Divine Book

Chapter 21 Ghost Enmity

When Ma Xiaochao joined the battlefield, the situation did not change much. Because these undead armies don't seem to notice everything behind them at all. In their eyes, it seems that only the Black Dragon City can get peace and hope only after capturing the Black Dragon City. There is no step back.

Ma Xiaochao's sword always stabbed the dead soldiers from behind, while other undead soldiers chose to ignore Ma Xiaochao at all. Ma Xiaochao is obviously very dissatisfied with such treatment. Even if he came to earn the experience and strength of the army of the dead, this feeling of being ignored is really bad. Ma Xiaochao quickly accelerated the offensive. The sword in his hand kept poking at the back of the undead army. Soon, a vacuum zone formed around Ma Xiaochao.

"Look, the undead army seems to have been attacked. Our reinforcements must have arrived. A warrior from the Black Dragon City said excitedly that although he only saw Ma Xiaochao, his words stimulated the morale of the warriors of the Black Dragon City.

Ma Xiaochao is difficult to get excited, because he can never reach the front of the undead army. And if you reach the front of the undead army, it will be difficult for An Caiwei and Mu Yan to apply healing techniques to themselves.

Although Ma Xiaochao believes that these undead armies can't hurt himself at all, he still doesn't want his lover and brothers to worry about himself. Suddenly, Ma Xiaochao heard a voice. This sound is not from the nine ghosts, not from these undead armies, nor the soldiers of the Black Dragon City.

This voice is very familiar, and Ma Xiaochao did not remember whose voice it was for a moment. Ma Xiaochao didn't hear what the man said clearly just now, so he immediately asked, "What did you just say?"

The army of the undead heard Ma Xiaochao's voice, paused for a moment, and rushed back to the defense line of the Black Dragon City like a tide. And the soldiers of Black Dragon City raised their weapons again and cut at their former comrades. They knew that at this time, nothing was more important than guarding the Black Dragon City. Although they may become undead, and although they may also become a member of the army attacking the Black Dragon City, as long as they can fight for their country for a quarter of an hour, they will never allow themselves to be cowardly and retreat.

"Let me out. This black cloud just blocks the sun. I haven't moved my muscles for a long time." Ma Xiaochao could hear that this was the sound of seven kills. The seven kills, which also belong to the undead, want to come out at this time.

Ma Xiaochao felt a little guilty and promised seven kills to help him find the right body, but for various reasons, he has never had a chance. I almost forgot the seven kills. At this time, the seven kills wanted to take the initiative to help him fight, which made Ma Xiaochao have an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

Seven kills said, "Don't worry, I know it's the undead who want to kill, but the undead have no feelings!"

Hearing this, Ma Xiaochao no longer hesitated to release the seven kills, and thought about where to help the seven kills find a complete body. First of all, this body must be strong enough to withstand the violent fighting spirit of Seven Kills, and must not have any wounds, so as to ensure the complete entry of the soul of Seven Kills.

Obviously none of these undead troops and Black Dragon City soldiers are suitable. After Ma Xiaochao released the seven kills, he did not talk much with the seven kills. He held the sword in his left hand and changed his finger in his right hand. He kept harvesting the lives of the undead soldiers with the long sword and the six-yuan magic sword. These undead soldiers still chose to ignore Ma Xiaochao.

As for the seven kills, this is also a master of the undead clan. The undead army chose to approach him, because the breath of the seven kills is very strong, and the undead has always liked to cling to powerful existence. Although the seven kills constantly wear the bodies of these undead, these undead seem to be obsessed and still keep converging towards the seven kills.

Seven kills are like the blade of a meat grinder, destroying these undead troops gathered around him one by one. The soldiers of Black Dragon City stopped fighting and found that there was a whirlpool-like existence in the undead army, and all the undead warriors near the whirlpool chose to perish.

When Ma Xiaochao felt strange, the undead army stopped. They all leaned in one direction and stood at different ends from the Seven Kills. The seven kills did not move, and the long gun in his hand was slowly raised. As long as the undead army dared to do anything inappropriate, the seven kills would kill them with all their strength.

However, a scene that made seven kills unexpected happened. These undead troops all knelt down to the black cloud in the sky, and then they all turned into black gas and gathered into the black cloud. There was lightning and thunder in the dark clouds, and there was also a strong wind on the ground. Ma Xiaochao and everyone in Black Dragon City felt uneasy for a while.

