Divine Book

Chapter 42 Three Breakthrough Soul Eater

This time, Ma Xiaochao went to the Soul Eater Gang, but poured out all the power of the Xintian League. He believes that the big shark will never let outsiders break into the thousands of insects they worked hard to make mistakes.

The current thousand worm mistakes are already composed of Lichuanjiao, thousands of killings and thousands of insects. It is the collective name of these three blocks. If someone wants to attack here, they can only enter from the pink or Qian Kill Mo. However, red powder is not an easy place for people to enter.

Ma Xiaochao buried his head deeply, and he had to consider countless possibilities. There are too many unknown factors in this bloody city. What is the attitude of the Feather Hall and other large forces? How tragic will this battle be? Will anyone take advantage of the opportunity to disturb the rear of thousands of insects?

All this requires Ma Xiaochao to have an extremely powerful heart. Any possibility will happen, and Ma Xiaochao will manage a devastating disaster.

However, Ma Xiaochao knew that he had no way out this time. Or return triumphantly with the news of the demise of the soul-eating gang. Or leave your body here!

"Brothers, this is our battle to become famous! If this battle is won, then we believe in Tianmeng will become a force that no one dares to provoke!" Ma Xiaochao shouted to his brothers, "I know that many brothers will die in this battle. But there is nothing we can do. If we don't let go, the future glory and wealth, a lot of gold coins, and big breasts and big women will not appear in front of you!"

"But if we let go, your name will be remembered by history! Your future will be infinitely beautiful! Ma Xiaochao, I am here to ask you again. Would you like to follow me and do a big job here?!" Ma Xiaochao is not sure. Although Ma Xiaochao has become their boss, Ma Xiaochao is not sure that everyone is loyal.

"Big boss, anyway, we are all orphans. If we hadn't met you, I'm afraid we would still be sleeping on the street and living a life of fear. Even if there is only one copper plate left, you will be bullied by those who collect protection fees. Since you entered with Xintian League, we have finally had a destination. So boss, you gave us our lives. Even if you let us put them in the oil pan, we won't complain!" One of the brothers said this from the bottom of his heart and turned to the brothers and shouted, "Brothers, don't you?"

"Yes!" How can you say that you don't have clothes and wear the same robe with your son! As long as Ma Xiaochao leads them for a day, they are willing to work for Ma Xiaochao for a day!

"Good! You are all my good brothers!" Ma Xiaochao never thought that he would be so loved one day. Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao was a little confident, "Today, we want to do a feat that is impossible to complete in the eyes of others!" That is to completely destroy the Soul Eater Gang!"

" boss, others don't believe that we can do it, but after witnessing your strong strength, I, Xu Zhen, am the first to believe!" Xu Zhen stood next to Ma Xiaochao and has always been regarded as a military division, so he is naturally loved by everyone.

"The military division is right! We want those dog-eyed guys to remember our names! It's just a soul-eating gang. If we believe in the Heavenly League, it's more than enough to destroy it!" Ma Xiao waved his super-large hand, "Brothers, copy the guy!"

This is the end of the pre-war mobilization work of the Xintian League. At this time, Ma Xiaochao, who took the lead, smashed the church door and rushed in. At this time, the killers of the Soul Eater Gang are entangled with Wu Zhenghu and Tie Xiaoniu and others.

Shylock and Mo Wen were super strong and dragged down most of the killers, but the others were not strong enough and were soon killed. At this moment of the battle, the soul-eating building has been full of corpses.

Ma Xiaochao fixed his eyes and found that these bodies were all members of the Xintian League. And the killers of the Soul Eater Gang were more or less injured. It is clear that there are still many wounds left with teeth.

Ma Xiaochao trembled all over, and so many people died for him. Ma Xiaochao felt extremely angry and soul-eating gang! If I don't destroy you today, my surname is my grandson!

The bloody city, which never rained, suddenly began to rain heavily. The rain, with a pattering sound, washed the whole soul-eating building and cleaned the whole bloody city.

This battle is destined to become the battle of most people! This battle is destined to become the focus of the bloody city!

Ma Xiaochao was ignited by the anger in his heart, and his whole body exuded a momentum that people dared not approach. He grabbed a simple knife, teleported, and rushed into this group of killers and waved hard.

Blood gradually fell into Ma Xiaochao's eyes, making his eyes blurred, and everyone in front of him became the hateful red! Ma Xiaochao wiped the blood from his eyes and crazily attacked the soul-eating gang killer led by the demon king.

Ma Xiaochao was quite unreasonable and completely ignored the moral style of the world, which made the demon king a little caught off guard. The killer of the Soul Eater can be easily killed by Ma Xiaochao. Is Ma Xiaochao's strength stronger than that Mo Wen?

With the addition of Ma Xiaochao, Wu Zhenghu, Tie Xiaoniu and others are all extremely excited. After all, this is a powerful reinforcement. The morale of the members of the Xintian League soared for a while, and everyone once again took a 12-point spirit and desperately attacked the enemy here.

