Divine Book

Chapter 28 Quasi-Holy Beast! Glue! Next

The tortoise shell was very hard, but it still trembled violently under the stormy attack. Although Kui didn't receive any damage, his head was dizzy with shock. Ma Xiaochao was already in an extremely bad mood when he saw Yuxi's injury. Now that Kui Tan is not the opponent of this glue pickpocket, Ma Xiaochao's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Kui Xuan suddenly spewed out a green ** from his mouth and hit it heavily on the face of the rubber pick. The glue pick had the same bull's head as Kui and had a one-horn. When the turquoise ** shot out, the cow's head twisted violently, but the ** still fell on the scales of the steak.

When Jiaopu saw that the green ** fell on him, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he sneered and said, "Kui Xuan, don't you know that my name is Jiaopu?"

"Of course I know, but this is made from the water of the burning pool and the venom in my body. Even if you can turn any ** into a colloid to strengthen your scales, there is nothing you can do about this venom." He shouted.

"Is that right? Hahaha, maybe you don't know yet? As long as I get through the last thunder disaster in my life, I can surpass the super mythical beast and become a holy beast. So with your little venom, what can you do about me? What a big joke! Hahahaha!" Jiao Piao laughed a few times and roared, "Let's die!"

Kui Yan becomes nervous. This is not a burning pool. It can't lead the glue to the vicinity of the burning pool now, otherwise the cold cultivation of the ice soul will be disturbed. Kui Yan must protect the coldness of the cold soul. Therefore, it can only fight here now. And it is absolutely impossible to let the rubber pick close to the burning pool.

"Do you still want to resist stubbornly?" Jiaopu sneered and said, "I'm about to become a holy beast. With a little Kui who has just stepped into the realm of super mythical beasts, you also want to stop me?"

Ma Xiaochao is really not used to being so arrogant, but he did not immediately attack the glue. Instead, he hid in a corner to refine the medicine. Only through the potion can Ma Xiaochao defeat this giant beast that is about to enter the level of holy beast.

Kui glanced at Ma Xiaochao and didn't understand what Ma Xiaochao was going to do, but it immediately understood that he must buy enough time for Ma Xiaochao, so that he can hope to defeat the glue. Otherwise, if the ice soul is disturbed, the opportunity will be lost. Kui Yan will never allow such a thing to happen.

Jiaopa refused to give in when he saw Kui Yan, nor did he admit defeat. He said in his heart that he had killed seven anyway, and the remaining three did not exist in this world.

"Go to hell!" Suddenly, the huge tail swept to the crooked head like a whirlwind. Although Kuixuan's rubber pick is about the same, Kui Yan has a very heavy tortoise shell on his body. The speed of turning around and moving speed are much slower than that of the whole body's scales armor. Kui Yan didn't react at all, and a blood stain has been drawn.

The pain screamed, and the anger came from the heart, and the venom in the outlet was sprayed repeatedly. As long as it can hit the eyes of the rubber strip without scale protection, the combat effectiveness of the rubber strip will be greatly reduced.

Naturally, the rubber pick naturally understands this. It doesn't give the opportunity to shoot in the eye at all. Basically, it uses its tail to attack the tail from time to time.

Kuai was able to dodge a few times at first, but the attack frequency of the rubber pick is getting faster and faster, and it often hit Kuai's head, making Kui's head more and more blurred. In the end, he couldn't even stop the attack of the rubber pick.

At this time, Ma Xiaochao suddenly stopped refining medicine, but sat up with Yuxi in his arms, fed Yuxi a medicine, and gently said in Yuxi's ear, "Go into my dragon saddle, good, obedient."

Yuxi still wanted to say something, but when he saw Ma Xiaochao's serious eyes, he nodded gently, held Ma Xiaochao's hand, and recited the four-word spell. Yuxi's body quickly turned into stars and disappeared into the air.

