divine universe

Chapter 12 Killing Finale

"Huh, exorcism and defend the way? What a big tone." Liu Wei's face was gloomy, and he looked at Tianyuezi under the city with great disgust, and his eyes swept at the 30 virtual masters next to him. He dared to be so arrogant that he really thought he was loose.

Suddenly, there was some thought in his heart. Liu Wei swallowed the golden elixir, and the abyss widened his eyes and shouted, "Are you crazy? At this moment, the war is coming. How can you have time to flirt?

"There is no need to adjust the interest rate. I want to start the disaster and make these people unlucky." Liu Wei said gloomyly. If a virtual master causes the disaster, the virtual master in other places will have to avoid it. Otherwise, even if they can hide their breath, they can't escape the disaster. This is a joint relationship.

Liu Wei's breath suddenly burst, and the huge breath suddenly poked out, directly blowing into the sky and rumbling. In an instant, the golden light of heaven and earth flashed, and the clouds began to gather in the sky.

Tianyuezi shouted, "Which Taoist friend is here? Oh, my God, I don't know it's going to kill people."

"It's your grandfather. I'm going to the disaster." Liu Wei jumped down from the tower and was not afraid of these people's sneak attack. He went straight to Tianyuezi and said with a smile, "Let's go to the disaster together."

"Let's disperse quickly and don't be fooled by the devil." Tianyuezi shouted, but Liu Wei grabbed him and shouted, "No one can escape today. Tianjie has found you. Only by working together can there be a glimmer of life."

The clouds of the world are getting bigger and bigger, just like the destruction of the world. Everyone looked at the sky in horror. Suddenly, a huge eye appeared in the sky. Blood red, and a light from the blood eyes suddenly destroyed the disaster.

"Everyone, run away. The heavenly dispatch more than 30,000 years ago has come again."

Liu Wei looked ugly. Looking at the blood eyes in the sky constantly turning, his eyes were turned into powder everywhere he went.

Feifengyin could no longer hide it. He flew out and turned into a huge peak to block Liu Wei's head. Chen Jing's face was ugly. He slapped Liu Wei and shouted, "How can you remind you to wake up this monster? You know, even I can't easily deal with him."

"What is he?" Liu Wei was a little aggrieved.

"The loophole of Tiandao, a cosmic monster, you can call him killing the sky." Chen Jing tried to stop the further action of killing Tian with a solemn face, but failed.

The huge blood eyes made a shocking roar, and the huge roar made heaven and earth tremble.

Chen was shocked to see that he couldn't stop it. He immediately put the two Cangyuan into the inner world and pulled Liu Wei to fly into the flying peak seal. The flying peak seal formed its own world. In the depths of the vast universe, a man was waiting for Liu Wei with a smile.

When Liu Wei saw this man, he suddenly felt comfortable, without any burden, and smiled at him, as if he had forgotten everything outside.

"Luohou, this boy is in trouble." Chen Jing shouted at Luo's throat.

Luohou nodded and said, "I already know what's going on outside."

"Who are you?" Liu Wei asked in surprise.

Chen Jing explained, "He is the master who founded this world, that is, the heavenly way of this world, and the fool who was seriously injured by the sky."

Luohou's face was a little embarrassed and explained, "Don't listen to his nonsense. In those years, I just peeked at Pangu Kaitian. I was full of confidence and thought that I could open up a world, but unexpectedly, this day opened up, but I didn't have Pangu's spirit of sacrificing my life to become a benevolent, which made the world imperfect. I thought that opening up the world under Hongjun's jurisdiction could make this world full of vitality, but I didn't expect to mistakenly open a gap in the depths of the universe. Monsters from another world came out and seriously injured me. Liu Wei, now do you understand the purpose of looking for you?

Liu Wei was stunned and immediately asked, "Then what did Chen Xiaoer ask me for?"

"What are you looking for? I'm looking for you to pass on the family, but the Chen family has been imprisoned by us." Chen Jing raised his hand, and a palace appeared in the sight of the three people. Liu Wei saw clearly that there were people from the Chen family and Chen Xiaoer.

Chen Jing patted Liu Wei on the shoulder and smiled, "You have to thank me and specially left the dream tears for you, otherwise you won't want to see her in your life."

Liu Wei hummed, "I hope she hasn't been released by you. It's safe."

Chen Jing shook his head and said, "That's all, you can see for yourself." An illusory picture showing the originally quiet and peaceful Tianjian Gate was instantly bombarded into scum by a red light, and no one survived.

"No~~" Liu Wei cried bitterly.

"Why are you crying? I brought people back to you, right in your inner world."

Liu Wei immediately went to see her, but was stopped by Chen Jing and said seriously, "Where can the demon emperor open the four heavenly monuments, release the master who has been sealed, and fight with the power of everyone to kill the sky."

"Me?" Liu Wei asked with a little worry.

"It's not you or me. Get out of here." Chen Jing kicked Liu Wei out and fell into the demon emperor's palace. At this moment, the demon emperor was frowned at the changes outside. When he saw Liu Wei suddenly emerge, he asked in surprise, "What are you doing? Why did you come here? How did you break through the more than 100 prohibitions outside?"

"Don't ask, let me ask where the monument is?" Liu Wei grabbed his hand and shouted, "Take me there quickly. It's too late to collapse."

"Come with me." The demon emperor flashed, and the two came to the monument in an instant. Four monuments stood in front of them. Liu Wei asked Chen Jing, "Master, what should I do?"

"Dy him red with your blood." Liu Wei immediately bit his finger and dripped a few drops of blood.

"Idiot, completely dyed red, who made you so stingy." The demon emperor listened to the order and immediately cut Liu Wei's wrist. The bright red blood spewed out and dyed four heavenly tablets red. In an instant, the heavenly monument emitted a red light.