The number of soul-eating gang is already small, and Ma Xiaochao's sudden insertion naturally makes the killers of the soul-eating gang panic. The demon king shouted, " Calm down!"

Perhaps forced by the strength of the demon king, the soul-eating gang killer quickly calmed down and regained the upper hand. After all, the individual combat ability of the Soul Eater Gang ranks first in the whole bloody city!

"Horse thief!" The demon king gave Ma Xiaochao a very ridiculous title, and waved the nine-ring knife in his hand to meet Ma Xiaochao!

The demon king against Ma Xiaochao has undoubtedly become the focus of the battlefield. The number of Xintian League is superior, and the quality of Soul Eater Gang is superior. The key to victory or defeat depends on the performance of these two leaders!

"Devil King! I have a suggestion!" Ma Xiaochao suddenly calmed down. He didn't want to see more people die for himself! After all, Xintian League was founded by her, and it took a long time to have today's scale. Of course, Ma Xiaochao does not want to exhaust capital in this war!

"Please say!" The reason why the demon king and the soul-eating gang can stand is not only because the strength of the soul-eating gang is there, but also because the demon king is a person who attaches great importance to the morality of the world. All the bosses of the bloody city respects the demon king very much.

"Demon King, since you are a senior, I have something to say. I believe you can understand!" Ma Xiaochao took a deep breath. This is life, this is the choice, this is a big gamble! If the demon king refuses to agree to Ma Xiaochao's proposal, then everything is still unknown.

But Ma Xiaochao has reached this point. He must gamble with all the cards in his hand. Because what he bet is not only his own fate, but also the fate of the whole world!

Ma Xiaochao believes that one day, he will compete face to face with Kui Shen, and at that time, he will definitely be the one who saved the world!

"We are now on fire here. If either side wins, the other side is bound to be hit hard. Even your soul-eating gang has great strength. But it can't stand our crazy attack, can it?" Ma Xiaochao glanced at the door of the church and said, "If I guess correctly, other forces are ready to move!" When we lose both sides, they will take the opportunity to get nothing. As the saying goes, the fishermen compete with each other and benefit from the fishermen. I think Demon King, you don't want to make your foundation for so many years and take advantage of others for nothing, right?!"

Mojun is thinking about it at this time. What Ma Xiaochao said, Mojun has long thought of it, but in this case, no one can make concessions. Once he gives in, his morale will inevitably fall.

Ma Xiaochao suddenly stepped forward, closer to the demon king, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "So, I propose that you fight with the predecessor of the demon king. If either side loses, it will be merged into the other side. I don't think the Demon King will refuse!"

"Big Boss! You won't be the opponent of the demon king!"

"Brother, don't fight with him alone, so that our efforts for so long will be wasted!"

"What the big brother is going to do, I support it! Tiger, do you want more people to die?

"Arara, one-on-one, I like to watch it the most! Brother Ma, work hard!"

"Chatter is simply looking for a dead end. The demon king has been famous for a long time, and even Lord Kui is afraid of three points!"

"Shut up!" Ma Xiaochao roared, "Senior Demon King, do you agree or not?"

Ma Xiaochao's momentum at this time shocked everyone. Is this really an 18-year-old child?

The Demon King looked at Ma Xiaochao quietly, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. Brother, after all, you still don't understand. The situation laid by the master in those years is gradually emerging. It's just that all this comes too fast, and all this becomes too fast! However, even if he is, he is a member of our "Yu"! But can he really beat me?

"Deal!" The demon king actually agreed to Ma Xiaochao's proposal, which made all the members of the Soul Eater Gang feel extremely puzzled.

If the battle continues, the Xintian League will be defeated sooner or later. After all, a large number of masters of the Soul Eater are coming. Once those masters come, I'm afraid that Xintian League will no longer exist!

However, since the demon king chose to compete with Ma Xiaochao, it is not unreasonable. After all, the power gap between the two is really too big! The reason why the demon king is called the demon king is not only because of the nine-ring knife in his hand!

"Then, Mr. Demon, I won't be polite!" Ma Xiaochao was well literate of the pre-emptive philosophy, and the simple knife in his hand suddenly cut it off, but the demon king did not react at all.

"Has it been cut?" Ma Xiaochao was extremely surprised. If the demon king only had such strength, how could he dominate so many killers?

Sure enough, when Ma Xiaochao looked back, the demon king still stood intact, with a piece of metal in his fingers. It is the simple knife in Ma Xiaochao's hand.

Ma Xiaochao held only the knife handle in his hand at this time. In this short moment, no one can see it clearly except Mo Wen. But the result of this short confrontation is clear at a glance.

"Does the boss really want to bury Xintian League in the hands of the Soul Eater?" Xu Zhen game looked at Ma Xiaochao, who closed his eyes and meditated, in frustration.

"Shut your mouth!" Wu Zhenghu scolded Xu Zhen harshly, "Look carefully, our big brother is invincible!" All we can do now is to cheer for the big brother!"

