Divine Book

Chapter 15 Jiuyou's Second Talent Awakening! Skill rubbing!

The Dragon Emperor looked at the three fingers raised by Ma Xiaochao, and his originally calm face turned green in an instant. How did the boy do it? He first paralyzed him with the first two moves, then confused him with illusions, and finally trapped him with an insoluble time boundary, but his attack did not cause any injury to the boy. Harm. Isn't there no power in Alex's body? What was the violent flame fighting spirit just now? Is this boy actually a monster with both magic and martial arts?

When the Dragon Emperor was puzzled, Ma Xiaochao said loudly, "Lord Dragon, since I have taken your three moves, should I attack you now? Lord Dragon, you won't repudiate the debt, will you?"

The Dragon Emperor felt very strange. People of the whole continent inevitably have a sense of inferiority when they see the emperor. They bow down in front of the emperor. Even those who are pretentious, they are very respectful and polite to the emperor. But this boy doesn't seem to regard his Dragon Emperor as a hegemon at all. It's like looking at a hawker in a vegetable market.

"Well, of course not. I won't lose my identity yet!" The Dragon Emperor stared at Ma Xiaochao fiercely, as if to make Ma Xiaochao shocked by his momentum, so that his hands and feet were inconvenient to move. At the same time, the Dragon Emperor opened his own field. In the slow field, anyone in this field will be slowed down.

Ma Xiaochao took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly. He doesn't want the Dragon Emperor to take his three moves, because this is the Black Dragon City, and the Black Dragon City is all dragon clan. At this time, the Black Dragon City is also under attack by the Heavenly Clan. The Heavenly Clan also regards Ma Xiaochao as a great enemy. Ma Xiaochao can't stay in Black Dragon City for too long.

"Kid, I know what you think. You want to kill this person with one move, right? Although it is unlikely, I can help you. I am already a second-order warcraft, and the second talent has awakened. Hey hey, this old man would never think of any tricks we would use to defeat him!" The sound of the nine ghosts and scorpions suddenly sounded.

Ma Xiaochao felt scared for a while. Why did the Nine Ghost Scorpion know what he thought every time? The Nine Ghost Scorpion was not in his soul, but in his own dragon saddle!

"The dragon saddle is a sacred weapon! Do you know what a sacred artifact is? The sacred weapon is the existence of transcending the artifact. I have helped you untie the second seal of the dragon saddle. Now the dragon saddle is not just an independent space. Jiuyou answered Ma Xiaochao's doubts again, "The second seal of this dragon saddle is to summon the dragon of wisdom - Bahamut!"

Ma Xiaochao patted his head hard, Bahamut, it sounds so familiar. However, I dare not summon this dragon. After all, what I have to deal with now is the whole dragon clan.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao remembered the business and asked the Nine Ghost Scorpion through spiritual communication: "How can we kill this old man?"

Jiu You said lightly, "You can never guess my second talent. It's rubbing! Top up the enemy's skills! This skill will always become Laozi's skill, although it is not as powerful as the original. But more art won't oppress you!"

The first talent of the nine ghosts scorpion is already shocking. Swallowing other people's strength to strengthen yourself is definitely a talent that makes the whole world flock to it. And this second talent is even more shocking. What a horrible talent to keep the enemy's skills in your memory forever!

"Kid, don't be afraid. This talent may be useful for you humans, but for us scorpions, drowsiness doesn't work at all. Because all creatures are different, we scorpions can't imitate the forms of other creatures, but you humans can. For example, you can use that guy's third move, but I can't. Jiuyou said lightly without any regrets or loss, and Ma Xiaochao suddenly understood why Jiuyou was so afraid of death.

"So, what are your remaining talents? Can you tell me?" Ma Xiaochao is really curious about Jiuyou's talent. The first two talents alone are enough to exist. In the future, I really don't know what terrible talent is that will shock Ma Xiaochao.

"You will know then. As long as you practice quickly, I will soon reach the ninth level." Nine Ghost Scorpions said proudly, "When it comes to the back, no one in the world will be our opponent!"

Ma Xiaochao shook his head and thought that when the nine ghost scorpion became the real nine ghost emperor scorpion, would he still regard himself as the host? Nine Ghost Scorpions did not answer Ma Xiaochao, but transmitted a huge message directly to Ma Xiaochao's mind.

This is exactly the move that the Dragon Emperor Aoqi just used. No, that's not a move. Because Ma Xiaochao saw a large illusion, a large boundary, and an extremely sharp palm martial arts.

These are obviously three moves! Ma Xiaochao finally knew why he easily avoided the first two moves of the Dragon Emperor. Well, it turned out that it was just to relax my vigilance. Humph, it seems that I will also return to others in their own way!

"Kid, how long do you have to prepare? If I can't do it, I will do it again!" Longhuang Aoqi was obviously a little dissatisfied with the speed at which Ma Xiaochao was brewing tricks.

"Dragon Emperor, today is your death!" Ma Xiaochao spit out this sentence lightly, making the Dragon Emperor's attention focus on himself. And he stretched out.

"Kid, how dare you fool me!" The Dragon Emperor suddenly became angry and was about to take action, but he heard Ma Xiaochao say, "It's just that before you die, I want to know one thing. What's your relationship with Ao Zheng?"

"Ao Zheng? That bad boy? Humph, I'm his uncle!" The Dragon Emperor suddenly remembered that he seemed to have ignored something.

"Fantasy Star Pupil!" Ma Xiaochao did not expect the rubbing Dragon Emperor's pupil to have much effect on the Dragon Emperor, but he still used it, because he was sure that the Dragon Emperor would be stunned for a second because of surprise.

In this second, Ma Xiaochao successfully used the world boundary and trapped the Dragon Emperor in the blue boundary. Dragon Emperor Ao was very surprised. Ma Xiaochao used all his own skills!

"Lord Dragon, as I said, today is your death - the end of faith!" Ma Xiaochao did not hesitate to use the palm method that the Dragon Emperor had just used against him. That's the palm that makes people feel desperate for their faith. At this moment, the Dragon Emperor already feels that he can no longer survive in this world.

However, when he was dying, he meditated in his heart, "Lord Dragon God, I'm afraid I will live up to your expectations."