divine universe

Chapter 10 Roaring Tiger

The Buddha's light shone, and Liu Wei and rice grains were shrouded in warmth. The two spread their arms, felt the long-lasting Dharma, and immersed in the Sanskrit sound. Liu Wei only felt that his mood was peaceful and appeared indifferently before. He only felt that his whole body was light, and the lingering killing thoughts in the depths of his body and mind were affected by the Buddha's light. Most of the baptism has dissipated.

Liu Wei unconsciously squeezed the corners of his mouth, like a baby sucking. Yaya said strange words, only he understood Chinese. There are all kinds of illusions around Liu Wei, and illusions arise from the heart. These are the demons he wants to transform. Liu Wei quietly watched his demons tease him and unmoved.

Seeing that Liu Wei was not accepted by himself**, the demon became angry and roared, turned into a night fork and rushed to him crazily.

"True fantasy, ups and downs, everything is from the heart, my heart is like a sword, Buddha kills angrily, and breaks it with a sword." Liu Wei took up his sword and shot nine virtual shadows. He was divided into the directions of the nine palaces. He couldn't tell who was real and who was fake. One sword stabbed away, and the nine figures were united, piercing the heart of the night fork, and the night fork immediately dissipated.

Liu Wei smiled and put away the purple electricity and muttered, "A shot of the angry Buddha, a good sword trick."

Looking at the rice grain again, he was shrouded in the Sanskrit sound, and the golden Buddha number rotated into his body. The Buddha light behind the rice grain's brain became more and more, and the nine-color Buddha wheel turned faster and faster. Finally, it suddenly collapsed. A Buddha relili floated brilliantly in mid-air, slowly rotated for a while and suddenly flew in. In the sea of rice grains.

The Buddha's light around the rice grain suddenly stopped. Others woke up leisurely, looked at the broken Buddha statue in front of him, and felt the rich Dharma in his body and what Jiyuan had learned. I am somewhat sad about the passing of Jiyuan.

Liu Wei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well, don't be in a daze. With so many benefits, it's time to be satisfied. It's worth it."

Mi Li punched Liu Wei and scolded with a smile, "You think I'm you, and you have a lot of benefits. Don't think I didn't understand that sword."

The dust on the beam rumbled, and the whole temple began to sink. Everyone was shocked and immediately flew out. The original temple was swallowed up by the quagmire. Mi Li put his hands together and recited a Buddha's name and recited the rebirth mantra to Shiyuan.

At this moment, the sky was gray, and the sky was bright in a blink of an eye. The fog dissipated, revealing the blood-red sky. Liu Wei couldn't help but feel melancholy. Mi Li patted him on the shoulder, and it was his turn to comfort him, "The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. Let's go."

With a sharp sound, Liu Wei looked up in surprise and saw the dense black spots flying towards them in the distance. It was those strange eagles.

"Liu Wei, these things are not easy to deal with. Let's go." Zhao Laohan's face condensed and waved his granddaughter to be the first to escape.

"Damn, this old man will run." The black bream shouted dissatisfiedly, urged by Liu Wei, and turned into a long dragon, carrying dream tears and Liu Weiyang.

Cangyuan and Mi Li cursed: "Good Liu Wei, you forget your friends when you see sex." The two were not busy under their feet. They slammed and hurriedly chased after them.

Leaving Shui Lanxue alone, her face was white with anger, she stamped her feet, opened her mouth and spewed out the sky-shaking ring and flew to chase her.

These strange eagles behind him have been chasing closely, and there are thunderstorms from time to time, which makes people unpreventable. Cangyuan anxiously asked Liu Wei, "What do you think we should do now?"

Liu Wei has also been thinking about this problem and didn't come up with a solution for a while. He said bitterly, "This is wild. I can't win the fight with them at all. I can't help it."

Mr. Zhao suddenly interrupted and said, "Liu Wei, what can restrain them from these things? Think about it quickly."

Liu Wei had no choice but to roll his eyes and asked him to find a way, which was more difficult than climbing to the sky. When he saw this, he hurriedly said, "If there is hail, people are afraid of hail, and these birds should also be afraid."

