First-class immortal

Chapter 16: There are women's clothes

Feng Kui went straight to the front of a local bag outside Baoding Village, knelt down, put Liu Chengyuan's head in front of the grave, and began to read words word by word in his mouth: "When the sky fell, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty bodies, and mess up what they do, so they are moved. Forbearance, gain what it can't." I read it over and over again and read it dozens of times. This was arranged by Liu Xiucai before his death. He made Feng Kui remember this inspiring truth early and told him to wait for him to go and chant at the grave every time he is dedicated to him. Good intentions are afraid that Feng Kui will forget this truth and fall down in suffering.

This side gives Feng Kui's spiritual support.

Zhao Lingyue saw novelty in the distance. It was indeed a different experience. The prisoner who looked like a mayfly in her eyes also had an amazing story, which was much more bumpy than her experience of entering Xianshan since she was a child, so it would be more shocking if outsiders saw it.

After a long time, Feng Kui bowed his head in front of the grave and got up. Without looking at Zhao Lingyue, he went straight to an old house at the end of Baoding Village. There, a woman in coarse linen clothes was waiting for him. From afar, she looked at Feng Kui's bright clothes and walked forward with great grace.

Feng Kui's face gradually rose with a smile, and the murderous anger and the sorrow of remembering his grandfather gradually disappeared, turning into a peaceful smile at this moment. He walked step by step to the seemingly rough woman, rolled up the amazing snow-white softness under the cuffs and stroked it in his hand, and the smile on his face was even more even more.

In the distance, Zhao Lingyue frowned in disgust and saw Feng Kui holding a crude woman into the door of the dilapidated courtyard and closing the door with a creak. When Zhao Lingyue stepped on her sword to the sky, she was shocked and couldn't close her mouth. There was no broken house she saw at that time in her sight, which was only empty and desolate. This time, it was not a small discovery. Zhao Lingyue quickly swooped down, but was rejected by a huge force and pushed her back.

"Forbidden!" Zhao Lingyue was surprised and couldn't see through the forbidden barrier in front of her with all kinds of magical power. She looked solemnly and said, "I don't know where the master is hiding here. My ethereal sword faction is unaware of it. I don't know what his intention is!"

Zhao Lingyue's immortal cultivation and saw that he was more knowledgeable than Feng Kui's head. He immediately found that he was not a reckless person. He went to break through the forbidden law, so he hesitated in the distance and waited for Feng Kui to come out, which was also to prevent him from suddenly fleeing.

Inside, Feng Kui led the dreamy sister to the inner room and gently lifted the rough clothes outside. A delicate woman in white and snow appeared in front of her. She was looking at Feng Kui infatuatedly, allowing one arm to hold her waist and be pulled into the man's arms, gently judoing: "Little toad, you're finally back!"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "When I left last time, my sister didn't even say goodbye. I thought my sister was determined to give up on me!"

Sister Yi only looked at Feng Kui's face at this moment and said indifferently, "Sister is watching you walk out of the village. Besides, my sister knows that it's not a long separation, and you will come back. You also want your sister to come back to see me, don't you?

Feng Kui nodded repeatedly. Only in front of his sister, he could show a little childlike. There was only one person in the world who was willing to indulge him and despised him at all.

Men and women go straight into the boudoir.

Feng Kui put his head on his sister's chest and suddenly said, "This time I see my sister, I'm going to Xianshan to study art. I don't know how long it will take to meet after parting." He didn't dare to say that he was imprisoned by Xianshan, but he didn't want Sister Yi to worry about him.

"Yes!" Sister Yi stroked Feng Kui's face and said dotingly, "Finally, it's not the poor loach before. Now it's a little toad."

Feng Kui said to himself: "No matter how much you change, you can show your prestige and kindness in front of people, and it is not as warm and comfortable beside your sister. I still can't bear to leave. The farther away I am, the more I think of my sister. I can't give up in my heart. Every time, I can't be happy.

He hugged Feng Kui's head more tightly, as if he wanted to melt the man in his arms in his heart, and sighed slightly: "A Kui, you used to be just a loach in the stinky ditch. When you saw the wind and grass moving, you had to drill into the mud. You can't do anything. You can't see the sky and the earth. You live a life of servants. My sister is in pain. In my heart, I can only give you a little warmth, and I promise that you can get out of difficulties, and my sister will be happy and relieved.

Feng Kui felt that today's sister was a little different. She always felt inexplicably sad when she spoke. She clenched her hands and said, "My sister's encouragement is remembered in her heart. Even if it is a little warmth, it is enough for this life. I won't let my sister down."

The face of the clothes is like a blooming peach blossom, with an intoxicating color, let the hair hang down, put the fragrant cheeks on Feng Kui's face, and whispered in Feng Kui's ear: "I still remember what my sister once said, when you jump out of the mud and become a toad, you can look at the sky and think about eating snow-white swan meat! At that time, my sister will promise you everything about herself and let the little toad change her body to seek her fate! At that time, women all over the world had to warm your quilt like my sister and put them in your arms.

Feng Kui shook his head and said, "A Kui remembers, but who is better than a sister in the world? Ah Kui is unwilling to do those stupid things that give up near and seek far. He still remembers Qian Xicicada in the dragon gang cottage, and he was eager at the beginning, but after all, there was a loss that Wushan was not a cloud, and there was no way to enjoy the joy of men and women. After all, it was because Sister Yi's position in his heart was too extraordinary.

