divine universe

Chapter 6 The Yellow Bird Attack

Suddenly, Zhuge Ping's body trembled and touched everyone's hearts. Everyone gathered around and watched. Zhuge Ping, who returned from hell, woke up leisurely. As soon as she opened her eyes, she scolded Liu Wei vigorously: "Bastard, hooligan, you won't let me go if I die, right? Let's see if I don't kill you." A C fire thunder exploded, and Liu Wei's face was black.

Liu Wei, who blew up his angry lungs, casually wiped his face and shouted, "You see clearly, this is the world or not the hell. Eight women, didn't he poison you and poison you?"

Zhuge Ping blinked his eyes, looked around, and finally made sure that he was alive. When Triceratops saw that Zhuge Ping was alive, he immediately abandoned gluttony and fell into Zhuge Ping's arms and cried affectionately.

Zhu Geping picked up Xiaolong strangely and asked, "Who owns this thing?" Why did you get into my arms?"

Everyone told how the little dragon rescued her, and when Zhuge Ping knew that the Triceratops gave Liu Wei's pet a fierce claw, she hugged the Triceratops and said happily, "Nunniu, let's deal with this scum together in the future. If you follow me in the future, I promise you will eat well and drink spicy food." Everyone sweated a lot, and the bad feeling of following the boss of the underworld hit their hearts.

Some of the lost gluttony returned to Liu Wei's arms and couldn't help saying, "If you dare to take my girl, Uncle Long will never forgive you."

Triceratops looked at each other angrily and did not like the words of gluttony.

Liu Wei asked the gluttony, "Black, you just said that she is a garden guard spirit beast. Since it is a spirit beast, it should be a master thing. It seems that we can't take it away."

Zhuge Ping listened and refused to say, "I don't care. I must take the girl away." The little guy licked her in the palm of her hand and was happy to follow her.

Taotie rolled his eyes and said, "This forgotten forest is the Taoist place of the gods. It is only because of the vastness of the last world and the fall of the gods. Now it has become so depressed. In fact, it is not as evil as rumored by the outside world, but some guards are still alive, and the guards of the gods are naturally more powerful, like Triceratops. It's one of them, but her duty is to guard the park, so her combat effectiveness is not very strong. Otherwise, it would be so easy to be beaten back to its original shape by your sneak attack. With that, they stared at Men Yu and Liu Wei, and they scratched their heads with embarrassment.

"Nunu, my sister will take you away. If only you could communicate with us." Zhuge Ping was very happy and thought it was not enough. Suddenly, Triceratops bit her hand.

Liu Wei saw the mockery and said, "See, greedy people should be punished."

"It's not." Zhuge Ping retorted, "Nunu just established a spiritual connection with me. Now Niunu and I can communicate with her. Hehe, that's great."

Liu Wei said strangely, "Then what did she say about us?"

Zhuge Ping blurted out, "She said she was afraid of you, a hooligan, and you had her fear."

Liu Wei spread out his hands and swept himself, wondering, "Is there? I'm not like you, a person with two noses and two eyes.

"No, you are the devil." Zhuge Ping was in a good mood and mocked.

After such a disturbance, the Oriental Sun came out, and the source turned white, and everyone had to continue to open the road with fatigue.

With Niunyu, a local, leading the way, it is also easy to avoid many dangerous places. However, when everyone went out of a forest, an open space suddenly appeared in front of them. Ten feet away, a curtain wall stood in front of him, towering into the clouds and out of reach.

Such a handwriting was naturally done by those ancient gods, and the vicious miasma rolled out of the wall.

Triceratops howled uneasily, and Zhuge Ping reminded everyone, "Nie said that there is a demon she has never seen here. Please be careful."

"Ask her how to get there before." Liu Wei asked.

"She said that we must shuttle through the front with our strength."

Liu Wei looked at the weak magician and asked, "Are you okay?"

"If the thickness of this wall is not big, I think we should be able to survive for half an hour." Kelly hesitated for a moment.

