divine universe

Chapter 11 Spiritual Root

The puppet gave the key to Liu Wei. It was a jade Jue. The jade color was transparent, white and green, carved with silk lines on it, and aura was circulating on it. Liu Wei's divine consciousness was put into it. There were tens of thousands of prohibitions in it, which were complicated. For a few years, people could not see the depths of this jade Jue. People couldn't help but admire this. Build the ability of Yu Jue people.

When Cangyuan saw that the key was in hand, his weapon had not been seen for a long time. He couldn't help but say anxiously, "Puppet, what about my giant?"

The puppet said, "Your huge field is sealed in the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and you want to get it yourself."

Cangyuan's dissatisfied humming, Liu Wei thanked him for saying goodbye.

Six people came out of the fairy mansion and came to the towering tree. The tree towered into the clouds, with a diameter of several miles, and the trunk was as hard as a rock. At the bottom of the tree, the trunk is extremely smooth, as if a piece of jade has been inlaid here. A Taiji picture is drawn on it, and there is only one piece missing in the middle of the picture. The size just matches the jade Jue in Liu Wei's hand. This is the entrance.

Put Yu Jue on it, and bursts of blue light appeared on the Taiji map. A Taiji map flew out of Yu Jue and slowly rotated. Gradually, it was the same as the tree. Suddenly, the two pictures were superimposed together. The Taiji map clicked and made a sound of touching the mechanism. With a bang, a door opened next to it, and the rich wooden Yizhi The anger blew slowly and warmed people's hearts.

"Let's go." Everyone stepped into it happily, and the door came together again.

The suddenly dark sky covered everyone's eyes. Ah~~" Suddenly, his life howled. When Liu Wei turned around, everyone had disappeared. They quickly spread out their palms and a pinch of flames shone out. The faint firelight was like a life-saving straw here.

Suddenly, the fire was bright around, and Liu Wei actually appeared in the hometown of the earth. Jiajia came to her with a cake and sang birthday songs happily. Liu Wei could hardly believe everything in front of him. He was still in a foreign country at the moment. How could he return to the earth at this moment? He quickly extinguished the flame in his hand so as not to scare his wife.

"No, it must be a dream." Liu Wei pinched himself desperately, which was very painful. He was a little embarrassed.

"Fool, why do you pinch yourself? You can see that it's all red." Jiajia asked with care.

Liu Wei grabbed Jiajia and said urgently, "Tell me quickly, am I dreaming now?"

"What's dreaming about not dreaming? It's silly for you and Dong Jing to come back when you go out. Sit down quickly. Today is your birthday. I'll give you normal." Jiajia grabbed Liu Wei's ear, which made Liu Wei very familiar.

"It seems that I'm really dreaming and confused. Honey, I love you." Liu Wei, who was eager to go home, had no doubt about him and hugged Jiajia~~~

Liu Wei stayed at home for half a month, and everything was as usual, but the ordinary days for him were really boring, but he was very satisfied with being able to accompany his wife and had nothing else. Everything in the foreign world is a dream as his wife said.

This day, Dong Jing suddenly visited. As soon as we met Dong Jing, he explained the task: "There are criticisms of cults in Tibet. Please go there."

Liu Wei quickly refused and said, "You're right. I haven't retreated. Why do you still take me out for a mission and don't do it?"

"What internal retreat? When will the organization let you retreat? Don't talk nonsense." As soon as Dong Jing said this, Liu Wei's heart suddenly burst, as if it had been struck by a bolt from the blue, which made his forehead a little dizzy.

In an instant, the exotic bits and pieces appeared in front of him again. Liu Wei suddenly woke up and sneered at Dong Jing, "Camera, do you think you still want me to go if I am forced to death?"

"Of course, even if you die, you have to go."

Liu Wei stood up with a sneer, and the Shura Tianyan in the middle of his eyebrows slowly opened. The gray electric light shot out of his eyes. Dong Jing in front of him was immediately hit into powder by Shura Tianyan. Jiajia, who came back from going out, exclaimed, "Liu Wei, are you crazy?"

