divine universe

Chapter 4 Witch Prison

Liu Wei received this knife on his back, and the blade was directly embedded in the meat. The other party's laughter was unscrupulous. Liu Wei returned and looked at him in surprise: "Do you think such a simple knife can kill me?"

The big witch hurriedly pulled the knife. Liu Wei quickly slapped him with his backhand, and the body of the knife was broken. The big witch looked at Liu Wei's safe back and shouted, "How is this possible? What the hell are you?

"How many tripods?" Liu Wei was a little confused. He didn't know the division of power of the witch, and he was too lazy to care about this. He said coldly to him, "I have nothing to do with you. Go to hell." With a bang, the witch spell emitted a powerful wave from his mouth, and the black aura wave rolled up the palm of his hand and waved the big witch in front of him.

The great witch was bombarded hundreds of feet, and I don't know how many houses were smashed by his impact. Liu Wei is too lazy to care about this person's life and death. Anyway, in his eyes, this man will be disabled even if he does not die.

"Xinfei, let's go." Liu Wei coldly glanced at everyone's surprised eyes and waved to Qinfei to walk away.

"Mom's eight-character. Why are you still stunned? Kill this boy for me." The unexpected big witch was still taking a breath, struggling out of the ruins and shouting to a witch on the road.

Suddenly, dozens of witches surrounded, and the murderous spirit rolled up from their bodies one after another. The people on the street heard the wind one after another. Liu Wei pulled Qinfei behind him and looked at these great witches with a slightly shocked face. These people's strength was similar to him and could not tolerate his prudent treatment.

"Kid, who the hell are you? Which family is the witch with such strength? Is it the Xingtian family or the Xiangliu family? Say it."

Liu Wei faced their questions with a plain face and said slowly, "No country boy is a family."

"Look for a fight." Liu Wei's attitude caused trouble. Dozens of people launched a witch spell together. The strange black gas gathered all over them and rushed to Liu Wei's body. This power was enough to destroy the mountain and the city. Liu Wei clenched his hands, and the real witch power all over his body had been surging. He hugged Qinfei, and the starlight flashed all over his body and protected his body. With a bang, the black gas and starlight emitted a big collision of the century.

With Liu Wei as the center, a flame rose to the sky. When the flame dissipated, Liu Wei showed his face. This blow did not cause any substantial damage to him, but the vicious flame hurt Qinfei. Qinxi was transformed by the essence of the mountains and was born afraid of fire. Although Liu Wei protected her, he still She burned. Looking at Qinfei's face with pain, Liu Wei was heartbroken.

"Okay, cruel. Today's witch is really promising. Even a girl won't let go." Liu Wei said with hatred. He slowly read the witch spell, and the long witch spell was mysterious and strange. These big witches had never heard of such a witch spell at all. With Liu Wei as the center, the star power around him began to stir, and the magnificent star power gathered in front of him and turned into nine small silver balls, secretly combined with the starry sky map in the sky.

Liu Wei opened and spit out a mouthful of blood on the tip of his tongue. In order to improve the power of the witch spell, blood sprayed on the silver ball suddenly became very big, and a trace of blood burst out.

"Star Curse. Open it." Liu Wei waved his hand and said lightly, as if to say something dispensable. Nine silver balls rose to the sky, and the huge star power was transferred to the ground by him. The star power as thick as a buffalo hit these big witches.

"No, this is the lost magic spell. Run away."

It's too late to escape. The terrible thing about the witch spell is that no matter where you escape, you can't avoid it. The star pillar ruthlessly split on these fleeing witches. In an instant, these big witches were extinguished by the ashes.

Liu Wei looked at all this with a deep face. There was no pity in his heart, but there was a trace of pride because he slaughtered these witches. Is this the nature of a witch to kill the weak? Liu Wei couldn't help asking himself.

He is confused. He was born not to be a witch. He doesn't know the witch world at all. With a modern heart, he is very uncomfortable with witches, but he can't do anything to change all this.

