Divine Book

Chapter 50 The Birth of the Dynasty 2

In the bloody city, countless buildings have become full of murder due to the baptism of blood and fire. And the eternal gloomy sky also shows countless creatures disappearing in this hellish city.

In the battle between the Xintian League and the Bloody League, there will inevitably be countless sacrifices. However, this battle will be a battle to change the bloody city into a dynasty.

As long as the Xintian League wins, the bloody city will no longer be the bloody city, but the place where human hope was born.

However, if the blood alliance wins, it will inevitably be an endless killing, which will continue to be interpreted and another loss of life.

At this time, Ma Xiaochao is naturally uncertain. In the face of such a large-scale battle, Ma Xiaochao can already assert that this is no longer a fierce battle of Jianghu forces, but a real and vigorous war!

This war has reached the stage of decisive battle. The ruins of the Soul Eater Building have been full of people, black, like black clouds in the sky, constantly oppressing this bloodthirsty city.

Ma Xiaochao ordered everyone to stop. He never thought that he would become the leader of so many people, and he never thought that he would become the hope of human beings against the heavenly race. Ma Xiaochao knows that there are many elements of luck, but it is inseparable from his own efforts.

In the future, Ma Xiaochao will work harder, for everyone around him, for his ideal of making the world tremble, and to be able to return to the place where he was born and raised.

The two sides are vast and almost full of the whole Central Street. At this time, there was no pedestrian or a warcraft on Central Street. In the face of such a huge murderous place, there is no creature that dares to explore. What's more, there are also fields emitted by two super mythical beasts.

Next to the two super mythical beasts, there stood a man and a woman, and the man was Ma Xiaochao, the deputy leader of the Xintian League. The female is the red spider, the leader of the bloody alliance.

In Ma Xiaochao's eyes, this woman called red spider is undoubtedly extremely dazzling. Her hot figure and flame-like tight clothes drag a skirt on the ground. With the breeze swinging, the fiery red eyelashes swing with breathtaking waves, setting off the fair skin.

What Ma Xiaochao can think of to describe this woman is only one word - spider spirit!

I'm afraid it's not an ordinary spider spirit, but an old goblin with a thousand years of Taoism! Ma Xiaochao just looked at this woman and felt uncomfortable all over. Maybe her light was so dazzling that Ma Xiaochao felt jealous?

Neither side would speak first, as if they were competing for momentum and patience. Ma Xiaochao looked at the other party's dense formation and frowned. There were tens of thousands of people in this bloody alliance.

Ma Xiaochao looked back at the situation behind him, only a few thousand. And most of the masters were taken by the Demon Master to deal with the Yu Hall. Ma Xiaochao clenched his fist. If he can't win in this battle, I'm afraid he will lose everything he has fought for before.

Ma Xiaochao has no choice but to win. Defeat the tens of thousands in front of you and go back alive! This is Ma Xiaochao's only idea.

When the red spider saw that Ma Xiaochao had always lowered his head and said nothing, he suddenly wondered. What was the boy thinking about at such a life-threatening moment?

"Little brother, is there anything unhappy about you? Tell your sister that I will help you solve it!" The red spider looked at Ma Xiaochao frivolously, and the corners of its mouth evoked a breathtaking arc.

Ma Xiaochao ignored her at all, but thought about An Caiwei, Bu Qianxue, Huangfuyu, Liu Tiantian and others in his family. If Zhang Xiaofei is here, I'm afraid she will definitely shout "Yo-ho" and rush into the enemy array.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao felt very cowardly, without Zhang Xiaofei's courage, or even as dared to act as Luo Wenxi. Ma Xiaochao raised his head and laughed: "Listen, everyone. No one is allowed to move without my order!"

The red spider frowned and thought that she had read countless people in her life. What kind of goods saw her, they were drooling and turned into pig's heads. However, Ma Xiaochao did not follow the routine at all, and she could not see through the young man in front of her.

"Little brother, how old are you?" Naturally, the red spider can't let the blood alliance lose face and continue to launch an offensive. "My sister is talking to you. It's very impolite if you don't answer!"

Ma Xiaochao yawned: "Senior Hong, my father-in-law is here, so don't seduce me!" Besides, I'm not very interested in mature women.

"Hahaha, joke, will I seduce you?" The red spider laughed angrily, "Let me tell you, what I like is a mature man. I'm too lazy to pay attention to a kid like you who doesn't have hair!"

"Then why did you say so much to me?" Ma Xiaochao sneered, "Also, my hair doesn't grow together. Do you want to have a look?"

"Okay, then you take off your trousers now and show me!" The red spider did not eat Ma Xiaochao's set, and immediately fought back to make Ma Xiao take off his trousers in public.

Ma Xiaochao laughed and said, "What's the hurry? In the evening, when it's just the two of us, I will naturally let you see it clearly!"

The red spider's face stiffened, "I don't have time to quarrel with you. Anyway, you are about to become a dead person. Since you dare to come here to make an appointment, I think you have made up your senses!"