"I'm crazy. What a magic array. What a realistic job." Liu Wei felt a little sad. He longed for the warmth of home, but he didn't expect that his desire would become his only weakness.

"Open it for me." Liu Wei, who had known everything, used the unique magic of the witch clan. The golden light flashed all over his body, and everything around him was broken in an instant. Looking at the painful howling in front of him, Liu Wei sighed slightly and smashed the heart demon.

The surrounding environment changed, and Liu Wei returned to reality. Around him, six people were still being baptized by demons.

"Heavenly magic sound, what a good means." Liu Wei recognized that this was the most popular magic array of Taoist and Momen on the earth, and couldn't help shaking his head.

The heart demon is nothing to the people who have survived the disaster, but for ordinary people, once they are not strong and deeply trapped in it, they will be seriously injured, and in serious case of death by the dark fire of the heart demons.

The abyss and others in front of them are being baptized by the demon, but according to the current situation, they have been deeply involved in it. If they don't help them, the consequences will be serious.

Liu Wei pinched the magic formula and chanted the "clear heart and universal goodness formula". The spells turned into cyan spells. With Liu Wei's true spirit, they all melted into their minds bit by bit. Their faces, which were still immersed in it, suddenly became much easier and no longer confused.

After Liu Wei recited the spell three times, everyone woke up one by one. Only Lan Leer was still in dementia. Liu Wei couldn't help frowning deeply and not prohibiting the Buddha lion from roaring to recite the secret, but Lan Leer still looked stupid and unaware of everything in the outside world.

"I love you, Liu Wei." Lan Leer suddenly said this stupidly. Liu Wei was shocked, and the magic formula he was thinking about also stopped. She couldn't help exclaiming, "This silly girl knows that she wants to fall into it. Isn't this playing with life?"

Men Yu stabbed Liu Wei in the waist and said, "Liu Wei, why don't you say loudly that you like her and see if you can wake her up?"

"No." Liu Wei immediately refused, "At this moment, she has fallen deeply into the heart. If I don't wake her up with justice at this moment, I'm afraid that she will rely on this person for the rest of her life."

"What does it mean to rely on this person all your life?" Zhuge Ping asked.

At this time, Taoyi came up and explained, "That is to say, her mind will be affected, and the person who woke up is mistakenly regarded as a lifelong lover."

"That's what it means."

"Ah, how can there be such strange consequences." Kelly spit out her tongue.

Liu Wei shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's nothing we can do. The heart demon is very troublesome, and it's extremely terrible if it's not handled well."

"What should I do? You can't watch her fall into it all her life. Men Yu said anxiously. Liu Wei looked at him and suddenly asked, "Men Yu, do you like Lan Leer?"

"Me? No." Men Yu blushed when he was asked and lowered his head shyly.

Liu Wei suddenly thought of a plan to stone two birds with one stone and said, "Domen Yu, answer me honestly."

"Ah, I like it." Everyone looked at him with a good look.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "It's fate. Men Yu, Lan Leer will leave it to you in the future." Liu Wei pushed Men Yu to Lan Leer. As soon as the two came into contact, Men Yu fell into Lan Leer's dream.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "That's great. In the future, when Leer finds a partner, I can relax." After reciting the formula and clearly sending it into the ears of the two people, Lan Leer was still a little stupid. Men Yu woke up when he was full of excitement, and soon he pulled Lan Leer back to reality under Liu Wei's arrangement.

Clear Lan Leer shouted and grabbed Men Yu's arm and shouted, "Honey, there is a fire, put out the fire."

Everyone laughed loudly and said, "Where is it? The love for someone is in full swing, haha." The two looked at each other and quickly released each other as if they were electrocuted. Lan Leer lowered her head shyly.

Liu Wei clapped his hands and said, "Congratulations on your marriage. Remember to make up a wedding wine for us in the future."

Lan Leer said, "Thank you for your success. My little sister will definitely serve the best wine of the magic moon." Liu Wei was stunned and immediately understood that it must have caused some memory errors by Lan Leer, but he didn't care. The big brother heard it in his ear was extremely comfortable.

