Divine Book

Chapter 13 Devil Island War

Hearing the arrogant voice opposite him say that he was the demon king, Tuoba Gui quit on the spot and shouted, "If you are the demon king, I'm still the dragon king!"

"Xiaochao, don't listen to them. People in the demon world are also divided into many levels, and the devil is just one of them." An Caiwei took advantage of the short gap to popularize knowledge to Ma Xiaochao: "The way the demon clan divides the level of strength is very special. They divide titles according to their strength, so the higher the title, the stronger the strength of the demon clan. Of course, the demon king of the demon clan is just a small role."

The devil is also a small role, so what is the ultimate fierce role? Ma Xiaochao was suddenly surprised by the strength of the demon clan. According to Ma Xiaochao's known title, there are five princes and uncles. This prince should be above the five titles known to Ma Xiaochao.

"Have you finished your talk!" The guy who claimed to be the demon king stood in front of everyone with an arrogant face, with huge wings behind him so that he did not have to stay on the sharp stone. And the handsome face and crimson eyes prove that the strength of the demon clan in front of him is extraordinary.

"The darker the eyes of the demon clan, the more powerful they will be. Let's be careful." Liu Tiantian looked at the demon king with crimson eyes and couldn't help reminding Ma Xiaochao.

"This time, you can't be stubborn alone. Don't forget, we are born and die with you!" At this time, Bu Qianxue did not forget to remind Ma Xiaochao that Ma Xiaochao alone was not enough to fight against the demon king in front of him.

"Human beings are really talkish. If you want to fight, you can fight. Why do you talk so much nonsense?" The demon king launched an attack without morality at all, and the huge mountain knife in his hand suddenly chopped down at the Ram Waner.

"Hey, red-eyed, what's your name?" Ma Xiaochao saw that he was looking for Wan'er, the largest target. Obviously, he was an opponent with extremely rich combat experience. If he unfortunately died at the hands of this demon clan this time, he at least knew the name of the demon clan that killed him.

"No reincarion!" The answer of this demon clan suddenly made Ma Xiaochao freeze and reincarnation without phase. Can this also be called a name?

"No reincarion is my name! It is also my strongest mystery. We demons all use their most powerful tricks as their names. Because the name is not important to us demons at all. What matters is what kind of height you can reach!" The demon king Wuxiang was reincarnated to see that Gongyang Waner could catch him with a knife in his palms. He took a step back and glanced at Ma Xiaochao coldly, "It seems that you are interfering with your mind, so I'll kill you first!" After a long period of contact with you human beings, even I have become verboous!"

Ma Xiaochao saw that this guy seemed to be going to attack him, so he quickly put his right hand on the cuff. Ma Xiaochao, who had Medusa Shield, could not have been afraid of any creatures, but the enemy in front of him brought it to his unprecedented eyes.

"In order to make you feel the fear before death, I will use this move to destroy you!" The devil's big knife had arrived around Ma Xiaochao before Ma Xiaochao lifted his sleeves.

The big knife is like a top, constantly hovering on the side of the horse's super body, and the stones on the ground also fly with the wind blowing up by the devil's huge wings. In an instant, Ma Xiaochao was wrapped in a black whirlpool, and countless sand and stones also made it impossible for other people to rescue Ma Xiaochao.

This attack method is like hanging. If you don't have a very fast attack speed or strong defense, there is no way to prevent it. Liu Tiantian had this idea when she saw this move. After all, she is also a martial artist and has unique views on the martial artist's moves.

In this world, except for the compulsory skills stipulated in the church, all martial artists improve themselves by creating their own martial arts or learning other people's martial arts skills. The more powerful the martial arts can be created, the more powerful this person's strength will be guaranteed. Of course, with skills alone, there is no way to gain a foothold in this world. For martial artists, fighting spirit is also a hard strength and indispensable.

But Ma Xiaochao has not practiced fighting spirit, that is to say, in the face of the evil spirit of the demon clan, Ma Xiaochao, a half-hearted magician, can do nothing at all.

"If it goes on like this, he will die." Liu Tiantian's eyes did not have too much sadness, but some regret, some regret, and even felt unwilling to do nothing. But all she can do now is pray that Ma Xiaochao can create miracles.

"What?" The blade of the demon king's reincarnation suddenly stopped, and he himself appeared in his original position, as if the whirlpool composed of the blade just now was not created by him at all.

But seeing the scene in front of him, the demon king was also extremely surprised by his reincarnation: "What's the difference between you using spider webs to defend against my attack?"

Card - the spider web composed of countless light bands unexpectedly broke after this crisp sound, and then fell off Ma Xiaochao's body. Ma Xiaochao came out of the cocoon like a new life.

Even the knife-cut spider web can be crushed. It seems that this guy's incomparable reincarnation is really powerful. Even if I have just learned a few ways to escape, I can't use it in front of him at all!

Ma Xiaochao gasped nervously: "Your phaseless reincarnation seems to be very physical, doesn't it? If you can send another phaseless reincarion, I'm afraid I can only accept my fate.

