Mythical Beast

Chapter 246 Understanding Military

As soon as Yang Ye saw Tang Longyan, he was stunned and then wondered, "Brother Tang, you are..." Although he and Tang Longyan only had only one contact, the two had only met for a year, but at this moment, Tang Longyan opposite Tang Longyan was full of a sense of vicissitudes and desolation, and his slightly white temples gave him a trace of desolation. The color, indifferent eyes are no longer the youth and frivolity of the past, but stable and lonely.

Tang Longyan smiled faintly and knew that he was a little surprised by the change in his appearance. He immediately said, "Nothing, just experienced something, not to mention these. General Yang, I deliberately left my subordinates and came here in person. Naturally, it was not to disturb you, but to know the specific situation. At this moment, 100,000 troops in Liaoning suppressed the border. If the Yanmen Gate was broken, I was afraid that the people of Daizhou would be poisoned, and there was a war in the north of the Song Dynasty.

Yang Ye was stunned and then held his fist and said, "After Mr. Tang was indeed a famous general, he knew the military situation as soon as he entered the county. It is rumored that 300,000 people in Liao were under pressure, but I expected that it was also an army of more than 100,000. It was not until yesterday that I scouted the Liao army camp that the army was about 100,000. Unexpectedly, the military situation I had just learned had been detected by Brother Tang.

Tang Longyan nodded, not saying that this was the news Yueyu had learned from Tang Cangye before, but he trusted Tang Cangye more in his heart. Seeing that Yang Ye's eyebrows were not showing, he asked, "Old General Yang only said the situation of the Liao army. He has not yet said the military situation of our army. I don't know how many defenders of the Wang's army are. How many chances can we defend the city? If the Liao army attacks with all its strength, how long can Yanmen Pass be defended?"

After a series of questions, Yang Ye's forehead was filled with a cloud of sadness. He sighed and first said to the scout, "You go down first. If most of them come to the southeast, as long as they are called the Suzaku Tang family's troops, you can rest assured that Brother Tang's troops should come soon." The scout got the order and immediately retreated.

When Yang Ye saw the scout walking out of the camp, he walked back and forth a few steps and seemed to have made a great determination. Then he said, "I'm dissatisfied with Brother Tang. At this moment, there are less than 5,000 soldiers guarding the city."

"less than 5,000!" Tang Longyan knew from the beginning that Yang Ye's hands were short of soldiers and horses, otherwise he would not have come immediately when he heard the words, but if he beat 100,000 victories with less than 5,000, he was afraid of his skills.

At this time, the black cat behind Tang Longyan looked cold, and his body flashed to the edge of the camp. He turned over his right hand and held a dagger in his hand. He only heard her coldly, "Or you come in, or I will pierce your throat with a dagger. Hiding outside the camp to eavesdrop and bully my black cat doesn't know what to breathe?

Tang Longyan waved his hand to the black cat and said, "The black cat retreated. This man is the sixth son of General Yang. General Yang, I have no intention of hurting your father. Please go to the account to talk about it.

A young man in his twenties came in when he heard the words. He looked at the black cat with a surprised face, as if he was a little surprised that the black cat was aware of its excellent breath. Then he hugged Tang Longyan and said, "Brother Tang's martial arts is becoming more and more brave and refined, and Liulang admires it." A year later, he could recognize Yang Yanzhao in an instant, and the strength of Tang Longyan was amazing.

Tang Longyan nodded and said, "General Yang praised it. These are just small tricks. Those who can't get on the stage still need General Yang's ability to fight on the battlefield. If you don't mind, please give me more advice in the future. Just now, I asked your father about the military situation. Your father didn't seem to want to open his mouth, and asked General Yang Xiao to make it clear.

Yang Yanzhao knew that Tang Longyan was the son of Tang Haotian. In the past, when Tang Haotian shocked the world with one sword, what was that amazing martial arts skill? Seeing that Tang Longyan was not arrogant, he admired him even more and immediately said, "Brother Tang, you don't have to be polite. If you don't mind, just call me Liulang."

Immediately, he began to introduce the current situation to Tang Longyan: "As early as a month ago, we found out that there was a strange movement in northern Liaoning. On that day, our army once Chen Shusheng hoped to send troops to Daizhou to increase defense, but none of them received a reply from the Holy Emperor. Just a few days ago, the defenders looked up from Yanmen and found that banners were spreading in the distance, roaring endlessly. So we sent scouts to check the enemy situation and found that Xiao Duoli, the governor of Datongfu in western Liaoning, had led 100,000 troops to suppress the border. At this moment, they were camp more than ten miles away from Yanmen. Due to the high morale and the excessive number of people, our army can only keep sending scouts to spy on the military situation. There have been more than ten battles between the scouts at the border, each with their own casualties. Although Xiao and Li's army is in control, Yanmen Pass is naturally not easy to attack. In addition, at this moment, he does not know the strength of our army, so he dares not attack rashly. He just sends people to call for arrays. However, if our army keeps closing the door and is afraid of fighting, I'm afraid that it will lower morale and make Xiao Doli see that our army is false. ."

Tang Longyan nodded and said, "Since Zhao Jiong didn't pay attention to it, you can rescue him nearby. As far as I know, Taiyuan Pan Mei holds a heavy army in his hand. If he sends troops to rescue him, he will definitely be able to solve the urgent needs." Tang Longyan had indescribable anger in his heart. In the past, outside Zhu Xianzhen, it was Pan Mei who led the army to kill his parents.