"Let's move forward." Liu Wei shouted and moved forward again.

A strange stone steps in front of everyone, two meters long and one foot wide bluestone slabs are laid under their feet and derived into the air in a spiral shape, while around everyone is the boundless starry sky. The stars in the sky are extraordinary, giving people a sense of chicness and excitement of walking in space.

Liu Wei tried to absorb the power of the stars here and found that the power of the stars was more energetic than the outside world. He couldn't help but be smooth and increased his absorption.

"How long will it take to get to the end?" Zhugeping was too tired to leave. She simply flew out of the flying sword and rushed forward with a sword. Liu Wei was shocked and wanted to hold it, but he rushed into the air. Suddenly, a nebula appeared above Zhuge Ping's head. The nebula rotated, full of huge suction, and suddenly sucked her in.

"Everyone, find something quickly and don't be sucked in." Liu Wei shouted loudly and hurriedly used a few Taishan charms to set himself on the ground.

But suddenly there was a huge elasticity under his feet, which made him throw into the air without any defense. The huge suction came from the nebula and rushed straight to him. Liu Wei was shocked. The purple electricity flew out of his waist, and the sword light dragged him away. The suction is also too great. Except for Liu Wei and Cangyuan, everyone else was sucked in.

"It's so hot, so hot." Zhuge Ping didn't care about the reservedness of everyone's boudoir. She took off her clothes and dived into the pool.

"It's hot, it's still hot." Zhuge Ping became a little confused. At first sight, Triceratops was very anxious and knew that her master was poisoned. She turned around in a hurry. Suddenly, she felt a strong force from behind. A petite and lovely woman suddenly appeared and suddenly grabbed Triceratops.

smiled at Triceratops and said, "Aren't you the little thing guarding the poison park in other generations? What? My strict order in those years also forgot that I actually came with the predestined person I chose?

Nunyu stared at the woman with wide eyes and suddenly howled, and her hands seemed to be begging for mercy.

The woman nodded with a smile: "I think you dare to break into this place for the purpose of this seat. Let you go for the time being. Go and wash your whole body with your new master." The woman bounced Triceratops into the pool with one finger, and the Triceratops began to scream and gradually sank into it.

Zhuge Ping, who couldn't help rowing in the woman's eyes, muttered, "Is this the descendant I took tens of thousands of years to find? Why is it so bad?" The eyebrows are deeply locked, and it seems that Zhuge Ping is very dissatisfied~~~

Besides, Lan Leer and Men Yu, who were swept away together, unexpectedly came to a stone room. The four sides of the room were sealed, and only a few air holes were left in the sky.

"Ah, Men Yu, where are we?" Lan Leer opened her confused eyes and suddenly felt cold on her chest. She saw that Men Yu was lying on her body in a coma, but the two were naked.

"Ah~~" a more sharp cry than the crane roared from Lan Leer's mouth. Although this has already happened in the arrangement of the two demons, it is the first time that they have met each other so naked in reality.

"What's wrong?" Men Yu was awakened. As soon as he saw Lan Leer covering his chest with his hands and looking at himself, he quickly covered his lower body with a scream. I looked around for my clothes, but there was nothing else in the stone room except them.

The two of them blushed and didn't dare to see each other, but Lan Leer was the first to say, "That door Yu, in fact, you don't need to cover it like this. In fact, I, I have seen it for a long time."

Men Yu's face turned red and said, "This, that, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Lan Leer looked at him with bright eyes, stretched out her hand to help Mo Yu's face and whispered, "We have already passed that in our dreams. I'm already yours. You don't have to be so formal." After all, the lord of a country is much braver than Men Yu, the first brother, in terms of love.

Men Yu hugged Lan Leer and said, "Well, you are my wife. I will definitely find a way to save you." Lan Leer narrowed her eyes happily.

Suddenly, a layer of paint fell on the surrounding walls, revealing a pair of pictures. The two were surprised and walked forward to look over. At this glance, their already redden faces suddenly turned red again. This turned out to be a spring | palace picture.

