Mythical Beast

Chapter 201 Brother Bet

The patriarch Xuanwu was about to teach Qin Yuning a few words, but when she saw her pitiful appearance, she couldn't say anything. She sighed and whispered, "Yuning, you are the next saint of my Xuanwu clan. You must be strict with yourself. You can't fight with Bingning like that. In the future, you have to pick up. How can I take on a big responsibility in this position and such a heart?

"What the patriarch said is that Yuning knows." Qin Yuning worshipped the head of Xuanwu, and then his expression returned to calmness and indifference, without a trace of emotion on his face.

The Xuanwu patriarch nodded and said, "This is my saint of the Xuanwu clan. Go and eat quickly. I guess there is still half an hour left, and the person will arrive. At that time, you should also come forward to meet everyone."

"Yu Ning understands." Qin Yuning nodded and turned to leave. The head of Xuanwu looked at the children she selected and felt a little relieved. She watched Qin Yuning grow up. She was very satisfied with the child's beautiful country color and the ability to understand the ice heart formula of the Holy Spirit, and she was also full of hope for the future.

A figure slowly came up, also looking at Qin Yuning's departure, and nodded approvingly. Xuanwu patriarch looked sideways and smiled, "It turned out to be Sister Ruoxi. Why are you worried about your daughter? Yes, since Yuning, the child has lived in the Hanyu Palace, the number of times you two have met much less. It's right to come here often. Yuning always complains that it's too boring here."

Qin Ruoxi hurriedly said, "That's the little girl who is ignorant. Please forgive me. At a young age, she hasn't understood the meaning of the four words Xuanwu saint, so that's why it's like this."

The patriarch Xuanwu waved his hand with a smile and said, "I don't mean to blame her. She can do this step, and she is already excellent, but I have been restless these days, as if something has happened to this child. This is what worries me most. If this child can't become a saint of Xuanwu one day, Where can I find such an excellent woman? In addition, if there is no outsider around at present, you can call me sister Caiyi. You don't have to be so reserved.

Qin Ruoxi sighed and said, "It's just that I feel very sorry for the child Bingning, who is also a candidate of Xuanwu saint, and her treatment is much worse than that of Yuning. Obviously, it doesn't seem to be like this.

Qin Caiyi's face was also heavy and said, "There's nothing we can do. After all, there can only be one Xuanwu saint. In terms of appearance, Yuning is slightly better. This is also the common opinion of all the elders. Even if Sister Hanyan is not convinced, there is nothing she can do."

But a woman greeted her with a smile and said, "What are the two sisters talking about? That's also Bingning and my ill-iled mother. In the past, the three of us became candidates at the same time. In the end, Caiyi's sister became Xuanwu saint."

"That's right, but it's not bad. You won't be able to become a grandmother soon. At that time, no one can compete for the position of saint. By the way, didn't you say that there are many young Junyan today? You can choose for Bingning. Qin Ruoxi and others have always been used to fighting. This time, it is rare for the four clans to get together because of the meeting. Naturally, they have to get together.

Qin Cai looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late. Go and see how your daughter is dressed. Maybe you can let her meet a favorite today. It is said that the third and fourth sons of the Tang family of the Tang family are very loud during this period, especially the teenager named Tang Haotian, who is said to be making trouble in the capital. Everyone knows that you should take good care of your daughter.

Qin Hanyan smiled and said, "My sister is joking. At any time, not all men's eyes are only focused on Yu Ning's child. Bing Ning's appearance is too mediocre to anyone."

Qin Ruoxi looked at Qin Hanyan and said with a smile, "I don't have to worry. Everyone knows that Xuanwu saint can't get married. Moreover, Yuning will go out with a veil today, and others will naturally not look at my daughter. It's better for Sister Hanyan to pay more attention.

The three of them talked and laughed, and then walked out of the clan, leaving only a quiet behind them.

Outside Liangzhou, the brigade was walking slowly towards Liangzhou. Because many young people were new here, everyone was lingering around the scenery along the way, praising and sighing. For a moment, there was laughter, and the atmosphere was very lively.

A 20-year-old teenager on the horse's back was full of bored face. He was lying on the horse's back and was refreshed. Suddenly, his nose was itchy. He scratched and felt that there was still something. He immediately opened his eyes and found that someone was playing with his nose with a dog's tail.

He quickly sat up and stared at the people beside him. An elderly man beside him smiled and said, "Fourth brother, don't mess with your third brother. He is thinking about which flower to pick later. You don't know what the Xuanwu family has produced since ancient times." However, Tang Huxiao, the second son of Tang Lieyun, smiled at everyone and made fun of Tang Haotian.