He smiled and said, "Fool, that's because your vision is not enough. You haven't met a better one than your sister. When you meet her, you can't say that you can't leave your sister behind and remember anything!"

Feng Kui shook his head repeatedly, causing the sister Yi to laugh in a crazy smile.

After laughing, he said to himself, "When you achieve success and become a first-class figure, even if you hide a bellyful of bad water, you can still be unscrupulous!" At that time, there were fairy sisters waiting for you to play! You can take the weird way, but don't lose your human nature. If you really become a beast worse than a pig or a dog, your sister also hates you! My sister is bad. I love you and I am bad to you alone! In the future, if you want to harm your beautiful daughter, you have to love her first and love her... My sister hates the lower body animal!"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "How can my sister teach A Kui to harm another daughter? I'm afraid that kind of person can't do it.

said melancholy, "Aren't all men like this?"

"Then Ah Kui will be a different man and only harm his sister!" Feng Kui looked at Sister Yi's slightly sad eyes and suddenly said firmly.

Sister Yi was stunned in front of Feng Kui's head for the first time and lost her usual calm demeanor. The silly appearance can completely reverse all sentient beings. Feng Kui looked at it and was stunned. For a long time, he suddenly muttered, "Sister, I love you!" It was an unconscious reveal of his heart.

Sister Yi held Feng Kui Shou's face with her delicate hands. The two looked at each other on the tip of their noses and looked at each other. Feng Kui's face gradually turned red, blushing because she suddenly said his deep inner words.

Sister Yi smiled intoxicatingly, blinked her bright eyes, and said foolishly, "Little fool!"

Feng Kui asked stubbornly, "Doesn't that sister love A Kui?"

Sister Yi smiled and said carelessly, "Can my sister not love her brother!"

Feng Kui's head roared, and the rest was full of panic and disappointment. He didn't believe that Sister Yi only regarded him as his younger brother. He asked anxiously, "Is there nothing else?"

When Sister Yi saw Feng Kui's painful appearance, she also felt enough. She restrained her smile and played with a delicate taste: "Do you have to force your sister to say it in person when you see which sister in the world has caused such a disaster for your brother!"

Feng Kui nodded stubbornly.

As she spoke, Sister Yi had been lying gently in the pink tent and her breathing became short. She looked at Feng Kui by the bed and closed her eyes slightly and said with a touching shyness, "Sister is allowed to give it to A Kui, come here..."

Feng Kui's head felt like falling into the clouds. At this moment, Sister Yi was in front of her, which was really tight. ** tight. Feng Kui's head slowly bent down and pressed a delicate body underneath. This is the first time in his life. Sister Yi never allowed him to bully her like this before.

With a gentle and delicate voice, his arms wrapped around the back of Feng Kui's head and pasted his delicate red lips. The two lips and teeth met, making it difficult for the lonely man and woman to take care of themselves in an instant. Feng Kui also began to touch his sister's clothes randomly, peeled off the clothes, and soon became naked.

Feng Kui picked up the clothes sister and sat on the bed, with her hands up, kneading a pair of flawless plump rabbits on the clothes sister's chest, and then went to the shameful place under the clothes sister. Sister Yi shouted repeatedly, but her eyes were blurred, but Feng Kui was presumptuous.

"Ah, don't torture my sister anymore, A Kui, I want my sister..." The clothes were hooked into endless emptiness. He hugged Feng Kui's head tightly, and his arms turned his head to death. His whole body trembled slightly, and he lay powerless on Feng Kui's shoulder.

Such words are fatal** for men. Feng Kui roared softly, pressed her sister who had become a lustful woman under her body and suddenly went in impatiently. After a cry of pain, she fell into a long-term peace.

Yiqiong's nose was short-breathing, and her little mouth opened as if she were half asleep and half awake: "My sister loves Akui, and I love her until the next life..."

It's like a silent volcano, just for the outbreak of manic. Suddenly, the infinite lingering gentle moans came out, and the beautiful wilderness** kept climbing one peak after another in the crazy demand and giving, as if to exhaust all the lingering of life at this moment. The tireless blending finally fell into peace at the peak of desire.

When Feng Kui opened his eyes again, it was already the second day. The beauty around him had disappeared, leaving the fragrance of yesterday, and he looked around blankly without a trace. There is a message lying quietly on the table, saying, "The big day is a natural disaster, and the purple moon is difficult, which will lead you to see your sister again. In the way of cultivation, my sister is waiting for you for you to live a lifetime!"

Feng Kui carefully put away the paper and couldn't help but feel extremely sad. When he looked at his palm, he found that there was a shining sun pattern on it, while the other palm was a round of evil purple moon. This guy was not surprised and said, "Is this the natural disaster and purple moon heart difficult on the letter paper? Sister, where have you been?

This guy suddenly realized that his sister who had accompanied him for many years was also an ordinary person. In addition to his heart, he also looked up at the sky and had an ideal farther than revenge. He slowly clenched his palm and strode out of the yard, facing Zhao Lingyue, who was quietly looking at him in the distance.

"What else?" Zhao Lingyue asked coldly that the time she had been waiting here was not short, and there was always resentment in her heart. She thought that Feng Kui was deliberately teasing her and deliberately hid in the forbidden law to spend time.

Feng Kui didn't know what Zhao Lingyue was thinking and said happily, "It's all over. You can be a prisoner without distraction!"

Zhao Lingyue snorted coldly and still floated away with her flying sword clothes. Feng Kui's head ran fiercely and threw herself into the mountain.