Mythical Beast

Chapter 233 Multiple Obstruction

Tang Longyan looked up, but the two of them rushed to Huayin County unconsciously. Yuan Qingyu saw Tang Longyan's puzzled face and said, "The patriarch ordered you to go to Nanfeng Luoyan Peak alone to meet him. It's not too late. Go quickly and don't miss my daughter's life!" After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Tang Longyan frowned and asked, "Didn't you just say that you wanted to be with me?"

Yuan Qingyu looked at him strangely and said coldly, "I also said that the patriarch wants absolute fairness, so except for the three of you, no fourth person is allowed to be present. Although the mountain road was only taken a year ago, you should still remember it.

No matter what the way forward, since he has reached this point, he always has to face it. Tang Longyan held his fist slightly and rode away. Yuan Qingyu took a complicated look at Tang Longyan. The teenager in front of him was not only the child of his enemy, but also the only son of his beloved, but also the lover of his daughter. He also had many fights with him and was defeated by him almost every time. For him, Yuan Qingyu had all kinds of complex emotions in his heart, but at this moment At a glance, he had a complex emotion in his heart, as if he wanted to be slaughtered and felt a little sorry. He shook his head and didn't think about it for the time being, because Huang Mingxiao was given other important tasks to him.

However, Qin Yiyun also took his group to Huayin County as soon as possible, intending to take Huashan. At this moment, it has been about three hours since Tang Longyan left. There were a lot of people who hesitated. Qin Yiyun was worried about the delay, so he immediately decided to take a step ahead with Zhou Tianyi's three brothers and Huang Xinyue, the two girls. Tang Longyan was still not seen along the way.

At this moment, the black cat, who had not spoken much since the passage of six people, suddenly said, "Stop! Stop it!"

Qin Yiyun and others immediately strangled the horse, and everyone's eyes looked directly at the black cat. Their faces were full of doubts, but only Huang Xinyue's face also showed a sad face.

"Uncle Qin, do you remember that a year ago, when you fought with your brother, Qin Yunya led the crowd to attack, but was stopped outside the city, thus delaying the opportunity?" Huang Xinyue saw Qin Yiyun's face and didn't pay much attention to it, but said something else.

Qin Yiyun nodded and said dissatisfiedly, "Naturally remember that Ming'er almost died because of this in the past. I also severely punished Yunya, but Miss Huang mentioned it at this moment, but what happened..." At this point, his pupils dilated, as if he realized something, and immediately said, "What you two mean, the front is ......”

The black cat nodded solemnly and said, "I'm afraid that Huang Mingxiao has made great efforts to hinder us this time. There should be two assassination teams hidden in the dense woods on both sides." She looked at the crowd and said, "Huang Mingxiao has an feud with the little woman, but the pursuit is important. These two assassination teams will be dealt with by the little women. I wish you a safe journey." After saying that, he slowly walked to the crowd.

When He Yanxin saw that a woman with a black cat could shoulder such a heavy task, he immediately turned over and got off the horse and said, "Let me help my sister." After all, there are too many obstacles on the road ahead, and I can do my best.

The black cat also knew that there were a large number of people in front of her. She was alone, but she was afraid that it was indeed a little difficult to block it. Thinking of this, she nodded gratefully to He Yan and did not refuse.

Qin Yiyun was anxious. Seeing that the two were willing to stay, he said, "Then please ask He Xian's nephew to open the way quickly. If he is stopped again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to feel Huashan."

He Yanxin nodded, abandoned his horse and rushed to the front, and then pressed his hands on the ground. Suddenly, the earth walls rose from the ground, and the broken wood that was placed on the road to prevent everyone from moving forward directly rushed away. The broken wood flew across, and the subsequent stup horses were also broken.

In the dark, there was a slight sound of surprise, and then a sound came. I don't know if it was because of He Yanxin's domineering hand that they gave up stopping or carried out the next round of offensive.

"It seems that Yuan Qingyu has not taught you well enough. How can he make a sound in the dark and expose his position?" Behind an assassin, the voice of the black cat slowly sounded. The man was shocked, and his stiff neck slowly turned to meet him with a beautiful but cold face.

With a muffled sound, the man fell to the ground, and the black cat disappeared into the shadow of the tree in an instant, as if it had never appeared. In the dark world, she was like an absolutely strong overlord, waiting to harvest everyone.

"It's my sister! My sister is not dead!" A slight exclamation came from another darkness, but as soon as the sound was made, there was a burst of restlessness, as if the lurking people immediately shifted their positions.

