Divine Book

Chapter 27 The Transformation of the Tiger Gang

This action is more universal than the middle finger, and the master of Chaohu naturally knows what it means. Suddenly, he looked angry and said fiercely, "Kill him, come on, kill him!"

Ma Xiaochao didn't bother to pay attention to him. He put on a dagger in his hand and waved: "The sun is burning!" Then he meditated a teleportation spell and instantly went outside the door of Haofeng Casino. Listening to the chaotic Haofeng Casino, he took a long breath and said, "Cool!"

Ma Xiaochao glanced at the divine book in his hand and asked, "How can we make this place burn quickly?" I want to set fire!"

The divine book did not answer, as if he had fallen asleep deeply. But Mo Wen's voice suddenly exploded: "Hey, are you going to burn me with you?"

Ma Xiaochao shook his head repeatedly and said, "I already knew you had hidden in my saddle. I heard that there is a magic called the door of resentment in the dark department, which can make people return to their original place in an instant.

Mo Wen was surprised and said, "Huh? I didn't expect you to know a lot. However, this door of resentment is very magical, and it can only bring up to six people at a time.

Ma Xiaochao laughed and said, "Then I'll ask you, what can you do to burn this place? Hurry up, or they will be in trouble when they come out."

Mo asked, "Don't worry, they can't get out. I have just added the darkness of the abyss to this door. If you don't have strong strength, you can't get out in a short time. As for arson, you should be more skilled than me.

Ma Xiaochao touched his earlobe: "It's really cool to cut noodles, close the door and set fire, but the one in it is called Boyetian and the Qiu Wudao. I want them to be my subordinates. If this fire goes on, I'm afraid they will die.

Mo Wen's voice came from the divine book: "Don't worry, I won't let these two people who can be my opponent die easily. Just set fire to me and I will find an opportunity to save them.

Ma Xiaochao was a little relieved when he heard this and suddenly said, "You bastard, why don't you come out quickly to treat my injury? Do you want to see me die of excessive blood loss?" Ma Xiaochao let Mo ask after saying that.

Mo Wen shook his wings: "It's easy for me to go in, but it's difficult to get out. Do you think the door of resentment is magic in seconds? Where is the injury?"

"It seems that my dark magic can't do nothing about your injury. I forgot that dark magic can only heal myself, not others!" Mo Wen looked at Ma Xiaochao's expression as if he had eaten a turtle, and suddenly felt good and laughed.

"Laugh at your sister." Ma Xiaochao knew that he was not Mo Wen's opponent, so he turned his anger on this Haofeng casino and burned several times in a row. Ma Xiaochao clicked everything that could be burned. Mo Wen was a wing, and the fire instantly spread into the Haofeng Casino.

Although the fire outside the casino is not big, the fire burns inside and there is a prairie fire. After all, the tables and chairs are all wooden, and most of the mahjong that has been carried forward from Ma Xiaochao is also made of wood.

Han Meng saw the fierce fire and looked at Qiu Wudao and Boyetian doubtfully, and Chaohu was even worse. He immediately said, "Okay, you two actually helped thousands of insects to deal with our Lichuanjiao. I don't know what benefits Ma Xiaochao gave you and let you betray your master!"

Bo Yetian said angrily, "Caohu, don't spit people with blood. I, Boyetian, am loyal to the Tiger Gang, and I haven't been used to you as a villain for a long time. Today, I will clean up the portal for the master!"

" Stop it!" Han Meng said angrily, "What's wrong with you thinking that I don't exist? The blind fire spread, and I didn't know how to help put out the fire, but there was internal straki here!"

The long bow that Boyetian had just raised slowly put down and stared at Chaohu unwillingly. Chaohu's eyes turned and took this opportunity to kill Bo Yetian to eliminate future trouble!

No one thought that Chaohu's mind would send out six diamond-shaped darts between these electric flints to take the key points of Bo Yetian's whole body.

Han Meng focused on the fire, while Boyetian had just put down his long bow. Neither of them had a place where the kettle would suddenly come. Only Qiu Wudao always watched Chaohu's every move, and instantly blocked in front of Boye Tian. The iron egg in his hand flew out, brushed a few times, and shot down the six diamond-shaped darts.

The iron egg was chained and returned to Qiu Wudao's hand again. Qiu Wudao coughed twice and said, "Caohu, I have seen your mind for a long time. I didn't expect that you dared to kill us so blatantly! If I don't kill you today, it won't solve my hatred!"

Han Meng saw this and roared, "Qiu Wudao, are you going to rebel?"

Qiu Wudao snorted coldly: "Master, I, Qiu Wudao, am no longer a member of this Tiger Gang today. When I kill this son of a bitch, you can deal with it!"