The two of them searched all over the room and couldn't find the exit. On the contrary, they looked at the spring | palace pictures over and over again, and they were familiar with each other.

"Ah, my wife, it seems that we are going to die here." Men Yu was discouraged.

Lan Leer leaned affectionately next to him and said happily, "If you can't get out, you can't get out. At worst, we'll just die together. There are too many troubles in the outside world, but it's still quiet here.

Men Yu nodded, but he was a little unhappy about not being able to survive. He looked up at those vents and couldn't help thinking, "Can we rely on those to get out?" He soon shook his head and stopped the idea: "No, this wall has just been knocked, and it can't be broken at all with my cultivation, let alone nothing under my feet hitting it out of thin air."

The light shined from the air hole and turned to one of the spring | palace maps. A strange scene appeared, and the men's and women's pictures on the painting actually showed strips of meridian running gas. Men Yu was shocked and said, "How is this possible?"

"What's wrong?" Lan Leer opened her eyes doubtfully and asked.

Mue Yu pointed to the painting and said, "Look at how that picture looks like meditation." Men Yu didn't know much about Dongtu's cultivation method and didn't guess anything for a while.

However, Lan Leer was different. As soon as she saw the picture, she suddenly understood it and shouted happily: "This is a double practice. It turns out that these are not simple spring | palace pictures. It seems that the person who built this place must be an amazing genius who actually thought of using the principle of light refraction to convey secrets.

Men Yu understood, but shook his head and said, "Even if we know that this is a double practice, it's useless. We haven't eaten or drink here. At most, we can persist for half a month, and we won't die after half a month. This skill is useless to us at all."

Lan Leer's original joy of hearing what he said suddenly turned into nothing, but unlike Men Yu, she had no idea of survival. She just wanted to stay here with Men Yu, so she persuaded her, "Anyway, boredom is boring. Let's practice this skill. Maybe there is something new?"

Men Yu took a look at the spring palace map, got up and nodded. The two of them turned together according to the picture, and the true qi in their bodies suddenly converged and operated according to the mental method. One week later, Men Yu's eyes widened and said in surprise, "How can it be? My cultivation is actually~~" He really can't believe that his strength is 30% higher than before.

Lan Leer was also surprised and said happily, "Oh, my God, my strength has been improved by 60%. This skill is really amazing."

"Great. If I continue to practice like this, I believe I will definitely break this cage." Men Yu regained his confidence, and the two looked at the next picture again and learned it as before. Suddenly, spring was in the secret room~~~

Not to mention the spring | love here, the situation of the gluttonous black is a little miserable. This guy has not been in a coma all the way and was directly thrown into a sea of fire by the nebula. If Liu Wei was here, he would be surprised. This is the mysterious space where the blood beads in the Xuanyin ancient cave he once came to.

It turns out that the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are actually connected with the Xuanyin Ancient Cave, which is an unexpected place.

was thrown into the fire, and the gluttonous whole body was on fire and howled miserably, but no one came to save him. Since Liu Wei took away the blood beads, the world has changed dramatically. Compared with the past, more violent forces are raging here, and countless ten-meter-long thunders have been split down.

And these series of thunders are all fire thunder, pure sun thunder, pure world thunder, dazzling fire thunder, mixed-yuan strange flame thunder, etc. All kinds of fire thunder have completely turned white, reaching the maximum tolerance of this space.

Rao's leather armor is hard enough and thick enough to be roasted. Dragon father is here. Please save your poor son quickly. I don't dare to be greedy anymore. I don't dare to be greedy anymore. Please help me quickly, Liu Wei, where are you? Come and save me quickly. The howling of the black bream drowned in a sea of fire~~~

The last thing to mention is Cangyuan. This person's murderous thoughts are extremely heavy, but the spiritual roots of heaven and earth just like to joke with him. Unexpectedly, he was reincarnated and the sadness in the heart of Cangyuan who was born again. His high bloodline has actually fallen into such a shape. Can he not be sad?