The demon king was reincarnated and laughed: "I appreciate your honesty and your ability to adapt to changes. From now on, I will treat you as a real opponent and give you enough respect! The soul is broken!"

No one will understand what it means as a real opponent, which is to prove that the demon king will begin to take this battle seriously.

"Frozen!" Bu Qianxue's ice ban has finally become instantaneous. If Ma Xiaochao hadn't given her so much insights, I'm afraid she would have followed the rules in her life and used magic according to the textbooks of the church.

"No!" Liu Tiantian quickly grabbed Bu Qianxue. He was very clear about the move of the demon king in front of him, which could not be disturbed by the primary magic of ice ban. If you are not careful, you are likely to be countered by the other party's magic.

The magic counterattack of warriors is different from that of magicians. They need to forcibly interrupt the mage's magic through powerful martial arts, or through the strength of the martial arts itself to achieve a short-term magic immunity effect.

Da Damn it! Bu Qianxue's ice ban turned out to be instantaneous. Liu Tiantian can't stop it anymore. Seeing the demon king who was out of breath, he easily bounced off the ice ban and gave Qianxue's spiritual power to be disturbed for a short time. Liu Tiantian had to entrust Bu Qianxue to An Caiwei and rushed up.

Bu Qianxue's strength is the strongest among several people. Except for the two dragon clans, I'm afraid she is the only one who can pose a threat to the demon king in front of her.

Ma Xiaochao doesn't know how powerful the soul fighting is. It's just that such a long time is enough for him to sing a lot of spells. But now Ma Xiaochao can't even use the lost fireball. What's more, this guy doesn't need his eyes to observe the war situation at all, and the Medusa Shield doesn't seem to work.

"Look for death!" Wuxiang reincarnated to see that Liu Tiantian was desperate to stand in front of Ma Xiaochao, and suddenly changed his mind. The soul-broken attack all launched towards Liu Tiantian.

"Silver Crystal Broken Dance!" Naturally, Liu Tiantian did not know how powerful the martial arts of the demon clan was, but her intuition told her that if she did not come up with the most powerful defense skills, I was afraid that the consequences would be unimaginable.

"The battle on this magic island is going on all the time. It doesn't matter whether it's black or white, and it doesn't matter whether it's moral belief. The demon clan has always had only one belief that if you fight, you can become stronger! Therefore, the more we face powerful opponents, the more excited our demon clan will be!" Wuxiang's reincarnation is ready to attack, and the power of this knife is simply shocking.

The air was instantly divided into two sections by this seemingly ordinary knife, and after this knife was split, the ground immediately cracked. The originally flat ground actually broke a huge canyon because of the power of this knife. Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian were divided on both sides of the canyon.

Ma Xiaochao is on the left and Liu Tiantian is on the right, and the knife of phaseless reincarnation did not stop, but went all the way down the depth of the canyon fracture. The hot magma under the ground suddenly erupted, making the phaseless reincarnation had to return to the ground.

Liu Tiantian's silver crystal dance did not end. This knife cracked Liu Tiantian's mouth, damaged her internal organs, and retreated repeatedly, but the waving of the long sword was not directly injured by the knife of incarnation.

"It's so strong." Tuobagui next to An Caiwei suddenly exclaimed, "No wonder my father always tells me that he would rather be wronged than provoke the demon clan!"

An Caiwei glanced at him and did not respond. Instead, she rushed to the side of the Rift Valley and waved her staff to Liu Tiantian's figure: "The benevolent world will never look at the human beings you created and suffer undue harm. Please give me the strength to protect my comrades-in-arms in front of me - the dawn.

This is not a healing magic, but after years of research, the Holy Optical Church combines light magic with healing magic. The only magic can not only dispel the bad state of the target, but also instantly restore a lot of its vitality of life, which can be called the perfect healing magic.

Ma Xiaochao has never been very clear about the magic of the healing system. Why does it exist in this world? The hydrotherapy of the water system, the gas therapy of the gas system, the virtue of the earth system, and most magic of the light system can be treated. So why is there still a need for healing?

If there is a chance in the future, you must make the healing magic stronger, so that An Caiwei will have the ability to protect herself!

Ma Xiaochao looked at the scene in front of him and decided what he had to do, that is, to go to the church to strengthen the healing magic. Before that, it is extremely important to strive to improve your strength.

"It's not easy to stop my soul! However, with you alone, there is no cooperation at all, and there is no tacit way of fighting. It is simply impossible to win me!" Wuxiang reincarnated and laughed. Seeing Ma Xiaochao separated from everyone, he sneered, "Since you don't have the ability to protect the people around you, don't be so impulsive. The demon world is not as simple as you think!"

"Hey! I can't help it!" Tuoba Gui suddenly put his strange gun on the ground. "Why do you have a tone of teaching others? What I don't like most is people like you. Even if you are strong, who can improve your strength by starting from scratch and practicing all the way? You demons are like this, and so are our dragons, and so are their human beings. They have never given up their desire to become stronger. Therefore, when you rely on the strength of countless years to bully people who have just entered the road of cultivation, you are already a barbaric creature without morality, self-restraint and temperament! You are not even as good as some monsters!"