The iron egg in Qiu Wudao's hand was like a flying star, and instantly smashed into the eyes of Chaohu. The two iron eggs made the eyes of Chaohu. Then Qiu Wudao made a foot and kicked the Chaohu far away. The two iron eggs flew out with the eyes of Chaohu. And Boyetian raised his bow and arrow again, and pierced an arrow in the middle of Chaohu's eyebrows. In an instant, Chaohu's life ended.

"Xiaotian, you!" Qiu Wudao was shocked to see that Boyetian suddenly killed Chaohu, but when he saw that Boyetian aimed his bow and arrow at Han Meng, he couldn't help screaming.

"Hahahaha!" Han Meng laughed angrily: "I didn't expect that you two were really spies lurking in my Tiger Gang. It seems that I can't escape death today, but it's really sad to die under my most trusted brother!"

"If you have anything to say, go to that world and say it!" Boyetian seems to have made up his mind for a long time. Nine arrows, like a long dragon, sent Han Meng into the world of bliss.

"Xiaotian, what do you mean?" Qiu Wudao saw that Boyetian actually killed Han Meng and couldn't help questioning Boyetian.

"What's the future with this idiot? Besides, we have been called like dogs by him for more than ten years. That Chaohu is so bullying that he shouts at us all day long. I don't want to put up with it for a long time. Boyetian was not afraid at all, "I have done what you dare not do for you. Now, I'm going to join the Xintian League. If you think I'm a traitor, just come and kill me!"

"Xiaotian, what are you suffering from? If we do this, I'm afraid we will have to carry the identity of a traitor in our life. Qiu Wudao took a look at Han Meng's body and the burning flame, and sighed deeply.

"Only you know what happened here today. If you are willing to follow me to pursue a brighter future, I can guarantee that no one will think that we did it. Boyetian looked directly at Qiu Wu and said, "Of course, if you think I'm a traitor, just come and kill me. I won't return it."

Qiu Wudao took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you this time. It seems that the people of the Tiger Gang are going to die, fire and sea!"

Bo Yetian naturally understood the meaning of Qiu Wudao and smiled miserably. The long bow in his hand flew and aimed at the gang of Tigers. The arrows were empty, and every arrow would take a person's life. And this blazing flame also made the two people's action more vicious.

"What Ma Xiaochao said just now has left us no way out. What's more, you also see the old... Han Meng's eyes looking at us are simply distrustful of us. I'm afraid it won't be better than before to stay here. Boyetian tied Qiu Wudao's iron egg to the arrow, nailed it to the ceiling, and sighed deeply.

The chain was extended to the extreme and was dragged by Qiu Wudao. Qiu Wudao nodded and said, "It seems that this is the only way. Hold on to me and I'll take you out!"

Bo Yetian and Qiu Wudao flew to the door of Haofeng Casino, and Mo Wen and Ma Xiaochao also opened the door and came in.

"Are you dead?" Ma Xiaochao opened his mouth wide, looked at Mo helplessly and asked, "How could this happen?"

Mo Wen shook his head, put Bo Yetian on the ground, and pointed to them, "There is no dead light, there are still two that can be used. Do you want to use it?"

"You idiot!" Ma Xiaochao said angrily, "The two of them are my capable generals. How can they suck their blood?"

When Boyetian heard Ma Xiaochao's words, he immediately came forward and said, "Biyetian joined the Xintian League today and vowed never to deviate, otherwise the descendants will be born, men's world will be slaves, and women's generations will be prostitutes."

Qiu Wudao was secretly surprised to hear his heavy vows. Ma Xiaochao quickly helped Boyetian up and said, "Today, two people joined the Tianmeng. It's really like Han Xin's return to Han, and Weizi went to Yin..."

Ma Xiaochao suddenly shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, it's like An Liang has arrived in an empire..." Ma Xiaochao thought that this metaphor should be quite appropriate. Sure enough, Boyetian and Qiu Wudao's eyes were full of gratitude and excitement.

"Congratulations, I received two more peerless masters. But your injury?" Mo Wen looked at the big hole on Ma Xiaochao's shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

Boyetian and Qiu Wudao looked at each other in consterable. No matter how they looked at each other, they looked like... Ma Xiaochao somehow suddenly had a chill and stared at Bo Yetian and said, "What are you doing? Hurry up and take me to the best hospital in Lichuanjiao!"

Hospital? Boyetian was stunned for a moment and understood in an instant, but his face became embarrassed again: "Brother Chao, we Lichuanjiao is a magic doctor. But his temper..."

"It's a little strange, isn't it?" Ma Xiaochao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take me there. I'd like to see what's wrong with these magic doctors!" Let's treat him!"

Everyone sweated immediately. Did this guy really go to the magic doctor to treat the wound? No matter how you look at it, it looks like you're going to smash the scene!