Liu Wei's mind moved, Xuangong began to work, and his whole body absorbed colorful aura to protect his body. His purple mind moved to the sky. He jumped to his body and said, "I'm going to explore the way. You wait for me. Don't act rashly." With a swiss, Liu Wei penetrated into the curtain wall.

As soon as the vicious and corrosive miasma met Liu Wei's body protection, it suddenly exploded as if the strong sulfuric acid encountered water. Liu Wei's electric light flashed around him. However, even so, these miasma could not help him.

Xu Yujian moved forward, Liu Weigong gathered his eyes, and a ten-foot-long purple light hole pierced through the miasma, but nothing but miasma.

About half an hour, he finally came out of the miasma layer and breathed a breath of fresh air without poison gas. Before Liu Wei could enjoy the scenery in front of him, he hurried back to lead the crowd.

This time he accelerated his flight speed, and only a cup of tea flew back. Everyone followed the flight as he said. As soon as I entered, everyone except Liu Wei felt uncomfortable. A feeling of nausea and vomiting swept over the whole body, and my stomach was ** for a while, and I almost couldn't fly.

Liu Wei turned around and took a look at the rickety team and secretly complained. These people's cultivation is not bad in the world, but it is still a little difficult to deal with the miasma poison accumulated over ten thousand years. In this way, it's good not to mention traveling, it's good to survive.

Forced by helplessness, Liu Wei had to call out the magic sword again. Five sword spirits flew out of his mind and saw a large area of colorful aura gushing out of Liu Wei's body. With him as the center, it poured towards the five people behind him, and the aura wrapped the six people. From the outside, they became a huge cocoon and slowly flew forward.

In this way, all the pressure fell on Liu Wei alone. Zhuge Ping and Liu Wei were most sorry. At this time, they also said, "Da hooligan, why don't you have such strength? Why don't you hurry up? If you can't fly, you might as well go home and drink your mother's milk.

Liu Wei's teeth banged, and he was already sweating profusely. He turned around and wanted to tear the girl's mouth on the spot, but Lan Leer slapped Zhuge Ping first. The slap was very loud. All the people in the circle were stunned on the spot and stared at the two women.

"At this time, you are still in the mood to fight. Zhuge Ping, no one will stop you if you want to die." Lan Leer rarely showed anger and scolded. She was not a queen for three years. At this moment, she is majestic and quite kingly.

Men Yu quickly pulled Zhuge Ping, who wanted to return it, and at least persuaded Zhuge Ping.

"Would you like us to pour real qi into your body to help you relieve your stress?" Lan Leer asked kindly.

Liu Wei's teeth were so tight that almost burst out of a few words from between his teeth: "No, just take care of that person." Suddenly, the whole airbag trembled, and Zhuge Ping quickly hugged Menyu. This girl was also human and afraid of death. At this moment, she was only afraid of the seriousness of the matter.

In the miasma on the left, a huge dark shadow suddenly flew towards them. Liu Wei felt the abnormal rolling of the miasma from the outside world, and the pressure on his body suddenly increased several times.

"Be careful, everyone." As soon as I opened my mouth to remind everyone, I heard a fierce shout outside, "Wow~~~" was extremely sharp, and the unpleasant scream seemed to carry out everyone's eardrums, and everyone had no choice but to reach out to cover their ears.

Liu Wei cried bitterly. He had to control the flying sword and couldn't free his hand at all. He could only carry this call with his cultivation. Even if his Xuangong was mysterious, his shocked eardrums trembled and his heart beat.

"What the hell is so powerful?" Liu Wei gathered his eyes and wanted to see what it was.

I saw a huge yellow figure flashing towards everyone's huge body. Looking at its appearance, it was the yellow bird, one of the four legendary fierce beasts.

"My God, yellow bird." Liu Wei blurted out in shock, didn't care much, and tried his best to urge the flying sword to take everyone away from here.

But what is a yellow bird? The legendary speed is second to the existence of the Dapeng bird. As soon as it shakes its wings, the mountain landslides and cracks, and the wind and clouds are colored. As soon as it spreads its wings, it can be thousands of miles away. When one wing falls down, the protective sword light outside Liu Wei's body is beaten dark.

