First-class immortal

Chapter 1: There are mountains on the mountain

Lingxiufeng has beautiful scenery and is quite comfortable living inside, but Fengqi's head can't see any comfort. It's just because the dark old king really treats him as a prisoner. Just because Fengxiou accidentally stepped on this old turtle shell at the beginning of entering the mountain, he used powerful means to force Fengqi to eat for it every day. .

At this moment, Feng Kui stood on the edge of a cold pool with a coward, shrinking and looked at the leisurely wandering old bastard on the edge of the pool. He only heard the old turtle spit out a voice and said, "The old turtle is hungry. Go into the water and throw food for me."

Feng Kui couldn't move forward and didn't want to go into the water. Is the water a place for people to stay? Not to mention that Feng Kui's three-class martial arts man jumped down, his hands and feet were numb with cold. What's more, the silver fish in the water was simply a human-eating monster. However, if Feng Kui jumped into the water, who might catch whom. The scars were bitten by the silverfish in the water. If the ghost silverfish with no teeth bites, it will definitely lose a mass of meat, with a fish fin on its back, and its tail behind it is a ferocious weapon. This guy has suffered a lot.

In the past few days, he found that these fish were much more active than usual. All of them were raised by his fat meat. He could catch one with every side of his body. He also saw the old turtle eat it with relish, but he could only hide bitterly with the healing charm to take care of the wound, and then nibbled a few bites. Wild fruit.

How miserable!

"You bastard, do you want to eat your promise and get fat? The old turtle clearly remembers that you promised to help the old turtle prey for 100 days. Only five days have passed. If you want to repent, no wonder the old turtle will deal with you!" Lao Wang Ba said slowly, and his mouth was full of greenness. Feng Kui's head only saw that his whole body was numb. He gritted his teeth and jumped into the cold pool with a strange scream, and a fierce man plunged into the water.

If you are bitten by this group of silverfish, at least you will not die. If you are spit out by this old turtle, it is hard to guarantee that it is not the end of the boulder that day, and it is clear which one is more important.

Just being forced by a beast bastard, how can this guy feel comfortable?! After that, Lao Wang Ba was about to be bitten by the fish in the water. Against him, he was worried about his life and always came to a miserable end.

The silverfish in the cold pool is very flexible. It was not what Feng Kui's current skills could catch, but this thing was so cold that he was numb and willing to use it as bait. There were always stupid and greedy people who were caught by him. Although he is stupid, he has to blow his whole body and lightning to have a chance to win.

Unfortunately, he only has the realm of Sanpin Wufu, and the trace of true qi in his body is unbearable at all. He shoots it out, and he can't run far in the water.

When it comes to sleepiness, the two brushes under the talent's hands are really tight.

In a short time, Feng Kui's head was cut in many places by the silverfish's dorsal fin tail, and the blood went into the water. These seemingly cute fish immediately became fierce. A group rushed over, and Feng Kui's head could catch one or two at this time. He doesn't want to catch them one by one. Every day, he can catch one or two for the hateful bastard to eat. It's enough for him to jump out of the cold pool to rest and heal his wounds. What does this silver fish really taste like?

After an hour in the water, Feng Kui finally caught two of them and threw them to the leisurely old turtle. He climbed up to the shore tired and began to heal his wounds.

"Hey! Bloody and pitiful!" While enjoying the deliciousness of silverfish, Lao Wang Ba pretended to be kind and said sarcastic words.

I don't want to think that the fish in his mouth is the flesh of Fengkui's body!

Feng Kui was very angry and scolded, "Old and immortal bastard, you are going to to toss me to death like this!" Feng Kuihou no longer called the old turtle a turtle fairy after suffering from the silverfish. The bastard said in his heart, "The turtle grandson calls it a turtle fairy again!"

The turtle fairy seemed to see through Feng Kui's thoughts and smiled and said, "When you really need me, you always hate my disadvantages. When you don't need me, you should think about my benefits. You will eventually find your own contradictions."

Feng Kui scolded, "Farm!" He ignored the old eight and ran "Zulong Qi and Blood" to restore the lost blood. Fortunately, he swallowed the unlucky ten-year-old ginseng essence, otherwise, Zulong Qi and Blood will not recover, and sooner or later he will be played to death.

In this operation, Feng Kui suddenly found that his whole body was more than half less blood, which really shocked the boy and muttered to himself, "It's not enough to lose so much blood! How many days can I live after playing like this? At present, I felt that the blood suddenly rushed, like an angry dragon. This guy vaguely seemed to hear the sound of the dragon's roar. Suddenly, he felt a sweet throat, and a big mouthful of black blood spit out.

