Mythical Beast

Chapter 195 Xuanwu Holy Clan

After Tang Longyan took a few steps, Yuwen looked at the sky safely and suddenly said, "Sometimes, your enemy may be your friends. You have to believe your intuition that your kindness is not meaningless giving. Go ahead."

Tang Longyan stopped his footsteps and did not look back. He was stern for a while before continuing to walk outside.

Outside the purple fog, everyone is waiting anxiously. Seeing that the two had not appeared for a long time, Qin Leiming couldn't help asking Huang Xinyue in the car, "Miss Huang, what is the reason for Yuwen Ping'an? Why is it so powerful?"

Huang Xinyue whispered, "I don't know. In the past, when I was in Liaoning, I didn't know much about him. I only knew that he was the adopted son of Tang Haotian. Although they are similar in age, they don't communicate much on weekdays. They just know that they are a very powerful person. There was a burst of worry in his tone, and he seemed to be also worried about the outcome of Tang Longyan's confrontation with him.

Zhou Tianyi looked into the distance and didn't know what he was thinking. He slowly withdrew his eyes and sighed, "Why do I feel that the two of them are like brothers? At least when he talks to his second brother, his coldness is not so strong, and only when the second brother is beside us will he help."

At this time, He Yanxin suddenly said, "Someone is coming!" Hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked at the purple smoke, and their hearts were unconsciously tightened. It was not until they saw Tang Longyan's figure appear that everyone was relieved and relieved.

When Tang Longyan saw that everyone looked nervous, he smiled and said relievedly, "What are you doing? It's just to learn martial arts. It won't be fine. It scares you. Don't look at it. Let's go." Having said that, the fatigue on his face was unstoppable.

Qin Leiming sighed and said, "Can you not worry? As soon as you passed, there was a purple fog. We can't see what's going inside at all. If you want to help, you are worried that you will blame, but everyone believes that you can come back." After saying that, he patted Tang Longyan on the shoulder and helped him into the carriage, but his palm was full of sweat at this moment.

Tang Longyan finally looked at the purple fog in front of him and was a little unhappy. If it was a real knife*, I'm afraid that it was Yuwen Ping's safety who came out now, but after guiding himself and giving himself advice, he was misunderstood by himself for treating the poison in his body, and then he was seriously injured.

But thinking of Yu Hanxin, who had a coma time in the car behind him was longer than the time he woke up, Tang Longyan's guilty heart was a little more firm. This time's mistake can only be made up next time, but I don't know when he has already owed many people a favor.

In the carriage, Huang Xinyue's soft voice came gently: "It doesn't matter. Why don't you take a break in the black cat car? I feel that you are in a bad mental state.

Tang Longyan was about to refuse when he suddenly heard the cold voice of the black cat from the carriage behind Qin Leiming: "Miss, don't arrange it at will. The black cat doesn't want to be in the same car with such a man." In Tang's house, Tang Longyan broke into the room without authorization and stayed in Yu Han's room. For her, Tang Longyan was like a flood beast.

Tang Longyan immediately smiled bitterly and was speechless. Zhou Tianyi and He Yanxin, who were driving in front of him, also laughed, and Qin Leiming, who had already laughed so much that his stomach hurt. He pointed to Tang Longyan and laughed, "Second brother, you finally surpassed me and became the least female among the four of us. Welcomed."

While talking and laughing, the group has slowly left the place. Just as the people slowly left, the purple smoke slowly became thin and the range began to shrink. In the end, the smoke in that area slowly faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had never appeared before, and the suburbs were quiet again.

Everyone ran all the way and did not dare to stop for a moment. Thanks to Huang Xinyue's ability to tame beasts, everyone walked smoothly and did not encounter too much trouble. Therefore, more than two months later, they came to Liangzhou City.

is August, but at this time, everyone has put on thick coats. When Tang Longyan stood under Liangzhou, his feet couldn't help trembling. In two months, Yu Han's heart had become weaker and weaker. When she fell asleep, she occupied more than six floors of her life, and the things that could get down gradually became food. Looking at Yu Hanxin, who was gradually getting thinner, Tang Longyan couldn't wait to fly here immediately, but at this moment, his efforts were not in vain. Even if the way forward was unknown, he firmly believed that he would find a way to cure Yu Hanxin.

Along the way, I saw a vibrant surroundings, with the shouts of small vendors, the bargaining of pedestrians, and carriages carrying goods on the road. It is really worthy of being a place to "through the broad desert and control the throat of the five counties". Seeing such a lively scene here, everyone's fatigue along the way also eased a lot.