With a muffled hum, Liu Wei suffered a lot of internal injuries, but for the safety of everyone, he had to hold on. The huge figure of the yellow bird appeared in front of everyone. The protective field supported by Liu Wei was as big as a green insect in his eyes. It lowered its head and pecked down fiercely with its huge and powerful beak.

At once, he asked Liu Wei to spit blood. Men Yu saw that it was not good and persuaded him, "Liu Wei, you'd better escape alone quickly."

"No, I have never abandoned my comrades-in-arms' past record. How can I do such an immoral thing at this time? Shut up. I'm going to speed up." Liu Wei forced out a breath of true breath in Dantian and sprayed on the sword spirit. The sword spirit shouted softly, and the originally dim sword light suddenly increased by 30%, and the speed was doubled.

When the yellow bird saw Liu Wei, instead of falling down because of his peck, it was much faster. It seemed to have seen a novel doll and shouted happily. This time, Liu Wei was bitter, and another mouthful of blood spewed out, which happened to spray on the sword spirit. The sword inspiration should respond to the crisis of the master and instinctively urged He moved out a trace of original strength and rushed forward quickly.

Liu Wei was about to leave the yellow bird's eyeliner. How could it allow his doll to leave so cheaply? Then he pecked and banged. The huge protective field made a broken sound, and Liu Wei vomited three liters of blood.

With a roar, the nine star cores in Liu Wei Dantian burst out together, and the sky fire burst out violently. At this moment, Liu Wei did not care about hurting his Taoist foundation, and forcibly refined the true qi with the sky fire. Suddenly, the nine star nuclei were extinguished, and the originally empty Dantian suddenly soared more than usual. More than 30% of the true spirit.

Dantian was swollen. Liu Wei took advantage of this moment and all of them burst out. The true air poured the flying sword with all his strength. With a swish, it was almost the speed of teleportation, and everyone rushed out of the miasma.

With a bang, Liu Wei vomited blood again, and the sword spirit withdrew the sword light and flew back to the body with a sw of bang. The originally dull five star nuclei were repaired by the original power and quickly recovered.

Liu Wei's feet turned into lightning and appeared in Liu Wei's hand. His left hand wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. Liu Wei's eyes were cold and piercing, and he said to Men Yu five people: "You go down and wait for me first. I'm going to fight with this beast. Damn, this is the first time I've been beaten passively. Don't give him some color. , and think that I'm afraid of him." At this moment, a wild breath gushed out all over his body. Men Yu and others, who seemed to be not allowed to tolerate heaven and earth, were slightly stunned and obediently flew down to watch the upcoming war.

The black figure slowly flew out of the miasma layer. As soon as the magnificent body of the yellow bird appeared, the world seemed to be covered by him. In front of it, Liu Wei was an ant, panicked and invincible.

"Beast, eat my sword." Liu Wei's purple electricity shot out and turned into a black lightning to split the yellow bird's beak. Liu Wei, who had eaten up its bitter mouth, naturally couldn't wait to cut off its mouth at once.

After all, it is an ancient fierce beast. How can it be cut so easily? The yellow bird seems to be huge, but its movements are sensitive and extraordinary. In addition, its eyes are excellent. As soon as the neck turns over, the purple electricity is empty.

Liu Wei, who controlled the purple electricity hurriedly, quickly changed his strategy and stabbed its left eye. The yellow bird was shocked and quickly jumped out of its left wing. Suddenly, the wind was strong, the sand and stones flew away, and the huge sand and stones hit the purple electricity, making the flying sword impossible to aim at all.

Looking at this situation, Liu Wei knew that he could not clean up the beast without the sword formula. He recalled the flying sword and pinched the formula: "The order of heaven and earth, the six swords of heaven, the secret of killing the sky." The wind blew, and all the aura of a hundred miles was pulled out and gathered in Liu Wei's hands. This was the first time in so many years that Liu Wei tried his best to use the heavenly sword secret. As soon as his unique "Zhou Tianxingju" mysterious skills were running, like an all-absorbing turbine, forcibly searching all the auras of Fangyuan, including the essence of life. Qi.

