Divine Book

Chapter 12 Dragon Domain, respectively, two goodbyes

Sing and Longyu, a beautiful girl with red hair, sits lazily on the ground, elegantly like a burning cat. The two braids like sheep's horns on her head made her look more playful.

At this time, she was in a daze with a shield printed with pink roses. I felt uneasy for no reason. In the three years of Longyu, everyone I met had a very attractive temperament - lonely, calm and elegant. Everyone here is very kind to her, like her brother's sister. This makes her think about a person all the time, a person she calls her brother from the bottom of her heart. This shield was given to her by her brother.

The roses on the shield have withered three times in the past three years and bloomed three times. Every time, the color of roses becomes much lighter. She still remembers the touching story recorded by this shield, the sad love that made the two people give their lives. She still remembers the reluctant separation and how determined she was at that time.

"Brother, how are you?" There was a string of shaky tears hanging from the corners of the girl's eyes. But she was smiling, because whenever she recalled her brother's actions, she felt that he was the most interesting person she had ever met in her life.

The mysterious lighter, magical mobile phone, magical knife noodles, and all kinds of strange words and movements of her brother couldn't help laughing. She gently brushed away the tears from the corners of her eyes and muttered to herself, "Three years, and in another three years, I will pass the Dragon Knight's examination. Brother, I will be able to help you by then. Cousin, mother, I will show you. I won't be worse than anyone else. I don't need to be taken care of forever!"

She stood up, and the wind blew through her still childish cheeks and rolled up the hair on her temples. The curve of the body is perfectly displayed, and the height is much taller than before. In the current Dragon Domain, everyone knows that she is such a lovely beautiful girl.

However, Longyu is a place that people love and hate. Everyone here is likely to become the legendary dragon knight. It's a knight! Not cavalry! The Dragon Empire has only two cities with dragon knights - Fengluo City and Black Dragon City. Everyone in the Dragon Domain will fight for this goal. And don't hesitate to dedicate your life.

Of course, what needs to be paid for this goal is likely to be the price of blood. Every assessment is very cruel. Even in order to become a dragon knight, everyone must defeat their opponents and become the best one. There are only seven places in each Dragon Knight selection. And there are hundreds of people who are brought to the Dragon Domain by the Holy Court, all of whom are gifted and have strange bones. How cruel it is to select only seven of these hundreds of people.

But this does not mean that these seven people can become real dragon knights, because they still have to go through the final test - to get the approval of the dragon. Dragon, as the top existence among Warcraft, naturally has their stubbornness and arrogance, and even an unpredictable strange temper. It is not easy to get the approval of the dragon.

In the thousand-year history of the Holy Dragon Domain, only hundreds of dragon knights have appeared. The names of these dragon knights have long been annihilated in the vast river of history. But they all have a common name - natural guardians and dragon knights!

She wants to stand out in this year's dragon knight selection and become a real dragon knight. In order to be able to help her brother, so that her mother will no longer interfere with her freedom, and also so that her cousin will not bully her again.

She is Zhang Xiaofei, the girl in red who walked into Ma Xiaochao's life in the central square of the glorious city. Red hair, carrying a huge axe, will fight if you don't agree, and every action is always the first. Just like a fire, it warms everyone. It seems carefree, but it has its own sadness. Just buried silently in my heart.

In this huge dragon domain, no one will become their real friends. No one will really care about themselves. Everyone is an enemy, an opponent, and a person who may destroy his future. Oh, this is the rule of the dragon domain. The weak are not qualified to survive. And the strong will also be eliminated by stronger people.

The person who brought Zhang Xiaofei here is called Lei Dong. He is an absolutely powerful dragon knight. Thunder cultivation is magic, the most aggressive thunder branch of gas magic. Not every dragon knight uses fighting spirit. Not every dragon knight must use a long gun. Zhang Xiaofei has been using a big axe. A higher axe than her.

Even if Zhang Xiaofei has grown a lot taller now, the axe is still a little taller than her. She passed the cruel assessment in the first three years with this axe and was finally promoted to the current grade. You can learn the real dragon fighting spirit and dragon riding tactics.

Thunder is still her teacher. In the first three years, the thunder tested her mind, faith, perseverance and patience. Although Zhang Xiaofei is always a little impulsive, it is very in line with her thunderous appetite. Lei Dong likes this grumpy apprentice very much. He will know everything he knows about the Dragon Knight. And he taught Zhang Xiaofei some simple gas magic. Zhang Xiaofei has amazing talent in fighting spirit, but she looks like a fool in the field of magic. Therefore, Leidong could only retreat and teach Zhang Xiaofei the simplest magic he created.

