First-class immortal

Chapter 21: Sword Demon

Feng Kui was uneasy and hurriedly asked, "What else is hidden?"

Bai Xiaoyi said worriedly, "Do you think that even if a magic road in the realm of immortality is outstanding, can swordsmanship be that powerful?"

Feng Kui's head fell into meditation. Admittedly, with a frontal blow, Feng Kui's head is by no means an enemy. If he doesn't rely on the evil dragon shadow, I'm afraid he will really be divided into two. Even if Su Lin is dead now, this guy can't help but be frightened when he recalls the amazing sword light and the fierce experience that came to him, and he got a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

Feng Kui couldn't make a judgment and asked repeatedly, "Sister Xiaoyi, tell me the reason quickly. Don't embarras me!"

Bai Xiao also looked at Feng Kui's face with a solemn look and no longer looked at the key, so he said directly: "There is a master behind Su Lin's guidance. Su Lin chased me on the order of that man, otherwise he would not dare to go to the territory of Shura Tao openly as a blood demon.

"A master?" Feng Kui screamed and recalled in his heart. At that time, when he peeped at Su Lin's heart, he did find an idea in the bottom of his heart, and he was a little afraid and respected.

"Master of swords! The cultivation is unfathomable!" Bai Xiao also said with some fear.

"Then why did Sulin chase you? Why didn't that man take action in person and let you escape such a long distance? Feng Kui felt something strange when he stood up.

"I don't know!" Bai Xiao also shook his head repeatedly.

Feng Kui's heart was even more uneasy, like a small beast being followed by fear. Suddenly, he realized the danger, so he was anxious, wanted to escape, and figured out where the danger came from.

He suddenly turned his head and looked straight at Bai Xiaoyi. Feng Kui's eyes were burning and looked directly at the little girl Bai Xiaoyi's eyes. Unexpectedly, he could not see through it clearly, let alone peeping at his heart. Feng Kui was surprised and suddenly asked in a low voice, "You know that tall man, right?"

"I can't say it!"

Bai Xiao also bit his lips, looked aggrieved, seemed to have a lot of pain, and refused to spit another word.

This appearance is presented in front of Feng Kui Shou, and Feng Kui Shou has nothing to do. In this world, the easiest way to defeat him is the grievance of women. He can't see women's tears, women's grievances, women's suffering, and other people's bullying women, so he has always been infatuated with the clever smiles of his sister, and always cares about it, even in his dream.

While the two were talking, they had arrived at a mountain pass, a place to hide and bend down to recover from their wounds. Feng Kui's head held Bai Xiao, who had a floating breath, also found a hidden place to restrain his breath and heal his wounds.

When the two settled down, Feng Kui noticed that a figure in the distance was rapidly approaching them. At the extreme glance, he found that the figure was vague, so he quietly pulled Bai Xiaoyi to hide his body.

The figure was alone, and soon arrived in the mountain pass where the two were hiding. Only then did Feng Kui see the appearance of the visitor clearly, and his face became surprised.

Seductive lines, elegant white hair, a pair of bloody eyes, Xiao Kill's face is extremely calm.

"Rozal!" Feng Kui shouted in surprise and secretly guessed, "How can this witch appear here?" In Feng Kui's judgment, the witch Rasha is obviously not a master in Bai Xiaoyi's mouth, but it is also uncertain why Rasha suddenly appeared here.

This guy was suspecting the intention of the witch Rasha, and he heard Rasha's cold voice saying, "The murderer Feng Kui came out!"

Feng Kui Shou and Bai Xiao were also shocked in the dark. Feng Kui Shou was even more surprised. Unexpectedly, he was found hiding here early in the morning. Seeing the witch Rasha shaking her waist gently and walking slowly to the place where he was hiding, the goods were like ants on a hot pot, giving birth to anxiety.

The anxiety in this guy's heart was even worse. He always felt that it was too unusual, so he hinted that Bai Xiao also hid still. Fortunately, he jumped out and saw Rasha's seductive lines twisting with his pace from afar, and his face climbed up with a vulgar smile and shouted, "Xue'er, do you miss me?"

"Missing you?!"

Rasha sneered, but he couldn't hear whether it was hatred or anger or other complicated emotions. Maybe he was called Xue'er and touched many soft memories. Xiao Kill, who was originally supported, was shaken. The witch Qiong snorted coldly in her nose and said indifferently, "In my eyes, you are already a The body. What are the benefits of thinking about a corpse? It's just increasing sadness!"

"Is it sentimental?" Feng Kui laughed and said brazenly, "When did my witch know how sad it was?" Isn't it that after making friends with me that day, you were gradually impressed by me!"


Rasha looked angrily, and the sound in his nose was full of murderous intent. His delicate face seemed to be cold and panicked through a layer of ice. His white hair turned waves behind his head, and the divine light in his bloody eyes also turned into a cold electricity.

However, Rasha did not immediately take action to deal with this bad guy who invaded him several times, just glared like this.

Feng Kui didn't care at all, because he believed that even if Rasha wanted to kill him, Cher would not be willing, but she put away the hateful smile on her face and said, "Am I going to die?" The tone is quite heavy.

Rasha saw Feng Kui's first lively appearing here, and knew that he had done something for the Blood Demon Tianzun and escaped the disaster of life and death. Suddenly, he heard such an extremely heavy question from the hateful man in front of him. Even though he was the witch's mood, he felt sorry for this poor man who always rolled on the line of life and death, and couldn't help the ice on his face. He said coldly, "Don't you know the danger of killing Su Lin, the blood demon?"