This strong wind lasted for a long time and blew away the black cloud. After the black clouds dispersed, a bright red sunset appeared in the sky, and under the sunset, a figure stood. The figure seemed to come out of the sun and slowly walked down towards the remaining traces of the battlefield.

is coming down! The shadow actually took the air as a step and slowly walked to the Black Dragon City step by step. Everyone in Black Dragon City stared at the figure falling from the sky and held their breath. No one spoke or moved, as if they were all shocked by the man's momentum.

When the dark shadow came to the ground, people saw the mask on his face and the black cloth on his head, wrapped like a mummy. And the mask is also black and tightly stitched. Even the eyes didn't leak out. The wind on the ground flashed away, and the man in black said slowly, "Black Dragon City is very good. How can you find me?"

Is he a ghost enemy?! Ma Xiaochao's heart skipped a beat. In an instant, all the undead army disappeared, and the unique skills used to cover the sky and the sun were freely released. If there are more such people, I'm afraid that the whole continent will not be the opponent of the heavenly clan, right?

Ma Xiaochao was nervous, while the soldiers in Black Dragon City were more nervous. They all took a step back, found a trench that could be used, and clenched the weapons in their hands. At this time, the Dragon Emperor also climbed the wall again. Looking at his expression, it was obvious that he had just completed a very physically exhausting thing.

Ma Xiaochao was in the center of the battlefield. It was between the ghost hatred and the Dragon Emperor. He scratched his head awkwardly and didn't know where to go for a moment. After all, people on both sides are enemies for him. He doesn't want to help the Dragon Emperor fight against the ghost hatred, nor does he want to see the ghost hatred raging in the Black Dragon City. After all, Ma Xiaochao still understands that the Black Dragon City is above the bloody city.

The ghost hatred did not seem to feel the breath of Ma Xiaochao and said slowly, "Listen all the people in the Black Dragon City. I came this time just to use this city as the stronghold of our heavenly unity continent. I hope you can cooperate and hand over the Black Dragon City to me. This is good for everyone. After the unification of the mainland, your dragon clan can still get countless wealth and a stable life. If you resist stubbornly, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

The words of ghost hatred made Ma Xiaochao and Dragon Emperor Aoyi frown at the same time. The meaning of the dragon emperor's natural way of ghost hatred is that the dragon clan should be the vassal of the heavenly clan, and it will be concentrated in a place without freedom. Ma Xiaochao is a little worried that the heavenly clan and the dragon clan will join hands. In this way, only human beings will fight alone.

"Well, your heavenly clan is indeed very powerful, but our dragon clan will not be afraid of you. Do you think you can do something in my Black Dragon City alone? The dragon emperor was obviously very angry.

"Ha ha, who said I was alone?" Gui Qiu sneered, "I'm just here to tell you a decision. You have no right to refuse. So now, I'll leave, and there will be no future!"

"You!" The momentum of the Dragon Emperor exploded in an instant. He flew down the wall quickly and stood in front of the ghost hatred. He said angrily, "Do you think my Black Dragon City is a place where you can come and leave if you want?"

"Otherwise? If it weren't for the black dragon here, do you think I would be afraid of you? Gui Qiu said coldly, "Well, we won't see each other again, because you are about to become a dead person. Dark flame - no, Ma Xiaochao, if you don't leave this Black Dragon City, I'm afraid you will miss the appointment in three years.

Ma Xiaochao was originally relieved, but when he heard the words of ghost revenge, he became nervous again. Judging from the tone of ghost hatred, everything said by ghost hatred is absolutely true! Ma Xiaochao asked, "Ghost revenge, if you tell me what will happen next, I may consider leaving here. Also, the dragon clan should be our common enemy!"

"Hmm!" When the Dragon Emperor saw Ma Xiaochao saying the same thing in front of him, he snorted angrily.

The ghost hatred said slowly, "What will happen next? Ha ha, you will know later. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you have the confidence to stop these six waves of offensives. Just stay."

Ma Xiaochao wanted to ask something, but he saw that the ghost enemy's body suddenly burned a black flame and turned into nothingness under the sunset, and there was no dust left on the ground.

"six waves of offensive? What do you mean? The Dragon Emperor looked at Ma Xiaochao, but suddenly turned his head, because the earth began to shake. It was not an earthquake, but the sound of the ground stepped on by countless feet.

"Since we are here, we will continue!" Ma Xiaochao's tone was full of excitement.