Mythical Beast

Chapter 183 Real Identity

How can Yu Qingyuan be crazy? How could he make this move*? How could he send a sleeve arrow? Tang Longyan was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. He didn't know and could not know that he would face such a powerful opponent at this moment, so that he forgot to return because of shock.

Even if he wants to return, it is impossible to do it, because at this moment, Yu Qing is only three feet away from him, and he is unable to return to the sky at all. He can only watch the two sleeve arrows and the fierce palms that are about to kill him.

At this moment, he seemed to hear a familiar voice, which was the voice he thought about day and night. That was the voice he had sounded countless times in his sleep. Even if he heard it thousands of times, he would not get tired of it, but at this moment, it suddenly penetrated into Tang Longyan's ears: "Brother Longyan, be careful!"

Tang Longyan completely ignored another sound that sounded at the same time. While the delicate and urgent sound sounded, a soft body rushed towards him. Tang Longyan only felt that a white figure suddenly flashed in front of him and opened his arms to block him. In an instant, two sleeve arrows left two red petals on the girl's body, but that palm was aimed at the girl's jade neck!

It's like going back to a year ago, Qin Yuning flew to resist Tang Haotian. The petite body is full of endless thoughts. At this moment, the girl's body bloomed with great brilliance!

Another figure suddenly appeared next to Yu Qingyuan and saw a masked teenager pushing his right palm, with a bright light on his palm, right in the middle of Yu Qingyuan's left shoulder.

It was also because of the masked teenager's move that Yu Qingyuan's move* lost his head. Yu Qingyuan's body tilted and hit the girl's right shoulder with a palm. The girl stepped back a few steps, her body trembled, and then fell into Tang Longyan's arms behind her, with blood flowing in her mouth, obviously suffering a great internal injury. Yu Qingyuan was also injured by the palm of the masked teenager, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Tang Longyan gently put down Yu Han's body for fear of disturbing the sleep of the girl in front of him. He looked up and saw that it was Tang Cangye who saved Yu Han's life. He was about to thank Tang Cangye. Suddenly, he found that Tang Cangye's face was suddenly full of wrinkles, as if he had aged 20 years in an instant!

"This...what the hell is going on? Chilling sister, how are you? Brother Cangye, why do you have such a strong internal force, and why... why did you become like this? Tang Longyan looked at the three people in front of him. For a moment, he had mixed feelings and didn't know what to do.

Yu Qingyuan was knocked to the ground by Tang Cangyue. At this moment, he was holding his chest and coughing unstop, and trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He looked at Tang Cangyue and his voice was a little hoarse: "I didn't expect that there was such a strong and arrogant young master hidden under my eyes. I admire and admire."

Tang Longyan looked blankly at Tang Cangye and Yu Hanxin, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He looked at the girl in his arms and his hands trembled. Tears flowed down indisputablely at this moment, and he muttered, "Sister Hanxin, it's useless for me to make you suffer so much harm and humiliation."

A few drops of hot tears fell, soaking the once delicate and beautiful little face as a summer flower. It seemed that he felt the sadness of Tang Longyan. He held his sleeve and gently raised it with one hand, wiping Tang Longyan's tears as usual. The soft voice once again reached Tang Longyan's ear: "It's not Brother Longyan's fault, from At the beginning of Wu Zhaoqin, I was looking forward to Brother Long Yan picking me up from the field, so the chill in the attic was fake. I've been waiting. However, I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't predict the end. However, Brother Longyan doesn't have to worry... cough... Because... Because as long as Brother Longyan is... and Brother Longyan is... cold-hearted, he won't be afraid of anything..." Every time he gasps, Yu Hanxin couldn't help coughing a few times, bringing out a few traces of blood, but the smile on his face made Tang Longyan's heartbroken.

"Cold sister, don't talk, don't worry, you'll be fine." When Tang Longyan hugged Yu Hanxin tightly, he found that she had fallen asleep. For a while, there was chaos on and off the stage, and Tang Longyan didn't know what to do for a while.

Just as he was meditating, countless scenes appeared in his mind.

When she came to Linde's mansion for the first time, Qin Yuning laughed and said that she had not seen Yu Qingyuan for many years, and she was still playmates when she was a child. In the past, when Tang Yunxiu and others were about to leave, Yu Qingyuan would actually help Huang Shicheng, the housekeeper Huang Shicheng to speak. Later, Yu Hanxin followed himself to Chang'an City, Beijing Zhaofu, but said that he received Yu for no reason. Qingyuan's letter hurriedly returned; after the war of the Qilin clan in Jianmen City, he came to Yu's mansion, but found that Yu Qingyuan's arm was injured; in the inner courtyard of the palace, Yu Han's cold jade appeared strangely; and at present, Yu Qingyuan, who should not have any martial arts, could actually hold a thundering King Kong. Everything can only explain one thing.