Ma Xiaochao shook his sleeves and said, "I think you are the one who is going to die!" How to fight? If you make your debut, I, Ma Xiaochao, will accompany you to the end!"

"Bah!" The red spider's eyes turned, "You are a deputy leader, what right do you have to tell me? There is a kind of call for your alliance leader to come out! I think that woman is the little honey raised by you, and she will only hide behind you and enjoy it!"

"I'd love to, can you do it?" Ma Xiaochao was completely angry. No matter what he said, he could accept it, but if he said bad things about the girls around him, it would touch Ma Xiaochao's reverse scales!

"Yo, it seems that I'm the one who said it. Look at you, your angry face is green!" After all, the red spider is much more than Ma Xiaochao has seen in the world. In the face of such a large-scale battle, the red spider is not nervous at all.

Ma Xiaochao was about to speak, but he saw a figure flying out like lightning, and the iron whip in his hand hit the pretty face of the red spider fiercely.

"This!" Ma Xiaochao is very clear that the figure flying out is Luo Dingtian. But if Luo Dingtian is so alone, he will definitely be set fire by the other party's people.

Ma Xiaochao can't control so much. If he doesn't save Luo Dingtian, he will have no face to face Luo Wenxi, the leader of the alliance. So Ma Xiaochao did not hesitate at all and rushed in with Luo Dingtian.

"Protect the boss!" People who believe in the Heavenly League never think that Ma Xiaochao is the deputy leader of the alliance. Everything in this faith in the Heavenly League is played by Ma Xiaochao. Therefore, the brothers of Xintian League call Ma Xiaochao the boss.

Ma Xiaochao saw the black pressure behind him and rushed over. Suddenly, he was anxious. If he charged so headless, then he and Luo Dingtian in the middle would be made dumplings and turned into meat stuffing inside.

"Stop it all!" Ma Xiaochao roared, "No one is allowed to move without my order!" Everyone obeys the order of Elder Huangfu!"

Although Huangfugui is not a person who believes in the Heavenly League, after all, he is Ma Xiaochao's father-in-law and has the medical skills to come back to life. In the bloody city, he has long had a very high reputation. With his command, it is naturally expected.

Luo Dingtian has been entangled with the red spider. The red spider looked at Ma Xiaochao in surprise and didn't expect that there would be such a powerful figure in this boy's Xintian League.

Luo Dingtian was also surprised. The red spider is a female stream, and her strength is comparable to that of herself. The weapon of the red spider is a whip, which keeps swinging, which has put Luo Dingtian in a situation where he can only fight and has no power to fight back.

The red spider saw Ma Xiaochao rushing over, but there was no panic at all. The whip in his hand shook gently, and an arc like waves bloomed in the air. Luo Dingtian's iron whip was somehow pulled back by the whip.

Luo Dingtian's eyes were full of apparsion. This soft whip was much more flexible than the iron whip. Before Luo Dingtian could react, his iron whip had flown towards Ma Xiaochao.

"Senior Luo, go back and ask the alliance leader to come here!" Ma Xiaochao took off the long bow on his back, swept it, and hit the iron whip back into Luo Dingtian's hand.

Ma Xiaochao doesn't know how he did it at all. For the control of strength, it must be wonderful. Ma Xiaochao asked himself that it was impossible for him to do it with a body that had never practiced martial arts.

However, Ma Xiaochao is not in the mood to think so much. After all, Luo Wenxi is the real leader of the Xintian League, and Ma Xiaochao will definitely return to the ground after unifying the bloody city.

And the demon master sister, there is no doubt that she will return to the demon clan to preside over the overall situation. Then the bloody city must be handed over to Luo Wenxi. If she is not allowed to come here at this time, it will be difficult for her to learn more things in the future.

Although Luo Dingtian doesn't understand what Ma Xiaochao means, he also knows that if his daughter always hides under the protection of others, it will be difficult to grow up or even inherit her family business.

The Luo family has a great career, and he doesn't want his children to become incompetual people. Luo Dingtian thought for a moment and immediately returned to Qianchong's mistake.

When the red spider saw Ma Xiaochao's action this time, it had such a strong control, and even the seemingly powerful man respected him. I think there must be something special about this boy.

"Little brother, since you invited your alliance leader, we have to wait here. After all, it's really not easy for you to be the deputy leader!" The red spider saw that Ma Xiaochao was very thorough about the situation, and he didn't want to consume too much strength so early, so he chose to continue to wait.

"Hmm! When the alliance leader comes, you will know when you ask her. This belief alliance has always been within her master and outside my Lord! So every time I go on an expedition, I have no worries. And she can also safely develop the economy in our territory. The two of us are a match made in heaven and earth. You should envy and hate!" Ma Xiaochao stared at the red spider fiercely and returned to his camp.

"I will be stubborn. When your alliance leader comes, I won't be soft!" The red spider already has a wonderful plan. Since the leader of the other party has never been willing to go out, he must be a guy under strength.

"Actually, I'm dissatisfied with you, that's what I think!" Ma Xiaochao stared at the red spider and had the same intention in his heart.