"What the hell is Sulin?"

In the past, Feng Kuishu knew the truth of beating dogs and watching the owner, so he acted carefully. He didn't want to kill any magic road this time, so he broke into the disaster of killing himself. In addition to being afraid, he was also a little wronged by the boat overturning in the gutter. He is determined to find out what existence is behind Sulin and doesn't want to be a poor person covered in the skin.

"My fiance!"

Rasha spit out such a sentence in his mouth, as if he had made a big joke on Feng Kui's head. Feng Kui felt that there seemed to be a angular stone stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit out a word for a long time. He looked at Rasha strangely. After a long time, he subconsciously asked, "Are you going to avenge your man?"

Rasha looked aside and said in a small but extremely cold voice, "I can't wait for him to die!"

Feng Kui felt much better and felt that the woman in front of him really had an appetite for him. What immortals and demons are not two-handed? This guy has never been so influenced and never goes to heart. He only knows that good and evil are not two sides. Rasha has such a hot temperament that he really thinks it is suitable to be a friend and a good friend. Zhao Lingyue's woman, I'm afraid he won't be able to reach her all his life and won't talk to her from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that you are destined to follow me!" This guy talks shamelessly.

Rasha only thought that the wind blew by, and it didn't go into his ears at all. He continued to speak coldly: "Sulin's kendo talent is famous in the demon world, but he is a genius. He died in your hand like this. Do you think his master sword demon will let you go? I just came to remind you for the sake of Su Lin! I hope you can take care of yourself. It is said that the sword demon has a set of cannibalism to deal with his enemies. Raw flesh and blood can let the person who was eaten watch the pieces of meat on his body be torn off and eaten alive until the last piece. If you can't leave the demon world as soon as possible, I think you'd better kill yourself as soon as possible, otherwise you will die ugly!"

had a chill, and Feng Kui smiled optimistically and said, "Thank you for coming to warn me that I will leave as soon as possible. If there is fate, we will see you again!"

Rasha ignored Feng Kui's head again, turned around and walked away quickly. Feng Kui came to Bai Xiaoyi's hiding place full of anxiety and couldn't help saying, "This time I'm going to die!"

Bai Xiao also looked at Feng Kui's head strangely and refused to speak.

The two stayed in the mountain pass for an hour, made a little adjustment, hurriedly left, and embarked on the road of fleeing. At this time, Han Yu and Zhao Lingyue were also looking for immortals who were lost in the ancient demon world, leaving many clues along the way, mostly hints to the disciples of the erratic sword school.

Feng Kui soon found such a clue. Thanks to Bai Xiaoyi's shrewdness, he recognized the marks left by Zhao Lingyue. It was several special signs of the erratic sword school, which made the two frightened people feel a little stable.

Feng Kui's head has not been influenced by the sect. He played the role of a th�er along the way. When he encounters a road tiger, he will kill him. If he can't beat him, he will either take a detour or escape desperately. As for pursuing clues, it is Bai Xiaoyi's task.

I have to say that this girl is quite powerful and delicate. She never missed any information and came to a barren mountain cave step by step. The two searched in the dark cave and heard Bai Xiaoyi whisper, "Senior Zhao has stopped here. According to the message left here, she may have found a way to get out of the ancient demon world. We have to speed up the pace!"

Feng Kui couldn't understand those strange symbols. After listening to Bai Xiaoyi's words, he at least firmly believed that the girl would not lie to him, and immediately decided to set out according to the direction left by Zhao Lingyue.

The two of them stepped out of the cave with half a foot, but they met an enemy and saw a figure coming here very quickly.

"Xiao Dongchen!" Feng Kui screamed and saw that the figure who came quickly was his enemy Xiao Dongchen. First, he took Bai Xiaoyi back to the cave and whispered, "That man will kill me when he comes in. Let's not show mercy. We will plan him when we see him coming in!"

"Do you have a grudge against that man?"

Bai Xiao also subconsciously asked, but he had no intention of going against the wind. He quietly hid his body and was ready to attack.

"He wants to grab a treasure in my hand! The last time, this chance encounter will not be let go again!"

Feng Kui said succinctly, holding the burial thorn in his hand.

Xiao Dongchen quickly arrived at the mouth of the cave and observed carefully for a moment. He did not rush in at the first time. After a long time, he lowered his head outside and shouted, "Is Zhao Lingyue?"

Xiao Dongchen called several times outside, and there was no sound inside, so he doubted himself. He met Zhao Lingyue once and learned from Zhao Lingyue where the passage of the ancient demon world was, so he went to find the surviving disciples of the Chihua Sect. They met here and gathered strength to kill the ancient demon world together.

Feng Kui and Bai Xiao also held their breath inside and waited for Xiao Dongchen to enter the cave and fight head-on, but Xiao Dongchen had suffered a lot of dark losses when he entered the ancient demon world. He was simply cautious to the extreme. He only waited outside the cave and called from time to time, but did not come in.

Feng Kui had a plan and whispered to Bai Xiaoyi. Naturally, he was calculating Xiao Dongchen.

This guy climbed up a trace of evil smile. If he hadn't fallen into the hands of the ancient demon last time, he would have escaped his life and said that he would not be the dead soul under Xiao Dongchen's sword. This time, Feng Kui caught the opportunity. How could he give up and not repay his hatred in his heart, he would be entangled and uncomfortable. What's more, keep this Xiao Dongchen's appearance in the ancient demon world is also a disaster.

Two people are already in your life-or-death position, and who is right and who is wrong is secondary! Feng Kui has made up his mind to cut the grass and eradicate it!