The midwife in charge of delivery sighed when she first saw the newborn baby and couldn't help saying, "Congratulations, Master Li, you are so happy to be a child prodigy."

"Real?" Li was overjoyed. He gave a fierce reward to the talking midwife and named his precious son Li Cang. Poor Cangyuan got a cheap father and sighed sadly.

"Sir, our son is really a child prodigy. Did you hear him sigh just now?"

"Haha, seriously, I want to train him well, let him go to high school, and add glory to our Li family, haha."

The abyss rolled his eyes sadly and fell asleep~~~

Maybe the spiritual roots of heaven and earth like to play tricks on the abyss. When Cangyuan was seven years old, when he sneaked into the mountain to practice, he met a group of robbers. The abys naturally killed them. Unexpectedly, there was a fish caught in the net. Overnight, the Li family was destroyed. Cangyuan was also disabled. Since then, he has been unable to practice at all and has become a homeless child.

"God, why did you play tricks on me like this?" The begging abyss crawled on the street and cursed God. Maybe he felt his anger, the sky thundered, and it rained cats and dogs. Everyone rushed to the ground, and the abyss was accidentally knocked over, and his hands were trampled and swollen.

"Since you want me to live in such pain, I might as well die." The soul of the abyss, who wanted to die, drifted away from his body. Suddenly, everything in front of him changed, and he also returned to his original appearance. He appeared in a teahouse and went to countless guests, while he was sitting at a table. In front of him, an old man was tasting tea and smiling at him.

"Hello, Cangyuan." The old man said, "Is this dream beautiful?"

Ayuan suddenly became angry and said angrily, "It's you who made your hands and feet. I'm going to kill you." A punch appeared, but a strange scene appeared. The old man's whole body seemed to be made of water. His fist seemed to hit the water, but there were only a little ripples, which could not hurt the other party at all. Cangyuan knew that the other party's strength far exceeded his own. He sat down obediently and no longer made a sound. He asked angrily, "Who are you? Question mark What the hell do you want to do?"

The old man touched his long beard and introduced himself: "Let's introduce yourself first. You should be familiar with the name of killing god."

Cangyuan's hand trembling, and he couldn't help grasping the corner of the table. His voice was filled with three points of excitement and seven points of fear, "Who do you think you are? God, God, the ancient god who slaughtered 147 people with one sword, claiming that Chen Qian's first fierce general can's god of killing be you, a bad old man?

"Bad old man, hehe." The killing god looked at him with a smile. Suddenly, his eyes were full of light, and the fierce murderous spirit broke out, stabbing the body and mind of the abyss. The abys felt that he was pressed by the huge mountains, and his whole body could not move. A fear of being arbitrarily slaughtered swept over his whole body, and his hands trembled even more severely.

"Now you can be trusted?" The killing god asked lightly, and at the same time, the pressure around the abyss also disappeared without a trace.

"I believe it, I believe it completely." Cangyuan wiped the cold sweat on his head and dared not speak arrogantly.

"Relax, I have adopted my mind now. Without that murderous heart, I won't do anything to you. Besides, if you can come here, it means that Chen Qianzhen arranged for you to come here. Naturally, I won't hurt you. The killing god said.

Cangyuan nodded like garlic and said, "Senior Haihan, Cangyuan remembers it in your heart. If you have any task, I will definitely complete it for you."

Looking at him, who was still a little formal, the killer shook his head helplessly and said, "Let's not talk about it. You can come back from the turmoil ten thousand years ago. It can be seen that your blessing is good. What did you understand in your dream just now?"

The abyss was stunned, recalling the bits and pieces of the dream just now, shaking his head like a rattle drum.

The killer couldn't help stretching out his hand and patting his head and scolding, "You boy, you have a murderous heart, but you can't see through such a simple dream."

"Please give me some advice." Ayuan asked respectfully.

"I asked you what is murder?" The killing god asked.

"Killing thoughts are born, and thoughts are born from the heart, which is the heart of killing." Cangyuan thought for a moment and answered.

The killing god nodded with a thumbs-up and said, "Yes, the killing heart is just killing, so I'll ask you how the killing comes from, think about your dream, and then answer me."