"Yes." Liu Wei patted his head and secretly said that he didn't expect that he was busy immersed in the heaven and earth, collected all the sunflower yin qi between heaven and earth, condensed them into a thunder, and suddenly swept towards the sky. Countless sunflower thunder exploded in the air, and suddenly smashed large raindrops over the already humid land. Come on. However, this light rain can't hinder the pursuit of these eagle monsters at all. Instead, because of the rain, everyone became drowned.

The black dragonfly hurriedly shouted, "Liu Wei, release Zhuge Ping, and her black ice coldness can end up with a big hail." Liu Wei released Zhuge Ping without saying a word and was abused by Liu Wei for a period of time. At this moment, Zhuge Ping's clothes were ragged, and the clothes were broken many times, revealing a large area of skin. Zhao Laohan saw it, and the eyes could no longer be moved. Zhuge Ping, who woke up, quickly covered the key and cursed: "Old man, thief, dead hooligan, I'll kill you~~~" The ice cone hit his head one after another, scaring Zhao Laohan's feet much faster.

"Okay, hurry up and get off the hail. The things on this are chasing us tightly. Hurry up, or we will die." Liu Wei urged. Unexpectedly, this girl lost her temper with Liu Wei at this time and scolded, "I care about you? You deserve it. Don't you have an inner world? At worst, we will hide in and pull down together. Why do you need my little girl's help?

Liu Wei really wanted to slap this girl and said angrily, "Don't you see mortals here? My inner world can't survive at all. Do you want mortals to go in and die?" Liu Wei said that it was naturally a small scene.

Cangyuan persuaded, "Miss Zhuge, you can cast a spell to hail quickly. It doesn't matter if we die. You die, but if you want to make your grandfather sad, you can bear to send white-haired people to black-haired people."

Zhuge Ping turned her eyes and hummed, "For my grandfather's face, I'll help you this time." After reciting the magic formula, Zhuge Ping stood on the black dragonfly, as if she were covered in a piece of ice and snow, and her whole body was hazy. Suddenly, she shouted at the sky: "Heaven and earth wind and thunder, listen to my orders, hail appears." The powerful chill was hit into the sky by her, with a loud rumbling sound and a huge pebble-like hail hitting her face.

The black peon was accidentally smashed two and shouted in pain: "Zhuge little girl, you want to kill the dragon. There is still cold poison on it. My dragon father, I flash." The black fly fast, Liu Wei only felt that the wind and snow in his ears were flying horizontally.

Running hundreds of miles in one breath, he got rid of the pursuers. The black man lay on the quagmire like a dead dog, and the tongue in his mouth dragged outside and gasped. Running so fast, even the Cangyuan people can't stand it, and their breathing is a little short.

Zhuge Ping, who regained her freedom, jumped left and right happily on the mud and stared at Liu Wei, "Next time you dare to shut me down, be careful, I'll ask my grandfather to let Xing Yu treat you well."

Liu Wei rolled his eyes and said secretly, "Just Xing Yu, does he dare to care about me?"

Zhuge Ping took Mengping's hand and asked a long question. Liu Weiyi was really puzzled that the two of them didn't seem to be very familiar with each other? Why are you a good sister now?

A really smelly wind swept over, and everyone was disgusted. A fierce man who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead suddenly lifted up and said warily, "Be careful, there is a fierce beast near here."

Liu Wei asked in surprise, "How do you know? Why don't we feel it?"

The black dragon looked nervous and said, "This is the instinct of our mythical beasts, which can sense the existence of nearby beasts. It is now a hundred miles away. I think the gust of wind just now is his breath. No, he is rushing towards us."

"You don't have to say it. I've seen it." Liu Wei muttered that a white light-like existence in the distance was flying towards them. Since Liu Wei's eyes were integrated into his eyes, he did not have to deliberately do his work. This vision was also more amazing than that of ordinary practitioners. He was a little uneasy to see this fierce beast.

The fierce beast in front of him turned out to be a white tiger, and it was exactly the same as Zhang on the earth. Liu Wei felt very lucky to meet such a fierce beast. He felt a little like meeting an old man in his hometown, and he felt a little surging in his heart.