This magic is very good for Zhang Xiaofei's appetite. Because this is a magic for charging and falling into battle, wrapping itself in thunder and lightning, and rotating rapidly in mid-air, drilling into the opponent's body like a lightning-filled gyro.

Now Zhang Xiaofei stared at the starry sky and imagined the scene where she used this magic to surprise her brother and cousin, and couldn't help raising a soft arc at the corners of her mouth again. Go to your room.

"Xiaofei." A familiar gentle voice sounded from the back of Zhang Xiaofei's head. Zhang Xiaofei knew that it was a thunderous voice, so she did not do anything excessively. If it were someone else, Zhang Xiaofei would definitely beat him up.

"Teacher." Zhang Xiaofei turned around. For thunder, there are feelings that transcend teachers and students. Lei Dong is not only her teacher, but also the person who changed her life. Zhang Xiaofei is extremely respectful and grateful to him.

"Your mother came to see me." Lei Dong looked up at the starry sky. Today, without the moon, the starry sky looks more vast and vast. He said, "You have a great mother."

Zhang Xiaofei frowned slightly, and she never refuted the thunderous words. This time, she didn't agree with what Lei Dong said. Zhang Xiaofei lowered her head and whispered, "It's really great."

She refers to her mother's great achievements and the ups and downs of her chest. It's not what Lei Dong said about the greatness of love.

He looked at her and smiled, "Xiaofei, we may be separated soon. Maybe we will never see each other again. You should take good care of yourself, try your best to learn all the dragon martial arts skills, and become a real dragon knight.

"Teacher, where are you going?" Zhang Xiaofei bit her lip and looked at the thunderous handsome face puzzledly.

"I am from the Dragon Empire, and the Dragon Empire has now been invaded by the heavenly clan. So I have to protect my motherland. This time, it is likely to be nine deaths. If I can come back alive, I will definitely see you become a dragon knight with my own eyes. Lei Dong didn't hide anything. "I'm going to Black Dragon City to fight with the ghost feud."

"But..." Zhang Xiaofei is not willing to leave. In the whole dragon domain, only Leidong really cares about her and has been protecting her, making her feel that she is not so lonely. But now, the thunder is about to leave. This made her seem to be helpless all of a sudden. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"There is nothing. Xiaofei, tell the teacher. What are the virtues of the Dragon Knight? He asked faintly.

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, heroism, compassion, spirit, honesty and justice." Zhang Xiaofei answered with a little choking, and she had understood the meaning of thunder. As a knight, you must always face death and war.

"That's it. It is my honor to protect my motherland, even if it is sacrificed. I don't hesitate to do it. This is not only the virtue of our knights, but also the spirit of our knights, which is the principle to be engraved in our souls forever!" Thunder and serious.

"Teacher, when you leave, I'm the only one left in the whole dragon domain. I don't know if I can hold on here. But I know that you will definitely leave. So, I will try to get used to it. Try to be strong." Zhang Xiaofei squeezed her lips.

Lei Dong touched her head, "Silly child, the teacher may not die. You remember that if the teacher did not die in three years, he would definitely see you become a dragon knight with your own eyes. Remember it."

"Hmm. Goodbye, teacher. After saying this, Zhang Xiaofei rushed out like a red arrow and left the thunderous sight in a blink of an eye, while the stars in the sky still blinked inexperablely.

Thunder stood still, silently staring at the place where the back disappeared. He covered his heart and bit his lips tightly. He raised his face hard and stared at the starry sky for a long time. As if he was afraid that something would fall from his eyes.

"Xiaofei, I like you. But I can only bury this love in my heart forever. I won't embarrass you for your happiness. I am willing to sacrifice my feelings. I hope my departure will not make you sad. Lei Dong comforted himself in his heart, "Thundering, you idiot, you are her teacher. How can you like her!"

"Teacher! Teacher! That's how you left. Just leave Xiaofei alone. Wow, wow~" After all, Zhang Xiaofei was just a child. She ran quickly, ran to the place where the thunder could not see herself, and cried unscrupulously. The quiet night sky and calm voice made Zhang Xiaofei cry. Indulge in venting your emotions.

Goodbye, teacher... Take care, Xiaofei is waiting for you to come back and watch me become a dragon knight.

Goodbye, Xiaofei... For your happiness, I will never appear in front of you again.