First-class immortal

Chapter 7: Stinky Loach Turns Over

Except for the first, the Dalong Gang has also killed many people recently. From time to time, one or two bodies will be hung in the cottage and freeze in the cold wind, and sometimes greedy jackdaws go to eat meat. Now Dalong helps to serve foreign enemies. In fact, it is also restless inside. Now if you want to get through the predicament, it is necessary to twist it into a group, so the flow of traitors must be eliminated quickly.

The rumor-monger and unspiring people gradually turned into corpses. The cottage was much quieter for a while, and people's hearts were quiet for a moment under such high pressure.

Feng Kui's head polished himself in the house, and Wang Meng, one of the top ten thieves under the village owner of the Dalong Gang, is still a little short of fire. In terms of kung fu, he and Wang Meng are still far behind, but in terms of strength and endurance, or in terms of physique, the capital that has swallowed ten thousand years of ginseng does not fall behind. Even if Wang Meng has long been a four-grade martial artist, he is still not comparable to everything given to this product by a ginseng.

Fengkui's first product has only melted a little medicinal power. The function of this ginseng essence has not been shown at all, and all the essence has been accumulated in the body. If this short-sighted fish knew, I'm afraid it would be shocked that his chin would fall to the ground!

He only took half a month to practice the tearing hand to a certain extent, and he was going to find Wang Meng to die.

On this day, Liu Xizi sneaked over, and the two fellow villagers met again.

Liu Zi's toad-back-like face is really uncomfortable to look at and quite appetizing. Unfortunately, it is a good outline, but it is covered with a ghost. No wonder he is not popular in Baoding Village. After learning two hands, he threw himself into the cottage as a thief.

Liu Zizi's eyes were fascinated by a line and looked at Feng Kui, who had a strong figure in a large circle, and said, "We are eating less and less on the mountain. We are almost three meals. Can we grow up by drinking the northwest wind?"

Feng Kui lay freely on the bedboard and said complaedly, "This is my difference from you."

Liu Lizi said contemptuously, "Isn't it a role that has to die with a shout? No matter how strong you are, you can escape the poisonous hands that besiege us?! At that time, they will only spend a lot of effort, and they will turn into a cold body.

"Do you think you are going to die? Before going up the mountain, you still boasted that you had a bright future in front of me. Sooner or later, you would sit in the position of the village owner. It turned out that you were just showing off in front of me and lied me and didn't know anything. It turns out that you are just a shrimp soldier and crab general. It's really shameless. Fortunately, you are not afraid of losing your face!"

Liu's face was swollen and red, and the potholes were squirming. He held back for a long time and said, "The mountain thief who doesn't want to be the owner of the village is not a good mountain thief!" I don't believe you didn't think so."

Feng Kui laughed, turned over, and lifted Liu Lizi up. He only shocked Liu Yuzi. He looked at Feng Kui's smiling face with incredible horror and said, "In the future, you will follow me without your benefits."

Liu Yuzi was stunned, as if he was shocked by the crazy words of Feng Kui's head. When Feng Kui's head laughed and put him down to the ground, the ruffian spit on the ground and said, "You're a ball!"

"Get out of here!" Feng Kui kicked him out of the house with one foot. Liu Yuzi couldn't resist at all. He touched his buttocks in the snow outside the house and stared at Feng Kui Shou, who was lying on the empty bedboard like a dead dog in the room, before he chattered for a long time, "What the hell! This crazy guy..."

Liu Lizi was full of fear and found that he was no longer Feng Kui's first opponent in a short month. He envied and scolded and went back to his nest.

At dusk, Feng Kui jumped off the wooden bed and felt that this feeling was full of taste. Sister Yi waited on him to the clouds in her dream, pressed her crotch, howled quite majestically, and went straight to Wang Meng's residence.