Yang Yanzhao raised his thick eyebrows and seemed to be surprised by Tang Longyan's amazing words, but at this time, he no longer needed to care about these things. He sighed and said, "My father and I have also thought about what Brother Tang said, but every time the messenger was sent, General Pan avoided it. Last time, although I saw General Pan, but He said that although Yanmen Pass is a strategic place, it can only temporarily block the offensive of the Liao soldiers and cannot be used to resist the enemy for a long time. Therefore, he stationed troops in Taiyuan and did not send a single soldier.

Tang Longyan nodded and said coldly, "I understand, is he trying to seize the achievements of breaking the 100,000 army of Liaoning and sacrifice all the people of Daizhou for his reputation? However, in Daizhou City, there are 3,000 soldiers in the Rosefinch family alone. Why is the garrison still less than 5,000? He frowned and said, "Isn't Brother Aocang refuse to send troops?"

At this time, Yang Yanzhao looked embarrassed. Yang Ye coughed a few times and said, "Brother Tang doesn't know anything. Tang Aocang's general is resolute and decisive, and I am also very admirable. However, after the last time I negotiated with Brother Tang, I also knew that the rosefinch family was too seriously injured, so I didn't ask General Tang for soldiers this time."

Tang Longyan frowned and said, "This is a big deal. Brother Aocang will definitely not stay out of the matter. A month ago, Brother Aocang sent someone to inform me that there was a strange movement in Daliao. It can be seen that he is not unwilling to send troops. I'm afraid there are some misunderstandings between you."

"Since Brother Tang is so righteous, it's okay for me to say it. There are indeed some entanglements between me and Tang. Yang Jiajun once fought with the soldiers of the Zhuque family because of some things, so the two conveniences have accumulated some contradictions. Therefore, my father and I dare not rush to ask Tang for help, which is not hindered, and I'm worried about the internal sfighting between the two armies. Yang Yanzhao saw Tang Longyan thinking about righteousness and immediately stood up.

One thing has not been calmed, and one thing has happened again. Tang Longyan shook his head and looked up, "Brother, third brother, come down. The contact has been completed, and now we will start to implement the next plan."

Yang Ye and Yang Yanzhao were shocked. They have flown down and stood in front of everyone. Yang Ye's business is quite large, but it is not big enough to easily hide four people. What's more horrible is that both of them know that they have found the black cat with the weakest martial arts. If Tang Longyan really came to assassinate him, I'm afraid that ten Yang Ye will die here. In.

But at the thought that Tang Longyan came to help himself this time, Yang Ye was suddenly excited. Not to mention how many troops he had brought, but looking at these people standing in the camp, Yang Ye had already seen the hope of victory, and the fatigue of many days was suddenly swept away.

Tang Longyan didn't care about Yang Ye and Yang Yanzhao's eyes. He said to the three people, "Brother, please go out of the city quickly to join the third brother and Xinyue and lead the dragon cavalry to enter from the south gate. General Yang has ordered that the dragon cavalry can enter. Don't worry. Third brother, Brother Ao Cang should know you. You bring me a sentence to Brother Ao Cang and ask him to bring 3,000 soldiers to come quickly.

Seeing that he was well prepared, Yang Ye first deliberately made a move to let the scouts find out. When the scouts quickly returned, he followed the scouts closely. At the same time, the cavalry outside the city were on the side, and Tang Aocang led the soldiers in the city. At this time, a cold sweat suddenly flowed behind him, and an idea suddenly rushed into his mind. He raised his head, stared at the indifferent eyes, and asked, "Dare to ask Brother Tang, you have just come to inquire about the military situation. If I have the intention to abandon the city, ignore it, or show a trace of idea of leaving the city to surrender to the enemy, then ?"

"If the two of you ignore the military situation and don't care about it, you should be able to sleep at this moment. At that time, you will be able to take the charm again, and become the dragon cavalry iron horse to suppress the territory. Three thousand rosefinch soldiers in the city attack and mutiny together, and the city can be taken down. Only from the moment he was scouted and found us again, General Yang's life was saved.

Yang Ye smiled faintly, and there was not much panic in his heart. Instead, he showed a burst of relief and relief. With such a talent in Daizhou City, how can Daizhou be broken? How can the Yanmen Gate be guarded? Two days of fatigue were swept away at this moment. He immediately stroked his palm and smiled and said, "Mr. Tang deserves to be able to make such a thorough plan in a short time after Tang Haotian. If you really want to kill and seize power, even if I are aware of it, I'm afraid you will be powerless." Speaking of this, he swept his eyes and said to Tang Longyan, "Since you and I are united to protect the city, let's go to the army and make plans, please!"

Several people came out. Far away, a burst of dust flew. A man and a woman rode two horses and rushed straight into the camp. The guards were soldiers who were about to intercept, but the two had already abandoned their horses and flew to Tang Longyan.

Tang Longyan nodded to the two and said, "Xinyue, fourth brother, thank you for your hard work." Looking back, a large number of people have also come from the East. The leader had one arm, but he looked resolute and not angry. When he saw Tang Longyan from afar, he immediately turned over and got off his horse and knelt down on one knee towards Tang Longyan. But Tang Aocang arrived.

At this moment, all the living forces in Tang Longyan's hands gathered here.