Mythical Beast

Chapter 171 Guizhou Deep Love

I don't know how long it took for Tang Cangye to leave before Tang Longyan slowly recovered and began to check his physical condition.

"One of the ribs is broken. Fortunately, the bone is not misaligned. It is estimated that the pain will be relieved in a few days. After half a month, it should be unimped. The true qi in the body is almost consumed. I'm afraid that the situation just now will continue for a while, and it will force the power of God. The most important thing is this left arm. Although I don't know what the consequences will be after merging with the Voldemort Sword, at present, it should have been only cracked by the nine-turn fire phoenix sword. If the Voldemort sword had not offset most of the true qi in my arm, I'm afraid that my left arm would have burst and broken. He has experienced many large and small negotiations, and he has listened to his parents' gossip, so he can naturally make a more comprehensive analysis of his situation.

Looking at the dry food medicine beside him, Tang Longyan smiled bitterly and scolded in a low voice, "I thought you could have a longer memory. In the past, you and I walked all the way to Daizhou, but I didn't even change a dress for more than ten days, and now you haven't even left me a dress, alas."

After being remantated by Tang Lingtian and being taken care of by Tang Cangye, Tang Longyan stabilized his mentality and began to meditated. After a big war, the true qi in his body was not only insufficient, but also many veins were blocked. He had to open up the meridians around him in the shortest time.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, licked his mouth, and his breath sank into Dantian. Then his lower abdomen bulged, and then sank his breath to **, divided into two strands along the inner side of the big and calf, and went straight down the spring point of the foot. Inhale again, the lower abdomen shrinks, the tongue licks the mouth, leads the air, starts from the center of the foot, returns to ** along the small and outer thighs, then lifts the anus, passes the air along the pulse, reaches the top of the head, and then divides it along the front of the ears and meets the tip of the tongue. In this way, from the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head to the Yongquan acupoint at the bottom of the foot, it was not until a stream of true qi traveled all over the eight strange meridians, making his limbs and bones have a sense of fluttering that he stored these red flames into the Dantian.

For a while, outside Tang Longyan's body, the aura of heaven and earth frantically filled the aura that was missing because of Tang Longyan's absorption in his body. From afar, he actually presented a whirlpool with him as the center. It can be seen that Tang Longyan's body needs the huge amount of true qi needed in his body at this moment.

I don't know how long it took. It was not until Tang Longyan felt empty in his abdomen that he opened his eyes, but found that it was already dark at this moment. The moon was not clear, but there were stars in the sky. He moved his body slightly, picked up the dry grain pills beside him, took a pill first, and then ate dry food with water. . Tang Cangye left not only some white-faced steamed buns, but also some air-dried beef, which made Tang Longyan feel a little warm. It seems that he has left all his food.

After filling his stomach, Tang Longyan flowed the true qi in his body back and forth in the meridians and found that it was unimped. With a slight heartbeat, a red flame true qi burst out from the palm of his hand, which was not much inferior to before. It can be seen that the speed of true qi in his body recovered. But at this moment, Dantian doesn't seem to have a sense of fullness, and his true spirit is more refined than during the day. It seems that he has been promoted from the sixth stage to the middle level of the sixth stage.

The change of true qi was thanks to the fight with Tang Lingtian just now. At that time, he showed his true qi and strength without reservation, and the true qi was condensed in the subsequent storage. Thinking of the engagement just now, Tang Longyan remembered what Tang Lingtian finally released with the two fire phoenixes and what he said before leaving.

"Is it sword spirit rather than sword spirit?" Tang Longyan sat in front of Tang Lieyun's grave and muttered. For a long time, he has been using true qi to promote the formation of fire phoenix, and he has never thought of using the so-called sword to condense into a fire phoenix. What is sword meaning and how to use sword to condense into a fire phoenix. Tang Lingtian did not tell him that these are the things he needs to figure out by himself in the future and can't rely on others.

"When I was in Daizhou, I also asked Brother Ao Cang about the nine-turn fire phoenix sword, but he actually said he didn't know at that time. Are only a few people able to do this swordsmanship? In the past, after the Tang Mansion fought, Tang Longyan once asked Tang Aocang for the last few styles of the nine-turn fire phoenix sword, because when he was young, Tang Haotian taught Tang Longyan the first six nine-turn fire phoenix sword in the evening, but he seemed to be quite regretful after teaching, so the last three formulas did not explain half a sentence before his death. Although Tang Longyan can only use the first three swords at this moment, he also wants to see what the last three swords are like. Unfortunately, no one understands under the whole clan.

He couldn't figure it out for a while and didn't think much about it, so he continued to meditate on luck.

After staying with Tang Lieyun's grave on the top of the mountain for three days, Tang Longyan felt that in addition to the pain in his left arm, his body was no longer serious. At the same time, he felt that the drugs made by Chen Qian's ancestors were magical. At the same time, he took off the undulating magic sword and jumped down the top of the mountain.