When Zhao Laohan saw the fierce beast, he suddenly screamed, "How is that possible? How did the white tiger among the four mythical beasts come to this land of death? Oh, my God, how can this fierceness be so terrible?

"Four mythical beasts?" Liu Wei muttered and suddenly thought, "The four mythical beasts are not like rosefinch. Oh, my God, there are also myths here on the earth. I'd like to take a good look at how fierce this white tiger mythical beast is." The purple electricity at Liu Wei's waist was sensed and rushed to the white tiger with Liu Wei's sword and a royal sword.

"Come back, come back quickly. You are crazy to provoke this fierce beast." Zhao Laohan and the black dragon shouted at the same time, but failed to stop Liu Wei.

Liu Wei turned into a long rainbow and rushed to the white tiger. One beast suddenly stopped. The white tiger suddenly saw Liu Wei slightly stunned, and then became furious. A tiger roared and a white light spewed out of his mouth. Liu Wei only felt that his whole body was stabbed by hundreds of millions of knives, forcing him to fly back.

The white tiger among the four mythical beasts is located in the west. The attribute is gold, and the spirit of sharp gold is extremely terrible. Even if the gods see it, they dare not easily provoke them. What's more, Liu Wei, who is just a level of level.

When Bai Hu saw that Liu Wei was not roared to death by himself, he couldn't help but be extremely angry. Another loud roar came, which was three points stronger than just now. Liu Wei and the abyss' faces changed wildly. Regardless of anything else, they picked up their tails and swept back. A wind pillar was rolled up out of thin air on the dead and quiet land, blowing countless The mud caught up with them.

"It's all you. What's the trouble?" Zhuge Ping scolded angrily. Liu Wei only smiled bitterly. He was angry for a moment, but he didn't expect to be attacked by the second wave.

"Run, everyone, he's chasing you." The black ghost shouted, but it was too late. The huge body of the white tiger had surpassed everyone, lying in front of him, and his eyes were full of hatred towards Liu Wei, a human who dared to provoke him.

Liu Wei glanced at the pale golden pupil of the white tiger and said cowardly: "Hello. I didn't mean to bother you."

The white tiger tilted his neck and didn't seem to understand Liu Wei's words for a while. Suddenly, he roared and roared at everyone. The powerful shock wave shook the crowd. Seeing that everyone was about to stand it, Liu Wei shouted to the black dragon, "You are a dragon. It is reasonable that the tiger can't beat the dragon. You can't beat the black tiger."

The black owl shouted angrily: "You dead Liu Wei, who told you that the dragon had beaten the white tiger? Besides, I'm not a pure-bred green dragon. Let me fight with him, didn't I give him to eat?"

The black tiger really couldn't stand it. The white tiger's roar was really too strong. He had to shrink into a mini dragon plate and put it on Liu Wei's waist. Seeing that he couldn't do it, Liu Wei took a hard breath and used the angry Buddha he had just realized. His body suddenly trembled, as if those waves did not exist, and his body was one point. For nine, shooting in all directions, the white tiger was really confused by Liu Wei's fancy body and was a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly, Liu Wei's nine swords were united, and his body and shot at the heart of the white tiger. Liu Wei did not want to shoot such a divine object, so he deliberately missed a little. The sword had not yet reached the body. The powerful sword spirit had been shot through the tip of the sword and pierced the white tiger's fur fiercely.

Zizi burst into countless sparks. Liu Wei stared at the intact fur of the white tiger. His sword was equivalent to not being stabbed. White tiger inexplicably looked at this strange human's strange behavior and suddenly understood Liu Wei's intention. He suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and outlined a smile and lay down smiling. On the ground, the front paws kept hammering the ground, which was really ridiculous for Liu Wei's behavior.

Zhao Laohan scolded: "What an idiot. The body of the white tiger is the strongest existence in the world. How can you pierce it? There is no one in the world that can kill the white tiger."

Liu Wei stood there in a daze and looked at the bent sword in his hand. Suddenly, he felt very wronged and said distressed, "Who am I provoke?"

