divine universe

Chapter 10 Immortals

Dark clouds covered the bright moon, and a cold wind suddenly blew in the camp. It was cold. Tianxingzi and others who were discussing big things trembling all over, and the tent blew into a cloudy wind. Xing Yu, who was covered with golden light, laughed and rushed in: "Long time no see you."

This person was transformed by Chen Jing. His illusion has changed greatly from head to to breath. Even no matter how smart he is, he can't see a gap. His face is a new face that abruptly reorganizes his bone skin color with immortality and grows out of thin air.

When Tianxingzi and others saw Xing Yu, they stood up one after another and bowed to see him: "Goodbye Xing Yu." Chen Jing was not polite. With a cough, he went straight to Tianxingzi's seat and sat down, sweeping the crowd coldly.

Tianxingzi asked, "Senior, why did you come here in person?" Xing Yu's identity was really a little high. Most of the people present were his juniors. In front of him, he was like a student seeing a gentleman and was at a loss.

Chen Jing swept the crowd and asked, "Why didn't you see my apprentice Liu Wei?"

"They went out to rest. Do the seniors want to see them? I just ordered people to find them." Tianxingzi said that he was going to call the boy outside.

Xing Yu hurriedly stopped and said, "No, I came secretly this time. I didn't inform them in advance to see how the other party's proud thing was going?"

Tianxingzi answered truthfully, "I have been discussing it for a day, but I haven't come up with a good idea so far. Now that you are in charge, we can also feel at ease."

"Don't worry." Chen Jing suddenly burst into a rude sentence, which made everyone present stunned and looked at him with confusion.

Chen Jing's endless lesson said, "What time is it now? You are still calculating for the interests of various sects, and you don't want to think about what you will fight with others if the Proud Family destroys you all. You know how to fight one by one. Let me tell you, Tianjianmen is the best example, and you don't think about it. If you destroy others and then divide up their benefits, it will be fine. The biggest loss will make up for more benefits, and the most efforts will have more benefits. This account can't be calculated. It's really stupid to get home.

What he said was reasonable, but it was too naked. There was a strange look on everyone's faces, and they felt that they couldn't hang their faces for a while, but the identity of the criminal emperor was there, and it was not easy to preach anything.

Tianxingzi smiled awkwardly and asked Chen Jing, "Senior, I don't know what good idea you have? If you want, please lead us to fight against the enemy together.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "It's so good." After taking out a half-day from his arms, he took out a piece of jade silk and threw it in the hands of Tianxingzi and said, "This is a battle of immortals. You have selected thousands of masters to jointly arrange this array and give them a five thunderbolt. Are you afraid that you won't be able to destroy them?"

Tianxingzi's divine consciousness threw himself into it, scanned it slightly, and said in surprise, "It's a good way. As soon as you take action, even Daluo Jinxian will definitely die."

"It's up to you." Chen Qi got up and was about to leave. Suddenly, he remembered that there was also an arrogant and impermanence. He stopped and said, "There is another one, the biggest arrogant and impermanence in the Ao family. I want to catch him alive, and no one is allowed to kill him, okay?"

Tianxingzi said with a difficult face and said, "Senior, this is not easy to do. Once this array is launched, I'm afraid that everything in the mysterious world of the proud family will be turned into nothing at that time, and I'm afraid that the arrogant and impermanence will also~~"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said, "I'll go to Liu Wei's boy and ask him to lead the old thing out before the array is launched, so that there won't be so much trouble."

"It's so good." Chen Jing's figure has disappeared.

Are the four of Liu Wei drinking wine in the hotel? The little life is good. Men Yu and Lan Leer are like no one's sweet words. Liu Wei and Cang Yuan seem to have seen anything. In that happy bowl of you, I have five or six empty jars under their feet, each of which is 20 catties.

Chen Jingxing rushed over. Without saying a word, he grabbed the wine jar in Liu Wei's hand and poured it down. The four people looked at the sudden emergence of the "Xing Yu". Cangyuan asked, "Old man, aren't you sitting in Mumian Valley? Why do you have time to come here?"

Chen Jing drank. Liu Wei swept up and down his body, stood up and looked around him. Suddenly, his face looked cold and said, "Who the hell are you?"

"Who else can I have?" Chen Jing threw the wine jar at Liu Wei's body. The empty jar actually roared. Liu Wei caught it with his hand and suddenly felt a magnificent pressure rushing up to his chest. He hurriedly run the star power to shatter the wine jar. Liu Wei asked sternly, "You are not an old man of Xing Yu. Who are you?"

Chen Jing nodded and looked at Liu Wei with satisfaction and said, "That's right, boy, my strength has improved, and others can't see through my spells. It's not easy for you to see through. I'm Chen Jing."

Liu Wei smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence. Don't forget that I still have your magic weapon in Dantian?"