Once again in front of the banyan tree, Tang Longyan stepped forward as before, straightened his back, and drew a trace with Chiyan's true qi. Looking back, in a year, he has grown more than two inches taller and has made great progress in his skills, but somehow, this departure did not have the excitement of the last time. There were too many things that happened in a year that made him difficult for him to accept. He escaped from death countless times and watched his relatives leave countless times, making A heart without any impurities is stained with countless sorrow and hatred. The only trace that can prove the height of another person is not blurred, but the ice jade in his hand has long been broken.

"I don't know if what Miss Huang said is true." Tang Longyan looked at the banyan tree in front of him, and two soft figures in white suddenly appeared in his heart. He was shocked. He didn't know when he would read Huang Xinyue. He smiled self-deprecatingly and turned around and walked down the mountain.

When he came to his hut, Tang Longyan looked at the horse he had ridden back from Daizhou City and was still tied to the bamboo. The grass around him had already been eaten up. Only then did he remember that there were still horses that had not been fed. Fortunately, the grass around was lush, so the horse would not starve to death. He untied the reins and let the horses have a good meal, and he took a good bath in the Guijiang River. His left hand did not recover, so he could only raise his left hand to wash in the water. Although it was not very comfortable, he cleaned his body more or less. When he changed his clothes, the horse was full of grass, so he went on the road again.

Just came to the street, I saw a middle-aged man driving a few pigs slowly over. Tang Longyan stepped forward and said, "Isn't this Uncle Wang? It's so early."

Uncle Wang looked back and actually knew Tang Longyan. He grinned and said, "Isn't this Xiao Longyan? What's wrong with this hand? Does it matter?" Seeing Tang Longyan shaking his head with a smile, he continued, "Well, it's not good if you don't hurry up. Otherwise, no one will like this good pork. Don't you know? Nowadays, many people like to dress up their pigs well and deceive people. In fact, that pork is not delicious at all. Your pork like Uncle Wang is absolutely not good. Said. By the way, why don't you go home to your Uncle Wang's house to eat pork? Do you look down on Uncle Wang?"

Tang Longyan smiled and said, "What's wrong with Uncle Wang? I'm busy coming back this time, so naturally I don't have time to go to your house. By the way, how is Wang Xiaomei now?

Third Uncle Wang frowned and said, "She, she got married at the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, but that day she cried and refused to get married. Your second aunt Wang and I thought she was homesick. Ask carefully. It turned out that she was complaining about Xiao Longyan that you didn't show up."

Tang Longyan opened his mouth in surprise and looked unbelievable. Third Uncle Wang didn't care. He patted his right shoulder with a smile and said, "Xiao Longyan, take good care of your body. Your Uncle Wang is leaving, and no one will buy my pig later."

There were people coming and going on the street. A little boy in his teens jumped towards Tang Longyan and suddenly fell to the ground with a crack. Tang Longyan saw this and hurriedly ran to help him up. Seeing someone he knew, he smiled and said, "Song Xiaoliu, why did you come here to play? Are you going to find Uncle Song? Slow down and don't fall. It hurts.

Song Xiaoliu nodded seriously and said tenderly, "Thank you, Brother Long Yan." So he walked away step by step.

Tang Longyan waved his hand to Song Xiaoliu, turned around and smiled cheerfully at Uncle Wang, and said, "Uncle Wang, take your time. Next time I come back, I must go to your house to eat pork. At that time, you can prepare more fat for me. Remember, I want to be fat."

"Okay, Xiao Longyan, don't worry!" In the shouting, Uncle Wang has gone far in the other direction. Tang Longyan looked at the familiar figure and the street, slowly stepped on the horse and ran away.

It's just that he didn't know that at the moment he rode away, dozens of street vendors and shopkeepers poked their heads out and silently saw him go away.

A medicine shopkeeper stood up and said angrily, "Didn't you agree that I was going to see him off? What did Wang Laosan do? What kind of dialogue is this? Is this a gift?"

Uncle Wang scratched his head helplessly and said, "What can I do? I was very nervous at that time. It's good to say a few words. Why don't you go?"

The shopkeeper hummed, "If you hadn't been lucky enough to catch this opportunity, the ghost would have let you go."

"All right, Wang Laoer, Wang Laosan, don't make trouble." Uncle Zhang, who sold vegetables, came out and became a good man. He continued, "The key is that when Song Xiaoliu cheated Xiaolongyan, did you wrap it in Xiaolongyan's saddle?"

Uncle Wang patted his chest proudly and said, "Who are you as Uncle Wang? Naturally, I can do this well."

Uncle Zhang nodded, slowly walked towards the place where Tang Longyan's horses had stepped on, and muttered, "Little Longyan, we know that Lord Tang and Lord Qin have been immortal. Then we also went to make trouble with the government under the emperor's list, but we were all repulsed. We are also cruel. The two adults protect us not to be harassed by the government. It has been almost 20 years, but we can only watch their reputation be ruined. We can't do anything for you. We just hope you can grow up well. The eyes looking far away slowly oozed tears.