First-class immortal

Chapter 9: Cottage Shock

If a weak woman can't win with wisdom and appearance, she will fall into the hands of a powerful man of Kong Wu, which is a lamb to be slaughtered.

So, in such a strange picture, a ** woman was attacked by the cold weather and spoke pitifully, and a man also ** stroked the woman quietly and obediently, and there was nothing else**.

Waiting for Chan to say it back and forth, Feng Kui's first face was full of worry.

"The violent scholar originally wanted to take away Qian Dalong's foundation!" Feng Kui was amazed, thinking that this violent scholar was originally a direct subordinate of Qian Dalong, and the other two village owners who were not inferior to Qian Dalong's status. Although they had suffered together, they still gave birth to bones and were dissatisfied with the status quo and wanted to take away everything from Qian Dalong.

At this time, Qian Dalong had already taken two village owners and a loyal man to solve the danger of the mountain. It had been a month since he was killed, and the cottage had actually become a world of violent scholars. This cold-hearted madman, who is extremely angry and murderous, finally put his hidden ambition into practice.

In the first step, he needs to control all the subordinates of a handful of thieves in the cottage in his own hands, because there are many characters such as Wang Meng and Xiong Wu who are loyal to Qian Dalong, so such people must be removed first, otherwise it will be quite inconvenient. As long as these people die, they will take away the position of the owner of the cottage.

When the violent scholar implemented this step, he happened to enter the mountain. Instead of dying in the experience of exploring the way, he made rapid progress and finally attracted the attention of the violent scholar.

At that time, Wang Meng was afraid that he also sensed the different intentions of the violent scholar, so he made a plan to deal with him and sent his hand to test the depth of the wind. He found that this guy was very arrogant, so he thought it was the general of the violent scholar, so the prince was sent to die in great injustice. In the end, instead of dying, he picked up a big bargain.

The violent scholar made a plan to kill those thorns with the hands of Feng Kui, sit down and enjoy the fruits of victory, and will not be suspected by the people below.

The martial arts of the violent scholar has long surpassed that of Qian Dalong. He is already a real martial artist. A true spirit in his body is gradually growing, so he is not afraid of Qian Dalong and the other two village owners. It's just that due to Qian Dalong's prestige of the Dalong Gang, it's not popular to seize the position of the leader. Moreover, Qian Dalong has been suppressing him. He doesn't have many people under him, and the foundation at the bottom is unstable.

This time, Qian Dalong took a risk to kill in order to resolve the unprecedented crisis of the cottage, giving violent scholars a great opportunity.

Feng Kui suddenly became a person caught in the middle, and the dilemma was worrying.

If it's done, he doesn't know whether the violent scholar will leave him a way to live, but if it doesn't work out, he must die. The violent scholar put Qian Dalong's daughter in his quilt and cut off his way back, clearly telling him that he had no way back and must work for him.

This guy was furious, but he was still thinking about the half of the words before Wang Meng's death, which mentioned that a big man came from the cottage. Up to now, he has not seen who the big man is. He is looking forward to a little turn from this big man. This guy had the intention to escape for a moment, but when he thought of the strange skull fan of the violent scholar, his heart was more than half cold.

If your skills are not as good as others, you will be subject to control.

The lonely man and woman spent the night in the house. On the second day, Feng Kui sent away Qian Dalong's daughter and found that there was something wrong in the cottage. Frequent people died strangely. Although the cottage was trapped to the end of the road, it was not enough to starve to death. Feng Kui had also seen the dead man's body for a long time, one with skin and bones. , the blood and bone marrow disappeared, and the death was miserable, but no one doubted anything at that time. There were many fatal fights in the cottage. Who cares about the life or death of one or two people! He was about to ask Liu Xizi about the situation in the mountains. The violent scholar had appeared in his room, holding a bloody head in his hand, and said with a gloomy face, "Go and kill!"

The head was suddenly a tiger, and somehow it was suddenly picked by a violent scholar.

Feng Kui was shocked, nodded and walked out of the room and went straight to a courtyard in the distance. There lived an old man named Sun Yuan, who had been with Qian Dalong for the longest time. He was loyal and had a high prestige. He had more than 200 people under him. He cut down countless opponents with a ghost-headed knife, which was shrewd and fierce.

Feng Kui, who first came out of the world, was used as a gunhead. Although he knew the truth, he had no choice but to say that he was not as good as others and did not have the courage to escape. Along the way, he was thinking about how to win. Unexpectedly, a large number of black clouds suddenly surged from the sky and pressed against the head of the cottage, and the ground seemed to have entered the dark night.

Feng Kui looked up and found that the thick black cloud above his head was very strange. From time to time, a skeleton floated on the edge of the cloud, and the whole cottage was in a mess.

Who still wants to kill this time? Under such a battle, there is no way to think about survival.

A burst of strange wind blew and made people feel uncomfortable, and there were goose bumps all over his body. Feng Kui looked up at the sky, and a strong uneasiness arose in his heart. The feeling of danger came so directly, and fear completely enveloped the whole cottage.

"Is this the big man?" Feng Kui said bitterly, if this was not the appearance of a big man, he couldn't believe how majestic and magnificent the world was.




There was a shout in the cottage, and suddenly a skull in the dark cloud flew out of the cloud, as big as a car cover. Several short-lived ghosts had no time to avoid being bitten by the skeleton. The blood was instantly sucked clean, and only skin and bones fell from the air.

This time, a vicious mountain thief was scared to death. He hid in the house and dared not show his head or make a sound, for fear of attracting the monster who chose people to eat in the air to take his life. Many timid trembled twice. He really climbed back into the house and was scared.

Fear breeds in the heart, and no one can restrain it.

