Divine Book

Chapter 51 Elf Extermination 1

(Important notice: There are too many things this month, so there is only one update every day, fixed at 2130, and occasionally there will be two or three Updates. It will still be released at that point.)

The psychedelic forest is full of glory, a snow-white unicorn with a gorgeous halo. Its whole body is in front of a cliff, and the cliff rises into the clouds, as if it hides a part of the country where it serves.

Opposite the unicorn, a 20-year-old young man was looking at the unicorn in front of him with a helpless and regretful face, as if the unicorn was about to be killed. And the person who killed this unicorn will be this young man.

Obviously, the young man does not want to kill the unicorn, but at this moment, he must do so. Because there are more important things, far more valuable than the life of a unicorn.

This unicorn is a fairy beast guarding the entrance of the elves. Although it is only a fairy beast level, its strength is stronger than some super mythical beasts. Because as the guardian of the elf clan for ten thousand years, this fairy beast must have mastered the power of nature and will naturally give it a strong protection. And it itself has three powerful attributes and an unimaginable attack distance.

But the young man it met was a freak who controlled a powerful flame that could destroy everything and launched almost all kinds of magic at will. After several consecutive attempts, it had caused heavy damage to the unicorn. And the unicorn knows that once this young man steps into the elf clan, I'm afraid that the elf clan that has lasted for so long will fall into a huge crisis. Naturally, it knows the source of the crisis, so it chooses to stand still and firmly in front of the cliff.

This young man is naturally Ma Xiaochao. He looked up at the towering cliff, and the entrance of the elves was above the clouds. This made him a little strange. He thought that the elves should be residents living in the forest.

He has heard the words of the unicorn very well, that is, if you want to enter the elves, you must kill this innocent life. Ma Xiaochao pondered for a moment and still took action. Although the seriously injured unicorn struggled to resist, under the strong control of Yuxi, Seven Kills and Bu Qianxue, Ma Xiaochao finally made up for the last blow and killed the unicorn.

The experience of a fairy beast has greatly improved Ma Xiaochao's strength, and an excited voice also came from his dragon saddle: "The fifth stage! I finally have five talents and can walk horizontally on the mainland!"

Ma Xiaochao frowned: "I said Jiuyou. Didn't you say that you were very weak before your ninth stage? How can you leave horizontally with five talents? So, now you no longer need me as a host?"

"That's not the case." Jiuyou's excitement seems to have suddenly decreased a lot.


"Because of the soul contract we signed, in this life, unless one of us dies, we will be together forever. In the end, maybe I can become your second soul, let you borrow my soul to survive the disaster, completely abandon the human body and emotions, and become the real God, it's not impossible!"

"Real God?" Ma Xiaochao smiled and said, "I don't think I will have that day. After all, I can't do it with so many girls I love and lifelong friends who abandon human feelings."

"Ye�, anyway, I haven't heard of anyone in the world who has become a god. But I said that we can go horizontally now, and it's definitely not blowing!" Jiuyou excitedly came out of the dragon saddle, "My first five talents, devouring, stealing skills, mind reading, free transfer, and poisonous curse, are actually from the nine pupils. And each of my nine bodies has an eye. When I become the emperor scorpion, I will have nine pupils. At that time, let's see who can do anything about me!"

"...it's us. When we come out of the elf clan, we must go to Storm City to settle accounts with the dragon family! I don't believe that he can do anything about me at that time!" Ma Xiaochao touched his nose. He still didn't know much about the nine pupils, but now that Jiuyou has known it, he will definitely do it. Looking at the body of the unicorn on the ground, even the appearance of death was so elegant, lying smoothly on the ground, quiet and peaceful, giving people a desire to worship. Ma Xiaochao repented and took away all the most valuable things on the unicorn. Then the unicorn was cremated. After all this, Ma Xiaochao bowed deeply to the place where he fought before, and suddenly frowned: "Jiuyou, why don't you take it in the dragon saddle anymore?"

"In the elf clan, there is a natural spring called the source of life. As long as you take the water inside and find a few other things, I can truly integrate with you. From then on, I am your soul, not living in your space. At that time, I won't have to bother to explain so much to you. Jiuyou is extremely lazy.

Bu Qianxue came over and patted Ma Xiaochao on the shoulder: "It's getting late. Let's hurry to the elves." We killed the unicorn. I don't know if there will be any trouble.