Tang Lingtian deliberately raised his face and said with a serious face, "Of course I know. How can I forget what the third brother said yesterday? Xuanwu has been rich in beautiful women since ancient times, especially the saint Xuanwu, who is the patriarch, and her appearance is even more extraordinary. Today, I must see this legendary beauty. While talking, he nodded his head in a serious way.

" Come on, who was still fantasizing about marrying a beautiful woman/mother here yesterday?" Tang Haotian pushed his face with a straight face and his face was full of disdain: "Don't look at it. No one is begging you. At that time, I will be beautiful, and none of you can envy or jealous."

"Yes, if the third brother can marry the Xuanwu clan, maybe he can bring some unexpected surprises to my Zhuque clan, but I don't know if the Xuanwu people are willing to." Tang Fengya, who has always been calm, couldn't help but participate in the conversation.

Tang Huxiao waved his hand and smiled and said, "Brother, you don't know the market. As far as I know, the third brother is still a hot commodity. Before arriving in the capital, the third brother's popularity was already at the top of the day. Later, he made a scene at Xiangguo Temple in the capital. At this time, the popularity is even more unimaginable. You are often not at home and don't know your family affairs. Shape, the people who came to propose marriage broke the threshold. In order to see their third brother, some women deliberately stayed around Tangfu in order to have an encounter full of surprises. The scene was really enviable, and the feelings were really tearful..."

"Second brother, is it comfortable to brag today? Believe it or not, I will bark at your door every night. I seem to remember that my second sister-in-law is particularly afraid of dogs..." Tang Haotian looked at Tang Fengya maliciously, but his voice was upright and calm, as if he were doing a very meaningful thing.

"You little bastards, just talk about it at home and say something here! If you are not satisfied, go home and stay!" Tang Lieyun's face was full of black lines and shuddered at the back of the four people's heads. He whispered, "The four of you speak in a low voice. Are there any other people here? Don't humiliate your father. Also, Ling Er, Haoer, don't do anything out of style later. Do you know that last time because of your two little rabbits bet, my rosefinch soldiers almost decreased by 30%!"

Tang Lingtian looked aggrieved and said, "Dad, you are always reasonable. The last time it was clearly what the third brother did alone. How can it depend on me?" After saying that, he pointed to Tang Haotian, as if two children were discussing who would fight first.

Hearing the sound of "pop", Tang Lingtian's back of the head trembled again, and Tang Lieyun whispered angrily, "Bad boy, don't think I don't know the trick I bet with your third brother. Don't let me find out that you are doing this again. If there is a next time, you two will not want to leave the clan! You two brothers, take good care of them!" After saying that, he immediately walked forward with a straight face and joined the two patriarchs of Kirin Qinglong.

The four people learned a lesson and immediately became silent. At this time, a teenager rode to Tang Haotian and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what's the situation? I saw Uncle Tang's serious face and knew that you had made trouble again."

Tang Haotian shook his head and said, "What else can I do? It's nothing more than threatening us with the old story, which made my ears cocoon. Why did you come here? It's not that he quarreled with Qin Yilan again. Oh, let's not talk about it. Yiyun, you should also take good care of yourself. You will go to see the beautiful women later.

While the two were talking, they only felt that as soon as the large army stopped and the gate of Liangzhou opened, dozens of girls in white slowly walked out of the city and stood on both sides. Qin Caiyi, the patriarch, stood in the middle, and the rest of the elders stood on both sides.

When everyone saw that the patriarch Xuanwu had gone out to welcome each other, they immediately got off the horse and walked, while Qin Caiyi and Tang Lieyun and others were all old. Since they met, they couldn't help greeting each other, so the team also stopped. Most of the people of the three clans were men, and the opposite was a beautiful girl. The two sides couldn't help looking at each other and appreciate it. The atmosphere was very good for a while. Active.

Tang Lingtian touched Tang Haotian with his arm and whispered, "Third brother, have you noticed that the girl in front of her, do you think she is intentional?"

Tang Haotian shook his head and said, "I can't see it. Listening to the conversation between Fang's father and Aunt Qin, she seems to be the next generation of Xuanwu saints. I think she should do this should be the order of those old elders. Alas, they are rigid and won't die at first sight. Really."

Tang Lingtian suddenly smiled mysteriously and whispered, "I always feel that she covered her face because her appearance was too mediocre. Why don't we make a bet. How about lifting her veil if anyone loses?"

Tang Haotian suddenly turned his head and whispered angrily, "Haven't you heard what Dad said... I guess Song Yuantongbao, grandma always loses. This time I want you to lose to me!" Thinking that every time he threw copper coins, he lost, Tang Haotian was annoyed and spoke with a little anger.

"Third brother, you lost again, come on!" Tang Lingtian flicked his thumb and opened the copper plate that fell and put in the palm of his hand, but it was a star and moon pattern.