Divine Book

Chapter 35 College Assessment Completed

Unlike others, An Caiwei is a healing mage. Her attack ability is almost negligible, so there will be no battle scenes in her assessment.

An Caiwei's examiner is a real knight, with a silver gun and a white horse with clear armor. At this moment, he is bowing to An Caiwei.

"Your Highness, the beautiful princess from the far south, please forgive me for my next rudeness. I will assess you on behalf of the Holy Optical Church of the Royal College. Please be prepared." This knight is the examiner of the Holy Optics Church.

Because the number of healing mages is very small, it is integrated into a school with the light mage. Because the light system itself has strong healing and output capabilities. Coupled with the help of the healing department, this college has almost won the first place every year.

Of course, An Caiwei did not dare to neglect him. She carefully looked at the handsome knight in front of her, who was 26 or 27 years old, powerful, elegant and vigorous. She didn't know how to take away the hearts of many girl students.

However, An Caiwei just smiled and didn't say anything, waiting for the upcoming assessment. The knight nodded, tied the silver gun to the horse, and walked to An Caiwei.

"God of light will bless you." The knight prayed devoutly and raised his left hand. A holy light shrouded the surrounding open space. "In this bright baptism, your heart and your body will become extremely pure. Your Highness, please accept my baptism.

An Caiwei looked at the light falling on her body, and her whole body was indescribably comfortable. It seemed that the magic elements condensed in her body had also increased a lot. An Caiwei looked at the knight in front of her in surprise and didn't know what this assessment meant.

"As a messenger of light or a pure angel, you should be full of love for the world and trust the people around you. I feel that you trust me, so you can pass this assessment. The knight politely stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome to the Holy Optical Church."

An Caiwei shook the knight's hand. From his words, it could be heard that the Royal College did not seem to be a whole, but divided into countless parts. Maybe if the method of cultivation is different, it will be divided into different places.

Wang Xiaoming has seen this for a long time. He didn't say anything along the way and walked into the place called Wanqian School. He doesn't know the name of this place. Why is it better to call it Wanqian School?

The examiner with him also had a straight face all the way, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with some arrangements of the leader. Maybe he would not let him use space magic transmission.

Air magic is really the most magical magic in the world. It includes thousands of weather, such as storms, thunder, and strange spatial distortions. However, if you want to practice gas magic without enough talent and effort, you will never become a master. The three categories of gas magic are the same, but the way to practice is completely different. This is why gas magic is so powerful, but there are still not many people practicing it.

In contrast, the magic of fire is much simpler. Attack and damage are what the fire system pursues. Although fire magic has self-healing and self-assistance skills, it is almost negligible. Most importantly, fire magic has almost no control skills. That is to say, if you choose the fire system, it is as simple as either hitting the enemy or being hit by the enemy.

Wang Xiaoming cried with a sad face. He was not a gas mage, but because he was planted strange witches, so he was blessed by misfortune. I didn't expect to be regarded as a mage of the gas system. I really can't laugh or cry.

Thousands of schools are completely different from other schools, and the whole school is transparent. Even if thousands of students are in class, students from other schools can come and watch. This is also the reason why most children who choose to practice temperament come to less than thousands of schools.

"Wang Xiaoming, how many times have I told you? Paul Vientiane, the gas magic, is everyone's dream, but you are fine. Obviously, you are the magist of the Qi system. But he lied to me about what poison you have. If there is poison, find a few people to pull it out for you, so that you don't have to moan all day long. The examiner with Wang Xiaoming's face was full of resentment, "Oh, I don't know what the leader thinks. I actually let such a slippery stupid child into my thousands of schools so easily. It's really sad, pathetic!"

Wang Xiaoming forced to hold back his smile. This teacher is quite cute! If this guy is the stew of the Yin and Yang School, it may be interesting in the future.

"Look, the teacher is here with a little brother." The transparent classroom is really eye-catching. Wang Xiaoming looks at it clearly, and Wang Xiaoming is also clear inside.

"What's the noise! Didn't you see that someone is rushing here with your little brother? The examiner is really the stewul of thousands of schools, "You guys don't learn all day long, you know how to fall in love, fall in love, fall in love! Do you have anything to eat when you are in love? Do you make money by falling in love? Really! Our thousands of schools are about to be made into a blind date market by you.

This guy really needs to improve his training momentum. He puts on an orchid finger, hangs in mid-air, twists his waist and disciplines people. Who will listen to you? Wang Xiaoming laughed secretly, but did not dare to laugh. He just sat quietly at the end of the school.

"Well, let's introduce the new students. His name is Wang Xiaoming, and his head is relatively bad. You should take more care of him in the future. Don't dislike him because he is young, and don't bully people because he is old. The examiner said a lot in one breath, "It seems that we can't recruit anyone in thousands of schools this year. That's it. Everyone is good at chatting and exchanging feelings... However, you are not allowed to fall in love! My thousands of schools are against falling in love!"

When Wang Xiaoming saw the examiner leave, he bent down and kept laughing. Is it useful for you to oppose it? Except for me, who came to this school is not a romantic teenager, a Huaichun girl. Don't you know that the greater the oppression, the greater the resistance?

It seems that as a teacher, I have to teach you well! Wang Xiaoming sneered, walked to the center of the podium, slapped, attracted everyone's attention to himself, and smiled at everyone.

"Hor seniors. Wang Xiaoming, the younger brother, is an ignorant and idle person. When you want to fall in love, I can help you run errands. If you feel bored, let me tell you a story. My biggest shortcoming is that I like to help others. The biggest advantage is that it is ugly and no one will like it. Wang Xiaoming's words are in the fog, and I don't know why.

"I think everyone has had enough of the oppression of this sissy teacher. What I want to tell you is that wherever there is oppression, there should be a wave of resistance. So, seniors, what are you waiting for? Let's have a carnival with me!" Wang Xiaoming turned around and wrote a line of big words on the blackboard.

Thousands of freshmen's carnival!