Chen Jing patted his forehead and shouted, "Why did I forget this?" It turned out that as soon as Chen Jing came, the flying peak seal in Liu Wei's body throb, as if he had met a good friend who was going to fly out of Dantian uncontrollably. Liu Wei sensed that the person in front of him was abnormal.

Liu Wei opened a jar of wine and asked, "Old man, why are you coming to me? It also looks like a criminal."

Chen Jing complained, "My old man's life is miserable. I was asked by the central government to go back to fix it. Liu Wei, I want someone from me."

"Who do you want?" Liu Wei asked doubtfully.

"Arrogant and impermanent."

"Puff~~" Liu Wei sprayed out all the wine and coughed and asked, "Who? The proud people, no, forgive them, it's me who died.

Chen Jing punched Liu Wei in the chest, grabbed his wine jar and mumbled. His stomach said, "You don't know that I have to take away arrogance. Don't be ignorant. I'm doing it for your own good. You listen to me and lead him out and give it to me. I promise this guy is in me. It's better to die than to live."

Liu Wei thought for a moment and came to Chen Jing to flatter him, "What's good for me?"

Chen Jing rolled his eyes and scolded carelessly, "It's really not a lot of apprentices. That's all. If you kneel down and worship me three times, I will pass on you and my Taoism."

Liu Wei bowed down happily. Chen Jing looked at him with great satisfaction. Suddenly, the information in his mind was stuffed. Liu Wei turned over casually and was immediately shocked. The inheritance of the witch clan, all the mental methods of the nine witch halls of the witch clan, and a lot of generations of witch experience inheritance were all stuffed into Liu Wei's brain at once. Li.

"You want to kill me." Liu Wei shouted sadly.

Chen Jing laughed and said, "It doesn't matter. It's good for you to inherit like this in the future. How about it? What's passed down by my witch clan?"

Liu Wei admired: "It's indeed a good thing. Unfortunately, many things in it are too evil. I'd better use less to avoid damaging my morality." Some things inherited from the witch are really terrible. All kinds of curses, such as a great witch who casts a curse with all his strength, even the invincible gods will be strangled, which is really too vicious. Liu Wei believes that he is not an connoisseur who plays with curses and disdains to use this method.

Chen Jing said disapprovingly, "What are you afraid of? The witch clan has always been like this. Although now the witch clan has been destroyed, leaving me, the only seedling, but at least I live freely. God can't help me. If you practice hard, your future achievements are not bad for me. Work hard."

Liu Wei nodded, but he still shuddered when thinking about those means~~~~

Seven days later, the sun is just in the sky, but the clouds are full of sorrow. It is the time when the yang qi between heaven and earth is the weakest, and it is also the day when the evil spirit is the strongest. Today is the best time to arrange this immortal array.

Thousands of people followed the instructions in the jade and silk to quietly arrange the array around the Aojia Xuan family, and they had to trigger the array. At this moment, everyone is waiting for the opportunity. For the arrival of this moment, Liu Wei has secretly sneaked into the mysterious world of the Proud Family.

Aojia Xuanjie, after Liu Wei's heavenly disaster, the proud dragon monument has long been smashed, and the grass in the Xuanjie that was originally green and leisurely has not grown, and there is black everywhere. There are large tracts of burning traces. Only a few sparrows are chirping on the remnants, and the depression is extremely depressed.

The masters of various sects guarded the exit of the mysterious world, and the proud family became the bird in the cage, and everyone's hearts were buried with a layer of haze.

"Ao Xuehen, what's going on outside?" The proudest and most self-cultivated arrogant looked at him with an angry face.

Ao Xuehen is also extremely embarrassed at this moment, and his arm was broken by Tianlei, because the thunder on it was entangled with the evil spirit of Tianlei, which has been hindering the recovery of his wound. He replied with a dark face, "All sects have been sending people to guard the exit, and we can't get out for a short time."

"Hmm." Ao impermanence snorted, the invisible true air wave dissipated, and the already broken family became more fragmented.

Liu Wei sneaked in at this time. He cut open the void, jumped from another space, stretched out a punch and rushed out from there and hit arrogant. Ao Wuchang was completely unprepared and fell forward, but at least his cultivation was deep and his body was immediately stabilized, but without waiting for him to react, a big black mark on his head pressed down.

It was Liu Wei's Feifeng seal. Before leaving, Chen Jing supported an aura on the Feifeng seal. Now Liu Wei made the big seal start with the heart and pressed down on this arrogant and impermanence again and pressed his whole body into the ground. Poor arrogant and impermanence, the whole back was blown up.

The proud descendants who reacted immediately flew out of their flying swords and smashed at Liu Wei, but they were empty. Liu Wei had already hidden in his inner world. Then he suddenly appeared, hit the arrogant impermanence that was about to stand up a few times, and then hid back.

ate a mouthful of mud and shouted angrily, "Which bastard is plotting behind my back? It is the hero who comes out and fights me to the death."

