Divine Book

Chapter 54 The End of the Extermination of the Elf

This voice is in my ears, and it's hard to believe that the group of people have been ambushed for so long. Ma Xiaochao stared at it. It was indeed a ten-year-old boy, clenching his fists and standing behind a group of purple long-running heavenly clans. The atmosphere of the heavenly clan is stronger than that of the elves, and its strength is naturally stronger.

And this is definitely the best time to take action against the elves. There is not much power left inside the elves, and they have experienced the baptism of several forbidden spells, either exhausted or covered with bruises. Ma Xiaochao was also scarred all over at this time. He didn't believe how much combat effectiveness he still had.

The ten-year-old boy turned out to be the legendary beast emperor! Ma Xiaochao stared at the little boy who was wrapped under the black cloak with only a pair of jewel-like eyes, full of doubts. Such a child is actually the beast emperor, one of the three giants of the heavenly clan! Moreover, what he is doing now seems to be to kill all the elves!

"You! Beast Emperor!" The elf queen also stood up. She also looked at the beast emperor in surprise and was speechless. As soon as the rebellion within the elf clan subsided, the beast emperor appeared inside the elf clan with the heavenly clan. No one would think such a thing was a coincidence. The Elf Queen suddenly turned her eyes to Ma Xiaochao.

Ma Xiaochao was surprised, and the eyes of the Elf Queen were clearly questioning. Has the matter of the unicorn been discovered by the Elf Queen?

"Ha ha, human little brother, do you think I can still trust you? However, on the day you came to our elf clan, the Shanyan tribe rebelled, and the forbidden spell issued before death was so decisive, as if they were afraid of revealing some secrets. Then, when we were all seriously injured, exhausted and upset, the people of the heavenly clan appeared! You tell me! Why do the people of the heavenly clan appear here? Where is the unicorn guarding the outer forest of the elves?

"This..." Ma Xiaochao was speechless. After all, the unicorn was killed by him, and the energy of the thunder pool also entered his body. If not, the heavenly clan would not have easily broken into the elves!

"Cough..." The Beast Emperor coughed, "He killed the unicorn, but even if he doesn't kill it, we will also kill it, because the existence of the elves is really too eye-catching!" The beast emperor suddenly did not stam and issued an ultimatum to the elf queen!

"Daw! Ma Xiaochao! Tell me, where on earth are you standing now?" The Elf Queen saw that her clan had no combat power, and the heavenly clan was fierce, which was really difficult to resist. At this time, if she could reach an ally, she could have more hope. If Ma Xiaochao went directly to the heavenly clan, the elf queen would have to admit her bad luck.

"Of course I'm on your side! Heaven, after all, is my sworn enemy!" Ma Xiaochao has no good impression on the heavenly clan since he was planted by Kui Shen. Now he is fighting for himself as a human!

"Good! In this case, let's chop up this group of foreign invaders together!" The elf queen suddenly raised her arm, and the scepter interweaved gorgeous light in the air, condensed into a hollow sphere, saying words in her mouth, while Ma Xiaochao raised his long sword and invaded the camp of the heavenly clan.

The Beast Emperor looked at the movements of the two coldly without any expression. The team of the Heaven clan was well trained and set up rows of shields directly in front of him, and the gaps between the shields were all filled with bows and arrows. When the elf queen's magic was released, the beast emperor suddenly raised his head and emitted a boneless cold light in his eyes. A huge ice-carved centipede suddenly appeared in mid-air. The elf queen's magic was impartial and fell on the centipede.

In an instant, the ice centipede broke into countless ice crumbs and scattered all over the ground. The beast emperor spit out a mouthful of blood, knelt to the ground, and gasped: "No...worthy...worthy of...elf girl...king!"

Ma Xiaochao looked at the beast emperor in surprise. Will one of the three giants of the heavenly clan die like this? That's so unscientific! Ma Xiaochao took a look at the Elf Queen and found that she was also not feeling well.

This move of the Elf Queen has used almost all her strength. Whether it is mental or physical strength, I'm afraid it has been overdrawn. And the beast emperor actually degenerated her magic with a summoning beast.

The Beast Emperor spewed a mouthful of blood again, slowly stood up and pointed to the waterfall behind the queen: "For the future of the heavenly clan and the peace of the world, the elf clan must disappear from this world!"

Ma Xiaochao is very strange. Why doesn't the Beast Emperor stag when he is serious? But this is not the focus of his concern. What he needs to think about now is how to save the decline of the elves!

The attack of the heavenly clan is very rapid, and the elf clan can't resist it at all. Whether it is the opponent's bow and arrow or magic, it can penetrate the defense line of the elf clan. However, the elf clan has never been able to cause substantial damage to the heavenly clan. The people and horses of the two sides only met for a moment and then made a judgment.