Cangyuan thought left and right and tentatively said, "Is it hatred? Killing because of hatred.

"Let your son of a bitch." The killing god sprayed out a mouthful of tea and cursed, "Hate is just a momentary killing idea. When hatred becomes empty, does the killing idea still exist? Revenge is just a waste in the end. Is this murderous? I think I'm going to turn you into yellow sand and stay in the soil for tens of thousands of years.

Cangyuan allowed the killing god's saliva to spray directly on his face, and he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

The killing god pointed out of the window and said, "Look, the people here are busy every day. Let me ask you, do they have murderous intentions?"

Cangyuan said, "They all live a worry-free life, and naturally they have no murderous intentions."

"Bah, I said they did." Cangyuan looked at the killing god and cursed in a vainly.

"They are mediocre, but they can't eat and wear clothes every day. They can't speak of misery in their hearts. When they encounter a disease, natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc., it's even more bitter. You say you are so miserable, do they have any resentment in their hearts? Do you think they have murderous intentions? You said that their life is worry-free. Bah, what I just made you dream is really a big mistake. You stinky boy's head is elm, and you don't know it at all. Think about how you woke up and what you thought before you died? Think about them and think about yourself. The killing god is endless.

"Kill the sky." Cangyuan was shocked and said the word. He was shocked by a cold sweat. The killing god suddenly raised his eyebrows and said happily, "Yes, it's just killing the sky."

"No." Cangyuan quickly shook his hand and said, "No, everyone in my family respects the sky. How can there be such a great rebellious act?"

The killing god rolled his eyes helplessly, and his angry beard flew up and shouted, "It seems that you haven't had enough dreams. Let's sleep for a while." With a finger in the eyebrows of the abyss, the abyss fell into a dream again.

Looking at the fainting abyss, the god of murder muttered to himself, "Chen Zhenzhen, why did you find a barbarian for me back? This family of people know that they respect heaven and love heaven. Poor them don't even know how they destroyed the clan. Alas~~~ Why did they find such a living treasure heir to me? Why isn't it the little starry sky? What about being my heir?"

"I don't care. The boy in Xinghai is first-class. Practicing my killing path is the best choice. Why should I give it to that old ghost? I have to pull it over." Liu Wei's space appeared as soon as the god's mind moved.

Liu Wei was unconscious because he lost his true anger. As soon as the killing god appeared, he wanted to take him away, but suddenly he stretched out a big hand from the depths of the star sea and stopped the killing god's hand.

"Killing god, how dare you come to my small world rashly? Aren't you afraid of losing your soul?" A short old man appeared in front of him, with a sharp-billed monkey's cheeks, especially a black mole at the corners of his mouth, which is particularly eye-catching. This monk can refine his body through aura, and Yuanying can change his color and appearance on the day of his adult life. I don't know why the old man has to maintain such an ugly appearance.

The killing god hummed, "No way, I like this doll. Lend it to me."

Hearing this, Wudao was very anxious and said, "No, this is the descendant prepared by Chen Qian for me. How can I give it to you? Why are you? Let go of him quickly." The killing god ignored the incompetence and directly pulled Liu Wei's right hand towards the broken void.

He was so anxious that he had been waiting for ten thousand years for Liu Wei's arrival. How could he be robbed like this? He grabbed Liu Wei's other arm and shouted, "Let him go." The silver light all over his body rippled and rushed to the killer.

The killing god's eyes stared, and the silver light around him stopped. He smiled and said to Wudao, "I'm going to take this boy away, but how about taking him as a descendant? What can you do for me?" He said that he strengthened his hand and pulled it up.

"I won't give it to you." Wudao also pulled up with strength, and Liu Wei's body suddenly became a long rope of tug-of-war and straightened between the two people.

"Ah, let go quickly."

"You should let go."

"Then let's pull according to our ability." Liu Wei's arm was stretched longer and longer, and the huge pain woke Liu Wei up from his dormancy. Liu Wei looked at the two old men who suddenly appeared in horror and shouted, "You two old men, let go quickly. I'm about to break my arm by you."