The vegetation on the ground became yellow little by little. Even Men Yu and others first found that the situation was not good, quickly evacuated a hundred miles, and could not escape the loss of part of Zhenyuan. The five people looked at Liu Wei's wild side in horror. They couldn't imagine such a strong combat effectiveness.

Liu Wei was shrouded in an aura field. The huge aura surged above his head and converged into a hundred-foot-long five-color dragon. When he saw the yellow bird, he let out a shocking roar. The yellow bird saw the spirit dragon and also shouted harshly. Two huge waves collided in the air and rebounded, as if it were a wave. The big waves surged in all directions.

The purple electricity in Liu Wei's hand quickly turned into a black light and poured into the spirit dragon. The boundless purple sky fire suddenly evaporated and burned. The dragon let out a terrible howl, as if it was painful and cheerful. With the momentum of thunder, it split the yellow bird's vest in the sky.

The yellow bird screamed wildly, and its huge wings turned up, setting off a huge air wave dozens of meters high, sweeping the spirit dragon. The spirit dragon with the whole flame seemed to be submerged in an instant, but soon, a flame evaporated out of it, like an immortal Xiaoqiang, fiercely hitting the heart of the yellow bird, and then turned into a flying sword. He flew back to Liu Wei's hands.

There was a fire in the back of the yellow bird, and the blazing sky fire was burning. How could he resist it? It was so painful that it screamed, and there was a burning smell in the air.

"Take your life." Liu Wei waved purple electricity and wanted revenge.

Suddenly, the yellow bird turned around and jumped out a huge stone and split it on Liu Wei's head. Liu Wei waved his sword to split the boulder into two halves, but at this moment, the yellow bird had already hid in the miasma.

Seeing the rolling miasma, Liu Wei was a little hesitant to pursue the enemy in the miasma. After thinking about whether to win or lose, the sword returned to its sheath and said, "Well, spare your life. Don't let me see you again and beat you once."

What he didn't expect was that the desolate scream of the yellow bird came from the miasma, which seemed to be responding to Liu Wei's words. Liu Wei smiled and no longer paid attention to him and joined Men Yu and others.

Men Yu hugged Liu Wei excitedly and said happily, "Liu Wei, you are really amazing. I didn't expect your cultivation to be so strong."

Liu Wei coughed, broke away from his hand, and said weakly, "Please protect me. I'm seriously injured." This is shocking.

Zhuge Ping said strangely, "Why is it so fierce? It turned out that it was caused by the moment of injury.

Liu Wei stared at her angrily, meditated cross-legged, put aside distractions, and completely sank into Dantian. The situation in Dantian is not optimistic, and suddenly consumed a lot of star power, causing the star core to be withered. Not only has it shrunk as a circle as a whole, but this operation has also lagging behind.

Mention the remaining true qi and began to run the Zhou Tianxing Secret, absorbing the surrounding aura to restore the star core. However, how can this aura be compared with the power of the stars? After running for half a day, the absorbed aura only restores the lost true qi and can't restore the star core at all.

When he opened his eyes helplessly, everyone quickly came to him and asked, "How's it going?"

Liu Wei shook his head slightly and said, "I can't help it. The injury is too serious. I just recovered a little. If you want to completely recover, you have to practice well at night."

Domen Yu said, "Then let's take a night off here tonight. It's okay to go on the road tomorrow. Don't be in a hurry."

Liu Wei stood up and refused, "No, find the corpse as soon as possible, so as not to delay for a long time." There is a deep worry in his heart that it seems that the matter of casting the two old people again will not be as smooth as expected.

Looking at this world, at this moment, they are in the wild. In the distance, a towering giant forest that seems to connect the world stands there, which is a very unique landscape. There is only this tree in the whole place, as if everyone is looking for a destination.

Liu Wei asked Zhuge Ping, "Ask your pet, can she recognize the way here?"

The Triceratops in Zhuge Ping's arms shook his head slightly and understood it without translation. Everyone's heart is inevitably a little lost.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "Well, don't be discouraged. The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and everyone will head towards that big tree."

Unknown dangers are still waiting for their arrival~~~