First-class immortal

Chapter 13: Fly separately when the disaster comes

Feng Kui jumped out of the grass with Zhao Yinghua's call. Like more than 80 other disciples who narrowly escaped the sting of poisonous scorpions, they all gasped and suddenly felt cold.

I only saw a ferocious demon in the distance, and there were several strange whistlings with meat wings in the sky that had rushed to Zhao Yinghua and others flying in the sky.

A melee of varying strength began.

Feng Kui looked at the humanoid monster with fangs rushing in front of him, looked at the dark appearance, and was shocked. The cutter just punched it, tilted the body of the magic soldier, and cut it horizontally with a dark blade in his hand, with a strange smile in his mouth.

Feng Kui was surprised that the little magic soldier had such a strong body, so he became fierce. Zunlong urged him angrily and tried his best to make a dark hole in the magic soldier's chest. The magic gas kept pouring out, but he was not dead and continued to chop it without a brain.

Feng Kui cursed secretly: "What a difficult monster!" A layer of fine scales surged up in his hands, and the real dragon gas circulated his palms and took off the magic soldier's head alive. Without waiting for him to take a breath, he saw four or five such monsters seeing that they had killed their accomplices and rushed over with a strange cry.

Feng Kui shouted that it was not good, and he didn't care about anything else. He pulled out the dark blue flying sword from the treasure bag and put it in his hand to chop it without any rules. He has never learned swordsmanship. How to use a sword is a layman. At this time, he just relies on the sharp flying sword in his hand and kills crazily like cutting melons and vegetables.

This guy cut out a bloody road all over his body with his strength. Such a fierce character immediately attracted the attention of the magic road with fishy red monster horns on his three heads. A pair of fishy red eyes looked over, and jumped in front of Feng Kui's head, and the curved blade in his hand flashed with magic, which was quite a method of killing. Come here.

This is three, and Feng Kui's head was secretly surprised. The long horns on the head in front of him are far from comparable to the previous fools. He is not only very intelligent, but also agile, and his strength also surprised Feng Kuai.

This guy tried his best to resist the three magic roads. Although it was tight, he could cope with it, but from time to time a scream next to him made him feel uneasy, and he thought about using the funeral thorns.

While desperately resisting the continuous slashing of the three magics, this guy stole his eyes and looked up at the sky and found that the sword spirit was also anxious. The three magics with wings on their backs roamed in the Taoist swords and always made gloomy laughter in their mouths and counterattacks. This guy could not see who had the upper hand.

Feng Kui suddenly opened the blades in his hands with one sword and was fierce. It was also the first time he fought so directly with another, so he used the dragon to attack and replace a pair of meat fists with a flying sword in his hand. One of the magic monsters could not dodge. He was poked by this sword and picked his head off. This guy was also split by the other two monsters. Cut two, but the body under the Taoist robe was already wrapped in a layer of fine dragon scales, and many of them were cut off but were not injured. Finally, I saw the uniqueness of Zunlong's anger attack, which was the sudden blow, and his body was also extremely strong. He could let go of his hands and feet and kill the enemy desperately.

Three monsters went to one head at once, and it was much easier to deal with it. This guy gradually gained a trace of combat experience, so he changed his strategy. Relying on his cultivation of the flexible jumping ability obtained by Zunlong to go to sea, he fought with two monsters, and no longer fought against his brute force. When he had the opportunity, he gradually gained the absolute upper hand. The guy suddenly launched the dragon's angry attack and solved one again. He was fighting in his heart. Unexpectedly, he heard a scream in the sky. Unexpectedly, a true disciple was grabbed by the monster with meat wings behind his back and crushed his heart in his claws and fell from the air sadly.

Feng Kui suddenly felt that it was not good. He knew that once the air war circle was defeated, they would be doomed. This guy was fierce at the moment, easily solved the last monster, and turned to other war circles to throw.

In this chaotic battle, those outer disciples who formed a team on the road showed an advantage. By relying on more people to unite together, they can resist far more monsters than theirs.

But these people have found that instead of ambush, they have been calculated. They have already died, and the timid ones have been scared to the desperate and began to fight desperately. Any cleverness in front of such a big battle looks pale and powerless.

Feng Kui's head rushed to kill in the monster. I don't know how many monsters have died with the flying sword in his hand. According to the fantasy at the time, he has already completed the experience task of the sect and can rush back and wait to enter the inner door. But now even if he wants to leave, it is impossible for him to kill one, and ten monsters can flood him. Fewer and fewer fellows are standing beside them, and more and more monsters are holding their broken limbs and broken arms.

Looking at those living people who wanted to climb the immortal road Xiao Ao Jiuzhou not long ago, but now it has become food in the mouth of monsters, and Feng Kuaishou also has a sense of sadness. Although he has only entered the erratic sword school for less than three days, and he is like a stranger with these outside disciples, but he is not allowed to ignore the living life.

He can knock others out and rob others, but it is also limited to fainting and making a fortune for fun. He is by no means a ruthless person who doesn't use human life as a thing.