"I won't let go." The two said with one voice.

In order to prevent Liu Wei's arm from really breaking, the two put their true temperament into his arms, and the two completely different true qi entered the body. Liu Wei suddenly felt that his whole body was itchy. On his left hand was a vast star power, which was the power Liu Wei was familiar with. Liu Wei was overjoyed and these stars Li was secretly incorporated into Dantian and stored.

But he stole something wrong. The killing god sensed that the Taoist star power circulated in Liu Wei's meridians. He mistakenly thought that Wudao took this opportunity to pass on to Liu Wei. He was so anxious that he simply learned to pour his true qi into Liu Wei's meridians. His true spirit was pure. It is a murderous atmosphere, which is the most evil spirit in heaven and earth. Needless to say, its power is powerful, but this evil spirit is also extremely harmful to the body and mind.

Liu Wei felt the infusion of evil spirit and forced him to absorb it into Dantian. That evil spirit was full of countless resentment and murderous intention. This is the murderous spirit cultivated by the Killing Sutra of the God of Killing. For the God of Killing itself, this murderous spirit is completely fine. On the contrary, it can promote his murderous intention. Who told him to pay attention to it. It is the cultivation of murder.

But Liu Wei is different. He practiced martial arts and pays attention to the heavenly way of the unity of heaven and man, which is completely inconsistent with this completely against the sky. It is simply contrary to the opposite way. This is why Chen Qian arranged Liu Wei to enter Wudao to accept inheritance without arranging to kill the god.

Liu Wei has no intention to kill, nor does he cultivate his intention to kill. It can be said that his heart still maintains sincerity, but who could have expected that the killer was unreasonable and came here to pass it on to him. Liu Wei hurriedly operated the "clear heart and good formula" to appease the mind, but the idiot and the killing god are not the same level master at all, and the formula is completely useless.

Resentment, hatred, unwillingness, killing, and other negative emotions began to become active as the murderous atmosphere accumulated in Liu Wei's body. Liu Wei's eyes gradually turned red, his face became more and more and more evil. The corners of his mouth evoked an evil smile. Liu Wei turned coldly to the two people.

"Since you two old guys don't want me to live, don't blame me for being polite." Liu Wei giggled, and his smile was full of evil.

When Wudao saw his appearance, he suddenly knew that it was not good. Liu Weidan made a clear sound in the field, and the cultivation that was blocked by Wudao's star force was broken by Liu Wei at this moment.

"How did you do it?" There is no way to exclaim.

"Do you think that imitating my Dantian structure with star power can completely cover up my true spirit? Humph, I'm already practicing star power, and I can't be more familiar with your power. Liu Wei's eyes were red and he was enchanted. Liu Wei, who was enchanted, was more unscrupulous and intelligent than ever. He saw through the roadless prohibition at a glance.

"Haha~~" Liu Wei laughed loudly, and his voice was full of evil spirit.

At this time, the killing god saw the problem and shouted, "It's over. I forgot that this doll hasn't practiced my mind. It's over. It's gone. It's a good seedling. It's ruined by me." The killing god quickly let go. Unexpectedly, Liu Wei suddenly stamped his chest with a palm, and the god of murder suffered from him. He slapped his big hand, subdued him, and groaned coldly, "Kid, don't think what can happen if you are possessed? I don't think the demons I killed in those years.

"Well, don't talk about your glorious deeds, just think of a way to save him quickly." There is no way to urge.

The god scratched his head, looked at Liu Wei, who was still unconscious, and couldn't help but feel the magic on his body. He frowned and said, "This doll is Chen Yu's person. We must get rid of his evil spirit, otherwise it will be difficult to explain if we see Chen Qian in the future."

said with an ugly face: "How to get rid of it? With the disabled bodies of the two of us, it is impossible to help him get rid of his magic. Maybe he will be killed. They are all your old boy and want to grab some apprentices from me.

"You still blame me. If I hadn't lost the truth to him, would I have lost the truth to him? You still blame me." The killing god shouted angrily~~~