Tang Longyan stared at Yu Qingyuan, and seemed to be angry in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said word by word, "I'm too stupid. You have clearly left so many clues, but I didn't know your identity until today. Yu Qingyuan, your name is the other way around, isn't it, Yuan Qingyu!"

Yu Qingyuan was stunned at first, and then laughed softly. Finally, he turned to laugh and laughed loudly. He didn't care about the noisy people under the stage at all. He first looked behind him and said to a group of martial artists, "Take care of it. Don't let the people make trouble!" Then he raised his head, met Tang Longyan's eyes, and said hoarsely, "Yes, I'm Yuan Qingyu. After all, I was recognized by you."

"Twenty years ago, my godfather only invited the most familiar people around him to the wedding, and you can still assassinate him. No wonder you can threaten me by putting forward the name of your cold-hearted sister in Huangfu, Huayin County. No wonder you can send a message to your cold-hearted sister when you escape from Jingzhao Mansion. It seems that I really underestimate you. You still have such a level of identity." Tang Longyan glanced and saw Tang Caneye standing there with a stunned face. He couldn't help asking, "Brother Cangye, how are you? Are you all right?"

Tang Cangye shook his head and said, "Take Miss Yu away quickly. I'm afraid it's too late if you miss the time!" Compared with before, his voice began to calm down, but with a trace of inexplicable vicissitudes.

Tang Longyan shook his head and said, "At this moment, I can only temporarily seal her veins, but I can't blend with the true qi in her body. If I rush to input the true qi, I'm afraid she can't even stand it today. Her pulse is so weak that I don't know what to do. He scratched his head with chagrin, and his face was full of anxiety.

Tang Cangye looked down from the stage, pondered for a while, and said to Tang Longyan, "Since her true spirit is water, why don't you try your mother's clan? Maybe there will be a way to save her. At present, if she doesn't pull it out for a long time, it will have an impact on her body. You'd better leave quickly. He seemed to be very tired. After saying these words, he sat down and gasped.

Tang Longyan's eyes lit up and said to Tang Longyan, "Why didn't I think of it! Thank you, Brother Cangye for reminding me. While talking, he gently picked up Yu Han's heart, turned around and saw that the stage had already turned into a pot of porridge. He was anxious and didn't care so much. He turned around and flew to the boudoir in the air.

Yu Qingyuan saw that Tang Longyan was holding Yu Han's heart and wanted to leave. He quickly turned around and said, "What are you still doing there? Why don't tell me that he will stop him!"

"Master, you can't do this to Miss. A few days ago, you forced the young lady to do this martial arts competition. Yufu was already making a lot of noise. The young lady saw you move out, so she agreed to your ridiculous behavior. Our group of people also came here to help you because the young lady acquiesced in your behavior, but no wonder you actually hurt the young lady. We are. My old Chen has been working in Yufu for nearly 30 years. I watched the young lady grow up. Today, I made it clear to you that my old Chen is quit. If you want to call someone else, go!" A 60-year-old housekeeper said a few words to Yu Qingyuan angrily and turned away. The rest of the maids also followed the housekeeper surnamed Chen.

"No wonder... No wonder the chill was here. I knew something would happen today! However, they are already here." Yu Qingyuan muttered and couldn't help looking at Tang Longyan with a trace of cunning in his eyes.

Just as Tang Longyan flew up, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing over his head. He was shocked. He kicked the pillars on the platform under his feet, jumped to the platform, looked up, and saw the two of them go down with their swords and stabbing straight at Tang Longyan.

Tang Longyan was shocked, and the magic sword in his hand came out of his sheath and only heard two "ding" sounds, which could block the two swords falling from the sky. Tang Longyan was stunned at first, and then he was happy and said, "Brother Yunxiu, the third brother Mo Feng, you are back! I don't know what's wrong with Sister Xuerou now?

The two people in front of us are Tang Yunxiu and Tang Mofeng, who used to walk in Liaoning in Huangshichengyuan. However, they were dressed in black like Tang Lingtian, with more vicissitudes on their faces, but they seemed to have grown a lot. Tang Yunxiu took two steps forward and said coldly to Tang Longyan, "You don't have to worry about Xuerou's sister's affairs! Today, I'm here for my cold sister. Now that you know Yu Qingyuan's identity, you should naturally know that she is from my white tiger family. What qualifications do you have to marry her at this moment? I advise you to put her down and let's calculate the other accounts in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me for being blind!"

Tang Longyan was stunned and said, "Brother Yunxiu, do you do something wrong?" As soon as Tang Yunxiu came up, he said bluntly that he wanted Tang Longyan to hand over Yu Hanxin. Naturally, he refused, but he still remembered brotherhood. At this moment, he felt bitter and didn't know what to do.

"Why, won't you? Then don't blame my ruthlessness! Mofeng, go!" Tang Yunxiu hung a ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth and waved his sword to attack Tang Longyan.