I was still outside the door, and I saw three familiar faces chattering from afar, but they were about to go to Wang Meng. Feng Kui leaned against a big tree outside the gate of Wang Meng's yard and saw the three living treasures coming. He grabbed one in his hand and knocked the guy unconscious when he slapped him in the left, right and right.

The other two screamed, but they didn't expect an inconspicuous fierce dog squatting on the roadside and immediately rushed up. The two, who were not opponents, rushed up to eat a fat beating. Feng Kui was about to ask them to shout and seduce the characters in the room.

For a moment, the pig-killing howl resounded through the whole cottage. Feng Kui threw the two doomed tragic figures into Wang Meng's yard with one hand, and then kicked the door with a fierce shout and rushed to the yard with a fierce face and said, "Which dog is released to bite me? Let me learn the master's tricks behind it.

A man with a scar on his face was coming out of the room, glaring at Feng Kui's head with a gloomy face. It was Wang Meng.

"Look for death!"

Wang Meng was spitting out two words in his mouth, and the tearing hand had spread out and rushed over, and he was about to tear Feng Kui's head head away. Feng Kuihou has secretly learned Wang Meng's kung fu for a long time. This tearing hand is not a good martial arts skill, and this guy is also greeted with exactly the same move.

This shocked Wang Meng. The two of them suddenly retreated three steps in a row and lost more than one blow in strength.

"What a thief!"

Wang Meng cursed, tore open his clothes and exposed his naked upper body, and rushed up desperately. He was extremely fierce, thinking that he was a fierce character who had killed countless people.

Feng Kui's head did not panic, but relied on Wang Meng, who was deeply cultivated at the scene and tearing wind, to prove that Wang Meng was more and more shocked. He can lick blood with a knife and climb to this day. He is also a shrewd person and suddenly shouted, "This is not what you can afford to play. It's not too late to quit!"

"You can afford to play, not to mention me?" Feng Kui said that he didn't think so, and he still had three points in his hand. This fight is really comfortable. If the fish here had become a hero in the past, but since he saw the violent scholar flying fan killing, he knew that he was still far away.

"I can't get rid of myself, and my mud feet are deep..." Wang Meng said a little sadly, and Feng Kui's first hand had already pinched his neck and stuck.

"What's the use of saying this?" Feng Kui made a cruel move.

Wang Meng gradually rolled his eyes and suddenly squeezed intermittent words out of his throat and said, "There are high-level people in the mountains. None of us can escape. In fact..."

Feng Kui was about to let go and let him make it clear. Suddenly, a cool wind hit behind him. Feng Kui looked back and saw that it was the skeleton fan flying over. This time, he cut off a wisp of his hair, cut off Wang Meng's head, and the contents of his brain came out with blood.

Feng Kui was shocked and jumped away without letting the blood and brains sprinkle on him.

In an instant, Feng Kui only heard a gloomy voice and said, "Wang Meng, everything is yours. Take over his position quickly!"

Feng Kui was recalling what Wang Meng hadn't finished before his death. The latter half thought it was probably an amazing secret. Unfortunately, the skeleton fan was so coincidental that he did not spit out the following content.

The broken fish immediately woke up and sighed. Seeing a piece of blood on his arm, he muttered, "I also have No. 180 shrimp soldiers and crabs now, and I also have today!" Ah ha ha..."

This bitch has always lived a better life than a beggar, and suddenly became a respected big brother among many people. Are you so proud! No matter what the secret of his conspiracy is, it can't stop him from laughing happily and crawling from the ground to the sky with dignity. This guy feels that he has become a superior, and his proud appearance is not disgusting.

I didn't think that the stinky loach also turned over and jumped out, envious of Liu Yuzi!

The order spread all over the cottage, and a big thief died in the mountain and added a big thief. Feng Kui pulled Liu Lizi, pointed to the leopy man's face and nose and said, "I told you not to believe me!"

Liu Zi bent down and bowed his back and smiled flatteringly, "I believe it from the bottom of my heart, but I don't want to admit that you have hit the side fish with shit."