Black blood spit out, although his eyes saw dirt and a trace of fishy smell, Feng Kui immediately felt a burst of relaxation in his whole body, and he was more and more vigorous, and the true spirit in his body was also strong, and there was a tendency to enter the second-grade martial arts.

The benefits suddenly came unexpectedly. The guy laughed a few times, stood up, and ignored the old bastard who had sunk to the bottom of the water. He had the courage to go to Lingxiufeng and picked up a Ganoderma lucidum fairy grass.

This guy is wandering around in the mountains and forests in the robes of the disciples of the outer gate of Xianshan. The texture of this robe is really extraordinary, seemingly simple and unpretentious, but there is no fetters when walking in the mountains and forests. The inverted thorn branches are scratched without any damage, and it is surprisingly durable.

Feng Kui did not encounter any spiritual beast attack all the way. Gradually, the guy went to the depths. Suddenly, he heard the child's laughter from afar. The man secretly hid behind a big stone and looked at it. He saw a pink carved child sitting leisurely on the back of a long white-fronted tiger in front of him, sitting leisurely in the mountains and forests. Shuttle inside. The giant tiger jumped ten feet away, but it was obedient like a kitten, driven by the child in a cute red belly pocket on his back, and he was simply envious of others.

Feng Kui smashed his mouth and looked at it with envy and surprise. He thought it was hidden. Unexpectedly, the child suddenly waved his arm as if he had found something and drove the giant tiger to the place where he hid. At this time, Feng Kui's urgent forehead was sweating, and he didn't run or stay. Can he still run through that huge thing?! But I don't know whether it's good or not to stay.

As hesitating, there was a roar in front of him, and a child's voice sounded, "Well, why is there a person here? When did you even raise people on Lingxiu Peak? The child was quite curious when he spoke, but it really made Feng Kui unable to laugh or cry.

Feng Kui subconsciously looked up and saw that there was only a huge tiger head in front of him. The deep tiger eyes stared at him, couldn't help spitting a hot breath on his face, and showing sharp teeth, as if he was going to bite it down at any time. The guy was so scared that he sweated coldly, and the back of the robe was wet.

The child also looked curiously at Feng Kui's head. Seeing that this guy was shocked, he suddenly patted the tiger's head and said, "Big bug, don't scare it!" The huge tiger roared softly and lay on the ground gently. The child on his back jumped down. It was quite extraordinary at a glance in a red belly pocket. It was braided with sheep's horns on its head. It turned out that he was still barefoot and walked to Feng Kui's head, a curious baby and looked at it carefully.

For a long time, the little girl looked at Feng Kui curiously and said, "Where are you from?"

"Xianmen Town under the mountain!" Feng Kui saw that the little girl was not malicious and really cute, so he also asked, "Where are you from?"

The girl pointed to the top of her head and said, "On the mountain!"

Feng Kui was stunned and asked puzzledly, "Can people live in the sky?"

The little girl smiled and sneered, "You are such a fool. Of course, I don't live in the sky. What should I do if I fall down? There is also a peak above, floating in the clouds above Lingxiu Peak. You can't see it.

Feng Kui has learned again. He knows that there are mountains on the mountain, and he admires the means of the fairy family, and he doesn't know what kind of power it takes to set a big mountain in the sky.

Then he looked at the sky infatuatedly and began to be annoyed that he was bullied by a bastard, and gradually became depressed.

He also had the courage to escape to the depths of Lingxiu Peak once. When he felt that he had escaped, the bastard appeared in front of him and said leisurely, "If you jump off Lingxiu Peak and die, the old turtle can also arrest your soul back and continue to catch fish. Don't play this trick again. I want you to look good next time!"

On the first day, Feng Kui lowered his head and went back to the stone house by the cold pool. The next day, he sacrificed his life to catch fish. He had a vicious thought in his heart and said, "Now that you eat fish, I will eat you one day!" Lao Wangba makes soup, and the taste must not be bad.

The sun has turned to the west, and the rare winter sun is shining. In this place that tower into the sky, it is magnificent, and the weather is also quite floating like a fairyland.

Feng Kui suddenly cooed for a while and felt that his stomach was empty, so he walked around hoping to catch a hare or something. He had been greasy about eating wild fruits for days. The little girl was also smart and tight. She tilted her head and asked, "Are you looking for food?" Feng Kui nodded and praised the little girl for being smart and wise.