"Uncle, are you all right?" Qinfei worriedly pulled the corner of Liu Wei's clothes. Liu Wei woke up and happily picked up the little girl and said, "Uncle is fine. Let's go. Uncle will take you to eat good food."

I was just killing people, but now I was going to eat. Everyone looked at these two people in surprise along the way.

"Boss, here are some good dishes."

"Sung, you'd better go somewhere else. The shop really can't stand your tossing around." The boss repeatedly apologized to Liu Wei. Liu Wei shook his head with a wry smile. Who did he provoke? Everyone was afraid of himself as soon as he entered the witch.

"The patriarch, it was this man who killed 13 great witches." The rush of people poured into the street, crowding the whole street. Liu Wei couldn't help frowning at the two leading people.

The two people are tall and short, strong and thin. The tall man has a golden witch power, which is rich and extraordinary, giving people a domineering feeling of an axe. Liu Wei asked himself that he also dealt with one of them, but the two were a little dangerous, while the other was full of gloomy faces, and his face was full of sinic green. The ghost fire was about to spit out from his eyes, and there was a double-headed poisonous snake coiled around him, spitting snake stars, which was disgusting.

"Are you the foreign witch?" Gao Wu asked Liu Wei, and the huge pressure came from Liu Wei in all directions. Liu Wei snorted, and the real yuan scattered all over his body. The momentum in his yuan spirit was displayed, and these pressures were useless to him.

"I am, who are you?" Liu Wei asked lightly, neither humble nor arrogant, and his eyes were full of provocation.

"I'm Xing Tiankui, and this is Xiang Liu Te. We have the final say in this witch. What's your origin, foreign boy? Tell me honestly, otherwise don't blame us two people for teaming up to bully you as a little witch. Xing Tiankui said arrogantly.

Liu Wei smiled and said, "There is no need for you to work together. I can't beat any of you. Why do you make this must-lose bet? Xing Tiankui, Liu Wei is here at your disposal." Everyone was stunned. No one expected that the boy who dared to kill the witch would stop so easily.

Although Xing Tiankui didn't believe Liu Wei's words, he still waved people to tie Liu Wei, and the chains full of witch spells locked them. Liu Wei sneered and said, "Xing Tiankui, do witches only have such a few means to lock people today? Why don't you even wear the prisoner's pipa bone? Isn't this too bold?"

"Bastard, who do you think you are? There is the strongest witch spell of our two families on this chain, and you can't get rid of it. Xiang Liu said with a gloomy face.

Liu Wei shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's what you said, so please open your eyes wide." Liu Wei's witch power shot out and hit the chain. Dark shadows broke out on the chain. Under Liu Wei's witch power, everyone stared at Liu Wei casting a witch spell and easily untied the chain.

Liu Wei tore off the chain on Qinfei's body and said, "Don't try to lock me. I'm more familiar with the forbidden methods of witches than any of you. Let's go. I'd like to see what means witches have to punish people today." Liu Wei was released from prison under the escort of a group of soldiers.

Liu Wei's strength can distress Xing Tiankui and Xiang Liu Te. What do you think this boy came from? It's really strange that he can even use the lost witch spell.

Xiang Liute, with a gloomy face, was suddenly surprised and said, "Isn't it the person who came out of the four witch halls?"

Xing Tiankui nodded and said with a look on his face: "It is very possible that the witch hall has been studying the lost witch spell over the years. Maybe he came out of the witch hall. How can there be such a powerful witch spell?"

Xiang Liuyi smiled gloomfully and said, "That's great. The group of old people in the witch hall are very powerful. With their help, I believe that those demons are nothing at all."

Xing Tiankui said excitedly on his face, "Yes, after so many years, the witch hall is finally going to take action. It's time for my witch clan to flourish again."

"But the identity of this boy still needs to be confirmed. After all, it's the first time I've seen such a big witch, which really makes people feel unsteady." Xiang Liu was worried.

