Divine Book

Chapter 39 Fight Boy

Although these killers have good strength, they don't seem to accept anyone. When Ma Xiaochao killed the leading killer in seconds, the attitude of these killers suddenly became much more cautious.

is not an advantage in number and strength, which can form an absolute crushing. If you are not cautious enough, and the other party has a certain luck, it is likely that the other party will still seize the opportunity.

Ma Xiaochao confronted these more than 30 killers in this way, and neither side would make concessions, and the atmosphere was extremely stiff for a while. Because there was no leader, the group of killers did not surround Ma Xiaochao and others, but stood in a row and oppressed Ma Xiaochao with their own momentum.

Unfortunately, since Ma Xiaochao had the sky, no one has been able to suppress him in momentum. The blind confidence brought by the sky to Ma Xiaochao made him glare at the group of killers in front of him without fear.

"Together or one by one?" Ma Xiaochao hung a sneer at the corners of his mouth. These killers are arrogant. Naturally, they will not plan to go together without a leader. Naturally, the purpose of what he said was to break it.

None of the killers of the Soul Eater Gang are not masters. Naturally, they disdain to do that kind of things to take advantage of people's danger, so the group of killers of Soul Eaters naturally chose to do one-on-one. Anyway, to deal with Ma Xiaochao, only need to go out of one of them.

"If we go together, we will bully the less. But if we fight alone, I'm afraid we will get another reputation for bullying!" The killers were all wearing masks, and Ma Xiaochao could not see how old the speaker was.

However, Ma Xiaochao knows that these killers will inevitably choose to fight on wheels, because from the attitude of Hill, the hunter Hill, the killers of the soul-eating gang like to slowly play with their opponents to death, rather than kill them with one shot.

Ma Xiaochao felt that Hill's attitude was not suitable for being a killer. If Ma Xiaochao is allowed to be a killer, he will not hesitate to kill him as long as it is his own goal. This is what killers should do.

"Do you seem to think I'm weak?" Ma Xiaochao glanced at the body on the ground that had not completely cooled down and looked at the people of the soul-eating gang devouring.

With the sky in hand, Ma Xiaochao doesn't know where his confidence comes from. He believes in one-on-one words, and this group of killers here may not be able to take advantage of himself.

"Okay, I'll teach you the trick!" It was the man who spoke before who came out of the team first. And Ma Xiaochao has long been ready for a wheel battle. I just don't know whether my physical strength and magic value are enough to eliminate these 30 killers one by one.

" boss, if it goes on like this, you will be dragged down by them!" Xiaowu felt that it was too risky for Ma Xiaochao to do this.

"Do we have any other options?" Ma Xiaochao glanced at Xiaowu and said, "Are you confident to defeat any of them?"

Xiaowu lowered his head. His strength was not too strong. If it hadn't been for his clever mind, he wouldn't have been appreciated by the shark. But Ma Xiaochao is obviously weaker than him. Why does he have such strong self-confidence?

Xiaowu always feels that his strength can't break through to a higher level, which is something missing. At this moment, Xiaowu suddenly understood something, yes, his confidence in the battle! This is the key to improving strength.

" boss, I'm confident!" Xiaowu looked at the 30 killers with a trace of light in his eyes. These killers were also human beings, and there was nothing to be afraid of at all.

Ma Xiaochao nodded and said, "Okay, if I can't stand it, you can defeat them instead of me!"

After saying this, Ma Xiaochao walked firmly to the man and sneered, "In order to show respect, I would like to ask you to take off your mask and tell me your name!"

"If you are a worthy opponent, then you will naturally know my name!" However, the masked man ignored Ma Xiaochao at all. He seemed to feel that Ma Xiaochao was not worthy of his respect and did not need to tell Ma Xiaochao his name.

Ma Xiaochao shook his head angrily: "You will regret your decision!"

"Since it is a decisive battle, no one is responsible for anyone's death." The masked man pulled out a long sword that did not open the blade.

"I never believe in fate! So, the person who will die must be you!" Ma Xiaochao knew that if he did not launch an attack quickly, he would definitely be at a disadvantage. Immediately, the scorching sun started the past.

"With such an obvious flawed trick, you dare to use it! Teleportation!" The masked man suddenly came behind Ma Xiaochao.

Because the scorching sun is a skill that requires continuous casting, and when attacking, the movement speed and turning speed will slow down, Ma Xiaochao took the lead by the other party.

"Transp!" Ma Xiaochao did not intend to let the other party attack his back, but immediately teleported to the man's back. The sky in his hand immediately shot an arrow.

The arrow was so close, but it still did not hit the masked man. Once the masked man's backhand, the sword in his hand cut towards Ma Xiaochao's neck artery.

Backhand back stab? Ma Xiaochao always feels that he has seen this trick in a game, but it is the first time he has seen it like him. Ma Xiaochao wrote down this move in an instant, and when he uses the dagger in the future, he can try it.