"Isn't this the evil cultivation that the ghost said?" Feng Kuihou secretly exclaimed, which confirmed the anecdotes of the monks that the ghost had said from time to time. In his heart, he guessed that in fact, he was not much better in his heart. He was still full of fear and helped the corner of the wall to hide in a yard.

Suddenly, a strange smile came from the ink cloud, and two slightly smaller skeletons flew down and rushed straight into a yard. Then there were repeated shouts, and the sad voice was frightening.

"What kind of beast is hidden in the clouds! Such a murder for no reason for fun..." Feng Kui's first sight is narrow, but it is better than how many of those who died tragically. Such a means of killing people without fists and swords are as difficult to speculative as being caught in the air and directly interrupt his heart.

This guy suddenly learned and realized that he was weak and pitiful, but unlike other mountain thieves, his mind was blank.

This time, a skeleton fan suddenly flew out. The huge skeleton in mid-air had just sucked the blood of several people and was about to return to the clouds. One of them was hit by a violent scholar's fan. Only a click was heard. Bai Sensen's skeleton bone immediately had silk cracks and fell a few pieces, and the skeleton fan was crucial. At a turn, he flew into the hands of a violent scholar with a violent face.

"Bold!" There was an angry shout in the clouds, and the three skeletons rushed to the violent scholar together. The violent scholar stood there motionless, and his eyes were dead, more terrible than the skeleton.

Feng Kui's first eyesight was amazing. He saw the situation clearly and secretly smacked his tongue. He was shocked that this seemingly fierce and horrible huge skeleton was not injured. At the same time, he was even more surprised by the power and calmness of the violent scholar.

"The abandoned people of the Yinshan faction also dare to come to our big dragon gang to be wild!" The violent scholar's words were cold and terrible, with the irritability of the murder inside. The momentum gradually went up like a hungry wolf showing ferocious white teeth. The skeleton fan in his hand clicked in the void three times in a row, and three invisible vigorous energy shot out. The three skeletons beat in the air, and the smallest one was immediately pierced.

The violent scholar took the opportunity to jump up, three feet away from the ground, like a white bat. The skeleton fan in his hand opened the cutting belt and hit it more than a dozen times, and landed on the ground. From a distance, he did not lose the sense of elegance. When the violent scholar stood on the ground and burst into explosions in the air, the biggest skull actually exploded.

"Who are you?" There was a hoarse sound in the cloud, no longer like the strange smile just now. It was a little more solemn. Besides, how could he not be puzzled when he was recognized at once.

"Little Taoist, I thought that no one would notice the sneaky hiding near my big dragon gang, but because of your magic weapon, it's not easy to deal with you. Don't be rampant!" The violent scholar stood with his hands behind his back and looked coldly in the air, leaving the other two skulls shrank back into the dark clouds.

"Hey, I remember that you are the Bai Shutang of the Bai family of Yunmengguo. No wonder you recognize me!" There was a startling sound in the clouds, and he suddenly recognized the identity of the violent scholar.

"Not bad! Yao Shaobao didn't expect to be kicked out of my Bai family. You immortal useless goods can still live to this day, and we actually met again. Bai Shutang, a violent scholar, said gloomyly.

"Hmm! If it hadn't been for your great change in appearance, I wouldn't have recognized you, a little devil. These days, I have seen that the purpose of what you have done can't destroy your ambition and fierceness anywhere. Yao Shaobao plays with the taste.

"What if I know, no one can stop me this time." The violent scholar stood proudly.

"But when the people outside the mountain come back, can you still go so smoothly? I'm afraid there are not many people facing you in the cottage!" Yao Shaobao never dared to show his clouds, but he was still afraid of violent scholars. Although the realm of Taoist apprentices is higher than that of martial arts, he does not enter the Taoist with strength but only from practicing qi. He has never practiced martial arts. It is the true qi obtained by relying on the law. Unlike martial arts man who has practiced hard step by step with a strong body and strong power, it is much safer to open up the acupuncture points around him. Therefore, he was trapped in the realm of Taoist discipleship and did not open many acupuncture points all over his body and could not make progress. On the contrary, he made his old life more precious and thought of some evil tricks, such as hiding near the Dragon Gang and secretly sucking people's blood.

"Hum!" The violent scholar hummed coldly. He looked fierce and unfriendly. Naturally, he didn't have many confidants. Moreover, his temper was irritable and changeable. Many people did not have time to avoid him. Who dared to approach him with his head was his pain, which was just right by Yao Shaobao.

"It's better for us to cooperate. How about I be a villain to subdue the whole mountain and hand it over to you?" Yao Shaobao said.

"What conditions?" The violent scholar asked quietly. In fact, he was also happy, but he knew that Yao Shaobao, who had no future in the way of cultivation, was a ghost of interests, and it would be difficult to do things for you. At the same time, as long as there were interests, nothing else was important in his eyes. The Bai family could not accept this and drove him away.

"Help me find two things in Tianmao Mountain. One is a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng essence, and the other is a magic weapon. It's not difficult to find it all according to God's will.


The two men finalized the mess in an instant. After saying that, the violent scholar flashed and went straight to the place where Feng Kui's head hid and shouted, "Come out." But he rushed to the yard and was empty for a long time, which made Bai Shutang's gloomy eyes irritate, which was often the time for him to kill people.

At this time, Feng Kui hid in a hidden dark place. He saw the violent scholar violently rushing into his previous hiding place and scolded: "Fortunning the beast who killed the donkey, fortunately, I have one more heart to run fast, otherwise I will not be divided into two by you, a living ghost who doesn't believe in people only know how to use. I will definitely take your head in the future to relieve your grievances... Let's escape first..."

The goods finally got out and slowly escaped from the cottage. It became an unfollowed duckweed. The next moment, it was pushed away by the waves.