"Yes. Come on, immediately send someone to the Witch Hall of Wushen Mountain to ask about everything about Liu Wei, and immediately report the news. The two eyes were full of hope, but the result was not what they expected~~~

Liu Wei wanted to surrender first and secretly took advantage of the two old people's attention, but who would have expected that the dungeon was full of witch spells and could not allow him to escape at all. He lay on the haystack in distress and was confused.

Qinfei seems to have encountered a novel plaything. She can also play happily in this cell. From time to time, she scratched Liu Wei's armpit with straw, and soon ran to the corner of the wall to dig, hoping to dig out some cockroaches or something. Unfortunately, this prison is full of prohibition, and it is even an earthworm. Don't want to break in. Of course, it will become a luxury to go out.

"Alas, if only my cultivation had reached the mysterious level. At that time, all kinds of witch spells could be performed, and I would not be sleepy here at all." Liu Wei sighed helplessly.

"Shut up, son of a bitch. I have been trapped here for 30 years, and his cultivation has risen, and I have never been able to go out."

"That's right, I'm known as the best driller in the world. After drilling for three years, I haven't drilled a layer of land here, but I drilled my scalp."

"I'm pitiful. I'm an ancient beast. I was caught as soon as I took shape. Haven't I enjoyed the delicious wine and food in this world? What a pity."


With a lot of mouths, the cells shouted impatiently because of Liu Wei's sigh. It's really deep resentment, and it's about to snow in June.

As soon as Liu Wei heard these people's words, he suddenly became interested. He walked to the door of the prison and looked at other cells through the small air windows. He saw that many people were trapped in dozens of cells, large and small cells. No, it should be said that they are not human beings. They are all some refined mountain spirit monsters, and some of them have not been fully formed, and still retain one Part of the animal.

Liu Wei couldn't help laughing and said, "I said how did you offend the big witch outside? You are all trapped here and gray."

"You're not much better." The most explosive roaring tiger roared outside the prison door, and suddenly the waves turned upside down, and the whole cell was his roar. Liu Wei had no choice but to dig out his ears and couldn't stand his loud voice.

The mountain rat complained, "Tiger, don't scream. Every time I scream, I want to make a hole, but the land in this place is really too hard. What a pity for my scalp." The drilled mountain rat raised his head and stretched out of the ventilation window and howled. Liu Wei looked at the dust on his smooth head and laughed for a while.

Liu Wei laughed unscrupulously, and others also laughed.

"Laugh, stinky boy, look at the fight." A bowl quickly hit Liu Wei's face, and Liu Wei's neck shrank and didn't hit it.

"I said drill the mountain rat, I didn't care about you. You don't have to be so stingy." Liu Wei said with a smile. Qinfei looked at Liu Wei, who had been looking out, talking and laughing. She was very curious. She jumped on Liu Wei's back and came to the window to have a look.

I couldn't help laughing: "Uncle, your head is so smooth, as bright as the big gongs and drums in the market." Qinfei's description is really hurtful, but she is naive and romantic, and her laughter is not mixed with hypocrisy. Instead, she is not scolding or laughing.

Liu Wei laughed and pulled Qinfei down from his back, hugged her to the window and asked, "You haven't answered me yet?" How did you get locked up here?"

"Let's go to war." Pianqi said sadly, "The lich has been fighting for thousands of years. In addition to our cell, there are several prisons in the city, and there are thousands of people in prison for our demons."

"So many." Liu Wei said shockingly. He turned his eyes and said in shock, "How powerful it would be if all of so many people enter my sword gate. The body of the demon clan is also very powerful. Thinking about such a group of people standing in front of the mountain gate, quack, that momentum~~" Liu Wei thought about it and his saliva couldn't help flowing down. Qinfei wondered why he felt that his neck was cold and sticky. As soon as he touched it, he immediately understood and screamed at Liu Wei, "Uncle, if you are bad, you know how to bully Qinfei."

As soon as he said this, hundreds of monsters outside suddenly burst into a bad laugh.

"The relationship is a romantic boy, and he doesn't even let go of such a small child. It's urgent enough. Is this place okay?"

