Divine Book

Chapter 34 Demon Avenger

"So, your enemy is..." Ma Xiaochao was very surprised, "The orcs?"

"That's right!" The mask killer sneered, "It seems that you still have some brains. No wonder the northwest corner will be turned upside down by you."

"Just what does this have to do with beasts? What does it have to do with this jade? You sold your soul to that person. Who is that person? Ma Xiaochao had a series of questions in his mind, which came out like a flood of the gate.

These days, Ma Xiaochao has been hearing legends about that person. Is the person in their mouth the same person? What on earth did that man do? Why didn't everyone say his name?

"You are quite curious. You can't be a qualified killer like this. The mask killer laughed miserably: "Oh, what happened back then is really funny..."

Ma Xiaochao didn't say anything, waiting for the mask killer to tell his story. The mask killer glanced at Ma Xiaochao and said about the past.

"In that era, the orcs were extremely powerful and constantly invaded the territory belonging to other races. And our group of creatures, forgotten by the world, called demons, were invaded by the orcs at this time.

"You may not know what a demon is? Demons have the unique shooter talent of the elves and the strong control of the goblin clan over water magic. They are the combination of goblins and elves and are the most perfect species in the world.

"Although they don't have a long life of elves, they don't have a strong body of goblins. But they have the noble elegance of elves and the goblins are no less intelligent than human beings.

"So at the beginning, the army sent by the orc tribe was nothing to our group of demons. After repelling several attacks of the orc army, the demon tribe also suffered certain losses.

"At that time, I was just a six-year-old child. He has not even awakened his magical talent and archer talent. Watching the war spread in our country, countless demons died and countless orcs died. There are rotten corpses everywhere, crying children everywhere, and miserable killing everywhere.

"All this was given to us by the orcs. So every demon has a belief. That is to let the orcs taste failure and drive them out of our land!"

However, everything is not as simple as we think. The orcs moved the big map they believed in and released the soul of their ancestors in the big map! With the protection of the soul of the ancestors, these orcs are like crazy!"

"They already have a tall and powerful figure, which makes the mountains break. When the ancestral souls enveloped the whole battlefield, the group of barbaric orcs crazily ravaged our homes. They don't even feel pain, and their immunity to magic has reached an amazing and terrible level.

"And we demons do not believe in the moon god like the elves, nor do we believe in the sea emperor like the goblins. So when the orcs fight for their faith, we demons don't know what to use to resist.

"I watched my home be destroyed and my mother died tragically by orcs**. But he could only sit on the airship of the fleeing elf country and endure the humiliation of the destruction of his homeland. Endure the pain of life and death. Enduring the helplessness of resistance.

"I am determined to make myself strong enough to destroy the whole orc tribe. Tauren, Frost Wolf, Kodo Beast... The images of these orcs are always a lingering shadow in my mind.

"Revenge is the only motivation for me to live. It is also the only desire. But my talent has never been awakened. Because I have elf blood, the elves take good care of me. But after all, I'm just a foreigner, and I'm also aware of the indifference of the elves.

"I can only envy the ancient magic and powerful bow and arrow skills of the elves. But I can't learn the slightest fur. Finally, I couldn't resist the eager desire for revenge and left the elf country to find a source of more powerful power.

"It was during those days. I have experienced countless encounters. I have heard many stories about the war between orcs and humans. The power of the orcs will completely destroy mankind. That's what I thought at that time. Once the orcs kill all the human beings. Then the orcs will be unprecedentedly powerful, and my revenge will be far away.

The war was extremely long and lasted for thousands of years. What I still don't understand is why human beings have no faith like us, but can resist the invasion of orcs. Instead of thinking about this matter, I continued to look for the power that can make me revenge.

"And this powerful force comes from a human being, and all human beings are in awe of him and regard him as a leader. And I saw that man when the human-animal war was white-hot.

"I can't describe the power of that person. He is surrounded by colorful light, a wing-like cloak and a near-perfect body. What makes me more jealous is that he has a more handsome face than me.