Liu Wei grabbed Feifengyin and opened the space and picked it out. He suddenly knocked on the forehead from his back and scolded, "What I hit is your proud bastard. If you dare to destroy my Tianjian Gate, I will destroy your descendants." The purple electricity on Liu Wei's waist came out of the sheath and cut fiercely towards his arrogant lower body.

"The remnants of Tianjianmen, I vowed to take you alive." Being humiliated, he jumped out of the pit and rushed to Liu Wei regardless of the injury of his lower body. Liu Wei let him get stuck in his neck, but his body cut through the space and pulled him to jump into the alien world.

When they reappeared, the two had already left the mysterious world of the proud family. Liu Wei hit a big mark on the proud impermanence's head and turned away. His body was like a loach. Liu Wei broke away from his hand.

Feifeng took off his hand and became extremely arrogant and impermanent on the ground, and only one head was exposed.

There are thousands of prohibitions on this flying peak seal. Liu Wei left his head outside, but his body could not move. He squatted down and smiled gillly and said, "Old man, I want you to take a good look at how I killed all your descendants."

"Tao Xingzi Taoist priest, why don't you do it yet?" Liu Wei shouted.

Suddenly, the big array launched, and the evil spirit that rushed to the sky instantly dispersed the sad clouds covering the sky. Countless golden light gathered over the valley, and the huge aura gathered on the big array. The majestic pressure suddenly pressed down, and the whole valley suddenly pressed three meters underground.

With such an amazing momentum, even Tianxingzi and others who presided over the array were shocked one after another, and everyone had such an idea: "How can Tianjianmen have such a powerful killing array? Fortunately, the launch of this formation is really harsh, otherwise wouldn't he want him to be dominant?"

But this idea was quickly dispelled, and all kinds of prohibitions were launched. Immediately, the proud descendants who wanted to rush out were instantly beaten into recovery. In such a tragic scene, even those who watched the killing vomited one after another. These people died too miserably.

Liu Wei patted his arrogant face and scolded, "How about it? What it's like to see the death of your relatives, haha.

"Liu Wei, you bastard, one day I will kill you late, and I will kill each of you." The arrogant and impermanent roared with a murderous face.

At this time, Shi Shiran floated over and stepped on his arrogant face and said coldly, "You don't have a chance, old man. Now you must follow me." Chen Jing mentioned it, and Feifengyin withdrew the size of his palm and flew back to Liu Wei's hand.

Ao has no chance to escape, and immediately turned out a blood light. Unexpectedly, he used blood to escape. Unfortunately, Chen Jing, who was in front of him, grabbed it casually and grabbed the blood light. He picked up the impermanence like a chicken and left.

In the clouds, Chen Jing turned into his original face and smiled at the unconvinced arrogant and impermanence, "Kid, don't look like this. I'm angry." Hundreds of punches fell, and the arrogant suddenly became a shameless pig.

Chen Jing nodded with satisfaction and smiled, "This is pleasing to the eye. Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you haven't eliminated your resentment against my disciples for a day. So I'm sorry, you have to help me guard the life and death every day." With that, he grabbed his big hand, and the arrogant yuan god was pulled out.

Chen Jing casually banned him and turned him into a ghost. He laughed and said, "Only ghosts can go to that place. Anyway, you are a prisoner and don't need any cultivation, so that you won't find trouble in the future."

After taking a step forward, the two came to the secluded place of the world. Chen Qian had been waiting for a long time and said, "Congratulations on your success."

Chen Jing said impatiently, "Don't flatter. This boy brought it. What about the life and death disk?"

Chen Qian immediately pinched the magic formula, and black smoke rolled up on the mysterious underworld spring. A broken plate appeared with a Taiji pattern running slowly on it. There were constantly wronged souls being sucked into it, but some wronged souls fled from the broken place.

Chen Jing looked at the life-and-death disk and said solemnly, "This thing hasn't been repaired yet. Really, if it goes on like this, won't the six reincarnations of the world be in chaos?"

Chen Qian smiled and said, "Everything is doomed. Someone will always make up for it, and arrogance is the opportunity to recover from this dead disk."

Chen Qian grabbed the trembling arrogance and popped up with one finger. Suddenly, a black chain locked him with the life and death disk.

"Two great gods spare their lives." Proud and impermanently knelt down and begged for mercy.

Chen Qian said, "We can't save you. You were the guardian boy here in your previous life. It's just because you neglected your duty and your life collapsed. Now is the time for you to return all your sins." Chen Qian's finger popped out a clear breath into his arrogant mind. Suddenly, all kinds of arrogant and impermanent previous life had woken up. His face lighted and knelt down respectfully and said, "Thank you for making me awake. Please give me some advice. When can I get out of it? I still have to be free."

Chen said, "When the killing in your heart is eliminated, the great disaster of the world will be eliminated, and it will be the time for you to regain your freedom."

Chen Yu and Chen Jing looked at each other, and their bodies gradually dispersed. They were arrogant and impermanent about the conversation between the two. They suddenly woke up, sat cross-legged by the plate of life and death, and practiced calmly~~~