Countless strong men came out of the void and shouted in unison: "If you don't die, the world will be restless."

At this time, Chen Jing's body also broke through the void and appeared in front of Liu Wei, followed by heavenly demons and countless masters of the fairyland.

"Liu Wei released two monuments."

Liu Wei immediately released the monument and flew out of the five chaotic innate spirits that turned into children. Chen Jing pointed a little, and the five people opened in the wind. Soon they returned to their adult appearance. They opened their eyes and thanked Chen Jing.

"Tianmo, take out the Tianmo tablet."

Chen Jing also took out two heavenly monuments, but only one was missing.

"Master, why is there still a missing piece?" Liu Wei asked.

"How do I know that the whereabouts of the emperor's monument are still unknown, and even I can't figure out where it is." Chen Jing said angrily.

"Never mind, let all the masters appear." Chen Jing pointed to Feifengyin, and Kuangtian appeared. There were some ancient strong figures behind him. Finally, Luo Hou appeared, and everyone knelt down.

"Exemption, let's go." Luohou's big sleeves rolled up eight heavenly monuments and rushed into the universe first.

Killing the sky is an evil spirit. A monster with only one eye has immeasurable power. The tentacles of the nine octopus are stirred in the universe, and countless stars are shattered because of his nonsense.

"It's settled." Bakuai Tianbei shot at the killing sky, but a sky tablet could only withstand one piece. He also had a tentacle to move. Seeing that his body was fixed and the sky was rolled up crazily, he swept away, and suddenly I don't know how many people were swept and killed.

"Guys, I'm going to work hard today." Luohou said. When the first one rushed up, it actually exploded, and only a little Yuanling was taken back by Chen Jing.

"Let's all go." Everyone rushed up, but they still couldn't do any damage to Killing Heaven. Killing Sky roared repeatedly, and he turned out to be immortal.

Liu Wei was very scared when he saw this scene at the end.

"Kid, it's all a good thing you've done. Now it's good, the nine monuments are incomplete, the order of the world can't be restored to normal, and the life and death disk can't be repaired at all. This guy is an invincible existence."

"Life and death disk, can this be blamed?" Liu Wei shouted angrily.

"I will wait for the eight beasts to atone for their sins." The green dragon, white tiger and other eight beasts appeared together and roared repeatedly.

The rosefinch came to Liu Wei's side and glanced at Liu Wei strangely. Liu Wei suddenly felt something was wrong and asked in surprise, "Are you Bingyu?"

"You still remember me, then it's in vain for me to go." After saying that, it turned into a fire and shot on the killing sky. Boom, a huge explosion sounded, and killing the sky still existed.

"No." Liu Wei shouted, and he ran the star power and witch power with all his strength and rushed to blow himself up.

"I'm still alive?" Liu Wei muttered that at this moment, his body has been molecularized and he can't die anymore.

"Strictly speaking, you are dead, but your heart doesn't want to die yet."

"Who, who is talking to me?"

"I." Liu Wei's eyes were bright, and a monument appeared in front of him. This is the last monument, the emperor's monument.

"Liu Wei, since you came here, I have been attached to you and observing you day and night. Now that you have passed the test, only those who keep a pure heart can see us. Go and take us to kill demons."

Liu Wei's body recovered quickly, and the human emperor's monument also appeared in front of him. Liu Wei roared: "Kill the sky, look at the monument." The human emperor's monument bombarded the bloody eyes of the sky. With a bang, the whole world seemed to have returned to a chaotic state in an instant, and then the universe returned to calm.

Liu Wei gasped and looked at his masterpiece in a daze. Suddenly, he cried: "Haha, I won, I won, but you are all dead, dead."

Chen exclaimed and said, "They are not dead. Their spirits have been collected by me in the Feifeng seal. Liu Wei, now the world is broken. Use your inner world to repair it."

"Yes." Liu Wei stood up and released his inner world. Suddenly, a new world appeared. Countless planets were full of vitality, and their former enemy friends survived. Seeing this scene, Liu Wei smiled.

Luohou choked and thanked Liu Wei, "Liu Wei, thank you very much. Who is here?"

"The abyss, black hail, rice grains, green Xuan, dream tears, Qinfei, and Chen Xiaoer~~"

"Liu Wei, look where you are hiding. Fortunately, you are a young man who married Qingxuan but didn't marry me. Look at my claws." Chen Xiaoer's hand came up, and Liu Weile smiled.

"Master, where are you going?" Chen Jing wanted to leave alone, and Liu Wei shouted quickly.

Chen Jing took the Feifeng seal with a mysterious smile and said, "I'm going to pursue my happiness. Liu Wei, you should also go home to see your wife. I'm afraid that if you don't go back, she will be robbed by others."

"Who dares to compete with me for Jiajia? Let's see if I don't split him into eight sections. Jiajia, I'm back." Liu Wei hurried into the channel, followed by a large number of masters, and so many strong people went to grab the marriage~~~

(the end of the book)


The story is completed, not perfect. At the end, it is a little reluctant and a little sorry, but no matter what it is, it is finished. More than 500,000 words, more than two months, not too fast typing speed, not too slow, barely worthy of myself and readers.

After writing so much, I know my shortcomings and won't set up a foreshadowing. The story is very detached. There is nothing I can do. The newcomers't grasp it well enough. The idea of this book is okay, but unfortunately it has been disabled by my tender writing. Anyway, it's useless to say more, and it's better to think carefully find a way to solve it.

To solve all the problems, I will start a new book, which will be a single way to upgrade, and I will not write a hodgepodge like this.

I hope my new journey will go further than this.