Divine Book

Chapter 37 Alex! The Inheritance of Phoenix

"Phoenix?" Alex laughed when he heard it, "So that's what you humans call me?"

"Can you show up and see me? It's really awkward to talk like this." Ma Xiaochao said this to both Alex and the divine book. But the divine book pretended not to hear anything.

"Yes, since you can live so long on my sacred flame island, it is enough to prove that your will is strong enough. It seems that I should be able to find an inheritor this time." While Alex was talking, he had arrived at Ma Xiaochao's side.

Isn't the phoenix a bird? Why did a handsome man appear in front of me? The young man who appeared in front of Ma Xiaochao hung his chest with red hair, red phoenix eyes, unrestrained eyebrows, strong nose bridge and pink lips, and vermilion clothes, as if made of feathers.

"It's so hot in this place, how can you still wear such a thick dress?" Seeing that he looked as usual and seemed to be unmoved by the heat wave, Ma Xiaochao asked.

"This sacred flame island is mine. How can I do anything about such a temperature? It's just that Kui Shen is coming to take away my blood and soul, and I can't survive in this world soon. Even if I'm an undead bird, what can I do? Alex was a little sad. "Although I am reluctant, the command of Kui God is the fate of all our creatures called gods, and I can only obey it."

"Fate of bullshit!" Ma Xiaochao was afraid of using fried sauce noodles. Alex couldn't understand. "Since this is your fate, you should fight with him to the end. No matter who you are, you have no right to decide your fate!"

Alex was shocked, stared at Ma Xiaochao at random, and pulled three feathers from his body. "Little brother, you don't know anything. Lord Kui is admired by all our gods. Under the leadership of Lord Kui, our Protoss will become the object of worship for you humans and other races. Neither I nor others can do this.

"You have been fooled by the Kui God!" Ma Xiaochao is extremely strange. How can this phoenix also be a subordinate of the Kui Shen?

"It's not that I was fooled by him, but that my ability was recovered by Lord Kui Shen. A long time ago, the dragon clan was at par with our Qingluan clan, but no one could do anything about it. Later, I went to the Dragon Holy Land alone, trying to destroy the Dragon God and give us a chance to breathe. Alex sighed, "At that time, he was really young, ignorant and too impulsive. Not only could he not destroy the Dragon God, but he died under the claws of the Dragon God."

Ma Xiaochao thinks this is a little reliable, but it has nothing to do with Kui Shen. Ma Xiaochao had to continue to listen to Alex.

"After I died, the dragon clan quickly wiped out the Qingluan clan. But I was buried in the ground, and no other dragons found it. But the dragon clan was afraid of my strength and wanted to find my body, convinced that I was dead. At that time, I still won't be resurrected." Alex glanced at Ma Xiaochao, "Until one day, Lord Kui passed by the Dragon Domain and found my body, so he dripped on me with a strange potion. Although I don't understand what the potion is, I got a new life from the flames of hell.

"So, it was Kui God who saved you, so you are going to work for him?" Ma Xiaochao was extremely surprised. If Phoenix Mountain was saved by God, it would be reasonable. There is nothing wrong with this Phoenix to repay his kindness.

"If he just saved me, I wouldn't be so willing to work for him. After he saved me, the Qingluan people didn't have much flesh and blood. And the dragon clan was also seriously injured, so I plan to look for the Dragon God again to avenge my people. Alex recalled the past without any pain on his face. "But the power of the Dragon God is really not something I can compete with. I died under the attack of the Dragon God again.

"What? Are you dead again? Did Kui God save you again?" Ma Xiaochao looked at Alex's calm expression and knew that Alex disdained to lie.

"No, this time, I was reborn in the flames. And every time I am reborn, my strength will be strengthened by one point. In the process of continuous death, continuous rebirth, and continuous confrontation with the Dragon God, I feel that my thoughts are too naive. Alex looked at the distant ocean, "Since it is a war, there must be sacrifices. Unfortunately, we have sacrificed more people, and fewer dragons have sacrifices. So we became losers. As a loser, I always think about revenge for the dead. This is really unwise."

"Why?" Ma Xiaochao didn't understand Alex's words, so he asked him. Ma Xiaochao felt that Alex was not like a god at all, but more like a veteran tired of battlefield killing.

