Divine Book

Chapter 19 Bimon Beast Gives Jade

"Brother mop, what's wrong with you?" Ma Xiaochao patted Tuoba Gui on the shoulder, but Tuoba Gui did not respond at all, as if he had been petrified, but Ma Xiaochao could clearly see that Tuoba Gui's feet could not help trembling.

It can scare the usually arrogant and rude mop like this. I'm afraid only Gong Yang Wan'er can do it, right? No, isn't Gongyang Wan'er right next to her? Why is she also trembling? Is it cold?

Ma Xiaochao couldn't help thinking nonsense and suddenly felt a chill on his back. Originally, the hard ice on the ground was already uncomfortable enough, and then such a ghostly thing appeared behind his back. It really feels like a horror movie.

The worst thing is that this is not a horror movie! Ma Xiaochao slowly turned around and saw a furry pillar, no, four. Ma Xiaochao had to look up, but felt that something gently knocked on his head.

Isn't the tusks, long nose, hair all over the body, huge body and limbs, isn't it the legendary maoth? Why are these two guys afraid of this? Weiwei and the others are not afraid.

Ma Xiaochao doesn't know the reason why Tuoba Gui and others are afraid of this hairy elephant, because in this world, the long hairy elephant is not called a hairy elephant, but a big beast!

"Run!" Tuoba Gui suddenly pulled Gongyang Wan'er and ran out of a distance. "Brother Ma, I'd like to ask you about the burning pool. Bi Meng has a deep hatred for our dragon clan. We can't stay here any longer.

"It's not so unrighteous!" Ma Xiaochao was just about to retain him, but he found that Gong Yang Wan'er had turned into a silver dragon and flew away with Tuoba Gui.

"Don't be afraid, Bi Meng doesn't have much hatred for you human beings. Please be sure to get the raw water from the burning pool!" Tuoba Gui said tremblingly on the back of the silver dragon.

Ma Xiaochao originally wanted to swear. Isn't it just a hairy elephant? What's there to be afraid of? However, seeing this Mammoth constantly pressing his head with his nose, he turned his head angrily and scolded at the Big Beast, "I don't have time to play with you. We have to find the burning pool!"

The Bimeng giant beast roared, knocked on Ma Xiaochao's head three times, and then ran away. Ma Xiaochao opened his mouth in surprise, and the maoth ran faster than the leopard.

"What does this guy mean by knocking you on the head three times?" Bu Qianxue came over, took Ma Xiaochao's arm and asked curiously.

"I'm not the Monkey King. How do I know? No matter how much, let's find the burning pool quickly." Ma Xiaochao didn't think it was better than the Meng Giant Beast to let him find it in the middle of the night.

"I heard that where there are treasures, there will be powerful monsters guarded by them. We follow this Bimeng giant beast, and maybe we can find the burning pool." Bu Qianxue looked at the direction of the giant beast running and thought about it.

"Then you can only make a bet." Ma Xiaochao doesn't think that if he looks for it so blindly, he can find the burning pool. Since this Bimeng giant beast appears here, it will not be unreasonable.

Ma Xiaochao and others followed the route taken by the Bimeng beast, and did not encounter any monsters and warcraft corpses along the way to the end of the western end of the ice field. The land here is no longer covered with ice.

"It looks like it's almost there!" An Caiwei looked at this ** land excitedly and was extremely excited. As long as this matter was solved, she could go back to the Zhongyou Empire and investigate her background.

"Well, the burning pool is a unique scenery in this ice and snow. The water all over the pool is burning with flames, making all the surrounding ice and snow melt away. Bu Qianxue shook her long blue hair and sighed, "I don't know why this burning pool can burn flames in such a cold place."

"Qian Xue, where did you know about these things? At your age, you should never have seen a burning pool. An Caiwei felt that Bu Qianxue seemed to have taught them a lot along the way.

"It's all read from the book. I don't know if I can believe it." Bu Qianxue followed Ma Xiaochao, who was walking in front of him, "Hey, why don't you leave?"

"I suddenly felt very hot. I was afraid that I would not stand it when I got to that place. I took off my clothes and scared you guys." Ma Xiaochao made a face, but this place really doesn't look like the field of the polar north ice field.

"I won't be scared by you. I've seen it for a long time!" After saying this, An Caiwei suddenly blushed and seemed to realize something wrong.

"Oh, it turns out that you have met frankly for a long time!" Bu Qianxue looked at Ma Xiaochao with a smile, "It doesn't matter. I also want to see if you have muscles."

Sweat, cold sweat! Ma Xiaochao smiled awkwardly and continued to walk to the west. Sure enough, the further west he went, the hotter the airflow around him became. Bu Qianxue and others hung sweat on the foreheads.