However, the top priority is to solve this move. Ma Xiaochao held the sky in his hand, so it was naturally impossible to resist the attack of the sword, and the length of the sword was unmatched by the dagger. Therefore, it is unlikely that Ma Xiaochao wants to dodge.

Just after using teleportation, it will take a few seconds for Ma Xiaochao's next teleportation. At the moment when the sword was cut, Ma Xiaochao's mind was blank, and suddenly a huge information poured into his mind.

The blood of the undead bird boiled again in Ma Xiaochao's body. This huge message is one of the magic skills used by undead birds in their lives. This skill has a name that Alex is proud of - Disillusionment Dragon Break!

Ma Xiaochao read the spell of this skill in an instant. A powerful thunder-like flame, with the roar of distance, attacked the masked man in an instant.

The color of this flame is hot white! That is to say, the temperature of this flame has reached its peak, which can be called God blocking gods and Buddha killing Buddhas.

At that time, Alex relied on this move to make the whole dragon family admire him. He even regarded him as the god of fire.

The mask man was ready to stab Ma Xiaochao's carotid artery by waving his sword with his backhand. His body was spinning, and the spell of Ma Xiaochao's move was too short. The masked man was naturally caught off guard. He was instantly hit by the disillusioned dragon, and his clothes burned instantly.

"I thought you would hide!" The masked man completely miscalculated Ma Xiaochao's movements and felt a burning pain in his abdomen. This white flame has the power to melt most things.

The masked man glanced at his abdomen and saw that part of his skin had melted. Fortunately, this disillusionment dragon break is just an instantane single attack skill. It's not a continuous injury, so the masked man is not life-threatening.

"If I didn't cut it just now, it's your neck, then you're dead." Ma Xiaochao had a gloomy face and looked invincible, but Xiaowu, Xu Zhen and others knew that Ma Xiaochao was trying to calm down.

In fact, Ma Xiaochao's heart has been up and down like a roller coaster. He didn't know how long he could survive and how many soul-eating killers he could defeat.

"You are a respectable opponent!" The masked man stepped back two steps, "The power of this magic is no less than the forbidden spell. I was convinced that I lost.

Ma Xiaochao just nodded gently. He didn't want to and didn't dare to let the other party's 30 killers see his inner tension and panic, but said in a colorful voice, "Next, who will do it?"

The killers of the soul-eating gang looked at each other, and the disillusioned dragon just now were broken, but they saw it with their own eyes that this move was not a person with only seven realms of internal vision and could be used.

If Ma Xiaochao is really a human, then there is only one explanation that works, that is, Ma Xiaochao has always been hiding his strength. However, if Ma Xiaochao is really hiding his strength, isn't it too scary for an 18-year-old teenager?

The killer of the Soul Eater suddenly lost the feeling of winning. Instead, he felt that the mysterious teenager in front of him was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

After all, this teenager completely relies on his own efforts to manage the Xintian League like Ye Bianzhou. The thousand insects in the scattered sand are wrong, and the unity of integration is incomparable.

And the teenager they saw at this time was not afraid of the danger of a strong enemy, and his face did not change. Even if he is forced to calm down, it is to give faith to the people around him and give them the courage to live.

"Ling Yitian, learn the high-level move of the vice-leader of the Tianmeng!" Such a teenager, no matter what his strength is, is a respectable opponent. So one of the Soul Eaters took off his mask and walked to Ma Xiaochao.

"Ma Xiaochao, please teach me!" Ma Xiaochao returned a salute. The young man with resolute face and thick eyebrows in front of him was well dressed and calm, which was easy to give people a good impression. It's just that Ma Xiaochao knows that the more such a person is, the greater the threat to himself.

Ling Yitian stared at Ma Xiaochao, as if looking for the flaws in Ma Xiaochao. But after a long time, Ling Yitian shook his head. Ma Xiaochao's standing posture was not a combat posture at all, and the archery posture was not like an orthodox archer at all.

"Yes, Deputy Lord Ma, you should be a mage!" Ling Yitian understood something in an instant. I'm afraid the reason why Ma Xiaochao has the momentum of being no less than their top masters is because of the rusty long bow in his hand.

"No, I'm not a mage!" Ma Xiaochao always felt that he was not suitable to be a mage, and in the days of the magician, Ma Xiaochao could use only one lost fireball.

Ma Xiaochao, who holds the sky, still feels that he should not be an archer. He believes that he should become a warrior who charges at the front, blocks the enemy's attack for his companions, and leads them to victory.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao took back the arrow that had just been taken off and rushed to Ling Yitian. And the sky in his hand was actually used by him as a big knife.

Ling Yitian looked at Ma Xiaochao's movements. This was not a common charging skill for warriors, but forced to sprint to the other party with physical strength and speed. No matter how Ling Yitian looks at it, Ma Xiaochao, whether he is an archer or a warrior, is quite lame.

As soon as he turned sideways, Ling Yitian escaped Ma Xiaochao's charge. Ma Xiaochao was not discouraged. This charge was just to get closer to Ling Yitian. Although the sky is a long bow, Ma Xiaochao is not suitable for the archer's way of fighting. He has formed his own combat routine for a long time, which has long been deeply rooted.