Although he didn't understand what Tuoba Gui was saying, Ma Xiaochao also knew that this guy was helping him fight against him, but now is not the time to express his gratitude. He should first eliminate this guy called phaseless reincarnation.

It's just that with the strength of yourself and a few other people, can you really pose any threat to this guy? Not to mention the two people from the Dragon Empire. He knows Liu Tiantian's strength. He has been beaten and spit blood with just one move. Obviously, this guy is the strongest enemy he has ever seen in his life.

No, he is not the strongest, but he has the belief in winning and endless desire to fight, which makes me feel so much pressure. In this way, as long as a correct mentality is adjusted, there will be a turning point in this battle.

"You are obviously more arrogant than me. As I said, you have the ability to speak with strength! I don't like chattering!" The demon king Wuxiang reincarnate and glanced at Tuoba Gui fiercely, "What about the dragon clan? Isn't it that the turtle shrinking and dare not come out of that extremely cold field!" Even evading war and responsibility, compared with human beings, your dragon clan is even more unpleasant! Suffer to death!"

Tuoba Gui was not afraid at all. He raised his chest and raised his breath. He pulled out the strange gun with one hand and glanced at the fierce reincarnation. "This dragon has been with me for more than ten years, and I have never tasted the blood of the demon clan!"

"You are dead!" Wuxiang was reincarnate at the moment when Tuoba Gui spoke, he had already split Tuoba Gui in half with the big knife in his hand.

"Idiot, on the battlefield, who will give you a chance to speak!" Wuxiang reincarnated arrogantly and glanced at Liu Tiantian and others, "You guys, there are many people, but you have always refused to work together to deal with me, so I will break them all rudely!"

"What are you kidding! What you just broke is just a remnant!" Tuoba's arrogant voice suddenly came from the sky, "Don't you see the expressions of them, and there is no change at all?"

The big knife of phaseless reincarnation held the dragon of Tuoba Gui, and then suddenly stepped on it, and a huge pit brought down the phaseless reincarnation, and Tuoba Gui, who was in mid-air, suddenly lost his support and fell rapidly.

"Fly and honest soul gives me the power of instant movement to continue my life - teleportation!" Ma Xiaochao felt that this seemed to be a good opportunity. After all, his feet were stuck in the pit, and the action would not be so convenient. If Tuoba Gui could block the rising space of Wuxiang's reincarnate, and Gong Yang Wan'er was holding it head-on, then he was sure that Wuxiang's reincarnated Zang was better than that.

"Listen to me!" Ma Xiaochao's teleportation this time, the distance was extremely long, and he almost fell from the edge of the rift valley. Fortunately, there was no danger. He quickly greeted everyone to act according to his subordinates, "The mop man continues to put pressure on the sky. Sister Hamburg, you are fighting with this guy head-on. Tiantian, Caiwei and you two are behind me and ready to support at any time. Qianxue, take this. If my plan succeeds, I will put this guy in immediately!"

Ma Xiaochao threw the divine book to Bu Qianxue, took three steps and two steps to fly to Wuxiang's reincarnated body, and shouted: "Sister Hamburg, you work hard, don't stop!"

Gong Yang Wan'er knew that Ma Xiaochao was talking about herself, but it was really impolite to describe a girl with a hamburger! Although hamburgers are also very cute. Gongyang Waner knew that she didn't have time to think so much now. She had to complete Ma Xiaochao's deployment. After all, without a good conductor in this group, she could not cooperate tacitly.

"I just want to cooperate now?" Wuxiang reincarnated with a sneer, his long black forehead swings in the wind, and his red eyes suddenly shoot two lights: "In the face of me as a demon king, there is no way to win. So what can you do in the face of the great demon king, the demon emperor, and the demon lord? It seems that our demon clan is still the most powerful nation in the world!"

"Nine turns the sky lamp!" Hearing Ma Xiaochao's words, Tuoba Gui immediately stabilized his body and aimed the long gun at Wuxiang reincarnated with the help of the falling momentum. Judging from the erratic feeling of the tip of the gun, there must be an extremely powerful trick. If you are inexperienced, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

What's more, now the demon king has no time to care about the dragon clan in the sky. After all, the power of Gongyang Wan'er is not like a woman at all, and he is evenly matched with him.

"It's now! Ghost Bank, Ghost Bank, don't let me down!" Ma Xiaochao suddenly accelerated, and he didn't know when the dagger arrived in his hand. He suddenly stabbed behind Wuxiang's reincarnated and stabbed a very obscene position.

"Do you think this will win me?" Wuxiang reincartered and sneered, "From the beginning to now, I'm just fighting with you with martial arts! Don't forget that all of us demons are both demonic and martial arts!"

"So what?" Ma Xiaochao's dagger still stabbed into the back door of Wuxiang's reincarnation, and the scream suddenly resounded through the sky, "Winning people, it will definitely be me!"

"Oh, you completely angered me!" Wuxiang reincarrion gritted his teeth fiercely, "Forbidden spell - infinite horror!"