The little girl greeted the big bug in her mouth and rushed out, and the momentum stunned Feng Kui. Before long, a fat rabbit came back with a rabbit in his mouth and threw it in front of Feng Kui Shou. Seeing that the tiger's eyes were deep, he turned around as if he looked down on Feng Kui Shou.

How could Fengkui compete with the beast? He picked up the rabbit on the ground with joy, found a water source, peeled the ground and cleaned it, took out the fire charm to make a fire, set up a shelf and baked it carefully.

At the foot of the mountain, he can't eat wild animals several times a year. At most, he can't enjoy it until summer.

The girl may be curious, so she looked aside and saw that Feng Kui pinched a lot of grass seeds found everywhere and was still on the rabbit meat and smeared a lot of grass juice. The little girl was even more surprised. When she smelled the fragrance, she smashed her mouth and swallowed saliva.

I think he is used to living a hard life. These jobs are easy to do. He has long had experience in barbecue hares and pheasants. How to use these grass seed seasonings is learned from experienced drug pickers and hunters. Even if they don't put salt, they are full of taste.

It's cooked here. The girl next to her smashed Xue Liang's big eyes and looked at Feng Kui's head and said, "I want to eat it!" Lovely can't bear to refuse.

Feng Kui first tore off a piece and tasted it. He felt that it was not hot enough, so he ignored the cute girl called the girl and was busy with herself. The girl thought that Feng Kui Shou was stingy and refused to give it to him. She looked at Feng Kui's head angrily. She frowned and said angrily, "Can't I change it with you?" What a stingy. The rabbit or the big bug was caught for you.

Feng Kui looked at a pill-like thing in her hand and explained apologetically with sweat on her forehead: "It's not that I don't give it to my girl, but that it hasn't been roasted and is not fragrant enough. At that time, I will naturally give the best to my He didn't know the gold value of the elixir in her hand, so he didn't show a greedy look, otherwise she would look down on him.

"It's almost the same!" The girl pouted, looked at the pills in her hand, and handed them to Feng Kui, "I'm tired of this terrible strong Wudan for you. I'm tired of it!"

Feng Kui carefully took it and put it in his pocket, tore off the best piece of rabbit meat and said to his girl, "Eat it while it's hot, it tastes the best!" The girl took it over and chewed a little slowly in her mouth. At first, she didn't believe that it smelled so good, because she took a lot of elixirs and was charming, but after swallowing it, it made her uncomfortable. She had a lesson for a long time. After a while, the little girl was excited and said, "It's really delicious!" It's much more delicious than those elixir.

The head of Feng Kui took the opportunity to ask, "Nang, what is the strong Wudan?"

The girl looked at Feng Kui as if she were a fool and said, "Why don't you know anything? It's so stupid! Isn't a strong Wudan a strong body, and a strong Qingdan? Those disciples of the outside door are robbed of their heads with blood! However, I still have several gourds at home, which are snacks prepared for me by my father.

"You are so happy!" Feng Kui finally heard the value of this elixir and sighed sincerely that he didn't have such a father and mother. The miserable couple only created him with hatred.

"I haven't even eaten such delicious rabbit meat, so I'm not happy! The elixir is terrible!" The ang said dissatisfiedly while eating happily.

Feng Kui smiled helplessly and said, "As long as you like to eat, you can come to Lingxiufeng to find me in the future. I'll cook it for you." He really likes this simple and lovely chick, who has been bullied much more viciously by the world. I think he is particularly close to such an innocent person. Didn't the wonderful spirit at the beginning easily make this guy like him?

The girl looked happy and greasy, and suddenly looked up at Feng Kui and said, "I'll give you my snacks and exchange them with each other. You are so weak that even the big worm is far inferior.

Feng Kui only cared about nibbling rabbit meat, and didn't care much about it. He really hadn't thought about plotting his girl's elixir snacks, but he didn't know that these beautiful things could not be asked for by those outside disciples.

Finally solved a rabbit meat, the little one took a look at the red glow in the sky, clapped her hands and quickly said, "I'm going home." Don't deny it next time, and you must roast rabbit meat for your little one!" Feng Kui wiped the corners of her mouth with oil, pinched her pink face, and said enviously, "Go back quickly, don't worry the family!"

After saying that, the little one nodded and laughed a few times and rose up in the air, and disappeared into the clouds above.

Feng Kui's head secretly smacked his tongue, "What a little monster." He was playing with the strong Wudan that his wife gave him.