Ma Xiaochao smiled and scraped the little beauty's nose: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"And me!" Yu Xi also came up with a smile and spit out his tongue at Ma Xiaochao.

Ma Xiaochao nodded and set out with Lu Bo, Seven Kills and two beautiful women. The entrance of the elf clan is at the top of this cliff. It seems to be a little too difficult to climb up. Fortunately, Ma Xiaochao had enough special abilities. The spider silk tied several people and wrapped them around a rock at the top of the cliff. Several displacement magic quickly approached the top of the mountain, and then Ma Xiaochao pulled Bu Qianxue and others up one by one.

Lu Bo opened his eyes wide, and the clouds and fog on the upper layers of the cliff slowly dispersed, and a beautiful and unparalleled empty China appeared in front of several people. Bluestone slabs, stone arch bridges, green bricks and green tiles of low eaves huts, green streams gurgling, and trafficous pedestrians endlessly selling small songs, like a classical Jiangnan town, which made Ma Xiaochao shocked for a while.

Yes, it's thrilling! Here, we seem to have known each other, but we are extremely strange. I looked around helplessly, bustling, coming and going, drifting away, as if it were a dream, and everything was so unreal.

"Jiuyou, this is a fantasy, isn't it?" Ma Xiaochao took a gentle breath, and the air was as fresh as if it had been washed by rain.

"Fantasy, yes, it's a fantasy! The sky of the elves is turquoise. The land is also turquoise. The real elf clan is like a green ocean, quiet and peaceful, but it exudes an extremely sacred smell, as if it is always a mystery, which makes people eager to solve it, but they can't bear it. Jiuyou is like a poet, describing the elves very touchingly.

Ma Xiaochao nodded: "How can I break this fantasy? Luber, what can you do?

Luber came over, looked around, and suddenly reached out and touched the chest of a young man selling. The young man wore a small hat with a green edge and a piece of linen cloth. The blue linen trousers were tightly tied by a black cloth belt, which looked extremely capable, and the look in his eyes revealed a little shrewdness.

Ma Xiaochao looked at Lubo puzzledly, but saw that Lubo did nothing. He just drew his arm down, as fast as lightning. The small purse around the little brother's waist entered Luber's hand. Looking at the heavy appearance, there should be a lot of coins in it. Lu Bo put it in his pocket. He repeatedly apologized to the little brother.

The little brother didn't pay attention and continued to shout. Lu Bo came over and handed the purse to Ma Xiaochao. Ma Xiaochao was immediately surprised that there was really money in this money bag. Is this money also a fantasy? Don't think too much and keep walking forward. Lu Bo was at the front, using a very strange and delicate method to quickly remove the money bags of everyone he touched.

Ma Xiaochao was suddenly nervous. Lu Bo could succeed in stealing every time, and the other party was not aware of it at all. If Lu Bo had any idea about his wallet, it would be bad. However, Ma Xiaochao was only worried for a second, and then continued to move forward with a smile. With the dragon saddle, what else would he be afraid of stealing? But Lu Bo's ability can't be learned!

Through this brook, the town where people come and go is a golden rape flower field. The fragrance is flying in the air, which is refreshing. Several scarecrows look bulky and cute, and can also play the role of driving birds. Several sunny dolls hang on a simple wooden house. Outside the door, there is a bunch of fiery red peppers, and corn that is not too big, but the color is very attractive.

"It's really a good place. It shouldn't be an elf here either, right?" Yu Xi shook his head and looked around.

"Alas, after walking for so long, what we have encountered are all illusions. This elf clan is too timid. It seems that we have really encountered some huge catastrophe to set up so many illusions to prevent us from entering. Seven kills are thoughtful.

Well, it's good. After the seven kills have a body, they actually learned to think. This is a good thing for the whole Xintian League! Ma Xiaochao enjoyed the scenery along the way for a while and came before a huge forest. The trees at the entrance of the forest were relatively rare, all of which were short shrubs. The deeper they went, the taller the trees became and easier it was to get lost.

"Everyone, it's finally here!" Lu Bo's voice sounded at this time, "The door of the elf clan has been opened to us, and the endless treasures in it are waiting for you to discover. Before that, I will take away your purse first!"

"What? You thief!" Several young people shouted, but Lu Bo had disappeared. What greeted them was a swarm of bows and arrows!