Divine Book

Chapter 46 Super Mythical Beast Devours the Soul

" boss, you can't go!" Xu Zhen suddenly grabbed Ma Xiaochao's robe and asked earnestly.

"I must go! She is my senior sister!" Ma Xiaochao stared at Xu Zhen fiercely and shouted to Ling Yitian, "Everything here is up to you! You know how to do it!"

Ma Xiaochao put down this sentence and ran quickly to the soul-eating building. Leave behind the wet people washed by the rain.

Ling Yitian waved his fist with hatred. Ma Xiaochao actually gave it to him in such a big stall. Ling Yitian had to bravely say, "Since the deputy alliance leader has his own insistence, we can only follow his wishes!"

"You don't understand at all!" Xu Zhen said angrily, "Since we came to the bloody city, we have been ignored, ridiculed, and even bullied by others. It was not until the boss came that we gradually had our own ideals and a loyal partner who could give up his life for him. If the boss dies, who can we rely on?!"

The sound was hoarse and heartbreaking, like a roaring sound, echoing in the rain. Even Wu Zhenghu and Tie Xiaoniu were moved by it. It was the arrival of Ma Xiaochao that changed their muddle-headed life and their state at the bottom.

Today, they have surfaced and become an indispensable part of the bloody city and one of the few forces that dare to compete with the ten organizations.

"I understand! I know all about it!" Ling Yitian roared the same way and grabbed Xu Zhen's collar and said, "If Lord Demon Lord hadn't given me a new life, I'm afraid that I would have gone to the world of bliss long ago. The deputy alliance leader's kindness to you is just like the Lord Demon King's kindness to me, and you can't help but repay it!"

"Since you know it, why let the boss go!" Xu Zhen knocked Ling Yitian's hands angrily, "You know that it's going to die!"

" Shut up!" Ling Yitian was even more angry, "If you are really good for the deputy leader, let him go, otherwise he will feel sorry for his conscience and so many of us brothers!" Think about it calmly. What would you do if you were the deputy leader?!"

Xu Zhen was silent for a moment, sighed for a long time, and said, "Since the boss asked you to deal with things here, please. I'm going to help the boss!"

"Come back, you go, it's just a mess!" Seeing that Xu Zhen was so stubborn, Ling Yitian suddenly used a heavy blow to stun Xu Zhen. Then he said to Wu Zhenghu, "Brother Niu, take him first. Brother Hu and I followed up quickly with our brothers.

Wu Zhenghu and Tie Xiaoniu are both general figures. Although their brains are not as smart as Xu Zhen, their feelings for Ma Xiaochao are no worse than Xu Zhen.

Iron Mavericks nodded, held Xu Zhen around his waist, and ran quickly to the Xintian League station. After all, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and Iron Mavericks did not want the military division to get sick.

Wu Zhenghu was much smarter than Iron Mavericks. Naturally, he knew that Ling Yitian had something to say to himself, so he went to Ling Yitian's side.

"Brother Hu, the brothers of the Tianmeng, and the brothers of the Soul Eater Gang must be a little estranged from each other. It will take some time to complete the run-in. I hope Brother Hu can restrain the brothers of Xintian League and ask them not to trouble the brothers of the Soul Eater Gang. Ling Yitian quickly expressed his meaning.

Wu Zhenghu laughed and said, "Don't worry, when the eldest brother swallowed the Shark Gang, there was no conflict between the two. Brothers of the Xintian League will definitely do a good job on this!"

Ling Yitian nodded: "In this case, I will also restrain the brothers of the Soul Eater." There are hundreds of soul-eating gangs, and each of them are top masters. Naturally, Ling Yitian has no confidence to restrain them.

"Brothers, since the Demon Lord gave us to her brother, we should choose to trust the deputy leader. I, Ling Yitian, promise here that the deputy alliance leader will never treat us badly!" Ling Yitian raised the knife in his hand and said, "Just as I believe in my character, I also trust the deputy leader. If the deputy alliance leader will do it one day, I'm sorry for our brother, just like this knife in my hand!"

Ling Yitian didn't know what strength he used to easily cut the simple knife into eight sections and fell to the ground. The faces of the soul-eating gang changed. If I had known that Ling Yitian was hidden, I didn't expect his strength to be so terrible.

"I don't want to say anything more. Let's go to Xintian League's residence first and wait for news. Remember, our leader will not lose! No matter how terrible the soul-eating super mythical beast is, it will only end up defeat! Let's go!" Ling Yitian's series of actions made Wu Zhenghu praise him, but he was a little worried.

Just as Ling Yitian cleaned up the mess left by Ma Xiaochao, Ma Xiaochao had also arrived at the Soul Eater Building.

At this time, the soul-eating building has turned into a pile of ruins. And the collapsed broken walls were all wrapped in a layer of ice.

I can't feel the breath of the devil at all. Ma Xiaochao was worried outside the ruins. If the demon master really died here, how could he explain to the brothers of the Soul Eater Gang?

Ma Xiaochao didn't have time to think about it and rushed to the ruins. Only a few violent coughs were heard, and the demon master stood up from the ruins in some confusion.

followed by a warcraft that Ma Xiaochao had never seen before. Its body was like a lion, covered with ice armor, and its head was full of ice blades. A pair of huge eyes like lanterns emitted a fishy red light. The end of the strong and powerful tail actually has the same claw as the limbs.

The monster shook off the ice angrily and stared at the Demon Master angrily, as if to treat her as his own dinner.

Ma Xiaochao instantly felt that the air around him had suddenly dropped to a temperature enough to make people stiff. Ma Xiaochao's body was frozen, and it was extremely difficult to take a little action.

"Brother, why are you here? Do you know that if you are here, I will be distracted and unable to fight?" Demon Lord was a little dissatisfied with Ma Xiaochao's actions. After all, Ma Xiaochao stayed here, and she had to be distracted to take care of him.

"Sister, since I dare to come, I have the determination and will to defeat the soul-eating." Ma Xiaochao touched the Kunling Hanyu on his neck and stared firmly at the super mythical beast, as if he was not aware of the difference in strength between the two sides.

"Determination and willpower alone is not enough!" The demon master coldly warned Ma Xiaochao, "If you don't have the strength to compete with this super mythical beast, it's better not to touch its reverse scales!"

Ma Xiaochao took a look at the demon, patted his chest and said, "Sister, if you can help me hold it for a while and let its attention be focused on you, then we will have a chance to kill it!"

The devil said curiously, "Can your Medusa Shield be used again?"

Ma Xiaochao glanced at his left arm, but shook his head, "The Medusa Shield still can't be used!" However, I have another way to destroy the soul!"