Divine Book

Chapter 47 Elf Entrance

Ma Xiaochao walked to the kitchen and smiled, "I don't know if the boss is here? The four of us want to eat the signature noodles here.

The grandfather looked up at Ma Xiaochao and continued to look at the books on the table, but the sliced noodles were very slow.

A middle-aged fat man with a dough on his head and a white coat came out. When he saw Ma Xiaochao and others, he smiled and greeted him and said, "Sir guests, please sit down. I don't know what you want to eat."

Ma Xiaochao said, "Let's have a bowl of knife-cut noodles. We want three fresh braised food. We handsome men and beautiful women can't eat anything too oily."

The fat man quickly said, "You seem to be an appreciator. OK, I'll prepare it now. I hope it won't disappoint some of you. Please wait a moment." The fat man turned around and went into the kitchen and began to be busy.

Ma Xiaochao glanced at this small knife-cut noodle restaurant. There were no windows, the door was open, and there were only a few tables, but the ground was spotless, and the prices of various pasta hung on the wall. Ma Xiaochao nodded with satisfaction. This store seems to be a regular operation and never cheats guests, but it is small and difficult to do business.

And the grandfather read the book, which made Ma Xiaochao very interested. He coughed gently and said, "This old man, I don't know what book you are reading. Can you give me some advice?"

The old man raised his head. Although his head was full of silver hair, there were not many wrinkles on his face, most of which were piled up on his forehead and the corners of his eyes, which can be described as a crane-haired childish face. Hearing Ma Xiaochao's inquiry, he smiled faintly and said, "My book is the most complete treasure map in the mainland, but I don't have the strength to go to those places, so I can only sigh."

Ma Xiaochao said curiously, "Isn't this kind of book all deceptive? How can you believe this when you are old?

The old man said, "You can't say that. Although most of the books are not credible, the book I have was drawn by a sister in the grave robbery world many years ago. The treasures are marked in great detail and marked with the traps of each treasure location. If I hadn't unintentionally got this book , I won't regret that I gave birth too early.

"Oh, can the old man tell me where there are treasures? Boy, I don't have any other hobbies, but I like to look for treasures everywhere. If there is such a collection of treasure maps, it can be said that it will be twice the result with half the effort. I just don't know if this book is real." Ma Xiaochao still doubted the content of the book and wanted to see if there was a Mausoleum.

"It's okay to tell you a few places, but don't try them easily. After all, places with treasures will be accompanied by extreme danger. For example, a well not far from the east of the glorious city, there is the First Emperor's Mausoleum, with countless treasures, but there are twelve terrible guardians of the dead in it, whose strength is extraordinary. The old man said indifferently, "And the nearest place here is the psychedelic forest. As long as you can pass through the fantasy array of the psychedelic forest, you can find the hiding place of the elves and the place where the elves are located. It is a treasure everywhere, and the elves themselves are also very attractive."

Ma Xiaochao narrowed his eyes and was able to tell the location of the First Emperor's Mausoleum and the guardians inside. It seems that this book is indeed good, and Ma Xiaochao is also going to go to the elf country. Unfortunately, Davis didn't follow him. After all, this is Davis' hometown. Even if Davis has a spirit-eating body and is not accepted by the elves, it is impossible for him to say that he has never missed this place where he was born and raised.

Ma Xiaochao thought of this and pretended to inadvertently ask, "How can I get to this psychedelic forest? If we go, will we get lost?

The old man smiled and said, "If you take me with you, you won't get lost. I can be your guide, but when you get the treasure, can you give me some so that my future generations can live a good life?

"I said, Lu Bo, don't worry about the treasure. Look at me opening a knife noodle restaurant. Life is not very good. If you are worried about your little grandson's future, let him come to me to help. I'll take care of him for you." At this time, the fat man was holding a large plate with four bowls of fragrant sliced noodles.

Seeing the fat man holding the knife-cut noodles in front of several people, Lu Bo said lightly, "Well, it won't be very promising to fight with you all your life. Besides, this Xichang Empire is a personal place to eat people. Look at your knife-cut noodle restaurant. There is no business except me. People have gone to Hongyun Restaurant.

The fat man patted his face and said, "Oh, they are all those damn guys who have monopolized the materials of our restaurants. We can't do business even if we want to do business. If it hadn't been for the materials you provided by Lu Bo, I'm afraid my small shop would have been able to hold on."

Ma Xiaochao smiled faintly and said, "Lu Bo, we have something to go to the elf clan, so please be a guide. As for treasures or something, we are not interested in it. You can take them directly."

Luber stood up excitedly and asked, "Are you telling the truth? No! No way! I can't hurt you. You are still young and have a beautiful youth. You can't take risks with me, an old man.

Ma Xiaochao said, "Lu Bo, but if you don't take us to the elf clan, my friend will die. Didn't you still hurt us? Besides, our strength is not bad, and I believe that the elves can't do anything about us.

Lu Bo sighed gently and said, "Oh, old man, I'm still a little selfish after all. Well, since you guys are going to the elf clan, I will lead the way, and the road will be protected by you. Haha, little barbarian, you can open a good shop in the future. The old man has a few pigs behind my yard and some yard vegetables. You have to help take care of them.

The fat man named Little Man said excitedly, "Lu Bo, you can't go. In case you have any shortcomings, how can I explain it to Ah Hu? You are his only relative in the world.

Ma Xiaochao said, "Boss, don't worry. With us here, Lu Bo can't be surprised."

"But..." The little barbarian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Bo. "Ouch, I'm not looking for trouble with the elves. They shouldn't do anything to me. A few little guys, let's go now. You have to go through the psychedelic forest and reach the elves before dark, otherwise it will be very dangerous in the psychedelic forest.