One side is a tired teacher who has just experienced a big war, and the other side is a long-term energetic team. If the elf clan had not still had a certain numerical advantage, I'm afraid it would have been slaughtered by the heavenly clan!

Ma Xiaochao put several air therapy on himself and no longer attacked the dense places of the heavenly clan, but aimed at the beast emperor who was already seriously injured. Although Ma Xiaochao did not understand how the Beast Emperor was injured, he knew that if he did not capture the king and take down the Beast Emperor, I'm afraid that the elf clan would be completely finished, and the spring of the source of life would naturally be upgraded to his own.

The fallen leaves swaying in the wind, filled with tragic murderous intent, gathered on Ma Xiaochao's long sword! Teleportation! Ma Xiaochao, who has never learned martial arts, is always used to using teleportation to make a breakthrough. The sword flew quickly to the neck of the beast emperor. With just one sword, the beast emperor's head will fly into the air with gorgeous blood lines and do free fall!

However, Ma Xiaochao's satisfactory calculation naturally failed, and the beast emperor's body suddenly disappeared, replaced by a huge turtle. Ma Xiaochao's sword blade happened to be cut off the turtle shell.

"Cut noodles! Beast Emperor..." Ma Xiaochao suddenly realized that the child in front of him, with the title of Beast Emperor, was definitely not a false reputation. Maybe it had something to do with his summoning beasts! Ma Xiaochao retreated quickly, and at the same time, the six-yuan magic sword in his hand gathered, ice storm!

This attack was obviously beyond the expectation of the Beast Emperor. He did not expect that a high-level group attack magic would be used so easily by Ma Xiaochao. The Beast Emperor ignored it and took out a few elixirs and swallowed them, relieving a lot of injuries.

Ma Xiaochao knew that the Beast Emperor would not be able to take it down for a while. After all, those summoning beasts are more powerful than one by one. At least judging from the breath, it is not inferior to the rubber pick killed in the polar ice field!

retreated and sent out an ice storm. Immediately, a fire meteor attacked the team of the heavenly clan. The purple crowd was instantly disrupted, but the beast emperor did not command, but frowned, because he was not good at commanding these people of the heavenly clan. He is better at commanding the monsters under his control.

Ma Xiaochao's attack was very sharp, constantly bringing out a mass of blood fog in the purple crowd. The screams in his ears and the broken arms flying from the corners of his eyes made Ma Xiaochao's inner blood more turbulent. The blood arrows sprayed on his face made Ma Xiaochao's mind clear, and all the sounds around him seemed to be frozen, only Ma Xiaochao's inner voice is shouting: "Kill-Kill-Kill!"

The beast emperor bit his finger and sat on the back of the turtle. He didn't say anything, but looked at the sky and sighed. And Ma Xiaochao's attack has obviously confused the team of the heavenly clan, and everyone has found Ma Xiaochao, the peerless killing god. When I met Ma Xiaochao's sword, I didn't even have time to open the shield, and I died!

The beast emperor's mouth twitched. He recognized the sword in Ma Xiaochao's hand, which was the sword brought by Nie Huang, a jealous person. He completely ignored the defense and instantly consumed 50% of the resilience of any magic energy shield. Kill people and drink blood. The more people you kill, the stronger the attack power will be, and it can be superimposed a thousand times. The gathering of evil spirits doubles the attack speed of sword holders and can greatly increase their movement speed. Guide the attack, and when killing an enemy, immediately attack the next target!

That's a dark artifact that has been completely unsealed - the sword of God's jealousy!

Ma Xiaochao did not know that the sword in his hand was a completely unsealed holy weapon, so he only followed his own feeling. The pleasure of killing made him extremely comfortable, although his arm was numb. The body's energy is also constantly being lost, consciousness is slowly blurred, and there are more and more scars on the body. But Ma Xiaochao doesn't care at all. He just wants to kill a happy one, as long as he is a heavenly clan! He wiped it out mercilessly!

After being slaughtered for a long time, Ma Xiaochao finally fell to the ground exhausted and lay on his back, as if everything was over. At this moment, he just wants to turn the drizzle in the sky into heavy rain so that he can clear his mind. He doesn't know how many people he killed in this battle!

However, everything is not over! When Ma Xiaochao fell, the elves finally gave up their final resistance, and all the weapons in their hands fell to the ground, waiting for the butcher's knife to come. The Beast Emperor did not show any mercy and directly fed all the people of the elf clan to the Warcraft. Then, the Beast Emperor took his keen sense of Warcraft and began to search for the remaining elves. Whenever an elf was found, there was only one end of that elf and was eaten alive by the Warcraft!

With a thunder, the rain finally rose as Ma Xiaochao expected, and all the blades of the heavenly clan had pointed to the top of Ma Xiaochao's head.