Liu Wei's face is so dark that it can't be any darker.

"Kid, why are you not afraid of your eldest brother's fault? Ah, how can our demons care about these human ethics? Just do it, let it go. Birds don't shit in this place, just as a pastime."

Liu Wei's angry face changed from black to blue, then from blue to red, and finally turned white, and roared at the window: "Shut up." Unparalleled witch power rolled out with star power, and the whole prison shaky sand and dust fell straight down.

The ridicule stopped suddenly, and everyone shut up obediently~~~

After being quiet for a while, he suddenly roared at Tianhu and asked, "Kid, what's your name?"

"Liu Wei." Liu Wei was still sulking and said angrily.

"You are a big witch, why are you also locked in?" Hu Tianhu asked the doubts in everyone's hearts.

Liu Wei came to the window and sneered and said, "Big witch, I'm not. My friendship with the witch is only that of my master. Today's witch is really not fucking bullshit. If I hadn't been deeply cultivated, I would have gone out to fix them."

"Interestingly, he is actually a big witch who wants to beat the witch." The laughter came from the mountain rat.

Liu Wei shouted angrily, "I said I'm not a big wizard. I don't have any friendship with the witch. Don't get me involved with these inhumanities."

Pian said peacefully, "It's not up to you to decide whether it's a big witch or not. Your witch power is obvious. If you say it's not a witch, the world will not admit it."

Liu Wei raised his hands helplessly and surrendered, "Get rid of it, so what if I practiced witchcraft?" This shows that I am a witch. Then my damn master is still the ancestor of the witch clan, but I haven't seen him admit that he is a witch.

With a bang, the yuan god in Liu Weizi's mansion was suddenly smashed by Feifengyin. This is Chen Jing warning Liu Wei to be careful when he speaks.

"Who is your master?"

Liu Wei dared not mention him again and just shut his mouth.

The mountain rat saw Liu Wei's gloomy face and mocked, "I dare to say that this boy is a bastard. He has the courage to talk nonsense and has no guts to admit it."

Liu Wei stared at him angrily, and the silver light in his eyes collapsed from it and shot directly on the opposite prison door. With a bang, the prison door full of prohibition was hit by two marks by the fierce light in Liu Wei's eyes. Everyone looked at this scene with exclamation and couldn't help themselves for a long time.

"What kind of witchcraft is this? No one in the witch can run into the steel plate just by the light in his eyes." Roaring Tianhu asked carefully, and looked at the two marks with lingering fear. If it hadn't been for the existence of a witch spell, I'm afraid that the drilled mountain rat would have been seriously injured at this moment.

Liu Wei hummed proudly and said, "Today's witches are as weak and incompetent as the children of the ancient witches. What I have learned is the ancient secret method, the authentic witches become gods, and they will not destroy the golden body."

Quiet, the cell is quiet and terrible. The "immmortal golden body", known as the highest secret of the witch, has long been lost with the decline of the witch. Unexpectedly, it has appeared again and appeared on an unknown boy. How can these monsters not be surprised.

"That's great, boy, you can practice quickly and take us out. As long as you take me out, I'm willing to follow you for the rest of my life. Gaga, I won't lose money at all. I won't lose money at all. It's good to follow a god to travel around the world. At that time, it's not bad to be a god." The mountain rat first broke the silence, and everyone rolled their eyes and secretly said that this guy was really utilitarian.

Liu Wei laughed and said, "That's what you said. If you don't keep your word, you are not as good as pigs and dogs."

"I drilled a mountain rat and promised a daughter. How can I not keep my word like you human beings? One thing in front of me and one thing behind my back. I promise you." The mountain rat said solemnly, but he thought about it and muttered, "If I don't keep my word, it doesn't seem to matter. I'm not a pig or dog. I'm a mountain rat. I'm not as good as a pig and dog."

Liu Wei really wanted to fall to the ground and foam at the mouth and didn't hear the last sentence. This monster is really~~~ I don't know if it's simple or scheming, Liu Wei is completely convinced by them~~~