It's so touching! Ma Xiaochao dumped his bird's nest. With so many brothers who trust me and so many people waiting for me to win, how can I lose? How can we lose here?!

"Senior Demon King, is the magic you practiced a gas magic?" Ma Xiaochao believes that only gas magic can complete such a series of actions at such a fast speed.

Ma Xiaochao obviously didn't see the devil's movements, so he asked this question. The demon king just shook his head and said, "No!" Ma Xiaochao suddenly moved behind the demon king in the fleeting distracted distracted by the demon king. At the same time, he used a thunder split!

Two Ma Xiaochao stabbed the back of the demon king at the same time, but the demon king still did not move, allowing Ma Xiaochao's dagger to pass through his body.

Mo Wen shook his head, and Ma Xiaochao's movements simply slowed down a hundred times in front of the demon king! When Ma Xiaochao used teleportation and split, the demon king had already made a trap behind him and opened the elemental boundary. And slightly sideways, allowing Ma Xiaochao's dagger to pass.

But this is just all that Mowen has seen. As for other people, they don't even see these very seriously. So when Ma Xiaochao's dagger passed, everyone who was visually misplaced thought that the demon king had been stabbed.

Ma Xiaochao suddenly felt wrong. Since the demon king was able to cut off his simple knife in the last attack, there must be some trap this time!

Ma Xiaochao made a prompt decision and immediately retreated. At the same time, the thunder split continued to attack in order to trigger the trap! Ma Xiaochao's idea is not wrong, but the devil's calculation is more profound. Ma Xiaochao's thunder split and body are almost slowed down by some strange trap at the same time.

"Oh no!" Ma Xiaochao knows that the speed of the demon king is unmatched by himself. Even if he uses teleportation, I'm afraid it is not as fast as the demon king. If the demon king's nine-ring knife is cut at this moment, then Ma Xiaochao must be more or less auspicious!

The nine-ring knife really arrived as scheduled! The demon king's attack did not stop at all, nor did it flaw at all. It is simply seamless and blocks all the angles that may be dodged by Ma Xiaochao.

What should I do? Ma Xiaochao flashed countless thoughts at this critical moment. After all, Ma Xiaochao has no room for failure in this gamble! He must win! And win the beauty!

Can't defend, can't avoid. Well, let's fight! Ma Xiaochao once again found a thrilling gamble in this grand gamble. He is betting that when the demon king is attacking, he will give up defense!

This is the only chance! You can only try once! If it fails, then it will be doomed! If it succeeds, there will be a first-line turnaround!

At this time, Ma Xiaochao has no choice but to attack! We must use attack to force the demon king to withdraw his knife in exchange for a chance to breathe!

"Flame burning the sky!" Ma Xiaochao's move summoned a terrible flame from the top of the other party's head and burned the sky within the flame, which was an invincible move!

The demon king suddenly collected his knife and his body exploded. This powerful flame hit the ground and glowed with gorgeous colors! A trace of strangeness flashed in Ma Xiaochao's eyes. The demon king did not give up the attack posture at all, and it was still the offensive posture just now!

No! Ma Xiaochao suddenly felt that the demon king's behavior was very strange. Just now, the demon king could completely ignore the flames and directly cut me to death, but why didn't he?

Brother, after all, you still don't understand that we are all chess pieces. If you are lucky enough to see the master, then you will understand everything here!

The demon king muttered softly in his heart that he didn't see Ma Xiaochao's strength at all. However, after all, Ma Xiaochao is still young and has infinite room for growth. The future of "Yu" may still be maintained on Ma Xiaochao.

"Burning all eight wildernesses!" Ma Xiaochao is still testing, but he must use forbidden spells to test. The strength of the demon king is not what he can defeat at all. Ma Xiaochao is constantly looking for flaws. When necessary, the Medusa Shield is the last killer!

"It's useless!" The demon king never spoke more than two words. When he saw the burning eight wildernesses, there was a trace of joy in his eyes and a trace of surprise. He did not expect that Ma Xiaochao had the strength to issue instantaneous forbidden spells.

If you don't use any special props, then Ma Xiaochao has encountered any adventures! The demon king held the nine-ring knife and rotated quickly. Unexpectedly, he created a powerful whirlwind with his own body.

This whirlwind rebounded all the flames released by Ma Xiaochao to Ma Xiaochao. After burning the power of the eight wildernesses, Ma Xiaochao saw it with his own eyes. He quickly moved and reached behind the strong wind.

"Burning in the scorching sun!" Ma Xiaochao took advantage of the demon king's rotation and had no vision flaw, and quickly used the scorching sun to roast!

"Die!" The demon king shook his head helplessly. How can such an opportunist inherit the unification of "Yu" and become the leader of "Yu"?

So this time, brother, I'm sorry! I have to kill you! Because you don't have the ability to rule Yu!

Ma Xiaochao suddenly closed his eyes. Is everything that happened in front of him true?