Ma Xiaochao was relieved to see that Yu Xi had entered the dragon saddle and stood up again. He knew that this must be an extremely dangerous battle. Although with the help of this powerful combat effectiveness, it was still a severe test for Ma Xiaochao. Ma Xiaochao didn't want Yu Xi to take risks with him, so he let Yu Xi enter the dragon saddle.

" Summoning - Ghost Bank Coming!" Ma Xiaochao saw that Kui Yan was beaten and retreated. He knew that if it went on like this, Kui Yan would definitely be destroyed by glue. At this time, he had no choice but to summon another super god to come out.

The huge body of the ghost bank suddenly arrived, which shocked the rubber pan who was attacking Kui. Looking at the mountain-like body of the ghost bank, he exclaimed, "God of weak water, ghost bank? Did you sign a contract with such a human being?

Ghost An snorted coldly, "What contract? It's just a verbal agreement between me and this boy. Since you know that I am the god of weak water, why don't you leave quickly! But who are you?"

"Maybe you've heard of my name. My name is Glue!" In the face of the two super mythical beasts, there was no fear at all. Instead, he seemed extremely excited, which made Ma Xiaochao more convinced that this battle was not small.

"Are you the earthworm who got what he shouldn't get and thus has the power against the sky?" Gui'an was extremely surprised that the original shape of this rubber pick was indeed an earthworm!

" earthworm...!" The rubber pick seemed to be said by the ghost. Almost all the super mythical beasts killed by it were killed by it with all their strength because they said that its prototype was an earthworm, and the means of killing were extremely cruel.

"Hum, the remaining three super mythical beasts - Ghost Bank, Kui, and Soul Eater. It's time to solve all of you! When the three of you are solved, I am the strongest super mythical beast in the world. And the holy beast is no longer so far away from me!" The rubber pickpocket said proudly.

"You are just a crazy and powerful monster at best!" Ma Xiaochao stood on the top of the ghost bank, at a height similar to the rubber pick, and said very calmly, "If you go against the sky, there will never be a good end."

"Hmm, it's ridiculous!" Jiao Piao sneered, "Do you think I'm going against the sky? Then let me ask you, haven't you ever thought about changing your destiny? Do you want to obey the so-called God's will and live unwillingly?

Ma Xiaochao was suddenly speechless. Naturally, he wanted to challenge fate and was absolutely unwilling to comply with any God's will. However, it is indeed ridiculous that he tried to convince a super mythical beast that had fallen into the devil's way with God's will.

"Well, anyway, you killed seven of the top ten super mythical beasts, and the remaining three are soul-eating. Now the ghost bank and Kui Yan are here, and I absolutely don't allow you to hurt them!" Ma Xiaochao raised his sword and pointed to the glued eyes from afar.

"Roar!" A huge wind pillar as thick as a bucket fell at the foot of the ghost bank in an instant. The ghost bank suddenly screamed, and a crack appeared in the shell of the forelimbs.

"I hurt them. What can you do? Weak human beings!" The glue picker looked at Ma Xiaochao coldly and was very disdainful.

If the rubber pick only hurts Gui'an and Kuixuan, then Ma Xiaochao will not be too excited. After all, it is because Gui'an and Kui Kuiqi are caught off guard. But what the glue said made Ma Xiaochao extremely angry.

Weak human beings! In front of these powerful monsters, Ma Xiaochao took a deep breath, "Is it weak? Then I'll show you that even weak human beings can defeat extremely powerful quasi-holy beasts!"

"Since you know that I am a quasi-holy beast and beat me, I think you are out of your mind!" The glued cow's head suddenly twisted violently, replaced by a ferocious and strange head.

The head is indescribably disgusting and frightening to see. Ma Xiaochao's pupils changed at this time. The black pupils were surrounded by countless bloody lines, and gradually the blood color devoured Ma Xiaochao's whole eyes.

Three super mythical beasts exclaimed at the same time: "Is this, destroying the pupil?"