So the scream around him turned into the hatred that should not have been. With the heart of fighting to the end, the majesty and arrogance of Zunlong became strong. Although a sword here and there also became a bloody person, this guy refused to resist the monster in front of him and wanted to kill him.

This guy is crazy to kill and forget himself, so he always hurts the enemy a thousand and loses 800.

Even if the scream came from the sky again, his heart gradually became desperate, but he was not willing to escape like this. The same kind of people in sight were submerged by monsters. Even the woman who had just been saved by herself suddenly turned into a small white snake and shot more than ten feet away. This guy refused to launch Zunlong to go to sea and grabbed the chance of life to escape.

Is this the determination of a person who is used to being 250 suddenly found out that he wanted to be a hero?

This guy is like a mad dog slashing and killing in groups of monsters, and he doesn't care about a few more mouths on his body. Anyway, he believes that as long as he doesn't stop, there is still a little way to live.

But he was finally desperate. When he looked at Zhao Yinghua, the only one in the sky, fighting two flying monsters alone, he was also desperate, because only a few people were still fighting on the ground.

So Feng Kui's head was submerged by heavy monsters and fell down tragically and desolately.

At the moment he fell, he saw Zhao Yinghua in the sky shooting away two monsters like crazy and stepping on his flying sword. Suddenly, a voice came from the ground: "Brother Zhao Yinghua, save me..."

This guy couldn't believe it. A dazzling sword in the sky shot down, and the sound of calling for help stopped abruptly.

Feng Kui felt a pain in his heart, not the sadness of the hero's death - this guy never thought of being a hero, but suddenly his blood boiled, and suddenly made him feel that everything was not worth it.

The person who calls for help may not be able to live, but I'm afraid he must die at the hands of his brother!

Feng Kui's head lost his senses with his eyes open, and the last picture in his mind was the remote figure who fled in confusion. He used to only hope that he would not starve to death, but he never thought how he would die. There was such a last scene in his mind. I'm afraid this guy will feel pitiful and ridiculous even if he goes on the road!

So this guy is not dead yet, because the boundless resentment and anger have long been rising and pervading in this battlefield, so he realized that the robbery mask in the sea suddenly shot a faint purple light from his right eye, and the pupil of the guy's left eye suddenly added a layer of purple and quietly sucked away the resentment and anger and entered his body to drilled. In the hole.

Feng Kui was smart at the beginning, and he felt that the resentment and sadness in his heart had long disappeared. Feng Kui listened to the big demon with meat wings in the sky and said, "The people of Xianshanmen are just greedy and afraid of death!" The little ones are filial and enjoy it!"

Feng Kui quietly put away the flying sword in his hand and secretly held the funeral fairy thorn in his hand and quietly injected the real dragon gas into his hand.

This guy is confident to choose a strong one, and he is the first to take the brunt.

In a short time, a magic soldier carried the bloody broken fish and offered it. The monster with meat wings stretched out his hand and grabbed him and held him in his hand. "There is still a trace of vitality, just enjoy it!" The other flying monster looked at it coldly.

The monster was about to bite his throat and drink his blood. Feng Kui's head suddenly opened his eyes and shook his body. He made a bang from the other demon's head. He caught Feng Kui's head and raised his head and stared at his blood-red eyes and shot a purple light in his right eye. The devil's head trembled all over and suddenly screamed, and Feng Kui's head With a burst of shouting, he poked out his arms and grabbed it and twisted it alive to take off the brain. He turned around and jumped in the air with the body of another demon, and then walked away, with a faint playful voice in his mouth saying, "It's worthy of the prestige of burying immortal thorns!"

Finally, he fell down in a secluded place and lay on the ground as if he were dead.

When the dawn rose in the sky, the goods slowly opened his eyes and looked at a ferocious head and a blood-stained demon's body beside him. Feng Kui got a smile at the corners of his mouth, took out a flying sword from the devil's brain and took out a burial fairy thorn with a small charm in his hand, and grabbed another head and dug out this. With a charm seal, Fang sighed and sighed, "Isn't it that so many foreign disciples have died with endless anger and resentment? It is impossible for Ziyue to call out the devil's heart to let me kill him!" I didn't expect that the two big demons would die at the hands of a little man like me. No one would believe it! I'm afraid that these two tokens will not have a chance to show them, so I will refine them by myself!"

Feng Kui changed his head to a hidden place and sat down to refine a demon charm to recover from his injury. Then he sat down and suddenly saw a snow-white figure in the distance. He stared at his bloody body for a long time before he wondered, "It turned out that you are still alive!"

A strange smile appeared at the corners of Feng Kui's mouth and said, "I just picked up a small life!"

The person who came here is Zhao Lingyue, the immortal.

Zhao Lingyue glanced at Feng Kui and sneered, "I don't think it's that simple!"

Feng Kui was stunned when he first appeared. He spatted a mouthful of blood foam and silently lowered his head to play with a ball of dead grass in front of him and stopped talking.