put away the secret history of the five clans and slowly pulled out the Tianjue sword in her hand.

Their eyes were full of incongability and unwillingness, but reality told them that at this time, they had to fight! Even though their eyes were full of pain, the two still rushed towards each other!

Suddenly, a black figure flashed out of the mountains and came to the two people in a flash. Just a face to face, the long sword in their hands could not fight, because the figure had really exploded, shaking them two steps back.

Qual Dacheng! Tang Longyan stared at the middle-aged man in black in front of him and said coldly, "Tang Lingtian!"

Tang Lingtian seemed to ignore Tang Longyan's murderous eyes and turned to Huang Xinyue and said, "Gry over your things!"

Huang Xinyue looked at Tang Lingtian puzzledly and said, "You are so big. Why should I give it to you?" If you commit such a crime, be careful that I will let Grandpa punish you after you go back!"

Tang Lingtian was not moved at all and said coldly, "Little girl, I advise you not to talk to me like this, or you may never see your grandfather again." The tone was full of pride and did not pay attention to her at all.

When Tang Longyan saw that Tang Lingtian was also coming to rob the secret history of the five clans, he waved the long sword in his hand and said, "What qualifications do you have to get it? You also have a share in the hatred of your parents' death! Today, you can't escape easily!"

"Joke, I'm not qualified? Tang Longyan, I disdain to fight with the younger generation, so I let you live. You are not qualified enough to fight with me. Don't be too arrogant!"

"Then come and have a try!" Tang Longyan's magic sword is in his hand, and he has more confidence. In addition, his parents' hatred has been blocked in his heart, which makes him extremely uncomfortable. At this moment, the enemy is in front of him. How can he not be angry? With a wave of his sword, the rosefinch couldn't help spreading its wings and flew directly to Tang Lingtian.

"Ignorant child, arrogant!" Somehow, Tang Lingtian was very angry, but the sword spirit had come. Behind him was Tang Lieyun's tomb. He couldn't dodge. At present, he could only wave his right arm and make a move with the rosefinch Chaoyang with one hand, bringing out a manic black inflammation.

The two masses of true qi collided and made a roar in the air. Tang Longyan's true anger was not as good as Tang Lingtian's. He was forced by his fierce true qi and immediately stepped back a few steps. When the true qi dissipated, Huang Xinyue's figure had long disappeared.

"Idiot!" Tang Lingtian roared at Tang Longyan and turned around to go down the mountain.

When Tang Longyan saw that he was about to leave, the long sword in his hand stabbed him, but he broke through the clouds and shouted, "Do you want to run? It's not that easy, take your life!"

Tang Lingtian watched Huang Xinyue fly away riding away with a big eagle. With a burst of anger in his heart, he saw Tang Longyan's long sword coming, but he couldn't help but stop it. So he held it in his right hand, and a black flame on his left hand rolled up his sword ink cloud like a ribbon and sent it to his hand. He turned around and made a fire.

A large area of black flame cut through the sky and rushed towards Tang Longyan with suffocating heat. Tang Longyan was shocked. When he saw the sun, he did not use it again. His long sword was changed to cut, waved his hand and waved the tail of the rosefinch, and retreated back day by day, which could avoid Tang Lingtian's domineering sword spirit.

seemed to be forced into a trace of anger by Tang Longyan. Tang Lingtian slowly came out of the black flame and said coldly, "Since you want to fight, I'll accompany you!"