"Big idiot." Bai Hu suddenly smiled and said, "I have been in this land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the first time I have seen a human being as idiot like you dare to break in. Originally, I wanted to have fun with you. Who would have thought that you were such an idiot and wanted a piece of gadget to stab me? It really doesn't matter.

Liu Wei's face turned red with shame, and the purple electricity in his hand rang softly. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with Bai Hu's words. Bai Hu stared at Zidian and scolded, "What's the matter, do you dare to be dissatisfied with me, a semi-finished artifact that hasn't even condensed sword spirit? Be careful, I will swallow you now, so that you will never turn over.

Zidian trembled and seemed to be scared. Liu Wei took his sword back to its sheath with a bitter smile and bowed to the white tiger and said, "I'm sorry, Baihu~~Senior." Liu Wei thought about it for half a day before he came up with such a title, and he still felt that he was climbing high.

"What senior, call me big brother, I'm not old yet. Seniors don't dare to climb. Bai Hu snorted dissatisfiedly.

Liu Wei was ashamed for a while and quickly changed his name to be the eldest brother.

"So you are here to find the illusory secret place?" After listening to the reason why Liu Wei and others entered the land of death, Bai Hu also looked at them in surprise.

pointed to Shui Lanxue and said, "I know you. It seems that a woman with the same breath as you broke in thousands of years ago. Your cultivation seems to be much worse than her, but I didn't expect that you didn't give up halfway. At that time, she was scared and ran away by my old man."

Liu Wei and others glanced at Shui Lanxue meaningfully and thought about what secrets were hidden in Xuanbing Tiangong. The illusory secret world actually fascinated them so much.

Bai Hu lay on the ground and yawned and said, "I said don't go forward. Since this land has been closed by the secret method, it has been a place where strangers have never entered. I think you'd better return the same way. It's better to live than to die. It's a pity to die."

Dream tears said in surprise, "But isn't the way back blocked? How can we go back?

"Which bastard is battering you? Isn't the original road there? As long as you dodge the unicorn and the red fishman, and then be led by Xuesha, you can go out. Which bastard lied to you and the original road was blocked. Bai Hu said angrily.

Everyone's eyes stared at Shui Lanxue, who was at a loss. Liu Wei hummed, "Okay, it's cruel, it's actually banging us. People from Xuanbing Tiangong are really good and cruel.

The black dragon scolded, "A bunch of bitches are very stinky."

Even Xiaojing, who is the kindest, said unhappily, "Sister Shui, you shouldn't let everyone take risks. Fortunately, everyone has nothing to do, otherwise you will feel guilty for the rest of your life."

Baihu yawned and said, "It's strange that this girl will feel guilty. Although I don't know what is hidden in her body, I know that this girl's heart is harder than us mythical beasts, which is three points harder than stones. Well, now you should also go out. Don't disturb my sleep."

"No, we will never leave." It was Shui Lanxue who said this. Her eyes were burning and her face was firm. Bai Hu suddenly got angry and scolded, "What do you mean? I'm going to show you a way to live, don't you have to die?"

Shui Lanxue insisted, "I want to enter the illusory secret world and complete the mission of the teacher. You must also follow me. Especially you, you must come with me."

Shui Lanxue pointed to Liu Wei, who frowned and wondered, "Why can't I go?"

Bai Hu also abandoned Liu Wei in surprise and muttered, "This boy is flat, and his head is even more funny. Isn't he looking for death with such a burden?"

"If my sister can wake up and follow me, I don't need you." When Shui Lanxue said so, Liu Wei suddenly became dumb, which really puzzled him.

Laohan Zhao, who had not spoken, also interrupted at this time, "I won't leave either. If I don't find a solution to my granddaughter's a day, I will never leave." Bai Hu looked at Xiaojing in surprise, then looked at Laohan Zhao and shouted in surprise, "It's you, the old man~~" Zhao Laohan stared over, and Bai Hu swallowed back his words.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by Bai Hu and Zhao Laohan, and the black man muttered, "Why does everyone have secrets? I don't have it, Uncle Long."

Liu Wei sneered and said, "You also said that you don't know the way, and that you have never entered the depths of the land of death. You can really hide it."

Zhao Laohan smiled and scratched his head and was embarrassed~~~