Divine Book

Chapter 8 Brother Chun's Strength

What are you kidding? Want me to kill this monster that eats locusts for a living? But I just obviously said that I would try this method, but I can't believe it!

"Brother Chun, can't you do well? Can I get out of this bloody city smoothly?"

"You said you wanted to try this last method. Do you have to regret it now?" Chunchi Gong smiled coldly: "Forget it. Anyway, people who have made this decision will regret it!"

"You are really stubborn. I don't believe that you, an old man who is about to be taken to earth, can beat me as a strong and hot-blooded young man!" Ma Xiaochao snorted coldly and took out his staff and dagger. The old man in front of him didn't look like a master at all. He couldn't be ordinary anymore. I'm afraid he was just like me and often relied on bluff to make a living.

"Then you can try it!" Chunchi Palace also suddenly stood up, and the locusts behind him actually stagnated. Ma Xiaochao clearly saw countless locusts shocked by this fascinating spirit, so they fell to the ground, and the bodies quickly piled up into a hill.

Ma Xiaochao quickly jumped two steps away and stretched out a palm and said, "Brother Chun, if you have something to say, we have no hatred. There is something to discuss!"

"Haha, let's talk about it later! Today, since you dare to challenge me, it proves that you have courage, so I will give you a piece of advice! Sometimes, don't just look at superficial phenomena, such as me. Although I look very ordinary, once I get serious, I also have terrible strength!" Chunchi Palace slowly approached Ma Xiaochao and looked for Ma Xiaochao's flaws.

"Brother Chun, you also know that I'm just a little demon in the realm of introvision, and I'm sure I won't be your opponent, so I don't have to fight!" Ma Xiaochao hurriedly begged for mercy and avoided the battle as much as possible. This is Ma Xiaochao's style. Ma Xiaochao increasingly dislikes to do such a temperamental thing as fighting.

"There are only two people who dare to challenge me. One is to walk out of the bloody city, and the other is to be the feed of the ants and locusts behind me! Today, you will be honored to be their feed!" Chunchi Palace sneered and suddenly raised a finger: "I won't bully you, just use one finger to defeat you and convince you to lose!"

Ma Xiaochao nervously stared at Chunchi Palace's outstretched index finger and suddenly opened the cuff of his left hand, and Medusa's shield immediately lit up. Trying to turn the Chunchi Palace into a stone.

"That's right, but your movement is too slow!" How could such a character in Chunchi Palace not recognize this dark sacred weapon? As soon as the finger was suddenly raised, a dark light shot into Ma Xiaochao's eyebrows.

Ma Xiaochao felt dizzy in an instant, and his whole body was weak. He fell to the ground softly and looked at Chunchi Palace's fingers incredulously.

"What is this?" Although Ma Xiaochao had a splitting headache, he still wanted to know why he was knocked down by Chunchi Palace.

"This is the compulsory magic of the church, the dark blade of the shadow. It's really a little wasteful to deal with you!" Chunchi Palace took a look at Ma Xiaochao: "I said I want you to be the fodder of these locusts and ants. You should pay attention to credibility!"

"Wait a minute!" Ma Xiaochao endured the severe pain in his head, "Do you want to look at the whole continent and be slaughtered by the heavenly clan of Kui Shen? Or, countless people rose up to resist, leading to a long war?

"War?" Chunchi Palace suddenly laughed and said, "The war has long disappeared under the majesty of our dragon clan. I also know what you said about the Kui God. In the holy war 14 years ago, he was seriously injured and it was obviously impossible to fully restore his strength! Unless..."

"Unless you find fourteen dark artifacts, right?" Ma Xiaochao glanced at his left wrist and said, "Now I have two dark sacred weapons in my hand. It seems that it makes sense for you not to let me out!"

What do you mean? Are you going to tell me that you have a way to stop the invasion of Kui Shen? Chunchi Palace's fingers trembled again, and the dark green light wrapped around Ma Xiaochao's body and then disappeared.

Ma Xiaochao suddenly felt that his headache had improved a lot, and his thinking had become extremely clear. Even some of the previous wounds had completely healed.

"Is this also dark magic?" Ma Xiaochao has no good impression of the magic of dark attributes. It's just fun to kill!

"Of course, dark magic also has healing methods, which is not like the fire you use. It can't do anything but attack!" Chunchigong suddenly patted his head, "Bad boy, don't change the topic. You mean, you have a way to stop Kui Shen?"

Ma Xiaochao quickly shook his head: "What can I do? However, the emperor of the glorious city said that I am the one who can save this disaster and defeat the Kui Shen. I don't know what's good about me. Everyone praises me so much!"

Chunchi Gong put down his finger in surprise: "So, are you really? The legendary person? For so many years, even Lord Dragon God has nothing to do with the immortal body of Kuigami. Maybe you can really replace us and maintain the peace of the world!"

Ma Xiaochao saw Chunchi Gong's meditative appearance and asked, "Why do you say that I am that person? Is what the emperor of the glorious city said so credible?

Chunchi Gong said angrily, "Shut up! As the commander of the jihad, His Majesty An Zhiqi has enough qualifications and prestige, and what he said can't be wrong! What's more, the jihad in those years... Forget it, it's not good for you to say too much. Since you are a person burdened with fate, I have to bless you!"

Ma Xiaochao wondered, "Is the fate I bear to help you defeat Kui Shen?" But what benefits can I get in this way?"

Chunchigong was stunned for a moment: "This is not your fate, but the fate of all of us. The hopes of all of us are all on your shoulders. I hope you can shoulder this responsibility and see more hope in our future like a man!"

Ma Xiaochao shook his head vibly: "No, I chose to come to the bloody city just to fight against the so-called fate, but isn't saying this now equivalent to making me give up resistance? Please forgive me for not being able to do it. Even in this bloody city all my life, I will not complete my fate for you! I don't want to live for others!"

Chunchi Palace's finger suddenly knocked on Ma Xiaochao's head, making Ma Xiaochao in a sharp pain: "Stupid! You don't live for others! This is your mission and your destiny. No matter how much you fight, you can't escape! Kui Shen is a madman who is thinking about starting a war all the time. None of us can stop him, but you are different, because you are from another world!"

"What? How do you know?" Although Ma Xiaochao didn't take this matter as a secret, at least Chunchi Palace, who met for the second time, should not have known.

"Because the way you speak and do things is different from the people in this world, and you are obviously a fire demon, but you always rely on other things when fighting. Your staff is obviously very good, but you still want to fight with a dagger, which is enough to prove that you are not used to using magic!" Chunchi Palace's eyes exude a wise light: "Also, I'm sure that the knife-cut noodles you just mentioned will not be the food of this world. Through the above, I can be sure that you are not a person of this world!"

"Gao Jian!" Ma Xiaochao was speechless for a moment. Is it so difficult for me to integrate into the world?

"Also, as the inheritor of Phoenix, you have endless fire magic and huge magic elements in your body, but you can't dig it out by yourself. So for the peace of our whole continent, I will help you!"

"Mainland peace..." Ma Xiaochao suddenly felt that he was in a trance, but vaguely remembered these four words, and then was knocked down by a huge force.

When he woke up, Ma Xiaochao had returned to the long-lost ground. And he lay outside the gate of the Royal College in a very indecent posture.