Feng Kui listened to the words "Bian Yuer" for the first time and felt quite uncomfortable. He stared and corrected, "Feng Kui Shou!"

Liu Lizi smiled happily. He, who knew how to flatter and catered, quickly said solemnly and respectfully, "Brother Feng! Big brother, it's big brother!"

The man who smiled at Feng Kui turned his horse back.

The hands were collected, and Feng Kui's head was a little head, and one hundred and eighty-three people were happy. In the future, these people will have to call themselves boss, which is not pleasant.

This guy doesn't look like a new official. He can't spit out a few exciting words in his mouth like a turtle. He glanced at the people below, but unconsciously showed silky pressure, and then said in a voice that he thought was the most powerful and domineering: "Mangling with me, there is meat to eat!"

There are cheers below.

Of course, there are also those who are not convinced, but Feng Kui Shou forced Liu Yuzi to be by his side. He is more experienced as a thief than Feng Kui Shou, and he is only a throat-swiping action.

Feng Kui's first meeting, splitting hands to solve two problems, all of which are crazy. This guy is also hot, and the mountain thief soon killed people without blinking. Maybe he was forced to twist his heart by those beasts in Xianmen Town, Baoding Village and ignored life for a long time! This is also a terrible thing to say and hurt people deeply.

Liu Xizi's eyelids jumped, and he really didn't expect that the broken fish was still a little king of the world.

Many young people who saw Feng Kui's first breathed a cold breath, softened themselves, and dared not touch their bad luck again.

Feng Kui was also satisfied. Although it was still far from the realm of buying people and making you willing to die, it at least shocked everyone and had dignity.

This is the first happy thing in the life of this broken fish, and he wakes up with a smile in his dream at night. Fortunately, there should be a turning point in his life. From then on, his life situation turned around here, and he saw a trace of skylight here in the dark.

At the meeting, this guy also had a little momentum of rising. For a while, he became a popular figure in the whole stockade. He was a bloody and famous legend. He even talked about the amazing deeds of killing the famous Wang Meng. Everyone avoided him in the distance and dared not look at him.

The villains in the village were deterred by the fierce power of the fish on the side of Feng Kui Shou. Thanks to Liu Yuzi's clever and sharp mouthful publicity, Feng Kui Shou was demonized vividly and said to be a demon who killed without blinking.

The people who are happy in Feng Kui are afraid of him and show off their power to such a situation. His heart has long smiled and has the idea of killing Yang, who is famous in his hometown in Xianmen Town, Baoding Village.

Unfortunate, a thief in the cottage was trapped in it. Where did he get out?

The night he seized Wang Meng's business, the violent scholar appeared again and ordered a lot of strange names in front of Feng Kui's head. Most of them were the big thieves who captured one or two hundred people in the cottage, and they had to kill them one by one.

Feng Kui also became alert in his heart. How fierce the violent scholar was, but he wanted him to kill, not kill others, and specially killed the important people in power in the cottage. No matter how stupid this guy was, he knew that there was something wrong inside. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to ask, let alone mention that he wanted the violent scholar to teach him his skills.

"Kill it!" This guy said to himself after the violent scholar left. At that moment, he comforted himself, "These are all damn villains. Even if they all die in their own hands, they are not murder, but only for the sake of the people."

This unprecedented good idea gave this guy a lot of courage and became his spiritual support for killing at ease. If you don't feel anything about killing a living person, it's a stream of beasts and beasts. This guy's hands are hot, and his heart trembles secretly for a while. He feels that it's inappropriate. He always feels that there is no reason to kill indiscriminately.

Sister Yi once said, "The National People's Congress can be killed, and girls can also be harmed, but you can't do whatever you want. There must be a worthy reason, otherwise it will be done by beasts. Heaven is not allowed to do it, and it will be a disaster!"

Sister Yi's words have always been regarded as a guide.