Qin Yiyun and others saw that He Yanxin and the black cat had flown against the enemy, and immediately rode the horse away. Just as the four of them passed by the dark woodland, countless dart weapons suddenly flew on the tree, which was so large that it was chilling. He Yanxin kicked at his feet, and two earth walls rose to the ground, directly blocking those dart hidden weapons from everyone.

When passing by He Yanxin, Qin Leiming nodded heavily to He Yanxin, as if it was a guarantee that he would rescue Tang Longyan safely with He Yanxin's heart. At this time, Qin Leiming's horse suddenly leaned forward for some reason, and it was about to turn over.

He Yanxin immediately flew up. As soon as his right hand touched the ground, the soil dug out of the trap by the assassination team was instantly resolute. The horse's front hoof stepped on the solid ground again, immediately stabilized his body and ran again.

Looking at the four people who were far away and a few slightly worried eyes, He Yan smiled faintly and turned around and flew into the dense and dark jungle.

In the night, a team of five people quietly lurked in the shadow of the tree. When one saw that there was no movement below, he asked softly, and the mosquito chanted in a weak voice: "Is that the previous sister of the Phantom Group? It looks very powerful, as if it is better than the white cat, the brother of our night group. But strangely, he found that no one paid attention to him when he finished speaking.

"No, Hao is much better than me. It's just that you haven't seen him." Behind the man who just spoke, the figure of the black cat ghost suddenly flashed out, worthy of being a phantom killer!

The man changed his color when he heard the words. He quickly pulled his companion, but found that the other four people fainted. Shocked, he found that his hands were shaking involuntarily, with a frightened face, slowly looking up at the indifferent black cat.

"I want to ask you what Huang Mingxiao said to you, what is your task this time, and what else is the arrangement ahead? If I hadn't asked you this, I wouldn't have kept you awake alone. Don't worry, they just smelled the smoke and fainted. After all, you are from the assassination group, and I won't kill you. The black cat looked at the person who was shocked by himself and couldn't help sighing. The quality of the current assassination group seems to be much worse.

Seeing that he had no worries about his life, the man said in a hurry and said, "My sister is indeed a benevolent and righteous person. This time, the task assigned by the patriarch is to do everything possible to stop you, as if you are buying time. And it is said that there are still several waves of people guarding the front road, only allowing the young lady to pass, and the rest to stay.

What's Huang Mingxiao thinking about letting the young lady pass alone? The black cat thought carefully, but did not expect that at this time, the man with trembling hands had slowly pointed the cuffs of his sleeves at the black cat.

"Black cat sister, be careful!" When He Yanxin heard the sound of fighting on this side, he immediately rushed over. As soon as he saw the man's movements, he knew that he was going to use a hidden weapon, but his distance was quite far away. At this time, he could only give a warning.

But before the man's sleeve arrow shot, the black cat's dagger had been put on the man's neck. He only heard the black cat coldly say, "As soon as I appeared, a trace of greed flashed in your eyes. I'm afraid that this cooperation is not just fear, but to take my head. Did Huang Mingxiao promise you? Can anyone who kill me become a brother and sister?

" do you know so clearly..." Looking at the cold murderous intention in the black cat's eyes, there was obviously a real panic in the man's eyes.

The black cat said coldly, "Because Huang Mingxiao is afraid of me, and because it was he who killed your brother, the white cat." After a backhand hit, the handle of the knife first hit the man's Adam's apple. The man's throat hurt, and his head naturally leaned forward. The black cat followed with his left hand and hit the back of his neck with one palm. At the same moment, the dagger on his left hand had broken the man's tendon.

"This is a punishment for your greed and a punishment for the destruction of the whole team due to your personal mistakes. You are not a qualified killer, so you will not be a killer in the future. Mr. He, there is not much time. There should be night killers here, so I'll give it to you. Remember to do it gently. I'll just go to the phantom killer over there." After saying that, before He Yanxin agreed, he disappeared into the night again.

There is no shadow, lurking in the dark, worthy of being a phantom killer. He Yanxin saw that the black cat's technology was so proficient that he could only rely on thick soil and true hostility like himself.

This is the specialty of the art industry. He Yanxin smiled helplessly. His right arm was raised, and a mud wall rose from the ground, directly blocking more than a dozen hidden weapons. At the same time, his right leg kicked on the ground, and the soil on the ground began to slowly adhere to his body, forming a thick mud armor.

"This man is so awesome!" A night killer frowned and said, "I don't believe he is so capable. The third group buys separately and sneaks more!"

The crowd dispersed and was about to move their steps, but they found that their feet had been firmly imprisoned by a layer of soil. Everyone was shocked and quickly launched a hidden weapon at He Yanxin.

But this time, He Yanxin did not block it at all, but more hidden weapons than just now did not hurt his body!