"There are thousands of dragon clans. Even if I kill the Dragon God, I can't destroy all the dragon clans. And most of the dragons have the strength not much worse than me. I am only recognized and respected by the dragon clan in the continuous competition with the dragon god, and they also respect me as a god. Since they can put down these thousands of years of resentment, what's the point of holding it to death?" Alex looked at Ma Xiaochao and said, "And Lord Kui Shen has given me almost infinite life. I have experienced too many joys and sorrows on this continent, and I have also tasted endless loneliness. Since Lord Kui Shen is coming to take my life, I am very grateful.

"They want to kill you, but you are still grateful to them!" Ma Xiaochao is a mortal. He really can't understand God's thinking.

"No, Lord Kui Shen is to free me. I have lived too long, sleepy and tired. I don't want to live so endlessly. Even if I am invincible, there is always an unbeatable opponent called loneliness. Even though I am immortal, watching everything around me gradually disappear and change, people go to the empty, people walk cold tea, the sea becomes mulberry fields, and the mulberry fields change into the sea. What I feel is only endless sadness. Phoenix's statement made Ma Xiaochao frightened. It turned out that immortality was not a fun thing.

"Little brother, since you came to my sacred flame island, you have recovered by yourself. It is enough to prove that you are predestined with me, the Holy Fire Island, and I will leave this world and leave my pain and sadness in the world to find a real relief. But I have another wish, and I hope you can help me achieve it. Phoenix Alex put forward his own ideas regardless of whether Ma Xiaochao was willing or not.

Nonsense, can Ma Xiaochao not want to? If Ma Xiaochao doesn't want to, Phoenix can also force him to.

"Then tell me." Ma Xiaochao doesn't want to live immortality, but he prefers to have the ability of infinite resurrection like Phoenix. In this way, he doesn't have to worry about what to do in this world.

"I plan to give you all the magic I have summed up over the years, but now you don't have enough spiritual and magic power to use. This is to ask if you want to learn it. Alex glanced at Ma Xiaochao's eyes and knew the depth of Ma Xiaochao.

"How many magics?" Ma Xiaochao was stunned. The person in front of him is the incarnation of Phoenix. Any magic should also be a high-level forbidden spell. If Ma Xiaochao learned these magic, would it be a humanoid nuclear bomb?

"Ma Xiaochao, don't learn Phoenix's tricks, you will never have a chance to use them in your life. The spiritual power and magic elements that are needed are not what you can imagine. The voice of the divine book suddenly sounded and advised Ma Xiaochao, "You might as well let Phoenix give you all the magic elements of his body, so that no matter what tricks you learn in the future, you can become very powerful."

"Then will he give it to me?" Ma Xiaochao makes sense when he hears it. Is it possible to drop ten times with one force? With huge magic elements, even a small fireball can have the energy to destroy the world.

"How do I know that? Anyway, you have to tell him that you are not going to learn his magic." After saying this, she stopped saying anything. She hoped that Ma Xiaochao would cultivate some of her own opinions.

"Phoenix, do you think I will have the opportunity to use your magic in my life?" Ma Xiaochao paused for a moment and was extremely sad, "Alas, you are a god, and you don't feel anything about the magic you use. But I'm just a mortal. With a few magic, the magic elements in my body are hollowed out, and I can only be slaughtered by the enemy.

"Alas, but my magic is what I got after tens of thousands of years of summary. In this way, it disappeared with my passing, and I was really unwilling. Alex seems to be obsessed with giving these magical churches to Ma Xiaochao.

"Alex, think about it, if I learn your magic, but I can't use it. If I tell others, they will definitely not believe me. In this way, not only can't I use it, but also can't teach others. Isn't your magic going to be lost? Ma Xiaochao's reasonable analysis stunned Ericston.

"Alex, in fact, you have to let your energy continue to shine in this world, not necessarily to pass on your magic skills. Perhaps the energy in your body can also be transferred and let this carrier continue to carry forward for you. Ma Xiaochao knew that the time was almost time, so he took a strong medicine.

"hehe." Alex sneered, "Transfer to someone else? Kui Shen will come in a few days, and I haven't seen anyone who can withstand the test of my sacred flame island. So, can I only transfer the magic element of my body to you?