Ma Xiaochao can take off his clothes and move forward naked. But a few girls wear less clothes and have nothing to take off. But it's so hot here that Ma Xiaochao can't bear to let them follow him in. So he said, "You go back for a while. Wait for me at the intersection of hot and cold.

After saying that, Ma Xiaochao ran far away and left several girls far behind him. Liu Tiantian sighed, "Go back."

"Sister Tiantian, do you really want to let him take risks alone? I don't know what's the danger in this burning pool!" An Caiwei is extremely worried.

"Don't worry, that guy has a lot of ideas. I didn't know how he cheated you at the beginning!" Bu Qianxue hugged An Caiwei and comforted him, "You have to trust your son-in-law. He is the most slippery man in the world."

"Well, you're right. He is so slippery that he must have a way to complete his mission. The burning pool is just a lake, and it's not a big deal. An Caiwei talked and laughed with the two, returned to the hot and cold place, waiting for Ma Xiaochao's good news.

The more Ma Xiao went deeper, and the more anxious he felt. This heat wave was enough to devour any object. Ma Xiaochao saw the burning pool from afar, but he did not dare to move forward easily.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao was knocked on the head three times. The huge Maomao stood beside Ma Xiaochao. The strength of the Bimon giant beast should also be regarded as the level of mythical beast. Ma Xiaochao thought about the novel he had read before, and it seemed that Bimon was already the strongest monster.

The meaning of the Bimon beast knocking on his head three times is to let him follow. Then just follow. However, the Bimon giant beast did not move, but continued to knock on Ma Xiaochao's head.

Once, after knocking for more than 20 times, Ma Xiaochao finally couldn't help cursing, "I'm not a wooden fish, and you're not a monk. What's wrong with you always knocking? What on earth are you going to tell me? Hurry up and say it!"

The Bimeng giant beast was stunned for a moment and suddenly stepped on the ground, and the ground sank a few minutes. After repeated several times, finally the ground under its body was deep enough, and its head could reach the same parallel line as Ma Xiaochao.

Ma Xiaochao just saw at this moment that there was a string of beautiful jade emitting a faint cold light hanging on the head of the giant beast. What surprised Ma Xiaochao was that the shape of this jade was exactly the same as the string on Zhao Yu's wrist.

"Are you going to tell me that this burning pool is related to Zhao Yu?" Ma Xiaochao took off the beautiful jade above his head and put it on his chest. Suddenly, a chill came, and the heat around him seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

The Bimon giant beast nodded, and then suddenly jumped back. The huge body could actually get out of the deep pit. When Bimeng Giant Beast saw Ma Xiaochao take the jade, he jumped out of the pit and immediately ran away, leaving Ma Xiaochao with a stunned face.

"What does this jade have to do with Zhao Yu? No matter how much it is, let's go to the burning pool to get something called 'raw water' first. Ma Xiaochao immediately made up his mind to continue to move west. I didn't feel any heat this time.

The burning pool was indeed as Qianxue said, and countless flames cheered up, melting a large area of ice and snow around it, revealing the land. Ma Xiaochao walked to the burning pool and suddenly remembered something. He laughed and said, "Brother Wuxiang Reincarnate, are you still there?"

"Of course, you bastard, put me in here, and there is no one to fight with me. It's really boring." Wuxiang reincarnation said angrily, "What's more, no one can get out of this dragon saddle without your consent."

"But I'm going to put water in the burning pool now. If you don't come out, I'm afraid..." Ma Xiaochao smiled sinisterly and asked this guy not to tell me the context of the matter, and I scared him to death.

"What? Water in the burning pool? Do you want to burn me to death? Wuxiang's reincarnation suddenly turned from panic at the beginning to sneering: "It seems that you are lucky to go to the burning pool, but I don't know if you are lucky to face what is going to happen."

"What's going to happen?" Ma Xiaochao looked around, and there was no special sign except for the flames beating on the water of the burning pool.

"You will know when you take the water. If it's not enough, you'd better let me out so that I can keep your life safe. Wuxiang's reincaration suddenly pinched his fist twice, and his bones clucked.

"Let's not do it. Isn't it me who came out to kill first? Ma Xiaochao was a little nervous and dared not release Wuxiang's reincarnation.

"You human beings are really troublesome. I don't know much about your strength, so I really want to know how far you can grow in the future. Why don't we make a deal? You let me out and I'll tell you the secret about the burning pool. There seems to be a lot of things about incarzhuan.

"No, I'm too bad. You have to promise me another condition. Otherwise, even if I die here, I will take the water from the burning pool and pour it on your head!" Ma Xiaochao suddenly had a wonderful idea.