divine universe

Chapter 16 Magic Fire Forging Soul

Chen Jing smiled at Liu Wei. His appearance made people think badly. It was really too obscene. Liu Wei said cowardly, "Why do you always think of me like this? I can tell you that I don't break my back."

"You bastard, what are you talking about?"

Chen Jing's mouthful of thick phlegm flew out, and the golden aura-chemical droplets shot directly on Liu Wei's forehead and disappeared. Liu Wei's forehead was dizzy. Chen Jing's spit was not small. At least hundreds of thousands of pounds of force hit his forehead. Liu Wei's consciousness was directly hit by his body, and the yuan god in Zifu. With a move, he quickly pulled his consciousness into the depths of the yuan god to protect it.

Liu Wei, who was about to fall down, asked Chen Jing, "You're not afraid that this boy will really destroy the sky. How can you have a lot of friendship with that day?"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said, "What do you know, you little god? This is the number of days. Liu Wei is destined to take over here. Hurry up and enter this medicine star into his inner world. Liu Wei's inner world was cut open with a wave of his hand. Mu Shen felt the ripple of Mu Yi in it, which was rich and extraordinary. He was shocked and said, "What a strong breath, all five elements are complete. My God, my life will be easier in the future."

Chen Jing and Mu Shen joined hands to pour the sand dune planet under their feet into Liu Wei's inner world. Chen Jing personally set up a miniature solar system, and this originally depleted medicinal star suddenly changed dramatically.

All the sand was submerged, and the rapid green vegetation visible to the naked eye was generated. Pieces of forests grew out, and the planet was suddenly full of spring.

Mu Shen extinguished the flame of the palace and fell down. He came out and looked at the sun outside. The familiar sun shone on his body. He was extremely comfortable and couldn't help shouting. Chen Jing kicked his buttocks angrily and scolded, "Don't learn from a woman. Goose bumps are about to come out."

Mu Shen got up with a giggle. Chen Jing waved his hands and slapped Liu Wei in the face, waking up his consciousness. Liu Wei opened his eyes somewhat dullly, and there was a hot pain on his cheeks. He immediately woke up and scolded, "Old man, why did you knock me out? Now you still slap me in the mouth."

Chen Jing laughed and said, "It's not easy for you to knock out. You are willing to stuff things into your inner world so easily to see the ghost. Liu Wei, in the future, you will have a 'family' person. You have to practice well and absorb more aura into the inner world. Look at this desolation."

Chen Jing said pitiful Baba, and Mu Shen nodded ignorantly and pretended to be pitiful. Liu Wei turned to these two people and couldn't help rolling his eyes and scolding, "Neither of you are good things to cause trouble for me." Liu Wei's inner world has not fully formed, and it is still in the excavation stage. Chen Jing has now moved the medicine star into it, and he will continue to put his aura into it to help the medicine star grow in the future, so that his cultivation path has been lengthened.

Chen Jing didn't wait for Liu Wei to think too much and kicked Liu Wei out of the inner world.

"Old man, you bastard." Liu Wei's unwilling voice came.

Chen Jing said, "You boy, go and suck in the other planets. At that time, I'll show you a big one. Go and come back quickly."

Liu Wei turned over more than 300 circles in the void to stabilize his body. In this desolate universe, there are still four planets floating quietly. Without exception, these planets do not have their own orbiting stars, and they are slowly maintaining their daily expenses with the aura of pulling away from the planets. This is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

The sudden disappearance of the medicine star naturally shocked the owners of several other planets. They appeared in front of Liu Wei through the atmosphere, looking up and down at them. Liu Wei was also looking at them.

Three men and one woman, the man is handsome and beautiful, and the woman is also beautiful. Liu Wei couldn't help doubting in his heart, "Why is that fat man the ugliest?" Without thinking about these messy things, Liu Wei arched his hand to the four people and said, "Liu Wei, I am ordered by the crazy sky to complete the refining of the world."

"Thunder God, Wind God, Rain God, God of War are waiting for the little brother's arrangement, please." As soon as the four people spread out their hands, the four planets bumped into Liu Wei. Liu Wei hurriedly opened his inner world and sucked the four planets in. Chen Jing quickly turned into a huge body. One by one, he sorted these planets and put them on the predetermined orbit. The powerful aura was mixed with Liu Wei. The five elements of the refined world rushed into these planets, and suddenly the five planets turned into infinite vitality.

Mu Shen and others gathered together happily and looked at this series of changes in surprise. Liu Wei followed and watched Chen Jing perform Tongtian spells. As if they were enlightened, they couldn't help but fall into meditation.

"Liu Wei, what are you waiting for? Why don't you open up your inner world and combine it with the outer world." Chen was shocked to see that he was in a daze and couldn't help reminding him.

"Oh." Liu Wei opened his inner world in a daze and sat cross-legged in it. His whole body was like a monk entering the Zen. The whole yuan god dispersed, and the divine consciousness was sprinkled into the whole world. Every grain of dust in the world was in his hands, as if he controlled the way of heaven. He was the sky and the master of everything.