Tang Longyan looked around and found that everything he looked at was full of commerce. He felt slightly strange, so he turned sideways and asked, "Third brother, is the city of ice and snow you heard about Liangzhou City?"

Qin Leiming thought carefully for a moment, and then looked at Tang Longyan helplessly and said, "God knows." Seeing that Tang Longyan was about to kick him out of the carriage, he quickly continued, "Second brother, don't be angry. I said, fourth brother, is the city of ice and snow you heard about here?" After saying that, he raised his eyebrows to He Yanxin and signaled to make him anxious.

But He Yan didn't want to pay attention to Qin Leiming and went directly: "Second brother, this is the ice and snow city where the Xuanwu family lives. I know you are anxious, but since we have all arrived here, I believe that we only need to find a result. Don't stop the third brother talking nonsense there. He is deliberately making you anxious. Down."

Qin Leiming looked at He Yanxin with a dissatisfied face and said, "Why are you so unfunny? How can you lie to girls in the future! Alas, why do I have such an interesting fourth brother?" After saying that, he sighed, as if He Yanxin was destined to be wanted by no one.

Zhou Tianyi came forward and patted Qin Leiming on the shoulder. He took a breath of chill in pain. I only heard him say to Qin Leiming carelessly, "Don't bully your second brother. He is in a hurry now. Don't put too much pressure on him. I heard that the wine here tastes unique. Third brother, how about going for a drink with your eldest brother when things are done?" He looked at Tang Longyan and immediately changed his words and said, "Of course, the matter of my sister-in-law is the first."

I really don't know if it's right to bring you here. Tang Longyan sighed helplessly and jumped off the carriage. The curtain on the car gently lifted a corner. A soft voice came from the car, but Huang Xinyue asked, "Little brother, do you have any thoughts?"

Tang Longyan shook his head in pain and said, "I'll ask first, but the location of each clan seems to be relatively hidden. At present, I can only ask someone."

Everyone first deposited the horse and carriage in the inn. After cleaning up for a while, only the black cat and Huang Xinyue were left to take care of Yu Hanxin, and the other three came to the street with Tang Longyan.

Tang Longyan looked around and then walked into a cloth store. A rich woman in her forties greeted her with a smile and said, "What kind of cloth is the prince going to buy? Do you need clothes?"

Tang Longyan casually picked up a roll of silk, touched it carefully, and said, "This must be Huzhou silk."

The woman was slightly shocked and said with a smile, "I didn't expect this gentleman to have such a vision that he could know that this was silk from Huzhou with just a glance. To be honest, these silks were shipped from Huzhou and will be shipped to Xixia in two days, but there are more, so I took them out here*.

Tang Longyan nodded and said, "Huzhou silk is famous all over the world, and only the beautiful lake mulberry leaves can cultivate such silk and silk. Wrap these two silks for me. Third brother, go and pay for it."

Qin Leiming was a little unhappy when he saw that Tang Longyan regarded him as an errand man, but he saw that Tang Longyan looked serious and did not dare to say anything. He could only follow the guy. He really couldn't figure out why Tang Longyan came here to buy silk. You know that the price here was nearly 50% more expensive.

After buying silk, Tang Longyan immediately asked, " By the way, boss, can I ask something?"

As soon as the woman made a business, she was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Of course. What's wrong with you, please?"

Tang Longyan nodded and said, "Look at the layout of this store, compared with your store in this Liangzhou city, it is worthy of doing cloth business in Huzhou, but I don't know if the boss knows the Xuanwu family and the Xuanwu saint."

"Of course I know." The woman smiled and said, "But we dare not call him so directly. I think the prince has just entered the city and doesn't understand the situation here. The people in Liangzhou City respect the holy clan very much, and the person in the prince's mouth is called the saint. The prince just said that it's better to say less in this Liangzhou city.

Tang Longyan immediately knew that he still had such a position in the hearts of the people of Liangzhou City. He immediately asked, "Since you respect the holy clan so much, how do you worship and pilgrimage to the holy clan?"

The woman smiled and said, "The Holy Lady prays for blessings in the Holy Women's Temple in Liangzhou City every year to protect Liangzhou City from the snowstorm in the coming year. At this time of year, the temple is full of people. I heard that the Empress is very good, but it is a pity that I have nothing to do with the Empress, so I can't squeeze forward to see her holy face. Moreover, in this Liangzhou city, there is also a saying that the Empress came to help the suffering people. In addition, many people pray in the temple in times of trouble, and the hope is very effective, so the holy clan can be so popular.

Tang Longyan nodded and had a general understanding of the situation of the Xuanwu family. Suddenly, he stared at the door and shouted, "Who is eavesdropping there!"