First-class immortal

Chapter 3: Long Hate the Demon Emperor

In an unknown deep valley in the ancient demon world, the evil moonlight shone down little by little and sprinkled on a bloody body below. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a long-haired man, with blood hair scattered down to cover most of his white face, and a fishy red eyes were particularly deep outside, just quietly leaning on a piece of blood. In front of the stone tablet, he leaned there with no strength and fatigue. Although he did not move, a violent and bloodthirsty atmosphere permeated, which made people dare not look directly at it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded around the man and said, "Old monster, your opportunity has come."

It turned out to be a huge skull, which was being caught in the man's hand and pressed on the ground beside him.

The man's bloody eyes suddenly moved, and a scattered blood light shot out, and he said vaguely, "What's the opportunity?"

"Of course, it is an opportunity to solve your heart. At the beginning of your blood demon killing and bloodthirsty practice, you have a fierce spirit in your heart, and at the critical moment, you will swallow the bitter fruit. Hey hey, it's not as stable as my bone magic career!"

The man sneered and said disdain, "What's the use of a stable Taoism?! Although I am entangled with the demon, I still restrain you with one hand and show off in front of me. What kind of opportunity is it?"

"Hey, you and I have been pestering for countless years, and we are not in a hurry for a while! You will know then. The old devil is also tired of your stalemate. At that time, you will break the demon barrier, which is also a favor to me. Don't turn against others. The skull seemed to be a little afraid of the bloody man, so he said.

"Hmm! Make a decision when the time comes!" The bloody man hummed indifferently.

There was no sound in the canyon and fell into a dead silence, and I don't know when the evil purple moon in the sky lost one point.

Feng Kui's head went forward, which naturally benefited people. When he raised his head and looked at the evil moon above his head, he also found something strange. He said strangely, "It turned out that there were also round changes in the sky with a long evil moon hanging in the ancient demon world."

This guy gradually walked dozens of miles and went to an open place. He was not afraid of monsters attacking him. From afar, he saw a skeleton in front of him, mostly broken limbs and bones.

Feng Kui walked over and suddenly felt desolate. He didn't understand why so many skeletons piled up here. He spread a thick layer on the ground and clicked when he stepped on it. He didn't know how many months ago the body was decayed and broke into fine pieces with a gentle step.

This guy seemed to walk in the snow and walked with great interest. He stepped on and kicked and talked randomly to relieve the depression in his heart. When he arrived in the middle of a dead bone, he suddenly found a golden light in the bone dregs under his feet. He thought it was some kind of treasure. He quickly bent down and picked up the thing and looked at it in the palm of his hand and found that it was actually a finger bone, golden. The film was extremely smooth, and there was a Taoist on it. The guy looked surprised and said, "This is the skeleton of a great demon, and I don't know how hard it is. Let me try it!"

This guy was bored and was determined to try whether this extraordinary finger bone was really extraordinary, so he took the burial fairy thorn and put a piece on a big stone, sending a real dragon spirit into the burial fairy thorn and hit Jin Cancan's finger bone.

Ding, only heard a crisp sound. The finger bone was just blown out and was intact. This guy was surprised. The last time, by burying the fairy thorn, he could leave a hole in the body of the golden immortal skeleton under the white bone demon fairy. Unexpectedly, this time he picked up the finger bone and found that there was not even a trace. The goods came and sent it repeatedly. He stabbed more than ten times with the burial fairy, but he still couldn't help this finger bone. Feng Kui held his finger bone in his hand and smiled and said, "This is also a treasure. I can't say that I can use it to refine a magic weapon in the future. Let's keep it."

This guy wanted to put an accidentally piece of baby bone into the ring on his hand. Suddenly, a burst of displeasure flashed on his face and scolded: "I just treated you as a treasure, and there was a crack. His mother's bad luck.

Feng Kui was scolding, and he heard a click on his finger bone in his hand. He watched a small piece of a small head poked out of it, like a silkworm, but the mouth was also crystal white and two more fangs came out like a drill, making the snow-white fat head particularly ferocious.

Feng Kui was surprised. He looked at the little insect crawling out of his finger bone and twisted his lazy body less than half an inch in his palm. He looked comfortable and tight. When he stretched his body and rolled left and right for a while, Feng Kui was surprised. He didn't pay attention to see the fangs on the white and tender worm's mouth gently, and he was on his palm. With an extra blood hole, the worm sucked the blood from the guy, which made Feng Kui suddenly throw the worm out with a strange cry and shook his palm and exclaimed, "What a powerful insect, you can easily bite my skin. Instead, he was lost in defense by the little beast's pleasing appearance.

Feng Kui first scolded and left with an unlucky face. Unexpectedly, he only took a few steps. The guy suddenly felt that it was cold on his elbow outside. Feng Kui looked at it and found that the little insect had stopped there unconsciously. The real dragon gas in his palm of his hand suddenly slapped him, but he was not allowed to bite again. Take a bite and just slap him to death.

With a strong blow, Feng Kui felt that his palm was patted on a copper pea, and the palm of his hand was hot and uncomfortable. When he opened his palm, he saw that the little insect actually twisted his body and seemed to have no feeling, and it was intact.

Feng Kui was shocked and caught the little insect, but it was cold and soft. He saw eight small claws stretched out under the bright abdomen of the little insect, which were also like tusks on his head. He was twisting his body and struggling constantly. Fengqi was shocked and said, "What kind of strange insect is this?" I didn't dare to stay on my body. After thinking about it, I threw it dozens of feet away.

Feng Kui Shou unexpectedly took only a few steps, and the little insect flew back to his hand and withdrew his fangs on his mouth without biting him. The guy was curious to see that the little insect was just lazily attached to the back of his hand and enjoying it. Feng Kui Shou caught the little insect and pinched it with two fingers, and the little insect twisted its body and struggled weakly. The hiss looked pitiful. Feng Kui smiled and rubbed the little insect in his hand. It was quite enjoyable to see that it did not resist. Feng Kui Shou said happily, "I actually picked up a funny insect." Then let the little insect stop on himself.

Feng Kui also picked up the treasure and continued to go on the road with satisfaction. He expected that the skeleton mentioned in the mouth of the Jade Bone Demon Emperor was not a simple person, and he knew that under the gaze of the Jade Bone Demon Emperor, he would go even if he was hard.

After walking so trembling for nearly a hundred miles without seeing any monsters, I went to the front of a mountain and saw a skeleton sitting there under a cliff under the mottled mountain, holding the jawbone on the kneecap in one hand, as if thinking about something. The other bone was indeed holding something in its hand. If you look carefully, it was A piece of spine.

So Feng Kui promised without complaint: "I'll play!"

Only then did the man feel relaxed and free. Then he went to the place guided by the Demon Emperor, which was inevitably hundreds of miles away, and this guy also went honestly.

Since he came to the ancient demon world, he didn't even say that he was asked to play an impossible strange game. This guy is to take his head to harm another hell for another hell lord. It's not enough to hide his head in his crotch. If he wants to kill him, he will die ten times or eight times.

When the goods were far away, he raised his hand and pinched the little worm while being surprised and said to himself, "What the hell are you? More and more, I think you are a good baby!"

The little insect twisted and rolled on the back of its hand. Feng Kui looked at it and felt relieved. Fortunately, he pinched it in his hand and rubbed it. Anyway, he was not afraid that the little insect would die. This is the helplessness of a little man who is happy in bitterness.