"The man knew my desire and made a condition to me. It is to sacrifice his soul to him and become his subordinate.

"I promised him. Because what he promised me was so tempting. It not only has the power to destroy the whole orc tribe, but also has the support of the human army. At that moment, I almost saw the dawn of revenge.

"But the power given to me by that person is not something I can easily digest. After extremely long years, I finally mastered that power. The speed of lightning, the power of the storm, and the control of space!"

"If you think this is just a pure gas magic, then you are very wrong. When I held a long gun and stepped on the war horse, even the war that burned the whole polar north ice field could not stop me.

"But it's too late. It's too late. If I could control this powerful force a year earlier. Then it will be me, not that person, who will slaughter the orcs.

"Although that person has given me great power. But it also destroyed the faith I had established. Since then, I have become nothing. He wandered on the streets like a dead body all day long.

"However, one day, when I saw a girl hanging a piece of jade on the neck of a giant beast, my faith reappeared. Even if I attacked the beast.

"And the girl actually protected the Bimeng beast, and I was shocked by her powerful momentum. I believe that girl is definitely not an ordinary human. But the hatred for the orcs finally drove me crazy!"

"That girl actually played hundreds of rounds with me and didn't win or lose. I watched the Bimeng giant beast escape, and the anger in my heart burned to its peak. I vented all my resentment on the girl. But the girl was rescued by an extremely powerful human army.

"When I knew that there was still a big beast in the world, I was so happy. But when I went to look for the beast again, I was defeated by a dragon head monster with inverted thorns all over my body. I'm very surprised that there are still monsters in the world that can defeat me!"

"I was seriously injured and ran all the way to Black Dragon City. But I saw that the bloody city was rising. This city is full of killing and desire. It is an excellent place to improve my strength and heal my wounds. So I entered here and joined an organization called Soul Eater.

"Here, I really realized my shortcomings. Too many powerful opponents, too many terrible enemies. They excited me and made me feel that my strength could go further. When I defeated more than a thousand people, I decided to set foot on the polar ice field again to kill the Bimeng beast!"

However, I felt frustrated again. The bad old man guarding at the gate actually defeated me with a finger in a round of guilt. And what makes me angry is that this guy is also a human!"

"Because he is guarding the gate, I have been unable to leave the bloody city for more than 20 years, so I have never had a good friend to revenge."

"I decided to kill all the people in the bloody city and turn this place into a sea of corpses and blood. In this way, that bad old man is useless for guarding the gate, hahahaha!"

That's all. The mask killer laughed wildly, suddenly trampled on Ma Xiaochao and said angrily, "Now you understand why I want to kill all the people here, and understand why I want to ask you about the origin of this jade!"

Ma Xiaochao teleported, escaped from the man's feet, kicked the man's crotch fiercely, and spit on the man's face. "You are just a walking corpse controlled by hatred. What are I afraid of you? That bad old man is not a human, but a dragon clan!"

"Bulls!" The mask killer said viciously, "With the dragon fighting spirit and the dragon spell, is it the dragon clan? No matter how powerful the dragon clan is, it is not as cunning as human beings. One day, I will kill all human beings! Kill all the dragons! Kill all the elves and goblins! Let this become a paradise for the dead!"

"Crazy!" Ma Xiaochao saw that the killer in front of him was simply hopeless, so he decided to use Medusa's Shield when he was unprepared.

"The Medusa Shield is useless to me!" The mask killer laughed wildly, "Your eyes betrayed your heart! As a killer, this is absolutely not allowed! Suffer to death!"

The speed of the mask killer is much slower this time, and every action is clearly presented in front of Ma Xiaochao. However, Ma Xiaochao has no ability to resist.

" Stop it!" An extremely strong wind blew the mask killer more than 20 meters away, and a perfectly handsome blonde young man in a cloak like a colorful streamer stood beside Ma Xiaochao.