"Is this the feeling of heaven? It's amazing and domineering." At this moment, Liu Wei feels that as long as he wants to do it, he can completely attribute this place to chaos. He is an omnipotent strong man.

Unconsciously, the murderous spirit in the depths of Liu Weiyuan God overflowed uncontrollably again. Liu Wei, who thought he had succeeded in enlightenment, was complacent, but did not want to evoke the madness of demons. Hahaha~~~" There was an arrogant laugh from Liu Wei's mouth, and the magic spirit soared to the sky.

Mu Shen and others were slightly shocked, and then realized that the hands and feet made by the crazy sky on Liu Wei had taken effect. Liu Wei was about to become possess. Chen Jing saw this scene, frowned, and his fingers couldn't help calculating, and scolded, "Damn it, you don't let me figure it clearly at this time. That's all. I don't care. Yes, I'd like to see what Liu Wei can achieve. He put his hand back, as if he was not going to help.

Mu Shen asked in surprise, "Are you really not going to intervene?"

Chen Jing laughed and said, "With your gods and five tigers in those years, how can I take action? When your enchanting song is blown, are you afraid that this boy will become enchanted?"

Thor's eyes widened and asked, "How can I do it?" At the sound of the enchanting song, no matter how powerful the demons are, they will be killed by us. How can Liu Wei, a small human, resist the five of us?

Chen Jing blew his beard and said impatiently, "If I ask you to blow it, just blow it. If I say it's okay, it's okay. If you die, I promise to return you a good new master."

Five people were helpless and took out their magic weapons one after another. Thor's magic weapon was a horizontal flute, the wooden god was an erhu, the wind god was a pier, the rain god was a hole flute, and the god of war was a lyre. Five people played together, and the sound of killing suddenly shook out, and the world was restless.

"Soul Ecstasy" is a song that Kuangtian ordered his subordinates to play together to prevent himself from being controlled by heart demons. I didn't think that the power of this song was too great. One person's playing is enough to destroy thousands of troops and horses, let alone five people playing together. Liu Wei, who was in such a deep music whirlwind, has changed. .

The invisible magic spirit rose from his body. Liu Wei's yuan god wanted to return to the body, but found that there was a sound of killing around him blocking the combination of his yuan god and the body, forcing Liu Wei's yuan god to condense and form in the void. He stared at the five people with a ferocious face and scolded, "You are so cruel that you dare to kill me. Look, I won't kill you."

Liu Wei waved his hand, and the magic formula came out of his hand. The law returned to the source of silence. The five elements of vitality formed five hurricanes and rolled towards the five people. The five people were terrified. At this moment, they were trying their best to urge the magic weapon, and they could not free their hands to resist.

"I'll fight with him. You can play this little song. It sounds good." Chen Jing rushed up with a smile, and only he still had the leisure to say that the best killing sound in the world was a beautiful little song. The five people who had no worries increased their power to play, hoping to solve Liu Wei's magic as soon as possible.

Chen Jing did not pinch any magic formula, nor did he use the flying peak seal that followed him. It was just a punch. From the golden light of his whole body, the silk aura bursting around the five elements of Yuanli bursting around Liu Wei. It was just a gentle twist, and the five hurricanes disappeared. At this moment, Liu Wei saw himself and Chen. How much is the shocking power gap?

It is said that the enchanted person is crazy. Liu Wei is like this at this moment. He knows that he can't win, but he still wants to fight. First, he is not like Chen Jing. Second, the killing sound that keeps hitting his mind, disturbing his killing thoughts are getting heavier and heavier. He is getting more and more energetic and more crazy.

Chen shocked and couldn't help frowning and asking the people behind him, "Why are you getting more and more energetic?"

Mu Shen threw a persistent look and continued to play hard. The magnificent murderous spirit gushed out of the five people and poured into the music. The musical symbols were injected into Liu Wei's yuan god. Liu Wei's yuan god trembled violently, and the murderous spirit in his heart was strongly hit and could no longer stand it. When the house broke out, the hidden sky fire on Liu Wei's yuan god was immediately ignited, and his yuan god burst into flames.

When Chen Jing saw that the color of the flame was purple, he was shocked that it was actually a big wheel of magic inflammation. The flame that could only be triggered by the master of magic appeared on Liu Wei, the boy who had just entered the demon. He was a little confused. Chen Jing looked defeated on his face and said, crying and laughing: " Why is this boy so unlucky? The good heavenly fire has been demonized. It's good. It's going to suffer from the three-day demon fire, which is very bitter, but it's okay. The witch method I taught you has excellent soul forging techniques. This big round of magic fire just helps you cultivate a congenital perfect soul, and you don't have to be afraid of extraterritoriality in the future. The devil has invaded your mind. Boy, you just have to suffer."

"Stop blowing, it's over." Chen Jing quickly waved his hand to stop the five people from playing, and his wave blew the five people around the illusory secret world like a huge wave, and the music suddenly stopped.

The five wooden gods flew back miserably. Chen Jing said, "The five of you take good care of him. I will come back three days later. Now I'm going to solve one thing." After saying that, his body flashed into the depths of the illusory secret world.