Magic is used to control, and the experience and skills of fighting at ordinary times are also applicable in this world. Ma Xiaochao has internal strength. Even if he has no fighting spirit, he can compete with these masters with strong fighting spirit.

Sparks splashed, and the sound of metal collisions was endless. The long bow in Ma Xiaochao's hand and the simple knife in Ling Yitian's hand kept intertwined and collided. Between the lightning and flint, Ma Xiaochao and Ling Yitian opened the distance again.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Xiaochao and Ling Yitian have met several times. And every attack made by Ma Xiaochao with all his strength will be easily resolved by Ling Yitian. So it seems that the two sides have tied, but in fact, Ma Xiaochao has suffered a great loss.

Ma Xiaochao knows that Ling Yitian's knife skills are extremely exquisite, and it is obviously unwise to compete with him. So Ma Xiaochao immediately changed his mind, carried the sky on his back, and took out the dagger cast by Mario again.

Use a dagger? Ling Yitian suddenly became nervous, because Ma Xiaochao killed their leader with a dagger. Ling Yitian believes that Ma Xiaochao's use of other weapons is simply non-coherent, and this dagger is the weapon most in line with Ma Xiaochao's image.

Ma Xiao supernatural will not know what Ling Yitian thinks. He uses a dagger, and naturally he will not attack with an assassin. But Ma Xiaochao, who holds a dagger, will be inexplicably proficient in the control of magic.

"Ling Yitian, I want to ask you, what did the Soul Eater Gang give you? Will you work so hard for them?" Ma Xiaochao's question is not only asked to Ling Yitian, but also to ask more than 30 killers of the soul-eating gang here at this time.

"The devil's kindness to my life-saving and reconstruction!" Ling Yitian did not hesitate at all, and also answered Ma Xiaochao in his place of the killers behind him.

"So, it is impossible for us to win you excellent talents?" Ma Xiaochao held the dagger and was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but calculated how to take Ling Yitian under his command.

Ling Yitian was silent for a moment, looked at the people behind him, lowered his head and said, "It's not impossible. If the Soul Eater is gone one day, then we will all become homeless.

Is the Soul Eater Gang a home-like existence for them? Ma Xiaochao finally understood why the soul-eating gang made the whole bloody city power three points afraid.

"If the Soul Eater Gang is really gone, I believe that Tianmeng will become your second home!" Ma Xiaochao said to Ling Yitian and more than 30 killers behind Ling Yitian, as if the two sides were not hostile at all in the current situation.

"Deputy Leader Ma, thank you for your kindness, but I don't think that day will come!" Ling Yitian glanced in the direction of the valley, "As long as our group of people are there for a day, we will guard the Soul Eater Gang for a day. There will never be anyone who can make us disappear from this world!"

"Ling Yitian, I appreciate your attitude! However, if we don't follow the trend, we will eventually perish. While Ma Xiaochao spoke, the ghost cobweb had wrapped around Ling Yitian's feet.

"Deputy Leader Ma, you actually used this trick!" Ling Yitian cut off the ghost shore cobweb in an instant, and Ma Xiaochao didn't understand how he did it at all.

"I will try any means to win on the battlefield! This is the difference between us!" Ma Xiaochao suddenly teleported and came behind Ling Yitian, "I want to do countless things that you think and are immoral for the Xintian League I created. However, if I don't do those things, what I want to protect will no longer mean anything.

"Cut with the blade!" Although Ling Yitian agrees with Ma Xiaochao's words, he still stands firm and does not conspire with each other. After all, Ma Xiaochao's Xintian League and the soul-eating gang he Ling Yitian wants to protect are two forces that cannot exist at the same time.

Spin blade chopping, Ma Xiaochao seems to have seen this move from Zhang Xiaofei. It is also aimed at the sharp blade at the enemy and constantly rotates to attack, but the effect of the axe and the simple knife is different. Ma Xiaochao was caught off guard and was cut to the ground by this knife.

Ma Xiaochao was hit by this knife in the chest, and a ferocious blood stain suddenly appeared from the broken clothes. Ma Xiaochao had a sharp pain in his chest, but he sneered and said, "Ling Yitian, you have lost!"

Ling Yitian was puzzled. Ma Xiaochao just did not do anything. How can you lose?

Ma Xiaochao said, "Now you are facing my left hand. If I open my sleeve, your eyes can't leave so quickly. But if you dare to close your eyes now, my disillusionment will make you understand!"

Both things Ma Xiaochao said are impossible. Whether it is petrochemical gaze or disillusionment, Ma Xiaochao can no longer be used today.

Ling Yitian didn't know anything about it, but he had seen these two moves, and their terrible power was no less than any forbidden spell. But at this time, a man behind Ling Yitian shouted, "Don't listen to his nonsense. His two moves can't be used at all today!"

Ma Xiaochao was shocked when he heard this. Someone could see through his cards, so the way to fool people could no longer be used.

"Who are you?!" Ma Xiaochao asked angrily.